HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-14 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES TOWN BOARD MEETING 1 /14/2003 PRESENT : Supervisor Doug Austic , Town Board Members Carolyn Duddleston, Sue Poelvoorde, Lee Scott, and Robert Weatherby, Town Clerk Marsha Georgia, and Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker. ALSO PRESENT : Richard Coogan, President of the Jacksonville Community Association & Ulysses Planning Board member, Gerald and Nancy VanOrden, and Christian Boisonnas, Ulysses Representative to the Tompkins County E .M . C . Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm , and led the assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Regular Town Board Meeting 12/10/02 Noting a few minor changes, Mrs . Duddleston moved and Mr. Scott seconded to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Board Meeting of 12/ 10/2002 . Mr. Austic aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. It was noted that no minutes were submitted to the Town Board members for the public hearing of 12/ 10/02 , which was held immediately prior to the regular board meeting that evening. Mrs . Georgia will get them out to the Town Board members soon . APPROVAL OF MONTHLY CLAIMS Ms . Poelvoorde moved and Mr. Weatherby seconded to approve 2002 year-end vouchers 424 through 561 , totaling $ 69 , 178 . 06 and 2003 vouchers 1 through 23 , totaling $34, 191 . 72 . Mr. Austic aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted. REPORTS OF REPRESENTATIVES Tompkins County E .M.C . Mr. Boisonnas presented a draft outline for the process that Tompkins County will use to 1 develop the County Comprehensive Plan . Mr. Boissonnas read the goals of the plan : to address regional scale issues, to involve all concerned committees, to coordinate existing plans, and to communicate our shared visions . TOWN REPORTS Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker Mr. Meeker reported that the highway department has been busy plowing the fair amount of snow throughout the month . An ice storm that hit January 2nd through January 4th , Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 knocked trees and wires down throughout the Town of Ulysses and the surrounding region. Mr. Meeker also reported on salt prices . By NYS Contract, Cargill is obliged to supply the Town with 120% of the estimated annual salt supply at the previously agreed price . As of today, Mr. Meeker reported, he has used 800 tons , and has only 600 tons left at the guaranteed price . If January through March of 2003 are snowy, the highway department may be forced to salt only hills and intersections and/ or resort to spreading sand on the highways . Mr. Austic asked if Mr. Meeker really would not be able to gee: more salt, or would just have to pay a great deal more per ton . Mr. Meeker stated that it would probably just be a matter of cost, although Cargill has stated that, if the weather continues on the course followed throughout November and December, their supply could run out . Mr. Meeker also noted a rash of mailbox bashing last weekend, some of the responsibility' for which was pinned on the highway department ' s plows . Mr . Meeker related one incident of a car' s windows being bashed out . He called the Tompkins County Sheriff Department about the car windows and the mailboxes, and asked the Town Clerk and Town Board Members to advise callers to contact the Sheriff' s Department about bashed mailboxes . Mr. Scott reported that he also saw a car with windows bashed out near Falls Road . A check of the vehicle revealed no snow inside , and thus revealed the damage was not done by a plow . Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun Mr. Austic read Mr. Rachun ' s report in his absence . Mr. Rachun reported 2 addition permits were issued during the month, and fees on the two zoning variance requests heard. last month were collected. Mr. Rachun collected $480 in fees, and total construction costs for the projects were estimated at $ 90 ,000 . Town Clerk Marsha Georgia Mrs . Georgia reported that her office collected $ 872 during th , month of December. Of this, $ 654 was turned over to the Supervisor. Mrs . Georgia reported that tax payments are coming in slowly . To date, she has received some $450, 000 in payments . Mrs . Georgia also reported that her deputy, Karin Lanning has submitted a letter of resignation . Mrs . Lanning is going to work for the Village of Trumansburg as the deputy clerk. Board Members and Committees No reports were heard from Board Members or Committees . Supervisor Doug Austic Mr. Austic suggested the following budget modifications to balance the 2002 budget, noting that the Town has not overspent, as he anticipates year- end Sales Tax and CHIPS revenues sufficient to cover the budget increases : 2002 YEAR END 4 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS FUND ACCOUNT MODIFICATION GENERAL A 1010 . 