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8 / 8/ 2000
PRESENT: Supervisor Doug Austic, Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston, Sue
Poelvoorde, absent: Councilman Andrew Hillman and Robert Weatherby.
Others present: Jean Foley and Lynn Leopold of the EMC, Grace Wolfe from the
Trumansburg Free Press, Michelle Vonderweidt of the Recreation Partnership,
Tompkins County Representative Peter Penniman, Highway Superintendent
James Meeker, Town Clerk Marsha Georgia, Richard and Peg Coogan, Alex
Highland, Noah Vella, Jesse Hill, and Jacob Seegers.
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 30 p. m . and led those
assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
America .
Regular Town Board Meeting, July 11, 2000
After brief discussion where minor changes were noted, Ms. Poelvoorde moved
to approve the minutes of the Regular Town Board Meeting of July 11 ,2000. Mrs.
Duddleston seconded .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Public Hearing- Doublewide Zoning Ordinance, )une 6, 2000
Mrs. Duddleston moved, seconded by Ms. Poelvoorde to approve the minutes of
the Public Hearing of June 6, 2000 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Mrs. Duddleston moved, seconded by Ms. Poelvoorde to approve vouchers
numbers 298 through 335 for the amount of $43 ,458. 17.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Town Board Meeting
MICHEL V®NDERWEIDT of the Recreation Partnership discussed the
Recreation Partnership "A Proposal for the Future". The new agreement is the
result of work by the partnership spanning the past year and a half and is to
replace an expiring agreement. Mr. Vonderweidt explained that the Partnership
had to have an agreement by July of this year and this document is the result of
that. The new agreement is considerably different from the Partnership's old
agreement. Under the new agreement, funding for the partnership is broken
down to a quarter from the City of Ithaca, a quarter from the Town of Ithaca, a
quarter from Tompkins County, and a quarter from the smaller municipalities
participating, in the program . This breakdown represents significant change in the
fact that in the past Tompkins County did not provide funds . The Partnership
hopes to pull Newfield and Lansing into the program . These two municipalities
are currently the only two Tompkins County municipalities that are not
participating . The new divisions of cost take into account comparative wealth of
the various municipalities. The Town of Ulysses will be paying $5,972 next year,
an increase from $4, 630 this year . Mr. Vonderweidt noted that that extra cost
would equal ' more pull for the Town in the partnership . Another change in the
new contract takes exclusive control away from the Ithaca Youth Bureau . This
opens the doors to other recreation providers and hopefully will insure fair prices .
The new agreement is not proposed for a set number of years, but is left open
ended . Mr. Vonderweidt also noted that under the new contract, the Partnership
would be more actively seeking to keep costs of operation low . To take the
burden off of the City of Ithaca, the Recreation Partnershlip may ultimately take
over Cass Park because it is enjoyed by youth across Tompkins County. As a final
note, Mr. Vonderweidt stated that the partnership would not be taking over local
programs in its various municipalities . Mr. Vonderweidt ended his discussion by
expressing the hope of the partnership to get a declaration of support for the
new agreement from all participating municipalities . Once these declarations
have been turned in, the County will be able to declare it; share of the funding .
The Board discussed the matter with Mr. Vonderweidt. Mrs . Duddleston moved
seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde the following resolution .
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approves the
agreement as presented pending the approval of the document by the
Town's Attorney Bruce Wilson .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Mr. Austic will send a copy to Mr. Wilson .
Jean Foley with Lynn Leopold of the EMC discussed the Index of Unique
Natural Areas of Tompkins County and a pamphlet thereon . Ms . Foley turned the
presentation over to Ms. Leopold , who presented a slide show. The index is the
result of approximately five years of work by the Unique Natural Areas
committee of the Environmental Management Council . Every municipality will
receive a notebook bound set of Unique Natural Areas of Tompkins County . The
current set is a revision of an old inventory of U . N .A's of Tompkins County. Ms .
Leopold noted several criteria , which were considered in designating U . N .A's.
Some of these criteria included previous designation by the State of New York as
a natural area, preserve, or wetland, habitation by diverse species of animals and
or plants, Unique landscape features, and special historic: or mechanical
attributes . Each potential U . N .A. was looked at for selection for the inventory.
Each U . N .A. report notes where the site is, what the site is and what unique
Town of Ulysses 3
(3 a.
Regular Town Board Meeting
attributes placed it in the inventory . The committee hopes that the U. N .A.
inventory will serve to protect the Unique Natural Areas of the County through
informing landowners and users of the U . N .A's.
Ms. Leopold also informed the Board of the E . M . C's hotline which individuals can
call with questions about Unique Natural Areas in Tompkins County .
