HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-09-12 - TB Town of Ulysses Regular Town Board Meeting S eptember 12 , 1995 TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING September 12 , 1995 P resent : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover , B en Curtis , Tom Reitz ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker ; Deputy Clerk P aula Mount . ® Others present : Mark Vann , Don Hickman , George Kennedy , Peter P enniman , Pam Stonebreker , Karen Smith . Supervisor Austic called the Regular meeting of the Ulysses Town B oard to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the P ledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the August 8 , 1995 Regular Town Board Meeting . Moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mr . Curtis . Mr . Curtis offered a friendly amendment asking that the word " summer " [ page 1 ; second paragraph ] be d eleted . Amendment accepted . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . CLAIMS Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve Claims # 292 - 323 in the amount of $ 25 , 397 . 10 . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover . D iscussion took place regarding billing Jim Seafuse for legal fees ( $ 350 . for George Patte and $ 975 . for Bruce Wilson ) . The Town will pay the legal fees , bill Seafuse and then put money back into Attorney budget . Mr . Curtis requested that the motion be amended to state : with further provision that $ 1325 . is to be recovered from water district # 2 ( Seafuse ) . Amendment accepted . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . REPORT : TRUMANSBURG FIRE DEPT . Mark Vann introduced himself as the new Fire Chief . Years ago served in this capacity and was a standing policy of the department that a representative attend the Town Board meetings . Intends to have a representative once again attend on a monthly basis . Left a report for August which is available in the S upervisor ' s office . REPORT : REPRESENTATIVE PETER MESKILL Absent . Two meetings announced . . . Youth Commission 9 / 20 / 95 at 7pm ; Fire Meeting 9 / 25 / 95 . REPORTS (6t Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting September 12 , 1995 Deputy Town Clerk , Paula Mount reported that for the month of August $ 3 , 719 . 50 was collected , of which $ 1 , 223 . 68 was turned over to the Supervisor with the monthly report . Highway Superintendent , Jim Meeker reported cut brush , mowed , paving , hauling stone for ditch work . Doing some shoulder work . Municipal equipment auction on Saturday in Lansing . . . old pick - up truck will be auctioned off . Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun reported 7 permits issued ; one housing start , three additions ; total fees $ 466 . 00 . Last BZA was in May . Fire Inspections have not been done this summer . Board Members Mr . Reitz said there is a Recreational Partnership Meeting on Thursday , September 14th at 7pm . Has another commitment that night and asked if another Board Member could attend . Mr . Austic asked Mr . Curtis if he would attend . He said he would try . Mr . Reitz said that they will be evaluating the programs ; also report on numbers attending from Ulysses . Mr . Curtis said the Cable Committee should be getting a draft Franchise Agreement to the Town soon . Want municipal officials to look it over ; any ideas to be returned and then hopefully get it finalized . Mr . Rachun gave an up - dated report on the homes in Jacksonville . A new project manager for Groundwater Technologies , trying to get the Housworth house up to par to sell . Have put in a well . Then are going to work their way around the corner . Still plan to raze two [ old Moe house and Luce house ] . Mr . Austic reviewed the Cash Flow statement . Haven ' t received sales tax from the County as yet . OLD BUSINESS Water District / North End Mr . Austic said he had received a letter from Attorney Guy Krogh . Bill Auble is withdrawing his application for a water district on the north end of Town . If the Board approves this , nothing else needs to be done . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the Town Board ' s acceptance of Mr . Auble ' s withdrawal of his application for a water district on the North end of the Town of Ulysses . Short discussion took place . