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1997-04-08 - TB
TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 8, 1997 PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic, Councilpeople Peter Penniman, Robert Weatherby, Catherine Stover, and Carolyn Duddleston ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker; Town Clerk Marsha L. Georgia. TC Representative Peter Meskill. Others Present : Judy Reese, Thomas Reitz, Grace Wolf, Lauren Stanforth. Supervisor Austic called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 7: 30 PM and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Austic entertained a motion to approve the Special Board Meeting of March 3rd, 1997 and the Regular Town Board Meeting of March 11th, 1997. Moved by Mrs. Duddleston, seconded by Mr. Penniman. Unanimously approved. CLAIMS Mr. Austic explained that he had reduced voucher # 98 for Si (error in addition) and also reduced voucher # 96 to the American Legion by $139. The Legion 's voucher included this extra for a request for a plague to be placed on the old cannon. Mrs. Duddleston will find out more about this request, but at this time it will be deducted and only the budgeted amount will be paid. Mr. Austic also presented three more vouchers that were not on the abstract - for Peter Penniman in the amount of $391. 54 for his trip to the NYS Association of Towns Meeting -- the payment of the budgeted amount for the Trumansburg Senior Citizens of $750. and to Carolyn Duddleston for reimbursement for Municipal Officers Meeting of $41.50 -- for a total of claims in the amount of 48,766.50 Mr. Weatherby moved, seconded by Mrs. Stover the approval of the claims previously mentioned. Unanimously approved. REPRESENTATIVES REPORTS Public Comment Fishing Tournament no one spoke County Board Representative Peter Meskill reported that he has previously distributed a letter to the Board and Mr. Meeker from Ward Hungerford stating the work on the bridge on Podunk Road at the end of the month. Discussed the work on Perry City Road. Mr. Meskill stated that he had asked that Mr. Hungerford not to make any more promises that he can not keep on road work. He also said he was going to clean up Cold springs Road. He talked about fixing Jacksonville Rd. intersection leading into Perry City Road for better site • and the same type of thing at Halseyville ltd. and Perry City Rd. He stated that he had sent a letter about the new Economic Development Grant. Mr. Austic stated that the application was already filled out and gone in. He also stated that he was informed that the Town of Ulysses is first on the list. Mr. Meskill asked who would be attending the Fire Departments Banquet to be held Saturday evening. Mr. Reitz asked about a County wide clean-up. Mr. Meskill stated that he feels that the Town will not want to participate due to the cost. Mr. Reitz also asked if the Town 's numbering system is working well with the 911. Mr. Meskill feels it is going well. Mr. Reitz volunteered to help finish the numbering on the lake. ` aTh` c Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 2 4-8-97 TOWN REPORTS Highway Superintendent Mr. Meeker reported - cut brush, cleaned out ditches, holes patched in roads, cold patching on roads, plowed and salted as needed. Mr. Meeker is having a meeting with the engineers on the bridge work. They may do something different but the cost to the Town will stay the same. They are talking about doing something different on Seneca Rd. with the guard rail and the concrete wall. • Code Enforcement Officer Mr. Rachun was absent. Mr. Austic read the report. One single family building permit, one permit for alterations, and one for an addition. Town Clerk Mrs. Georgia reported that a total of $733 was collected for the month of March of which $589.83 was turned over to the Supervisor along with the monthly report. In the Tax Department she has printed the second notice statements and they will be mailed out tomorrow. Committees and Board Members Councilman Penniman distributed a memorandum on his proposed improvements on the Ulysses Home Page. The things he feels that should be included are as follows ; Local regulations, including fee schedules Text of ordinances A monthly calendar of events in the Town Expanded list of businesses, including, for example, childcare providers A comment section for people to write in , with a general email address for citizens to respond to the entire Town Board. More information about Village government, presented in an integrated way An index or easy way to search for information at the site (e.g. discussion of a particular subject in meeting minutes Mr. Penniman also discussed ways that the site may be enhanced as follows : Expand the history section • Add a Trumansburg Village web site with links where appropriate Consider changing the format of the lists to a more readable format (see Caroline site) Provide a list of email addresses of local residents? (not sure how we could do this) ©q Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 