HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-06-10 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
JUNE 10, 2003
Present : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Sue
Poelvoorde, and Lee Scott ; Councilman Robert Weatherby absent; Town Clerk Marsha
L . Georgia; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun absent .
Others Present : Peter Penniman Representative Tompkins County Board, Richard
Coogan, Planning Board Chairman and President Jacksonville Assoc . , Christian
Boisonnas Representative E . M . C . , Grace Woolf, Free Press Reporter, Candice Ithaca
Journal Reporter and Mary Shelly.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm , and led those assembled in the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES — Regular Town Board Meeting 5/13/03 , Special Board
Meetings of 4/21 /03 , 4/28/03and 5/6/03, Bid Opening 5/29/03
After minor corrections and/or changes Mrs . Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Scott
to approve the above minutes .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Adopted .
Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde to approve the previously examined
vouchers #231 — 275 in the amount of $ 20,983 . 15 .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Adopted .
Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman
Mr. P enniman updated the Board on the Tompkins County Budget process and stated that
they are moving forward, facing some of the same problems that the Town will face with
rising costs in retirement, health insurance and other insurance costs . The revenues are
flat although the sales tax is up slightly. He reminded the Board that the County is still
looking into the possibility of cutting the County' s funds going to the Recreation
j Partnership . The County does not want to disable that organization, but the thinking is
that it makes more sense that the Towns have this partnership and the County would
continue providing staffing to help coordinate . This is a $ 38 ,000 budget item that is
being considered to be reduced . Mr. Austic stated that i f that happens that would most
likely disable the Town from participation because it would bring the cost up to around
$ 12/ 15 thousand. If that happens it would make more sense to just put more monies into
local youth activities . Ms . Poelvoorde stated that it is just a shame the County would not
provide some kind of recreation service . Tompkins County is one of the few Counties in
the State that has no county parks ; they rely on everybody else to do it and the one thing
they can do is the recreation partnership and now they want to pull out, it is just a shame .
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
Mr. Austic stated that the $38 ,000 the County is funding would have to be divided up
among five small towns . Ms . Poelvoorde stated that she realizes there are budget
problems . Mr. Penniman stated that it is not a done deal but is a question of every 10 or
20 thousand you can cut helps . They discussed that raising the fees for the services may
be a better answer.
Trumansburg Fire Department Representative
Richard Coogan, Planning Board Report/Jacksonville Association
Mr. Coogan reported that the Planning Board met on the 14th of May and discussed
streamlining the processing of their minutes. He asked if it would be legal to approve
minutes through email . Draft minutes could be approved that way but the official
approval of minutes have to be at a scheduled meeting and only the members present can
vote on the approval . Other business at the meeting was the discussion of the location of
Flo-Tech. It was unanimously recommended, by Planning Board resolution, to
recommend to the Town Board, that the Flo-Tech property be proposed as a Planned Unit
Development under the existing Zoning Ordinance to accommodate the Flo-Tech project.
(Minutes of May 14, 2003 Planning Board meeting was providi,d to the Town Board . )
Christian Boisonnas, EMC
Mr. Boisonnas stated that the E.M . C . meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. He did
announce that after 43 years he and his wife have decided to move to St . Charles, IL. ,
which will be closer to their children and will be resigning as Representative to the
E.M. C . Board in September or October.
Supervisor Austic introduced Mary Shelly. She is a resident on the lake and a member of
the Water Resource Council . She would like to make some comments on the lake and
personal watercraft.
Ms . Mary Shelly stated that she feels there is a dangerous situation on the lake with the
Jet Skies . There are people along the lake that like it quieter and definitely safer,
fisherman, people who canoe, swim and kayak and they are afraid of the Jet Skiers . A
person swimming not but 100 ' from the shore got hit. The County has just so much
going on and Ulysses has the Yacht Club , the Taughannock Park, the Girl Scout Camp in
their area that maybe they should regulate jet skies . She would like to see traffic on the
lake be regulated, have traffic move farther off the shore, at least 500 ' - at least Jet Skies,
because it is really scary out there . She feels that it may be even cheaper to enforce
Mr. Austic stated he had explained to Ms . Shelly that the Town is working with the Town
of Lansing, Town of Ithaca and City of Ithaca to look into not only Jet Skies but personal
watercraft of all types . It is hard to make it fair for everyone. It would make more sense
if everyone were in the same agreement. This would be just for Tompkins County; other
Counties would have to do the same. Enforcement could be a problem if everyone did
not agree to the same thing and also the Town of Ulysses has no way of enforcement they
would have to rely on the Sheriffs Department or NYS Park Police .
