HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-02-11 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 11 , 2003 PRESENT : Supervisor Doug Austic , Town Councilpeople Sue Poelvoorde, Lee Scott, Carolyn Duddleston and Robert Weatherby; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia; Highway Superintendent James Meeker; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun absent. Others Present : Richard Coogan, Planning Board Chairman and President. Jacksonville Assoc . ; Christian Boisonnas, Ulysses Representative to the Tompkins County E . M . C . : Eric Pond and David Hanny of Barton & Loguidice Consulting Engineers . Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm, and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —Regular Town Board Meeting 1 /14/2003, PH 1 /30/03 PH 12/10/02 Ms . Poelvoorde noted the following corrections and/or changes : January 14th, 2003 Regular Board Meeting - page 2 — under Mr. Boisonnas ' s report it should note that it was a draft outline presented for the process that Tompkins County will use to develop the County Comprehensive Plan . Page 5 — Old Business -update on the Village Meeting to discuss South Street to Hoffmire Water district — Mr. Austic recommends to borrow money from the General Fund and being reimbursed from District charges — Ms . Poelvoorde wants noted that the Board agreed. Page 5 — Other Water District — include, for clarification, that Ms . Poelvoorde in her capacity as a State Park employee responded to Mr. Austic question on water at the State Park . Other noted editing corrections were given to the clerk. Mrs . Duddleston noted the following corrections and/or changes : January 30th, 2003 Public Hearing — page 1 location of the Koskinen Auto Repair missing and other editing corrections were given to the clerk. Mrs . Duddleston moved, seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde to approve the minutes as corrected for the Public Hearing of December 10 , 2002 , the Regular Town Board Meeting of January 14, 2003 and the Public Hearing of January 30, 2003 . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted . APPROVAL OF CLAIMS Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mr. Weatherby to approve the previous examined vouchers 23 through 72 in the amount of $49,280. 65 . Mr. Austic aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. i =MI I Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 REPORTS 0 F REPRESENTATIVES Richard Coogan, Chairman Planning Board Mr. Coogan reported that the Planning Board held a Public Hearing on the application for site plan review from the Trumansburg Golf Club for the construction of a maintenance garage and shop . They came to no conclusion that evening, because the applicant was changing some of the parameters of the project. They found out for the first time that they plan to install a gasoline tank on the site . Mr. Coogan has since found out that they will not be relocating the pesticides and herbicides storage from its present site . Questions also came up on lighting. The applicant did agree that he needed to provide more information to the Planning Board and to proceed with the application to the BZA for a use variance on set back variations concurrently with site plan approval . A continuous meeting of the planning board is scheduled for March 5th. Some of the members wanted topo maps provided but probably not possible this time of the year. They are going to try and show how the flow would go around the fuel tanks, new driveway and parking lot . The planning board did express some concern that it seems smaller projects are harder to manage because the applicants are less knowledgeable of the procedures than with larger projects where the applicant has hired professional design engineers services . Ms . Poelvoorde is working with Mr. Coogan to resolve some issues and possibly make matters run more efficiently. Mr. Austic added that last week Mr. Coogan and Alex Rachur+ met with Cornerstone to review their project that will be coming before the Planning Board. This way it is a collective effort to get a complete application both from the building inspector prospective to the Planning Board and possibly the review process can go smoother. Tompkins County E .M.C . Mr. Boisonnas reported that he has had his second presentation from Ed Marx on the draft County Comprehensive Plan outline . A little different than the last time mostly because of meetings with municipalities . They talked about performance-based approach. Mr. Austic commented that this made more sense to supervisors and mayors attending the meetings because it is not the County Planning Departments job to come out and try to do zoning in the towns . Once the County knows what the town ' s zoning is than they could look up things and advise in certain areas . Mr. Boisonnas stated that perhaps the Town Board would want to think about, after seeing the outline, if there may be things with a high priority to address before the 24th . On the Jet Ski issue, Mr. Boisonnas reported that the Town of Ulysses was the only one that responded. It has been decided that that issue should not be addressed in the plan . Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman Mr. Penniman reported that the County has created a new award called "Distinguished Youth Award" which would reward a youth that is making contributions to the community by some project or group that they are involved in. Mr. Penniman will send a note about this because he will be requesting nominations for this award. Mr. Penniman handed out literature on "Earned Income Tax Credit" explaining a program to make people more aware of this claim this when doing taxes . He presented a report on "Quality of Life in Tompkins County" . The County has set up new committees and Mr. Penniman is still chair of the Budget Committee and will be very involved in the difficult situation of the 2004 budget, anticipating another budget increase for next year. Other committees he is on are Health and Human Services and the combination committee of Planning and Economics . F) Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 Mr. Penniman was asked about the recent increase in assessments and how the County arrived at the figurers . Mr. Penniman stated that he has a personal concern that they are to quick to respond to the market, that they should be looking at a two-year average instead of just one-year worth of sales . If the market is going to be this volatile then maybe they should not be doing a single-year value. Trumansburg Fire Department - report previously distributed to the Town Board. Barton & Loguidice Engineers Presentation - Stormwater Supervisor Austic introduced Eric Pond and David Hanny consulting engineers from Barton & Loguidice who are here to explain the " Storm Water" program that the Town is going to have to implement (an unfunded mandate) . Mr. Hanny presented an overview of "Phase II Storm Water Program" . There are two different regulations that deal with storm water in phase II — construction activities greater than 1 acre, any soil disturbance greater than one acre you are required to file a notice of intent with the DEC , which gives you coverage under the permit. In addition to filing the notice of intent you have to prepare a site-specific erosion and sediment plan . If over five acres you have to submit the same notice of intent, do the same erosion and sediment control plan but you also have to do a storm water quantity and quality plan. The second part of this regulation is the MS4 (Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Program) . The Town of Ulysses was automatically designated by the DEC, based on the 2000 census data, as a regulated municipality so we are required to comply with this permit. An MS4 is any publicly owned system, pipes or ditches, used to collect or convey storm water that discharges to the waters of the United States, ours being Cayuga Lake. The Town is regulated as a small MS4 because we are located in an urbanized area due to our continuous location next to the City of Ithaca, with less than 100, 000 people, Phase I would cover large municipalities . Mr. Hanny handed out a map showing the area in the Town of Ulysses, which puts us under this regulation, which is Route 89 along the lake . It is the Towns infrastructure along Rt . 89 , Rt. 89 being a State Road; the State is responsible for that . Mr. Hanney reserved comments on what is required of the Town until the end of the meeting. TOWN REPORTS Highway Superintendent Mr. Meeker reported that the highway crew is salting, as needed, hauled stone to mix with the salt. Salt is in a limited supply. He talked with Cargill today and because the Town has used its years allocation they will be put on a waiting list of orders to be supplied when they have the salt, maybe a wait up to three weeks and the price will be higher but they can not tell how much higher. Mr. Meeker stated that he has been mixing sand with the salt. He also report that the old HWD truck had an air compressor go and will be expensive to repair and also in the last couple of weeks has had three flat tires . So , he has ordered six new tires . Code Enforcement Officer Mr. Austic read Mr. Rachun' s report in his absence . He reported that there was one permit for an addition, one for an alteration and one Zoning permit . Town Clerk Mrs . Georgia reported that $ 981 . 46 was collected in fees and of that $ 775 . 69 was turned over to the Supervisor. Total taxes collected to date are $ 1 , 733 ,207 from that the Town ' s warrant of $ 569 ,094 was paid in full and the first installment to Tompkins County along with a first payment on their warrant of $ 1 , 152 , 000 was paid. '2 Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 Board Members and Committees No reports heard. Supervisor Supervisor Austic asked if any one had any questions on his report. No one did. He reported that he has started the Annual Report but due to the late arrival of the disk from the State he filed for an extension. OLD BUSINESS Association of Towns Resolutions The board reviewed the resolutions that will be voted on at the Association of Towns annual meeting in New York City. Ms . Poelvoorde is the Town ' s delegate to cast the votes at the meeting. The Board voted as follows : • Highway Funding yes • Unfunded Mandates yes • GML, §207-c Disability Benefits for Law Enforcement yes • Clean Water Act — Storm Water Mandates yes • Volunteer Firefighters and EMS Provider Tuition & Income Tax Credit yes • Unemployment Insurance for Elected Officials yes • Emergency Management Preparedness & response yes • Property Tax Exemption Relief yes • Compulsory "Binding" Arbitration abstained Other No other business heard. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Austic reminded the Board that previously they had decided to put $20 , 000 of the sales tax into the unfunded B fund for the services of George Frantz . Now that he has received the fourth quarter sales tax we have $29 ,000 extra. Question is what to do with that and he suggests that since it is part-town money and since we are going to have water district expenses and other mandate expenses we create a reserve account to use and than pay it back when the district is funded instead of using A Fund monies . Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following ; Be it Resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses establish Reserve Capital Fund B in the amount of $9000 (for Capital Projects) and $20 ,000 into a Reserve B Fund to pay for upfront Water District expenses as they may come along. Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. A Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 Barton & Loguidice Scope of Service Agreements Supervisor Austic provided copies of the Water Agreements from the Town and City of Ithaca to Eric Pond . The Board discussed prices for water. Mr. Pond will contact Dan Walker and discuss this further. Mr. Austic explained he is in receipt of several "Scope of Additional Services" agreements that need to be signed for additional services from Barton & Loguidice . Mr. Pond explained : • EASEMENTS - In Water District #3 there are over 9 '/z miles of water lines, the vast majority of the water lines are within the Town, County or State right-of- ways. There are areas where there will be a need to go on to private property and will to require an easement . There are around 65 total easements . Barton & Loguidice will prepare the descriptions , some will be permanent and others temporary, and provide that information to the Town ' s Attorney who will work with the property owners and negotiate a fee . Barton & Loguidice services for this is not to exceed $ 8500 . Ms . Poelvoorde moved seconded by Mr. Scott the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic to sign the "Scope of Additional Service " with Barton & Loguidice to prepare temporary and permanent easement descriptions necessary for water main construction as shown on the January 2003 Contract Drawings : - Strip/Corner easement : 23 permanent -Highway crossing related easement (six crossings) : 10 temporary, 8 permanent -Stream crossing related easement (eight crossings) : 12 temporary, 12 permanent Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. • MAP/PLAN & REPORT - DUBOIS ROAD - Barton & Loguidice have a proposal for engineering services related to the formation and design of a Town Water District to serve the three (3 ) residents located along Dubois Road (Water District #4) in the amount of $ 1500 . Mr. Austic stated that due to the possible receipt of a petition from Francis Racker Center requesting water we might want to fund additional monies to install a larger line in the Dubois District. Mr. Austic has spoken to Mr. Lungar in reference to this . Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic to sign "Scope of Services" to do the Map, Plan & Report for Water District #4 in the amount of $ 1500 . This fee will be billed back to the district. Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. c Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 • MAP, PLAN & REPORT PROPOSED WATERBU114G/INDIAN FORT WATER DISTRICT - Barton & Loguidice presented a proposal for engineering services related to the formation of a Town Water District for the area presently served by the Village of Trumansburg ' s water main located along Waterburg and Indian Fort Road . The following is included in this "scope of services" for a fee of $ 5500 : o Develop a water district boundary map and description o Prepare a Map , Plan and Report o Description of required district water infrastructure and a cost estimate for related engineering and construction o Develop unit cost estimates for water service for users within district o Prepare SEQRA, letters and filings for SEQRA o Prepare a Water Supply Application as required by NYS Department of Environmental Conservation o Attend public hearing Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the TOW/11. of Ulysses authorize Supervisor Austic to sign the "Scope of Service" for the proposed engineering services in relationship to the Waterburg/Indian Fort Road Water District as previously described in the amount of $ 5500 . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted . Mr. Haney resumed his comments on Phase II Stormwater and the engineering services Barton & Loguidice are proposing. As previously stated, the Town has been designated as a regulated MS4 and as such will need to comply with the various components of this regulation . There is significant uncertainty as to the extent of work the Town will have to do to comply with these regulations, as many parts of the regulation have not been promulgated . The engineering services to be provided may include various tasks such as meeting with the Town and regulatory agencies, assistance in various required filings, assistance in the development of the Town ' s program and Best Management Practice goals as well as other tasks for which assistance may be required by the Town for compliance . The first requirement under these regulations is issuance of a Notice of Intent by March 10, 2003 , which is a checklist of activities that will define how Ulysses intends to implement a Stormwater Management Program . Implementation of this program will be phased in over five years , with full compliance expected by March 12 , 2008 . There are six minimum measures to include in the SWMP that are discussed in the NOI : o Public Education & Outreach on Stormwater Impacts o Public Involvement & Participation o Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination o Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control o Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff Management o Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Barton & Loguidice propose to facilitate a workshop meeting with a designated committee of people that will be involved with either the funding for compliance (such as Town Board members) or implementation (i . e . , highway superintendent, code enforcement, planning board , etc . ) . It would be prudent for the Town Board to create this workshop committee as soon as possible, given the approaching deadline . A Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 At this time, the tasks to be included in the overall compliance with these Stormwater regulations are not possible to define . Services will therefore be provided on a time and expense basis at the direction of the Town Supervisor. A fee ceiling of $2500 has been estimated . Ms . Poelvoorde moved, seconded by Mr. Scott the following resolution : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses authorizes Supervisor Austic to sign the "Scope of Service" for SPDES Phase II Stormwater Engineering Services presented by Barton & Loguidice in the amount not to exceed $2500 . Mr. Austic aye Ms. Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Mr. Hanny will present a draft copy of the "Notice of Intent" for the Board to review and if the Board is happy with it they would than submit this to DEC . The engineers do not want to commit the Town to anything that they don ' t want to do or have to do , because this is all going to come back to the NOI year after year. The State is going to want to see how the program is being implemented . Mr. Hanny will forward to the Board a draft copy of the NOI before February 24th, 2003 , for their review . The Board will formerly meet on February 27th, 2003 , at 7 : 00 AM to review and approve the NOI before being submitted to DEC . Other Tompkins Communities Hazard Mitigation Plan Mr. Austic moved, seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde the following : BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses enter into arrangements with the other interested municipalities to prepare a joint Hazard Mitigation Plan not to exceed a cost of $ 3000 . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. Chase-JP Morgan Mr. Austic met with a representative from Chase-JP Morgan bank and discussed interest rates for savings etc . He reported that the rates were better than what we receive now at Tompkins Community Bank but it would be inconvenient to bank with them because of their location, branches in Elmira and Binghamton . He does deal with the Bank of Geneva out of Ovid, NY that provides better interest rates . HEARING FROM INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS None heard . Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 02/ 11 /2003 CORRESPONDENCE Received a letter from the Town of Aurelius advising of the possible purchase of lands by the Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma. In their Town this happened and the Supervisor expressed his concerns that there may be potential conflicts on the lands concerning locks, highways and utilities . He further feels that this situation may have the potential to dramatically influence the entire State of New York and asks the Town to join him in contacting State and Federal officials expressing concerns . The general consensus of the Board was not to respond at this time . ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mrs . Duddleston to adjourn the meeting, unanimously approved meeting adjourned at 9 : 45 PM . Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk MLG : mg 7A424 #71:9- " r �c v` sz