4-8-97 The other thing Peter reported was on the Master Plan - he has sent away for several samples in other municipalities. They are recommended by the NYS Planning Association as good examples. The intern, Eileen, has started to or has come up with a new way of presenting our plan . The wording is the same but the format is different. He will have an example ready when the Master Plan meets next. Councilwomen Duddleston had a report on the use of youth activity from Ulysses. There is a meeting this Thursday night. Some changes are proposed for Cass Park ie. • lighting. Supervisors Financial Report Mr. Austic review the report and explained some changes that he has to make. No questions. OLD BUSINESS Report on Building Progress Mr. Austic reported that the old tile has been removed, sheet rock mostly completed, back two offices have been primed and painted. The court room is full of base and trim that needs to be sanded, primed, and painted. Jennifer (Deputy Clerk) has been doing a lot of extra (priming walls, painting, sanding base etc .) Doug stated that she is doing a very good job. Matter of fact he stated that there are plenty of paint rollers if anyone would like to stop by and paint. Doug asked if anyone had a problem with Jennifer or anyone painting. No problems with help. Doug explained about the mural that goes in the hallway that will be donated by area artists beaded up and organized by Mark Engles. This is free - volunteers will paint. Other none heard NEW BUSINESS Bid Acceptance, Highway Truck Highway Superintendent James Meeker reviewed the bids received for the new truck and explained the differences in the two makes/models. Bids were received from Stadium for an International of a bid of S89 and the other received was from Beam Mack for a Mack Truck for a bid of $92 ,839. Mr. Meeker recommended to the Board that the low bid be rejected from Stadium and accept the higher bid from Beam Mack for the reasons previously discussed. Mr. Penniman moved, seconded by Mr. Weatherby the following ; RESOLVED, that the TOWN BOARD of the Town of Ulysses rejects the low bid of S 89,252 . from Stadium International Trucks, Inc. for the following reasons: 1. Not a C7 engine (Heavy Duty) 2 . C -12 Cat is light & medium duty engine 3. International is steel cab dipped with galvized. 4. Cross flow radiator 5. Transmission doesn 't have to bole 6. Box is 3/8 ' steel floor versus 3/16 with 1/4 plate welded over it. -a,a Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 4-8-97 Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Stover aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Weatherby aye Mr. Penniman aye Adopted Mrs. Duddleston moved, seconded by Mr. Penniman the following ; • RESOLVED, that the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF ULYSSES excepts the bid from Beam Mack Sales and Service, Inc. for a 1998 Mack Truck, Model # RD688S, equipped with a 16' Virginian Dump Body and Frink Snow Plow Hitch, for a total of $92,839. Mr. Austic aye Mrs. Stover aye Mrs. Duddleston aye Mr. Weatherby aye Mr. Penniman aye Adopted Comprehensive Plan Meeting Dates A meeting date was set for April 22nd at 7: 00 pm to be held at the Village Meeting room. Supervisor Austic will check with the others. Priorities for Renovations Plans Supervisor Austic reviewed the list of extra work he has requested prices for from the Cutter Construction . It was decided at this time to have Cutter do the Front Entry Door at a price of $553., and provide and install title in the kitchen, half bath and office # 1, #2 , and #3, copy room and the clerks office for a price of $4,383. The other changes will be discussed later. County Grant Ideas Previously discussed. Other HEARING OF INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS none heard CORRESPONDENCE Supervisor Austic stated that he has organized the application for the fishing tournament request. He has taken pictures of the fairgrounds etc ., gotten broachers on the area. He has gotten a call from Don Oliver and he is a little concerned, but Mr. Austic assured him that it is most likely two or three years down the road and before that he would get together with him. Mr. Weber of the campground stated that a couple of years ago many fisherman stayed at the campgrounds and he had no problems. Mr. Austic will mail out the application. aq7 Town of Ulysses Regular Board Meeting 4-8-97 Mr. Penniman stated that he had attended the meeting of the SPEAK-Up and their concerns about GRASSROOTS FESTIVAL. There will be another meeting on the 15th. There are questions about police coverage and who is responsible. The Board felt that the Grassroots Assoc. should be responsible for police coverage. The problems should be addressed to the Fair Board who rent the space to the festival. Hearing no further business Mrs. Duddleston moved for adjournment, seconded by Mrs. Stover. Hearing no objection jj Unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 9: 45 pm. S Respectfully submitted, Marsha L. Georgia Ulusses Town Clerk MLG : mg •