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MARCH 3151-
, 1999
PRESENT; Supervisor Douglas Austic; Councilpeople Carolyn Duddleston , Sue
Poelvoorde and Robert Weatherby; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ;
Attorney Bruce Wilson ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia ; ABSENT: Councilman
Andrew Hillman
Others Present : Thomas Reitz, Robert Brown, Krys Call , and Peter Demjanec .
Supervisor Austic called the meeting to order at 7 : 15 PM .
Mr. Austic and the Board will review any comments that came up at the public
hearing on March 1st, 1999 and any written comments that have been received
up to March 25th, 1999 . He asked the Board members if they all had the copies
of comments from Thomas Overbaugh , Ehrhart Propane Gas, William Shaw, for
Grant Property, John Schroeder, Citizen's Planning Alliance, and Robert Brown,
Flo-Tech Inc . They all have copies and they reviewed .
John Schroeder, Citizen 's Planning Alliance
The Board felt that this was the same comment that was read at the public
hearing and they feel that they have been addressed or will be in the future with
such things as zoning . They see nothing in his comments to alter the plan .
Robert Brown, Flo-Tech Inc
Mr. Brown has placed a purchase offer for the entire 170-acre parcel at the
Corner of Halseyville Road and Route 96 that the comprehensive plan has
purposed as a Commercial 1 ( providing goods and services for tourists) . Mr.
Brown is concerned that this change could affect the use that he wishes for the
land , being 1 . To build a home and farm buildings with animals and some
agricultural on a large portion of the property (70 acres) , 2 . To build a 6,000
light manufacturing building on a 2 . 5-acre portion of the property, and 3 to
subdivide the remainder (95-98 acres) into 2-5 acre parcels for single-family
homes. He feels that he may be forced to abandon the purchase if the zoning is
altered in such a way as to prevent him from carrying out his plans.
Mr. Austic does agree that his plan is a feasible plan for the Town and further
feels that if such tools as a PUD or variance procedures are implemented the
comprehensive plan could stay the way it is proposed and the Brown 's could
apply and be successful . Mr. Austic states that if you start changing these zones
On proposed uses we could start having a whole gang of problems somewhere
else . Someone else could request something on a vacant piece of land .
Attorney Bruce Wilson stated that the Zoning Law itself would have to create
some sorts of alleviation for this. There is the Zoning Board of Appeals. There
are two kinds of variances, the area and the use. The area is fairly easy to get
and than the use variance which is harder to get. The other avenue, although it
is not referred to in the comprehensive plan is the planned unit development .
That is intended to be used when things don't fit nicely into categories of
residential or commercial 1 , 2, 3 but it is a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
It is a way of multi use zoning .
The Board chooses not to change the comprehensive plan map and leave that
area as a Cl .
Special Board Meeting
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Thomas Overbaugh, Ehrhart Propane Gas
Mr. Overbaugh feels that his business has been left out of the plan as a C3 or
anything to that matter.
Mr. Austic feels this was just an oversight and it should be included in the C3
across the road . The rest of the Board felt the same . This will be corrected on
the map .
William Shaw, Grant Property on Route 96
The Grants are the owners of the 14 acres along Route 96 near the intersection
with Halseyville Road . Included in this is the Barangus Bar and Restaurant.
They are requesting that the property be designated as a C2 . They feel that it
would be a hardship to them if this land were grandfathered or given a non-
conforming use status.
Mr. Austic feels that they're maybe some problems with certain areas of the 14
acres, such as towards the intersection of Halseyville and Rt. 96 that are low
laying areas and also at the other end by the creek. He feels that it these areas
may be eliminated if anything else was to be done there. He feels that you could
state for existing business and maybe a little extra land could be a C2 but not the
whole 14 acres.
The Board discussed this and came up that they could extent the Cl to include
all of the Grant property .
Mr. Austic asked if anyone sees any other changes to be made to the map . They
saw no other changes at this time .
Review of the Draft Comprehensive Plan
Page 28 needs a change under Industrial and Commercial development.
Remove the entire first sentence . Change the second sentence (that will now be
the first) as follows. A complete build-out of any commercial zone could
dramatically alter the character of the town .
Page 21, 22 remove low impact, moderate impact under Commercial 1 , 2, & 3
and anywhere else it refers to the impact should be struck. Sue felt this is not
the document to define what the impact is . She knows what the intent was but
feels it is inappropriate here .