Ms . Poelvoorde stated a big thing would be budgeting, to have law enforcement . We
could pass all the laws, we have navigation laws now, but if you do not have people out
there to enforce then it won ' t do much good. We may have to lobby the State for more
navigation funds . All the municipalities are sitting down together and taking a good look t,
at this .
Mr. Penniman asked Ms . Shelly if there is a specific proposal coming from the Water
Resource Council on this? She stated that it is getting much closer to one. The hope was
to have one in January.
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
James Meeker Highway Superintendent
Mr. Meeker reported that the highway crew have finished patching roads, mowed
roadsides, worked on the concrete floor in the garage , installed a driveway on Houghton
Road, helped the Town of Enfield haul stone and repaired the wing tower on his FWD
truck. He reported that the bridge on Rt . 227 has been posted for 10 ton, not due for
actual repair until 2005 .
Alex Rachun Code Enforcement Officer
In the absence of Mr. Rachun, Mrs . Georgia read his report into record . For the month of
May a total of 6 permits were issued , four for additions and two for business . Also one
Zoning-only permit was issued .
Marsha L. Georgia Town Clerk
Mrs . Georgia reports that a total of $ 1 , 171 . 00 was collected in fees and $ 550 . 75 was
turned over to the Supervisor along with her monthly report. The tax season has come to
an end and all unpaid taxes were turned over to Tompkins County Budget/Finance on
Board Members and Committees
No reports from Board Members and/or Committees were heard .
Supervisor Douglas Austic
Mr. Austic reviewed his monthly financial report . Ms . Poelvoorde asked if additional
postage and printing is being done for the Water Districts . The reason she is asking is
because account A1670 . 4 (Printing & Mailing) only has about 22% budgeted amount left
for the year. Mr. Austic stated that yes-additional monies have been used for this but
because no money was raised as yet for the water districts it cannot be expensed out of
the water budget. This may need to be increased . No other questions were heard .
Water District #3 Update
Mr. Austic stated that the bids for Water District # 3 were received and opened on May
29 , 2003 , at 11 : 00 AM . Eric Pond , Engineer for Barton & Loguidice took all bids back
to his office for what they call canvassing of the bids , which is a review and recalculation
of all the bids received before a determination can be made . Also all the easements
necessary for the project have been mailed and can be returned to the Clerk' s office or to
our attorney.
Mr. Austic asked the Board if they recalled the letter that was received from Tompkins
County Planning department in reference to their proposed changes on the processing of
future 239 l& m requests? The County would like a resolution from the Town by June
25th addressing this proposal . Mr. Austic stated that he would put a resolution together
for the next meeting so that the Board could review .
Bid Acceptance Water District # 3
Mr. Austic introduced the following resolution, moved by Ms . Poelvoorde and seconded
by Mrs . Duddleston :
' I
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
WHEREAS : Barton & Loguidice, P . C . (B & L) has reviewed the bids received for the
Town of Ulysses Water District No . 3 Water System Improvements, Contract No . 1 A
(General Construction) that were received and opened by the Town of Ulysses on May
29, 2003 . A certified tabulation of all bids received for Contract No . 1 A (General
Construction) is on file . The following is a summary of the bids received for Contract No .
1 A (General Construction: ) :
Contractor Base Bid (Ductile Iron) Alternate A Bid -PVC
Marcellus Const. Co . $ 2 , 867, 845 . 91 $ 2 , 367 ,715 . 01
Highlander Const. Co . 3 ,261 ,686 . 00 3 , 195 , 344 . 00
Dean Calice Const. Co . 2 , 772 , 905 . 00 2 , 553 ,083 . 00
R. Devincentis Const . Co 2 , 835 , 000 . 00 2 , 680,000 . 00
Villager Const . Co . 2 , 756 , 050 . 00 2 ,689 ,430 . 00
R. Myers Const. Co . 2 ,636,769 . 00 2 ,600,463 . 50
WHEREAS : As shown above, R. Meyers Contractors, Inc . submitted the low Base Bid for
Contract 1 A. B & L have confirmed their bid and have contacted Mr . Richard Meyers of R.
