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OCTOBER 8, 1996
PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover, Peter
Penniman and Robert Weatherby; Councilwoman Carolyn Duddleston absent ; James
Meeker, Highway Superintendent; Marsha L. Georgia, Town Clerk.
Others Present : Peter Meskill, TC Board Representative; Thomas Reitz, Grace Wolf,
• Free Press Reporter and Judy Reese.
Supervisor Austic opened the meeting at 7 :30 pm and led those assembled in the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.
Supervisor Austic entertained a motion for the approval of the minutes of 9-10-96 and 9-
24-96 and asked if there were any corrections. Mrs. Stover indicated that the meeting of
9/24, page 3, 3.B should be architectural not agricultural. Mr. Penniman asked to have
LTPO explained to him from 9- 10 meeting mentioned on page 3 under Alpha House
District Progress. Mr. Austic did so. Mr. Penniman also stated that in the next
paragraph he just thought that it would be appropriate that we don 't quote word for
word the jokes that are told at Board meetings. It might repress anyone from
attempting humor -- quoted a statement in the 9-10-96 meeting page 3, paragraph 3. He
felt it was a pretty vague statement and possibly misleading. The other one is page 4,
last paragraph in reference to a board member asking were they were and was told. He
feels that at times not to have minutes verbatim and just condense. Does not know the
policy. Also on the last page under John Spence from the SPCA -- he feels his statement
was not a clear statement. It was not made clear if the minutes are to reflect what
people say of make what the say make sense.
Hearing no further discussion Mrs. Stover moved to except the minutes of 9-10-96 of the
Regular Town Board Meeting and the minutes of the 9-2496 Board Meeting with the
correction of architectural from agricultural, seconded by Mr. Penniman. Unanimously
Mrs. Stover moved, seconded by Mr. Penniman the approval of voucher 363 through
396 in the amount of $22,217.97 that were previously reviewed by the Board.
Unanimously approved.
County Board Representative Peter Meskill reported that the County Budget has been
through committee part of the budget process and now on the actions of the committees
are being summarized and than it goes forward to the budget committee the week of the
• 21st of October. A look will be taken on what the committees have done and than either
make further recommendations or cuts or increase it. That will be the budget for the
public along the 1st week of November for public hearings. The sales tax issue will be
brought forward for a vote by the Board. (It is a free sales tax shopping - scheduled for
the 3rd week in January on clothes and shoes only.)
Mr. Austic asked about election expenses and billing? ?? Peter was not sure but would
find out.
Mr. Meeker asked about the bus shelter that is missing for the Jacksonville site. Mr.
Meskill advised that one is on order.
Town of Ulysses
- 2
Regular Town Board Meeting
10-8 -96
Highway Superintendent, James Meeker reported that the Auction of 9/14 turned out
pretty decent for the Town. They got rid of the one-ton truck and the other stuff they
had kicking around the barn 's. After commission and everything they ended up with a
little over S4500. They have been doing brush cutting on Rabbit Run Road, Indian Fort
Rd., working on mowing back roads for winter, starting to work on trucks and
equipment for winter time. Got seal coats pretty well finished on Glenwood ltd.,
Maplewood Rd., Wilkins Rd. , and Colegrove Rd.. Still have shoulders to put down on
Wilkins Rd. . Salt -- Cargil has early order option -- dropped price for off season,
OctoberWovember to $23.40 per ton. Good price will fill up the salt shed . Reported
that the County is suppose to start working on the Perry City Road doing some pipe
replacement and than some paving. Lower end needs some holes filled. Bad shape.
County representative suggested that the Town take photos of the large holes and put
the County on warning, before plowing begins, that they are liable.
Mr. Austic asked Mr. Meeker if he would have time to remove tree out back and do
some digging for the new addition to the building. Meeker has no problem -- maybe
have Dave Allen cut down tree. Mr. Meskill asked how the Highway Superintendent felt
about the County' s resolution on the Bridge Replacement Program --they discussed this -
- if the Board feels they don 't like the percentages they can negotiate. Mr. Meeker
stated that he attends monthly Highway Superintendents meetings and he will get the
feelings of all the other Highway Superintendents on this issue.
Code Enforcement Officer, Alex Rachun absent 1l Supervisor Austic read the submitted
report\\\four permits were issued, 2 for additions.. He is close to collecting the amount in
the '96 budget. Discussed the Ledger property on Meekel Rd. and the junk collecting.
Mr. Meskill suggested that. TC Solid Waste or Health Dept. maybe of help.
Town Clerk, Marsha L. Georgia reported that $5,618. 50 was collected for the month of
September -- of that $743.98 was turned over to the Supervisor along with the monthly
report. The largest portion of the months fees of $3,976.50 was turned over to DEC for
sporting licenses. $ 775 was deposited for the deposit on plans from contractors. This
amount was kept in the Clerk's account (per permission from Supervisor) for easier
access for the return of the deposit when contractors return the plans. It was discussed
how long to accept the return of plans and return there deposits. The Board felt 90
days from the bid opening would be reasonable time to wait.