Sue also feels that nowhere's in the document does it refer to implementation, a
recommendation to re-visit this plan at a future date . There should be certain
steps to be followed after the Comprehensive Plan is complete, even besides
zoning . It does not address that this should be looked at again . It is logical, and
it makes sense but she feels that somewhere it should be stated the plan would
be reviewed .
Mr. Austic stated that maybe a couple of paragraphs that states in 4-5 years the
board would re-look at this.
Attorney Wilson stated that under Statue 272a it was added that the Town Board
should provide, as a component of such proposed comprehensive plan , the
maximum intervals at which the adopted comprehensive plan shall be reviewed .
So it is a statutory mandate .
They discussed the maximum to be every ten years. Mrs. Georgia asked where
this would be placed in the document? Mr. Wilson says that it could be just part
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of the resolution . After discussion they decided they would be more comfortable
with a review after five years.
Sue would like it stated in the document and the resolution . Sue will write it up .
Page 30 Possible impacts should read its recommendations could have the
following impacts. Remove what is after that in brackets.
No other changes were made .
The Board reviewed the State Environmental Quality Review, Full Environmental
Assessment Form ( pages 33 — 36) .
Part I -- Project Information was corrected as follows :
Mr. Austic has received the correct numbers for acreage from Tompkins County
Assessment. Before they had just estimated . They change the numbers as
2 . Total acreage of project area 18534.
Meadow or Brush land ( non-agricultural ) + -345 acres
Forested + - 1766 "
Agricultural (includes orchards, cropland,
Pasture, etc . ) + 42459 "
Wetland (freshwater) + 40 "
Water Surface Area +4600
Unvegetated ( Rock, earth or fill) + - 10
Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces +- 1604 "
Other; State Park + -730
No other changes made on part 1 .
Part 2 - Project Impacts and Their Magnitude
Statement before the questions it should read : Impacts and their magnitude
are unknown at this time and may be reviewed during the rezoning process.
The Board reviewed and answered the following :
1 . Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project site?
2 . Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual landforms found on the site?
3 . Will proposed action effect any water body designated as protected ?
4. Will proposed action effect any non -protected existing or new body?
5 . Will proposed action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity?
6 . Will proposed action alter drainage flow or patterns, or surface water runoff?
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7 . Will proposed action effect air quality?
8 . Will proposed action effect any threatened or endangered species?
9 . Will proposed action substantially affect non-threatened or en -dangered
10 . Will the proposed action effect agricultural land resources?
11 . Will proposed action effect aesthetic resources?
12 . Will proposed action impact any site or structure of historical prehistoric or
paleontological importance?
13 . Will proposed action effect the quantity of quality of existing or future open
spaces or recreational opportunities?
14. Will proposed action impact the exceptional or unique characteristics of a
critical environmental area (CEA) established pursuant to subdivision 6 NYCRR
617 . 14(g )?
15 . Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems?
16 . Will proposed action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy
supply? Unknown
17 . Will there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibration as a result of the
proposed action?
18 . Will proposed action effect public health and safety?
Other impact : Beneficial impact to health and safety to town wide
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19 . Will proposed action effect the character of the existing community?
20 . Is there, or is there likely to be, public controversy related to potential
adverse environmental impacts?
The Town Board briefly discussed the impact (question # 20 — yes) .
They described how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to
moderate impact by project changes. This would be accomplished through the
SEQR process for each project that may come up, the Re-zoning and the Site
Plan Review Process.
They continued and answered the following questions :
-The probability of the impact occurring is unknown .
-The duration of the impact would be 5 years .
-Its irreversibility, including permanent lost resources of value would be
reversibly in the zoning .
-Whether the impact can or will be controlled would be yes.
-The regional consequence of the impact has been considered and it is a positive
-Its potential divergence from local needs and goals would be consistent with
needs and goals.
-Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. These are
unknown .
Mr. Austic moved seconded by Mr. Weatherby to accept Parts 1 , 2 & 3 of the
State Environmental Quality Review full EAF as completed .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Having discussed the matter of the application of the Town Comprehensive Plan
for an Environmental Assessment Pursuant to the State Environmental Quality
Review Act, as to declare a positive or a negative declaration .