Ms. Leopold ended her presentation by opening the floor for questions. Peter
Penniman of the Tompkins County Board of Representatives stated his approval
of the project and the committee. The Board had no questions for the
representatives from E .M .C.
Tompkins County Board of Representatives Peter Penniman updated the
Board on the Public Safety Communications project. The County will be hiring a
consultant to look at issues surrounding the project induding cost and
technology. Related to the project is the fact that the State is looking into a
statewide emergency communications system . Progress on the emergency
communications project is moving slowly, but the County has obtained options
for six tower sites.
Mr. Penniman also reported a new report from the Board of Representatives. The
report is a twelve-page document that lists the advisory boards of Tompkins
Mr. Penniman also noted the importance of Towns citing approval of the
Recreation partnership agreement. He encouraged careful thought on the
proposed document.
A group of local youth attended the Town Board meeting to address the Board
about the possibility of creating a skateboarding park. Alex Highland was the
spokesman for the group. The group would like to see a skateboarding area in or
very dose to the village. Location near the village is key because this would allow
youth skateboarders without access to a car to use the facilities. Supervisor
Austic informed the speakers that the Town of Ulysses does not control land in
the village. The speakers are currently seeking potential sites for a park. If and
when a specific site is found, the speakers hope to turn in plans and hear from
the community. Mrs. Duddleston asked which potential locations the speakers
had in mind? Essentially, the group would like the use of a part of a parking lot
or similar location . One specific location that was noted is the flat piece of land
around the site of the Village Water Tower on the corner of Halsey and Hector
Streets. The group would like not only to have a skateboarding area, but would
also like to use the experience of seeking the space and approval as an
educational experience in working with local government. Local skateboarders
would run the site. Supervisor Austic had noted earlier that the Town does have
a piece of parking lot behind the Town Hall . As the discussion ended he agreed
to ask the person who owns the parking lot about the possibility of opening it up
for use by skateboarders and also suggested the group go to the Village of
Trumansburg about the matter as it owns much more parking lot space in the
village than the Town of Ulysses does. The group turned in a petition requesting
a skateboarding facility with over one hundred and seventy signatures. Alex
Highland also left the Town with an e-mail address at which he can be
conta ' .
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Town Board Meeting
Highway Superintendent James Meeker Construction has started on the
Curry Road Bridge pipe repair project. A contract has been made with Mark
Frampton Construction Services out of Pine City, New York. The contract is for
$23,000 and covers repairs and materials exclusive of heavy stone fill for the
down stream pool . The repairs will take two to three weeks.
Mr. Meeker also reported that the estimation for the Lake Street Bridge Project
had been reduced by about $40,000 to $556,000 . The project is not out for bid
yet, and MrJ Meeker will be meeting with County and Village highway
representatives to discuss funding for the project next week.
For the month, Mr. Meeker reported paving Lyke Road and shimmed Agard Road
between Willow Creek Road and NYS Rte. 89 . The Highway Department also
helped the Town of Enfield with hauling stone . Mowing has resumed after the
department worked on three driveways .
The Highway Department's mowing tractor is in need of repair. Mr. Meeker has
checked into prices for a new mower, but will do more research .
Supervisor Austic stated that to remove money from the highway equipment
reserve account a resolution would have to be passed .
Pursuant to; Section 64( 14) of Town Law, Mrs. Duddleston moved, seconded by
Ms. Poelvoorde a resolution subject to a permissive referendum to purchase a
new mowing tractor for the Town Highway Department the cost of which is not
to exceed $35,000 .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun was not present. Supervisor Austic
read his re ; ' rt. Nine permits were issued this month for three single-family
residences, four accessory buildings, and two additions . A BZA hearing is
scheduled for Monday, August 14 .
Town Cleric Marsha Georgia reported total fees for the month at $ 1 ,409,
$675 of which was turned over to the Supervisor along with her monthly report.
The Town Clerk's Office sent out four large boxes of court records for
microfilming . These have been approved by the State; when the microfilm comes
back the paper records can be destroyed . Mrs . Georgia and her Deputy Karin
Lanning attended a workshop in Harpursville, New York 'on indexing minutes.
The Town Clerk's Office will be applying for a grant to set up a system for
indexing minutes of Town meetings . Such a system would index minutes by
subject as well as by volume and page.
Mrs. Georgia also reported that the Town Clerk's Office hopes to be in direct
contact with the New York State DEC for the sales of Sporting Licenses soon . In
order to be connected, one of the computers in the office will have to be
updated . Mrs . Georgia has contacted Jeff Burns who works on the office's
computers about this matter. Mr. Burns has recommended a computer that
would cost approximately $ 1 ,500 . Mrs . Georgia's research shows this to be a
relatively low price, but she will look into prices further.
