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PRESENT : Chairman George Kennedy, Planning Board Members Mark Ochs,
Richard Geiger, Rose Hilbert, Lorren Hammond, David Tyler, (arrived late, about
8 :40p.m.), Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun, and Planning Clerk Eva Gabriel.
ALSO PRESENT : Anthony Marshall, Attorney for Independent Wireless One Corp. ,
Jacob Warner, RF Engineer for IWO, Keven Crowther, Site Acquisition Consultant for
IWO, Eric Kenna, Engineer for IWO, Citizens Gunther Keil, Geraldine Keil, Lyle
Gordon, Ruth Scott, Richard Coogan and other members of the public and the press.
NOT PRESENT : Planning Board Member Paula Horrigan.
Chairman George Kennedy called the public hearing to order at 7 : 37 p. m.
Mr. Kennedy introduced the Planning Board members.
Mr. Kennedy read into record the notice of Public Hearing from the Ithaca Journal on
August 15 , 2001 . Mr. Kennedy asked Mr. Marshall to give a brief description of their
Mr. Marshall gave a brief presentation about the site proposed and structure. He
reported on the site analysis, access to the site, the planting of trees, and noted that
it was felt the Trumansburg Fair Grounds provided the best site for coverage.
Mr. Kennedy opened the hearing up to initial public comments. Mr. Kennedy called Mr.
Gordon to comment first.
Mr. Lyle Gordon asked Independent Wireless One Corp. what plans they have for
additional sites within the Town of Ulysses.
Mr. Warner noted there to be no future sites at this time. Mr. Jacob Warner introduced
himself as a Radio Frequency Engineer for Independent Wireless One. Mr. Warner gave
a brief introduction.
Mr. Lyle Gordon and Mr. Warner discussed coverage along Route 89 and other locations
that could be sought in the future.
Mr. Keven Crowther introduced himself as the Site Acquisition Consultant he noted the
site location and the analysis involved to decide the location of the site. Mr. Crowther
noted that expansion would depend on population growth.
Ms. Ruth Scott asked what the tower would look like and if anyone had seen the poles
that look like trees. Ms. Scott asked if the tower attracted lightning.
Mr. Marshall showed photo simulations from various locations.
Mr. Eric Kenna an engineer for Independent Wireless One Corp. noted that the antenna
would be grounded at least twice.
Mr. Warner addressed the question of cellular usage .
Mr. Gunther Keil asked how much area the tower would cover.
Mr. Warner showed a map and explained the line of site coverage and meaning.
Mr. Gunther Keil noted that he objected to the view the tower would create.
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Planning Board Meeting
Mrs. Geri Keil commented that the tower should be located on Route 96 since it would
be covering Route 96 . She noted the view would be offensive.
Mr. Marshall noted that Independent Wireless One Corp. is sensitive to the issue of the
view. Mr. Marshall commented on the coverage needs as well as the towns concerns, the
limitations of engineering issues and analysis studies, co -locations sites that have been
studied and alternative sites that have been looked at. Mr. Marshall noted that the tower
is going to look like a substation no matter what the height or location.
Mr. Crowther noted the six slots for other carriers.
Mrs. Geri Keil asked if the appearance would change with six carriers.
Mr. Crowther noted it would look the same.
Mr. Marshall noted that the other carriers would access the ground floor. The ground
floor is fenced and would not be seen.
Mr. Crowther noted the access requirements and regulations . He noted that the height
of the tower had been dropped from 195 feet to 120 feet to make it easier on the
community. Mr. Crowther commented on the fall zones, and noted that 15 different
simulations had been done to try to find the right location for the site. Mr. Crowther
noted that the Trumansburg Fair Grounds is the site needed.
Mrs. Geri Keil asked if the Planning Board had any alternative sites to recommend to
IWO that would be compatible with the town.
Mr. Kennedy noted that the Planning Board wanted to hear from the Public first.
Ms. Jean Foley noted that she attended the Tompkins County Wireless Workshop and
took notes from the workshop and thought it would be of some interest to the people .
Ms. Foley .read some of the notes she had taken at the Tompkins County Wireless
Mr. Scott Sears asked if Independent Wireless One Corp. has provided the height and
building ; requirements. Mr. Sears asked what the income potential was for IWO.
Mr. Marshall noted that the information pertaining to the height and building
requirements are in the application and are on record with the Planning Board Clerk. Mr.
Marshall noted that the revenue is not a requirement .
Mr. Kennedy confirmed that the Planning Board could not require that information.