1 INC . . 04 1220 . 1 INC . 02 1410 . 4 INC . 407 . 09 Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 1450 . 4 INC . 1103 . 94 1620 . 4 INC . 4784 . 94 1670 . 4 INC . 2539 . 07 3510 . 4 INC . 6 . 00 5010 . 4 INC . 27 . 89 7310 . 4 INC . 1506 . 00 9010 . 8 INC . 461 . 68 9055 . 8 INC . 219. 25 1110 .4 DEC . 1230 . 50 1220 .4 DEC . 584. 92 1410 . 1 DEC . 2931 . 04 1420 .4 DEC . 2788 . 40 1460 . 4 DEC . 2276 . 38 1990 . 4 DEC . 1245 . 49 GENERAL PART TOWN B 3620 . 1 INC . 9 . 10 8010 . 1 INC . 93 . 94 9055 . 8 INC . 11\25 9060 . 8 INC . 1417 . 44 TOT . 261 . 73 ` . 1990 . 4 DEC . 261 . 73 HIGHWAY TOWN WIDE DA 5120 . 1 INC . 9108 . 64 5120 . 4 INC . 287 . 79 5130 . 1 INC . 2123 . 36 5130. 2 INC . 24826 . 00 9010 . 8 INC . 2053 . 36 TOT . 38399 . 15 . 5140 . 1 DEC . 2401 . 22 5140 . 4 DEC . ' 748 . 02 5142 . 1 DEC . 11888 . 29 5148 . 1 DEC . 15512 . 50 9030 . 8 DEC . 1250 . 61 9060 . 8 DEC . 551 . 17 TOT . 31104 . 20 HIGHWAY PART TOWN DB 5110 . 1 INC . 7648 . 64 5112 . 2 INC . 0911 . 21 9010 . 8 INC ,; 553 . 6"1 9030 . 8 INC . 624 . 82 9055 . 8 INC . 6 . 87 TOT . 19745 . 21 5110 . 4 DEC . ' 9463 . 45 9060 . 8 DEC . 414 . 19 TOT . 9877 . 64 Mr. Scott moved, and Ms . Poelvoorde seconded that the budget be modified as recommended above, and that the Supervisor be authorized to make such modifications that are not reflected above as are necessary to balance the budget . Mr. Austic aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 Mr. Weatherby aye Adopted . OLD BUSINESS Update on Village Meeting to Discuss South Street to Hoffinire District Mr. Austic began by noting that, in considering the petition for Water District No . 5 , the Village of Trumansburg Board realized that full potential development of the area to be served by Water District No . 5 would allow construction of up to 45 new residences . Mr. Austic has asked the Village of Trumansburg to duly note in its considerations that the 45 potential residences reflect the maximum subdivision and development of several large properties, which will probably not be divided during the lifetime of the present owners, as well as the plan, whereby the Town would supply its own water for the district, to connect the Village of Trumansburg to Ulysses Water District No . 3 once the latter district is constructed . Mr. Austic recommended borrowing the money for Engineering and preparatory work on Water District No . 5 from the General Fund, paying that fund back from District revenues, once they start to come in. The Board agreed that this would be the proper procedure . Update on Water District No. 4 Mr. Austic reported that the Engineer has sent a letter to the Tompkins County Health Department explaining the specs for the construction components, and why the District will not have fire hydrants . Other Water Districts Mr. Austic asked Ms . Poelvoorde in her capacity as a State Pat k employee if the State t! Park plans on requesting a Water District, and Ms . Poelvoorde stated that the Park would ) like to discuss water service . Mr. Austic suggested developing a system of rules and standards for handling water district requests . NEW BUSINESS Organizational Agenda Mrs . Duddleston moved, and Mr. Scott seconded the following : BE IT RES I LVED, the Regular Monthly Board meetings of the Ulysses Town Board will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 : 30 PM in the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg, NY . Board review of monthly claims will begin at 7 : 00 PM prior to each scheduled Regular Board Meeting. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the designated news media is advised of the foregoing schedule and those meeting notices are posted, in accordance with the open meeting law, on the clerk ' s bulletin board . BE IT RESOLV Dinileage at a rate of 36 . 0 cents per mile shall be paid to Town Officials and employees conducting official business and driving their personal vehicles and that such mileage shall be reported on the appropriate forms provided. BE IT RESOLVED the Highway Superintendent is authorized to incur expenses not to exceed $3000 . 