HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-22 - TB a1. 22 . l. :,a : Minutes of Special Board Meeting of UC: t . ober 2 ! i . 1995 Present : ' om Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis . Doug Austie Alison ' : Pol. Weatherby Meeting called to order at a.1.) 1) rc.) xiniiteI .. ft : 15 PM :after ' Joiiii iIlage / l \ ,.. I Youth Commission :frandi. rig meeting Main order of I:)tls .IrlC `:S `, to establish ;; f. ;:!. Ii; ,la. i `rl. work weeks as I ' C '; l11 (;• ;> 1 . :,ca I ,Y Retirement system . • Discussion pursed relating to generally ace :4) !_ d work week ill flit: past feet " each department for the town . Proposed o I i c rri by Mr' . Reitz z, t. ha t the wen k Week be established is follows : Seconded by Mrs , Stover town Clerk : 'tctaay> week at 7hr' s per day plus 31 / 2 hrs on Saturday Justice / Court Clerk : 5day week al 7 fat ' s / clay: Justice : 2day week at 7 Ilrs ;'day Supervisor : 5day week al 4Hrs / clay Code Lnfor' cement, Officer 5day week at 711rs / da.y Highway Superintendent 5day week at Bli.rs / da.y- Highway Hourly labor 5day week al 81Irs / da.y Deputy town Clerk t1t)tn' Iyy at 21111' s / week. Hearing no further discussion a. vote was taa; un as Vol loi-: s Aye : Peitz . S1, uvt " t Curtis . Austie Nay rlonc . . . . Passecl Discussion of Joint, Town / Village building proposal Peitz discussed the proposed cIiansfes in the building i:ilan presented by the vi I la.ge to add another meeting room and make the roar room la.r • ger and also add a. divider to make possible two smaller rooms . Also mention was made of discussion of Joint town / village committee meeting were the front entry was diseussed and posSIbfe changes were suggested . Al. this point: Austie staled that he did not feel that the actual design of the building was impol ' til.i ) 1 at this point and that the agreement structure was more si ;nifica.nt at LtiI. s time , . Concerns were voiced by Stover as to the ownership of the building WO how that would work . Austic stated thrat it would apparently ( as of latest proposal ) be owners by the village and a Ic , rlg ter 'in lease of a nominal fee be t h<i.r sect for 5-- 100yeai ' s . Concern was expressed that the town was sel 1 irlg an existing building and no actually own it ' s faciIities in the future . Loot ; into IIic i Lfli ramifications of sel I ing town property . . . would IL require a public hearing . referendum etc . List of concerns expressed which need (further information : I. . ) Insurance on our part of the building 2 . ) Lease term a.rrc1 renewability 3 . ) Maintenance costs and possibility of inte1 'munieipa. l fund 4 . ) Meeting scheduling and control of room assignments etc . 5 . ) Building / Zoning requir' enients • At this point Curtis brought up the idea of some sort of an independent corporation owning the entire building and ea.cti municipality pay cost: shares of maintenance , insurance , debt payment etc . Some discussion and de. irlc'cl to t: • heek on the ramifications of such an arrangement . • In ,general all present were in favor of the cooperation angler of the proposal . however reservations as to IOs .1iS owrier .liip ete . were mentioned . No further discussion and agreement to cheek Orr above items expressed . Reitz mentioned t. l ). t he was looking for the ii. l. estr,ael to detc- rniine I . iie e; xac: I . of our property and whether or not there were any Further ( other than what, is now believed ) r' estrrictions upon the decd . Good idea . Meeting adjourned : Approximately 9 : 15 P . M . Submitted by Doug Ausi. is . Supervisor