Meyers Contractors, Inc . subsequent to the bid opening, and he has indicated that they are
comfortable with their bid and are therefore willing to enter into a contract with the Town and
WHEREAS : The bid of $2, 636,769 .00 received by R. Meyers Contractors, Inc . is within the
projects total General Construction budget of $2, 752 ,200 , leaving $ 115 ,431 .00 available for
General Construction contingency, which is sufficient for this Project and
WHEREAS : B & L contacted four (4) references provided by R. Meyers Contractors, Inc . , and
believe that they have the qualifications and experience to satisfactorily complete the work of
Contract No . l A and
WHEREAS : The Alternate A Bids (PVC) would only be considered should the Base Bid (ductile
iron) exceed the project's General Construction budget. Because the low Base Bid received by R.
Meyers Contractors, Inc . is within the project's General Construction budget, there is no reason to
consider award of the Alternate A Bid . Other reasons for the recommendation to award the Base
Bid (ductile iron) include :
• The Town of Ithaca and Bolton Point have standardized on ductile iron pipe and have
requested that Ulysses adopt this standard;
• Ductile iron pipe has a larger inside diameter than PVC, reducing headloss and increasing
available flow;
• Ductile iron pipe can be directly tapped by Town personnel without the need for service
saddles, which will reduce the cost of future connections ;
• Live tapping of ductile iron pipe is generally considered to be safer than PVC pipe;
• Petroleum contaminants will not permeate ductile iron pipe . These contaminates are
known to be present in the soil in and around Jacksonville .
Based on the above, and in accordance with Section 00100 . 15 of the Contract Documents, B & L
recommend that the Town award the Town of Ulysses Water Distriu t No . 3 Water System
Improvements, Contract No. lA (General Construction) to R. Meyers Contractors, Inc . in the
Base Bid (ductile iron) amount of $2,636, 769 .00 .
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses award
Contract No. 1 A (General Construction) to R. Meyers Contractors in the amount of
$2 , 636,769 .00 .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
Mr. Austic introduced the following resolution, moved by Mrs . Duddleston, seconded by
Mr. Scott the following:
WHEREAS : Barton & Loguidice, P . C. (B & L) has reviewed the bids received for the
Town of Ulysses Water District No . 3 Water System Improvements , Contract No . 1B
(Electrical Construction) that were received and opened by the Town of Ulysses on May 29 ,
2003 . A certified tabulation of all bids received for Contract No . 1 B (Electrical Construction) is
on file . The following is a summary of the bids received for Contract No . 1B (Electrical
Construction) :
Contractor Bid
A. Pompo Electric $ 22 , 528 . 00
Blanding Electric 17 ,440 . 00
Micknich Electric 19 ,297 . 00
WHEREAS : Blanding Electric, Inc . submitted the low Bid for the Contract. B & L has reviewed
their bid and found no errors . B & L contacted Mr. Phil Blanding subsequent to the bid opening
and he indicated that they are comfortable with their bid as submitted and are therefore willing to
enter into a contract with the Town and ,
WHEREAS : B & L contacted four (4) references provided by Blanding Electric , Inc . and believe
that they have the qualifications and experience to satisfactorily complete the work of Contract
No . 1 B and,
WHEREAS : Based on the above , and in accordance with Section 00100 . 15 of the Contract
Documents , B & L recommend that the Town award the Town of Ulysses Water District No . 3
Water System Improvements, Contract No . 1B (Electrical Construction) to Blanding Electric,
Inc . , for the bid amount of $ 17 ,440 . 00 ,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses award
Contract No . 1 B (Electrical Construction) to Blanding Electric , Inc . , in the amount of
$ 17 ,440 . 00 .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Monitoring at the Dann House
Mr. Austic stated that he has spoke with B & L about the subcontract with Hartgen Archeological
Associates, Inc . to perform the necessary Construction Phase Monitoring at the Dann House site
as required by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation . A copy
of Hartgen ' s proposal is on file in the Clerk ' s office .
Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic
to sign the Scope of Additional Services with Barton & Loguidice for an amount not to exceed
$ 5000 for the subcontract with Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc . to perform the necessary
Construction Phase Monitoring at the Dann House .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
Contract with NYSEG
Mr. Austic explained that the distance from Dubois Road (where there is three phase power) to
the location of Water District # 3 Booster Pump Station on Woolf Lane is 660 feet. The first 300
feet would be overhead and be provided by NYSEG at no cost, but the remaining installed three
phases would be underground at a cost of $ 16,096 .
Mrs . Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic
to enter into a agreement with the NYSEG to provide the additional three phase installation for
Water District #3 Booster Pump Station on Woolf Lane in the amount of $ 16,096 . 00 .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Proposed Local Public Water Law and Standard Specifications and Details for Water
Mr. Austic presented the following scope of services that Barton & Loguidice are
proposing :
Local Public Water Law
1 . Prepare draft Local Public Water Law for Town review and approval by the Town Attorney
and the Town Board. The contents of the proposed draft Local Public Water Law will be similar
to Local Laws that we have developed for other Towns, and will include applicable
provisions/requirements of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission and the
Town of Ithaca. A proposed Table of Contents for the Local Public Water Law is on file .
2 . Prepare a Short Environmental Assessment Form for the purposes of SEQR compliance .
3 . Attend a Public Hearing to address Town concerns .
4. Prepare ten ( 10) copies of the Final Local Public Water Law.
Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities
1 . Prepare draft Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities for Town review and
approval . The contents of the proposed Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities
will be similar to Standard Specifications and Details that we have developed for other Towns
and will include applicable provisions requirements of the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal
Water Commission and Town of Ithaca. Specifications and details will be the same as those
currently used for the Water District No . 3 plans and specifications . A proposed Table of Contents
for the Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities is on file .
2. Prepare a Short Environmental Assessment Form for the purposes of SEQR compliance;
3 . Prepare ten ( 10) copies of the Standard Specifications and Details for Water Facilities .
Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde the following resolution :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes the Supervisor
Austic to sign an agreement for the services described above with Barton & Loguidice in a lump
sum amount of $3 ,900 .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
Mr. Weatherby absent
BAN for Water District #3
Mr. Austic explained that it has been anticipated that the Town will have to get a Bond
Anticipation Note to have monies to pay for expenses awaiting the State Bond . Mr.
Austic spoke with several banks and the best rate is with Tompkins County Trust. TCT
is offering 1 . 5 % for a six (6) month note and 1 . 7 % for a year. The other bank was a
straight six-month rate and no term . If the State gets the money to us quicker the Town
could invest the money in an interest bearing account and get some of our money back.
Mr. Austic is thinking that we may want to go with a note of up to $ 750 , 000 from
Tompkins County Trust.
Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following :
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor
Austic to enter into an agreement with Tompkins County Trust for a Bond Anticipation
Note not to exceed $ 750 , 000 .
FURTHER RESOLVED that the firm of Hiscock & Barclay, that we retained in
December 2002 , will prepare the Bond Anticipation Note .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Scott aye
Mr. Weatherby absent
Zoning Ordinance Revisions
The suggestions that the Town Board have made have been forwarded to the Planning
Board for review. Once they have reviewed these the Boards will meet jointly.
The Town Board scheduled the next meeting for Monday evening June 16th, 2003 at
5 : 30PM to continue the review of the Draft Zoning Ordinance .
Robert Brown Request, Update
The Planning Board has recommended that Mr. Brown ' s project, to relocate his business
Flo-Tech on Halseyville Road, be an application for a Planned Unit Development. Mr.
Austic will contact Mr. Rachun, Code Enforcement Officer, and advise Mr. Brown to
apply for the PUD and submit his information for both that and Site Plan Review.
No other new business .
None heard
Correspondence previously discussed .
Regular Town Board
06/ 10/2003
Hearing no further business Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott to adjourn the
meeting. Hearing no objection the Board unanimously approved and the meeting
adjourned at 8 : 55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L. Georgia " ; ,
Ulysses Town Clerk /'/ •
. i,
MLG: mlg