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Town / Village Building Progress A meeting will take place on September 18th at 6 : 30pm . Mr . Austic and Mr . Reitz will represent the Town . The proposed building addition and floor plan was shown . Mr . Reitz said that at the last meeting on August 28th , the Village unanimously voted to explore the possibility ; appointed two Village Trustees to meet with Town Board members to research this further . The Town needs to decide if they wish to proceed or make renovations on the existing Town Hall . Mr . Austic said he feels that the meeting needs to deal with who is responsible for what . Mr . Reitz explained to the public the intent of using the existing Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting S eptember 12 , 1995 Courtroom at the Village , the handicapped bathrooms and the Town addition . Mr . Austic showed the renderings and explained ADA mandates , etc . Have had an offer for this building which would almost cover the cost of the addition . If we stay in this building , would have almost the same cost to renovate but would h ave to come from tax monies . Mr . Austic stated that the Town Hall and Town Barns were inspected by OSHA today . The Town Hall will be cited for several ✓ iolations . . . the doors need to open out and the tiles on the • floor / need to replace the flooring . If we don ' t comply will be fined $ 200 . / per offense per day . Will have six months to comply before being reinspected . N EW BUSINESS B udget - 1996 Mr . Austic said the budget requests are being turned in . Will put all proposed requests into the initial budget and then the B oard can work from there . Many new requests are being submitted ; will make copies for the Board . D rug & Alcohol Consortium Resolution Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following : WHEREAS , Tompkins County , the City of Ithaca and the towns and ✓ illages of Tompkins County are required under the Omnibus Employee Testing Act of 1991 to implement drug and alcohol testing for our commercial drivers license holders by January 1 , 1996 , and WHEREAS , entering a consortium made up of the County , the City of Ithaca , and the towns and villages of Tompkins County is an e fficient and cost effective method of complying with this law , therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town of Ulysses agrees to enter the consortium w ith Tompkins County , the City of Ithaca , and the towns and ✓ illages of Tompkins County for the purposes of choosing a third party administrator to manage our drug and alcohol testing program and sharing the costs associated effective immediately through December 31 , 1996 . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . SPCA • Pam Stonebreker presented the 1996 proposal for renewal of the D og Contract . Asking for $ 6859 . which represents a 2 . 5 % increase o ver the 1995 contract amount , or $ 167 . 00 . Distributed statistics for the Town . Karen Smith passed out a Dog Enumeration Proposal and reviewed it w ith the Town Board . Also shared statistics concerning Cat Control and requested monetary assistance from the Town in the amount of $ 1 , 032 . This request , in varying amounts , is being ✓ equested of all Towns in Tompkins County . . . they are down $ 18 , 000 . for Cat Control . Mr . Austic thanked Pam and Karen for their presentations and said the Town would consider them during the budget process . c�0 Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting September 12 , 1995 Insurance Proposals Mr . Austic said that last year several different insurance agents submitted proposals for the Town . He has prepared a Minimum Insurance Specification List for the Town of Ulysses . D istributed this to the Board . Wants the Board members to review this and if reasonable , submit it to the different companies for their bid . Will discuss this when we get together on September 20th . S urplus Computer • H ave a surplus computer that Ms . Georgia is using at home . Does the Board wish to sell this computer ? Mr . Reitz said it is old and not worth much , perhaps keep it for a back - up . Mrs . Stover asked if she would like to buy it ? Mr . Austic said probably w orth about $ 50 . - $ 100 . Mr . Curtis said it ' s the principle of the thing . Mr . Austic will ask other employees if they are interested in purchasing the computer . . . just monitor and hard d rive ; no printer . CORRESPONDENCE Mr . Austic reviewed correspondence received . Will put it in a box on the file cabinets for Board to review , if they wish . Mr . Austic entertained a motion to put forward the nomination of G regg Hoffmire as the Town of Ulysses Planning Board ✓ epresentative to the Tompkins County Planning Federation . Moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Mr . Austic said he sent a memo to the Master Plan and Planning B oard Committees . Would like to see a Comprehensive Plan in place by the first of the year . Mrs . Stover , as Town liaison , w ill encourage completion . H earing no further. business , Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to adjourn . Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 9 : 45pm . Respectfully submitted , P aula J . Mount D eputy Town Clerk •