Committees and Board Members Board Member Peter Penniman reported that the
Economic Committee met last Thursday. They will meet again on the 4th Thursday in
October in the Village Hall., at 7: 30pm. Carl Heck, representative form the TC
Planning Department has been invited to help give them some ideas in developing a
economic development plan . The meeting after that will be the 3rd Thursday in
November and they are hoping to have information from other Towns and what they
have done.
Supervisor's Financial Report was reviewed by Mr. Austic . Asked for questions ; Mr.
Penniman asked about the drop in General Savings of $6000. and in Part Town Savings
there is an increase of $6000. -- Was there a transfer? Mr. Austic stated that S7050.
came in from revenue sharing that went into Part Town Savings -- some went into there
and 518,222 went into Highway Part Town. The drop in the General Savings is
probably payroll and bills paid.
Alpha House District Progress still in the Attorney's bands. Drafting contracts. He needs
to see any easements and that sort of thing.
Town of Ulysses 3
Regular Town Board Meeting
10-8 -96
Exterior Rebidding Building Project Mr. Austic suggests that when they re-bid the
exterior to do different options such as brick, cobblestone, drive-it, what ever option you
choose to do. Then you would have the right to select which one you want to do. The
Board general consensus was to talk with the architect and re-bid as Mr. Austic
Mr. Austic reported that the attorney is working on the contracts for the contractors
that were awarded the project and next week things should get started.
1997 Budget Review tabled until later
Tompkins County Bridge Proposal previously discussed.
1997 Tompkins County Snow Contract
Mr. Meeker has reviewed and he sees no problem nor does the Supervisor. The contract
is up to $61,380 to plow County roads, 36.8 miles. Mr. Austic was authorized to sign
and Mr. Meeker will deliver. Jim will also check on the insurance.
Contracts and Meeting for Building
Contracts previously discussed. Discussion of monies -- Mr. Weatherby moved,
seconded by Mrs. Stover the following :
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the
expenditure of $78,000 for the construction of an addition and alterations to the Town
Hall, 10 Elm St., Trumansburg, NY. per plans and specifications on file, this is subject
to a permissive referendum.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this money would be withdrawn from the General
Capital Reserve Account.
Mr. Austic aye
Mrs. Stover aye
Mr. Weatherby aye
Mr. Penniman aye
Other New Business Mr. Austic feels that they should have the Planning Board start
• looking at the Zoning Laws for cellular towers. As of now it would come under Special
Use Permits and there are none to very little restrictions . The Planning Board also
needs to start reviewing zoning changes that may come about with the Master Plan. Mr.
Austic will contact David Tyler the chairman to set a meeting.
1997 Budget
Mr. Austic stated that the Blue Cross/Blue Shield contract for health insurance will have
an increase of 7 % . The tentative budget will change as follows ;
A9060.08 S24,255 (this is reduced because originally it had the amount in for
Mrs. Mounts insurance)
B9060.08 4,596.
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Town Board Meeting
10-8 -96
DA9060.08 14,412
DB9060.08 14,412
Another change is Youth Employment - to be increased by $500 - this is financed due to
a change. Revenue will also go up - not sure of exact figure.
A7310.01 3,655
Election expense was discussed and felt it could be reduced by $6100.
A1450.04 3,000
The Capital Reserve Fund was discussed -- Mr. Austic pointed out that he has put
$20,000 in the budget (that will go towards building). They continued discussing the
fund balances. In the DA Fund balance, Mr. Austic suggested, they could take for
example $25,000 and reduce the property tax for the DA fund. Say you were to do that
and with the current assessment up you could have a tax increase of 1. 7 % . This budget
is a lower cost budget -- the only thing basically that went up is the 3 % for salaries and
health insurance. If you did not use the $25,000 you could be looking at about 8 % . Mr.
Austic feels they should not use all of the fund balances -- be would like to see 20/25 %
in fund balances for emergencies. It's hard to determine fund balances for the end of
1996 JJ not all revenues are in. The general consensus of the Board is to use as much as
possible of fund balances. Mr. Austic will re-work the budget with these changes and
use more of the fund balances and give the new print outs to the Board so they can get a
better look at the budget prior to the next meeting. It was decided that they would meet
at 6 : 30pm on October 22nd, 1996 prior to the discussion of the Comprehensive Plan.
Hearing of Individuals or Groups
Judy Reese expressed her concerns of the past tragic happenings in the Town of Dryden
with the death of the two teenage girls. She felt that the Town should send their
condolences. They talked about donating to the memorial fund in the name of the girls.
Mr. Austic will check out the legalities.
Mr. Austic reviewed the correspondence.
Hearing no further business Mr. Penniman moved, seconded by Mrs. Stover for
adjournment of the meeting. Hearing no objection it was unanimously approved to
adjourn at 10: 15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha L. Georgia •
Ulysses Town Clerk
MLG : mg