Mr. Scott Sears asked what the application process was and what did the community
need to consider this type of facility.
Mr. Rachun described the application process and how the tower ordinance grew out of
the telecommunications act of 1966 .
Ms. Jean Foley asked what kind of build out was Independent Wireless One Corp
looking at in the future. Ms. Foley noted that the long- range plans of IWO were
Mr. Warner noted that the current plan is to provide service to Route 96 and he could
not comment on the future.
Mr. Marshall noted that residential real estate growth and the population growth must be
taken into consideration when addressing future plans. Mr. Marshall further noted that
that their business plan is uncertain for now.
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' Planning Board Meeting
Mr. Lyle Gordon noted that the primary problem is the visual pollution. He is
concerned that the Village of Trumansburg will be littered with towers.
Mr. Crowther noted Independent Wireless One Corp . did look into the McKeel Road
Tower and explained why the proposing site is line of site coverage.
Mr. Marshall noted that substantial analysis has been done. Independent Wireless One
Corp. is left with the site proposed because that is where coverage works for Route 96.
Mr. Gunther Keil stated that the reason Independent Wireless One Corp. does not want
to co-locate is because then they would have to pay rent .
Mr. Warner noted that Independent Wireless One Corp. would not own this tower that a
tower company would own it and IWO would be renting the tower from them.
Ms. Foley asked if IWO does not own the tower then who should be submitting an
application to the Planning Board .
Mr. Warner noted that Independent Wireless One is building the tower; therefore they
are the ones to submit the application.
Ms. Foley asked IWO representatives if their intentions are to sell the tower then who
would be the responsible party to make sure the RF testing is done and who would be
responsible for maintaining the landscaping.
Mr. Crowther noted that upon transfer of ownership the binding agreement states that
the facility has to be maintained.
Ms. Foley asked if the town would be notified if there was a transfer.
Mr. Crowther stated that there is no requirement for notification.
Mr. Rachun noted that there is a requirement in the tower ordinance to receive an annual
report from the responsible agency that includes an Electro Magnetic Radiation Level
Test (EMRL) and structural tests on the condition of the tower.
Mr. Kennedy asked if there were any further comments.
Mr. Lyle asked what the view of the tower would look like. Mr. Lyle asked if
Independent Wireless One had put up balloons or something to take photos of what the
proposed tower would look like.
Mr. Warner noted that Independent Wireless One Corp . had used a boom truck and that
various pictures had been submitted to the Planning Board.
Ms. Keil noted once again that the Planning Board should recommend alternative sites
that may be used.
Mr. Kennedy noted that the Planning Board has discussed other locations at previous
Mr. Warner showed coverage maps of alternative sites and identified the other locations
The sites analyzed are as follows :
( 1 ) The Village Water Tank
(2) The McKeel Road tower,
(3 ) A microwave tower in the town of Enfield,
(4) Tompkins County communications tower,
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Planning Board Meeting
At the Planning Boards request the following sites were analyzed:
( 1 ) The light poles at the Trumansburg High School
(2) The steeple on the Presbyterian Church
(3 ) The tower located on Ehrhart ' s Communication tower
Mr. Warner) noted that he felt IWO has been more than thorough in their coverage of
alternative sites. Mr. Warner noted that an analysis was done using the height of 100 feet
instead of 120 feet. He noted that the analysis of the tower at 1100 feet shows that there is
a gap in coverage on Route 96 . Mr. Warner noted that with the sites the Planning Board
asked IWO analyze the area of coverage was felt to be inadequate.
Mr. Tyler asked why Mr. Warner showed the McKeel tower at 130 feet when the tower
is 198 feet.
Mr. Warner stated that he did the analysis for 130 feet because he believed that 130 feet
was the available height of the tower. Mr. Warner noted that moving the antenna up an
additional 20 feet would have a minimal impact 3 miles away.
Mr. Hammond asked if Independent Wireless One Corp. could submit a propagation
study with the tower at the highest height possible. Mr. Hammond noted that in the last
presentation by IWO they could use a site mounted to a building or even indoors. He
noted that the Planning Board had asked IWO to look at a combination of the Village of
Trumansburg Water Tower and a building in the Village to cover the gaps on Route 96.
Mr. Warner noted that when using short towers the area of coverage is minimal. He
further noted that a large number of smaller towers would be necessary to get the same
amount of coverage from the one large tower.
Mr. Hammond noted that Independent Wireless One Corp . had previously stated a
preference to co-locating. Mr. Hammond noted that IWO stated their preference to using
existing structures. He further noted he was feeling resistance from IWO ; the
propagation studies show that Route 96 is mainly covered and he could not understand
why IWO seems to be against co-locating.