Ms. Poelvoorde moved seconded by Mr. Weatherby the following :
It is hereby determined, pursuant to Section 617 . 4( b) of the regulations
implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act, that the
proposed plan is a Type 1 Action and appropriate for the preparation of a
Generic Environmental Impact Statement.
It is hereby further determined that the following agencies are or may be
interested in the proposed action and have received notice .
Village of Trumansburg
Town of Covert
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Town of Ithaca
Town of Enfield
Town of Hector
The Town will consider pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Comprehensive Plan
recommendation that the draft comprehensive plan be also considered the
draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement with the appendices and
inventory attached thereto as review of environmental significance.
That pursuant to New York Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR
617. 80 , (d ) the public comment period for the draft GEIS has passed and
from the duly noticed public hearing on said GEIS as submitted being the
duly noticed March 1 , 1999 hearing .
Resolved that the Board is now free to act on said draft GEIS as a result
of this positive declaration and prior submitted GEIS as a part of said
submitted comprehensive plan and public comment thereon .
Mr. Austic aye
Ms. Poelvoorde aye
Mrs . Duddleston aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Mrs. Duddleston moved seconded by Ms. Poelvoorde the Following Statement of
Pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA, article 8
of the Environmental Conservation Law, and the regulations promulgated
thereunder (6 NYCRR part 617), the Ulysses Town Board as lead agency
for this application makes the following findings with respect to the
proposed Ulysses Town Comprehensive Plan .
I . The Town of Ulysses Town Board is the lead agency with respect to the
Town Comprehensive Plan . The Town Board acting as such lead agency
under SEQRA has accepted a Generic Environmental Impact Statement
(GEIS) with respect to such proposed action . The Town Board has given
consideration to the GEIS .
II . The requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 617 have been met.
III . Consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations, from
among the reasonable alternatives thereto, the approval of the
comprehensive plan is an action, which minimizes or avoids adverse
environmental effects to the maximum extent practicable, including the
effects disclosed in the GEIS.
IV. Consistent with social, economic and other estate considerations, to the
maximum extent practicable, adverse environmental effects revealed in
the GEIS will be minimized or avoided by incorporating provisions of the
proposed plan with those mitigated measures which were identified as
practicable .
V. The following facts and conclusions in the GEIS support the Town Board's
approval of the proposed comprehensive plan and indicate the social ,
economic and other factors which form the basis of said p` oroval :
A. Need for the Plan
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The New York State Law §272-a called for the legislative body of Towns
to adopt a comprehensive plan for the purpose of proper land use
regulation .
The Town Board by special resolution having chosen a special board to
draft a comprehensive plan, and said draft having been reviewed by the
Town Planning Board after public hearing and being favorably referred to
the Ulysses Town Board for action, and
Whereas, the draft comprehensive plan envisions under Chapter 5 thereof
that the draft itself and attached appendices provides sufficient data and
information for a Generic Environmental Impact Statement.
The Town Board has reviewed the environmental plan to the extent that
no site specific projects are yet planned and has reviewed the information
on soil types, topography, census data , traffic, land use and natural
resources and as well as the development projections and conclusions of
the plan and accepts same as a final Generic Environmental Impact
Statement, and approves same as submitted and amended .
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Duddleston aye
Mss Poelvoorde aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Adopted .
Mr. Austic reviewed what had been done for the arriving Planning Board
He suggests that the Comprehensive Plan be voted on at the Regular Town
Board Meeting on April 13th, 1999 so that the changes can be made and Sue can
write up something on implementing .
Mr. Austic informed the Board that the Town 's insurance agent has left the firm
the Town deals with and he has requested that the Town follow him to his new
firm . Mr. Austic stated that he told him that the Town would stay with the
current firm until their contract is up and than he would be welcome to present
the Town with a price for insurance. The Board felt the same.
Mr. Austic reviewed the proposal from NYSE Solutions and the contract that the
County wishes him to sign for lower electrical rates. The general consensus of
the Board was that there are many questions unanswered and they would like
some clarification . Mr. Austic will invite a representative from the Alliance to
attend the Town Board Meeting coming up .
Hearing no further business Mrs. Duddleston moved seconded by Ms. Poelvoorde
to adjourn the meeting . Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned .
Respectfully submitted ,
Marsha L. Georgia
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG : mg