00 for repairs and maintenance of highway equipment without prior Board approval . Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 BE IT RESOLVED the Building and Maintenance Chairman be authorized to incur expenses not to exceed $ 1000 . 00 for emergency repairs and maintenance following established procurement policy procedures . BE IT RESOLVED the following bond undertakings for Town Officials is hereby approved as follows : A. Town Clerk/Tax Collector $ 250, 000 B . Justices (2) $4 ,000 each C . Court Clerical $4 , 000 D . Code Enforcement Officier $ 1 , 000 E . Highway Superintendent $ 1 ,000 F . Town Supervisor $ 500 , 000 G . Deputy Supervisor $ 15 , 000 H . Deputy Town Clerk $ 15 ,000 BE IT RESOLVED in lieu of the report required by Town Law Section. 29 ( 10) , the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to submit to the Town Clerk a copy of his annual report to the State Comptroller and that the Town Clerk shall cause a summary thereof to be published in accordance with the law . BE IT RESOLVED the Ithaca Journal and/or The Trumansburg Free Press shall be and are hereby designated as the official Town publications . BE IT RESOLVED the Tompkins County Trust Company is designated as depository in which the Supervisor, Town Clerk , Justices, and other employees by virtue of their offices, shall deposit all monies coming into their hands and, FURTHER RESOLVED the Town investments can be made at other-banks as outlined in the Towns investment policy. BE IT RESOLVED the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay in advance of audit of claims for utilities , postage and contractual agreements which if delayed may result in loss of discounts or the accrual of service charges . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Weatherby aye Mr. Scott aye Adopted . Supervisor Austic made the following appointments for 2003 : A. Town Historian Esther Northrup B . Deputy Supervisor Carolyn Duddleston C . Liaison to Highway Dept . Bob Weatherby D . Building Maintenance Doug Austic E . Liaison Planning/Zoning Sue Poelvoorde F . Liaison to Village BD Doug Austic G. Liaison to Justice CT Lee Scott Ms . Poelvoorde moved seconded by Mr. Scott the following Town Board appointments for 2003 : A. Code Enforcement Officier Alex Rachun B . Deputy Zoning Officer John Fahs C . Deputy Code Enforcement Contract Village D . Planning Board Chair Richard Coogan E . Bookkeeper Doug Austic F . Zoning Board Member & Chair George Tselekis (exp12/07) G. Rep . Human Services Coal Vacant (to be advertised) H . Board of Assessment Review (2) Stover / Duddleston i i . Town of Ulysses 6 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 I. Election Custodians (2) Bennett / Northrup J . Cleaning Contract Laurie MacCheyne K. County Youth Bureau Rep . Ben Curtis ( advertise) L . Joint Youth Comm . Liaison Alex Rachun M . Rep . Cable Commission Doug Austic N. Town Attorney Bruce D . Wilson O . EOC Vacant (to be advertised) P . EMC Christian Boissonnas Q . TCMOA Planning Rep . Dick Coogan, Doug Austic R. Planning Board Member Dick Coogan (exp 12/09) S . Reps . To Joint Youth Comm . Deb Austic/M . Vonderweidt To be advertised T. Ithaca/Tompkins County Transportation Council Planning Committee Sue Poelvoorde U. Ithaca/Tompkins County Transportation Council Policy Committee Doug Austic V . TC Emergency / Disaster Comm . Jack Fulton (Fire Dept. ) W. TCAD Representative Peter Penniman X . Fair Board Liaison Robert Weatherby Y . Fire Department Liaison Carolyn Duddleston Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Weatherby aye Mr. Scott aye Adopted . Mrs . Duddleston moved and Mr. Scott seconded the following : BE IT RESOLVED the following is the schedule of salaries and wages for 2003 : ELECTED OFFICIALS : Town Supervisor 10 , 000 yr Town Council (4) 3 ,219 . 50 (ea) yr Town Clerk/Collector 37 , 950 yr Highway Superintendent 44 , 795 yr ; Town Justice (2) 12 , 351 (ea) yr APPOINTED OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES Deputy Town Clerk $ 12 . 48/hr Deputy Supervisor negotiated as needed Bookkeeper $ 15 , 875 yr Zoning Officer $24,200 yr Deputy Zoning Officer $ 12 . 48/hr Building Inspector $ 14, 387 yr Justice Clerical $25 ,203 yr Planning/Zoning Clerk $ 12 . 48 hr Deputy Highway Superintendent $ 16 . 42 hr Highway Employees $ 15 . 