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Town of Ulysses 5
Regular Town Board Meeting
Ms. Poelvoorde asked if this program was already available through the state.
The program is ready and will be available to the Town Clerk Office as soon as
technology is updated .
Sporting Licenses for the 2000-2001 seasons go on sale Monday, August 14th .
Board Members and Committees
Mrs. Duddleston reported that the reassessments for the Town are back in . Of
those who issued complaints either through the county or at the Town Hall
during the assessment grievance night about half the assessments were
changed .
Mrs. Duddleston also reported for the Recreation Partnership. A budget has
been put together which meets a required decrease of ten thousand dollars. The
partnership cut the budget by raising some of its fees as well as by cutting funds
to some of its programs.
Supervisor Austic reported an increase in workmens' compensation as a result
of last year's audit. Other increases put the Town over budget for the garage
account 5132.4, as a result of the building project. Supervisor Austic asked the
Board to approve an increase in funds for this account by $22,401 .36. Most of
this is transferred, but account 5031 needs to be increased by $65 .36.
Mrs. Duddleston made a motion to adjust the budget as noted above, Ms .
Poelvoorde seconded .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
Supervisor Austic also reminded the Board that in September they would need to
start planning next year's budget.
Sinko Water District
Supervisor Austic reported that he is still waiting to hear from Hunt Engineering
about the project estimations. The Town is also waiting for the Village to send on
a letter of intent. If Hunt Engineering does not provide their report, the Town
may drop their engineering services in the study for Mr. Sinko's water district in
favor of the services of Barton and Loguidice. Supervisor Austic has been in
contact with Barton and Loguidice Engineering who say they will be able to
prepare the project estimates in a matter of one to two days.
3acksonville Water Petition Prouress/ B&L Reoort
Barton and Loguidice provided a cost estimate report for a Jacksonville Water
District. The district estimate is broken down into a series of scenarios for the
perimeters of the water district. The minimum district would have to encompass
Town of Ulysses 6
Regular Town Board Meeting
at least the area from Iradell Road to Jacksonville, including Van Dorns Corners
Road, an area not larger than Main Street, Jacksonville. Costs estimated by
Barton and Loguidice are approximately $550,000 to serve a minimum of 202
homes .
The Board discussed funding for the project. A grant made known to the Town
by New York State Assemblyman Martin Luster would provide $ 10,000 to
$20,000 . The NYS Revolving Fund would yield more, but consideration for this
fund is a challenge requiring a great deal of pulling the right strings in New York
State politics .
Supervisor Austic asked what the Board would like to do. He noted that the price
for the project has gone up since the last time a Jacksonville Water District came
before the Town Board . After some discussion, the decision was made to
continue to , work on petitioning with specific focus on the areas encompassed by
Barton and iLoguidice's plan .
Supervisor Austic also stated that he would write some articles on the matter for
the papers.
On another, note, the supply of water from the Bolton Point facility is pending
approval by the Town Board of Ithaca next week.
Discussion : Planning Board Zoning Proposal
The Town Planning Board together with Code Enforcement Officer has issued a
proposal for consideration by the Town Board . The proposal would establish five-
acre minimum lot sizes on NYS Rte 96, NYS Rte 227, NY5 Rte 89, Perry City
Road, Iradell Road, and Halseyville Road and two-acre minimum lot sizes
throughout the rest of the Town of Ulysses . The purpose of the proposal is to cut
down on building congestion .
Curry Road Bridge Proposal
Highway Superintendent James Meeker in the course of his report handled the
Curry Road Bridge Proposal .
Budget Modification to General Fund
The Trumansburg Area Chamber of Commerce has requested $32 . 25 from the
Town of Ulysses. The Chamber has posted a community advertisement for the
Village of Trumansburg in the Town of Ulysses, which plays four times a day on
local radio station WYXL 97 .3 . The Chamber has requested the $32. 25 in order
to pay for its last advertisement in this run .
Mrs . Duddleston moved, seconded by Ms . Poelvoorde to adjust the General Fund
Account by $32. 25 in order to pay for the final radio advertisement in a run set
up by the Trumansburg Area Chamber of Commerce .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms . Poelvoorde aye
Adopted .
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Town of Ulysses 7
Regular Town Board Meeting
Supervisor Austic received a correspondence from Adam Pratt requesting
approval to set up a government site for Jacksonville. Mrs. Georgia has already
been in contact with him to discuss the matter.
Ms. Poelvoorde moved to adjourn , seconded by Mrs. Duddleston
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
The meeting was adjoumed at 9 : 30 PM .
Respectfully submitted,
Marshal L. Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG: ki