Mr. Hammond and Mr. Warner hung the maps and viewed possible coverage gaps using
alternative sites.
Mr. Warner commented on one facility opposed to multiple facilities. Mr. Warner
noted that he was not aware of the Presbyterian Church location.
Mr. Crowther noted that Independent Wireless One Corp. would have to speak with the
people at the Presbyterian Church. He also noted that the proposed site would be viable
for future carriers because of the line of sight coverage. He rioted that a tower that has
the ability to expand would eliminate the necessity for more sates locating in the Village
in the future.
Mr. Marshall noted that the building might have a historical significance, which could
be an issue .
The Planning Board and Independent Wireless One Corp. discussed the possible issues of
locating an antenna at the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Crowther noted that the future of technology in rural areas and the benefits of cell
phone usage . He noted that technology would be able to allow the transfer of pictures.
Ms. Foley noted that might not benefit the people in the area of Trumansburg because we
cannot even get high-speed Internet access because there is no cable.
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Planning Board Meeting
Mr. Tyler asked if the cell phone industry is growing at 30 percent every year and there
are 100 million cell phones in the country right now when will this be taken to satellite
usage .
Mr. Crowther noted that technology is experimenting with that and it will improve.
Mr. Tyler noted that the possibility could be in about ten years.
Mr. Warner and Mr. Tyler discussed the possibility of satellite usage in the future.
Mr. Kennedy noted he would like to hear more comments from the public .
Mr. Richard Koogan stated that five 60-foot towers are uglier than one tower. Mr.
Koogan noted that it should be considered to raise the tower from 120 feet to 200 feet .
He asked what would happen if the tower was at 150 feet. He asked why be faced with
another tower proposal when the tower can be raised to satisfy all future carriers.
Mr. Hammond stated that the McKeel Road tower was nearly 200 feet already so he did
not feel that raising the proposed tower from 120 feet to 200 feet would solve the
Mr. Richard Koogan asked what happens if the proposed tower is raised to 150 feet.
Mr. Marshall noted that at 150 feet IWO would have more coverage but 120 feet
satisfies the coverage requirements.
Ms. Foley asked if IWO had any negotiations with any other providers for subletting
Mr. Marshall noted no they do not have any potential carriers now.
Mr. Hammond asked why the McKeel Road Tower has not been considered for an
extension to the height of 250 feet .
Mr. Crowther noted that a tower over 200 feet has to be lighted.
Mr. Hammond noted that looking at the maps, the coverage is similar and the studies
show there isn't much loss of coverage. He noted that the proposed tower would not
benefit Trumansburg.
Mr. Marshall noted that IWO is not trying to force the location. He noted that IWO has
looked at alternative sites and sites the Planning Board has suggested. He noted that
IWO would look at additional sites in the Village area to use in conjunction with the
McKeel Road Tower.
Ms. Keil noted that Trumansburg does not have to accommodate every carrier that has a
Mr. Marshall noted that the telecommunications act states that a municipality cannot
discriminate between providers.
Mr. Kennedy asked if there was anyone from the Trumansburg Fair Grounds who would
like to speak.
Mr. Reynolds, President of the Fair Grounds noted that he felt the tower would improve
the Fair Grounds and provide the Fair Grounds with extra income .
Ms. Ruth Scott spoke in approval of the tower.
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Planning Board Meeting
Mr. Dan Higgins, Ithaca Journal asked if the tower application is approved when would
the tower be built.
Mr. Tyler asked if all the maps IWO had displayed have been explained to the public.
Mr. Marshall noted that all the maps have 1 thru 15 have been submitted with the
Mr. Warner noted that the numbering of the maps would differ. They are the same
maps but in different order.
Mr. Kennedy closed the floor for public comment at 9 : 50p. m .
Mr. Kennedy asked if the Planning Board had any questions.
Ms. Hilbert asked what the name of the company was that would be building the tower.
Mr. Rachun noted that the building permit application was Independent Wireless One
Mr. Kenna noted that Spectra Site Communications is the subcontractor.
Mr. Geiger asked about the different entities involved and requested a written
description of the various entities involved.
Mr. Kenna noted that Sprint, Independent Wireless One Corp. and Spectra Site
Communications are the parties are involved. Mr. Marshall explained the relationship
between IWO is Sprint issued license to IWO for this area and Spectra Site is the
contractor for the tower.