92 hr BE IT RESOLVED all employees shall turn in a time card by the end of the last day of the pay period, salaried employees shall do the same stating time used for vacation, sick time, holiday or other time off to maintain accurate records of benefit time used . No pay will be issued without the presence of a time card . BE IT RESOLVED any individual wishing to be on the agenda, advise the Supervisor of that intent at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. Town of Ulysses 7 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 BE IT RESOLVED any individual having any special needs and wishing to attend a meeting please advice the Town Clerk of the special requirements at least one week prior to the meeting . (ADA) BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses will do the Annual Audit of the books for each department on January 18 `h , 2003 at 9 : 00 AM . Mr. Austic aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Mr. Weatherby aye Mr. Scott aye Adopted. After some discussion, the Board set a date for the annual audit for 9 : 00 am, on Saturday, January 18 , 2003 . LEAPE Session-January 16th Mr. Austic reminded the Board of the LEAPE Training Session, to be held at the Town Hall Thursday, January 16`h . Mr. Austic reported that the storage shed construction project at the Trumansburg Golf Course was selected for a training project. Response .to PROTO Letter/Regulations-Tompkins County Water Resources Council ' s"Personal Water Craft/Two Cycle Engine Ad Hoc Committee Mr. Austic opened the floor for discussion of the letter and proposed regulations from the Personal Water Craft/Two Cycle Engine Committee . The Board discussed the regulations . The Board felt that the noise and inefficiency issues would best be addressed to manufacturers : urging the design of more energy efficient machines that are also quieter. The Board also agreed that the craft should be policed, with particular attention to safe and slow operation near the shoreline . The Board ' s consensus was to urge the Committee to look further into the regulations . Association of Towns Meeting and Resolutions Mr. Austic asked if anyone would be willing to attend the annual Association of Towns meeting in New York City. Ms . Poelvoorde stated she would like to attend the meeting . The Board agreed to submit Ms . Poelvoorde ' s name as the Town Representative at the meeting. Action on the Resolutions was tabled until February' s monthly meeting. Other : Fire District Contract Mr. Austic reported that he has received the fire contract from the Village of Trumansburg Fire Department. The Town ' s cost with the Contract is $ 158 , 810 . 61 , as was agreed to . Mrs . Duddleston moved and Mr. Scott seconded that the Supervisor be authorized to sign the2003 contract for Fire Protection by the Trumansburg Fire Department . HEARINGS FROM INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS No comments were heard from individuals or groups . Town of Ulysses 8 Regular Town Board Meeting 1 / 14/2003 CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Austic reported on a letter from Carl Butterfield expressing some confusion about zoning districts R1 and R2 of the draft revised Ulysses Zoning Ordinance . Mr. Austic stated that he wrote back to Mr. Butterfield, explaining the two districts , and the fact that Mr. Butterfield will be able to continue his tree operation in either the R1 or the R2 District . 1 i Mr. Austic also reminded the Board that the next public informational meeting for the 1 draft revised Zoning Ordinance is set for Tuesday, January 21s` at 7 : 00 pm, and will be held at the Trumansburg Elementary School Auditorium . Mr. Austic reported that the Town Board presented the Koskinen PUD request to the Town Planning Board . The Planning Board has essentially approved the construction of an outside storage building, therefore the Town Board now has the responsibility to decide whether or not to allow the expansion at the Koskinen PUD . After brief discussion, Mr. Scott moved and Ms . Poelvoorde seconded, that a Public Hearing be scheduled for January 30`h at 7 : 00 pm at the Ulysses Town Hall . The Town Clerk will see that the hearing is properly advertised. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further business , Mr. Weatherby moved and Mr. Scott seconded that the meeting be adjourned . Mr. Austic aye Mrs . Duddleston aye Ms . Poelvoorde aye Mr. Scott aye i Mr. Weatherby aye 1f The meeting adjourned at 9 : 00 pm . Respectfully Submitted Marsha L . Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk MLG : kl I 1 i