Mr. Kennedy noted the name to be Independent Wireless One Lease Realty Corporation.
Ms. Hilbert asked if co-locators have to submit a separate application.
Mr. Rachun answered yes and further noted that if a carrier wanted to co-locate on
IWO ' s tower' they would have to submit an application.
Mr. Crowther noted that Spectra Site builds the tower according to Independent
Wireless One' s specifications.
Ms. Hilbert noted her concern about the appearance of the tower.
Mr. Kennedy noted that Independent Wireless One Corp. ' s license is to cover Ulysses.
He noted that the map showing coverage does not show all of Ulysses. He asked if IWO
had more to show on the coverage for Ulysses.
Mr. Warner showed a map of coverage for the town of Ulysses.
Mr. Marshall noted that IWO ' s intent is to cover area so it does not have to return in the
Mr. Geiger noted a reference made about a drive test . He asked if the results could be
made available.
Mr. Warner answered yes.
Ms. Hilbert asked if neighbors in the past at other tower sites have ever been
compensated for their inconvenience of the towers view.
Mr. Marshall answered no .
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Planning Board Meeting
Mr. Kennedy noted that 5 other antennas are able to locate on the IWO tower. He asked
what would be the highest antenna to co-locate on their antenna.
Mr. Warner noted a clearance of 10 feet between the antennas.
Mr. Ochs asked how marketable the site would be to other carriers once it is built .
Mr. Warner noted that he thought the location was good. It would depend on the
megahertz and frequency needed by other carriers. Mr. Warner noted that a higher
frequency would make a big difference in the site .
Mr. Rachun asked if there were more permits being issued to PCS carriers.
Mr. Warner noted there were more permits for PCS carriers than cell carriers.
Mr. Geiger asked if anyone had approached the school district about the piece of
property near the school.
Mr. Marshall answered no the school had not been approached.
Mr. Kennedy asked if Mr. Marshall had received a response from the emergency service
Mr. Marshall noted that he had contacted Mr. Fulton but had not received a response yet.
Mr. Kennedy noted that Mr. Fulton had arrived before the meeting and he agreed with
the service road.
Mr. Hammond noted alternative sites that were suggested to Independent Wireless One
Mr. Marshall noted that locating in the Village might be a problem.
Mr. Marshall and the Planning Board discussed alternative sites and coverage gaps,
historical sites; Independent Wireless One Corp. noted that the proposed site is felt to be
the optimum location.
Mr. Warner noted that he did not anticipate the Presbyterian Church showing the
coverage .
Mr. Kennedy noted information the Planning Board would like to receive from
Independent Wireless One Corp. before the next meeting .
The following information was noted to be requested from IWO
( 1 ) Propagation studies of coverage at 180 feet from the McKeel Road.
(2) Photos of the boom truck at the Fair Grounds
(3 ) Contact with the Presbyterian Church
(4) Signal Strength from drive tests
(5) Written description of the entities involved with Independent Wireless
Mr. Kennedy asked if IWO was licensed in Ulysses.
Mr. Marshall answered yes that IWO was licensed for Ulysses. He noted that IWO was
licensed in all of Tompkins County and all of Lansing .
Mr. Kennedy asked if there were any further questions or comments.
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Planning Board Meeting
Mr. Hammond asked Mr. Rachun why there was trouble tracking down the company
that is in charge of leasing McKeel Road and what could be done to make sure the
necessary information is provided.
Mr. Rachun noted that the tower ordinance would have to be ,emended .
Mr. Hammond asked IWO who would provide the annual RF testing.
Mr. Kenna noted that the operations manager for the tower would provide the testing
Mr. Marshall stated that there is a compliance noted in the lease .
Mr. Kennedy asked if there were any further questions .
None were heard.
The Planning Board discussed a time for a meeting .
Having no further business Mr. Kennedy moved , seconded by Richard Geiger to
adjourn the Public Hearing until Thursday September 6, 2001 ,, at 7 : 30p. m .
Mr. Kennedy aye
Mr. Geiger aye
Mr. Ochs aye
Mr. Hammond aye
Ms. Hilbert aye
Mr. Tyler aye
The Public Hearing adjourned at 10 : 52 pm .
* These minutes are respectfully submitted as an official summary of the proceedings
of the Ulysses Planning Board meeting of August 27, 2001 , as observed and
understood by the Ulysses Planning Clerk. As a rule, comments made by individuals
are not entered as quotes, but have been summarized for the purpose of concisely
reflecting the Planning Board business.
Eva Gabriel
Planning Clerk
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