HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-11 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES 771.j REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING July 11 , 1995 P resent : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Tom Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis ; Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker ; Town Clerk , Marsha Georgia . Supervisor Austic called the Regular Meeting of the Town Board , Town of Ulysses to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Approval of Minutes • Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis approval of the Regular B oard Minutes of June 13 , 1995 . Mr . Reitz said he reviewed the tapes of the last meeting and on page 4 , a minor typo . . . under S upervisor ' s report . . . ' so we may ' . Mr . Curtis referred to page 1 under corrections , also added . . . ' there would be a signed agreement with Jim Seafuse to maintain the water line ' . On page 5 add ' other than the Town ' s protection ' ( referring to payment of legal fees ) . Hearing no further discussion the minutes were unanimously approved . Claims Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve Claims 220 - 257 with the exception of # 244 in the amount of $ 5323 . 51 , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz . Mr . Curtis said he ' s curious about Jim Brown ' s proposal to trim bushes . Mr . Reitz said in the past various people have done this work ; if you equate the work to $ 10 . / hr . ; this proposal does seem high . Discussion took place concerning alternatives to having shrubs trimmed , weeding around the Town Hall , removing all debris , and a possibility of mowing in the back . The amount quoted by Mr . Brown is for once a year . Mr . Reitz agreed with Mr . Curtis to withdraw Claim # 239 , thus amending the amount to $ 5198 . 51 . Mr . Curtis went on record stating that he does not think it good practice to advance travel monies . Mr . Austic said this has been d iscussed in the past and have not had problems with it . Mr . Curtis also stated he would like to address the issue of flowers . . . where . the money comes from , etc . and would like to get something down in writing and discuss at a later date . H earing no further discussion , the vote was taken . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved ® Report : Trumansburq Fire Department Absent Report : Representative Meskill Absent Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting July 11 , 1995 Reports H ighway Superintendent James Meeker reported cutting brush , painted salt box , trimmed around road signs . Helped the Village' w ith Cayuga Street paving . Have a request from residents of Cold S prings Rd . to place signs reading Children at Play or reduce speed limit to 40 . Would like the Board to pass a resolution to' send to the State . Don ' t think the Children at Play signs will h elp , thus have filled out the State forms requesting a reduction o f speed . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following resolution : • WHEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses was presented , at the Regular Town Board Meeting held on July 11 , 1995 , a petition from the residents of Cold Springs Road for the placement of Children at Play Signs or a reduction o f the speed limit to 40MPH . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses directs James Meeker , Highway Superintendent to ✓ equest a lower maximum speed at which vehicles may proceed o n Cold Springs Road , a Town highway between Halseyville Road and Durling Road , to 40MPH . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted Mr . Meeker said he would also like the Town Board to pass a resolution asking the Village to install a Stop sign at the intersection of Falls Street and Cemetery Road . This intersection is becoming a problem , people are just driving right through there . Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following resolution : WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses at their Regular Town Board Meeting of July 11 , 1995 , received a request from the Ulysses Highway Superintendent James Meeker to request the Village of Trumansburg to install a STOP sign at the intersection of Falls Street and Cemetery Road , THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses requests the Village of Trumansburg to install a STOP sign at the intersection of Falls Street and Cemetery Road . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted - Mr . Meeker said the pick - up truck bid has been awarded to Metro Ford . Hope to have it at the dealership by the 24th or 25th of this month . There is a municipal equipment auction coming up September 16th in Lansing and I would like to have the Board declare the old pick - up surplus equipment so that it can be consigned for auction . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following resolution : Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting July 11 , 1995 RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses d eclares the 1985 Ford Pick - Up truck surplus equipment , and authorizes James Meeker , Ulysses Highway Superintendent to consign it for auction on September 16 , 1995 at the Municipal Equipment Auction to be held in Lansing . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun , submitted a written report to the Board members . Town Clerk , Marsha Georgia reported total fees collected $ 2 , 707 . 50 of which $ 2 , 204 . 40 was turned over to the Supervisor . Councilman , Tom Reitz mentioned the Recreational Partnership ; probably heard about the conflict they had about moving from Stewart Park to the Annex . . . has a meeting Thursday night and hope to discuss some ideas . . . any Board members have any thoughts about maintaining ownership of that property ? Town of Ithaca is considering buying that building from the City . Short d iscussion . - Councilman , Ben Curtis said the Cable Commission will be meeting aweek : from Wednesday in the old Jail . - Supervisor ' s Financial Report Mr . Austic entertained a motion to transfer $ 2 , 195 . 00 from A7310 . 04 to A7310 . 01 for Youth Employment ; moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mr . Curtis . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted O LD BUSINESS S hurSave Water District Petition Mr . Austic said he spoke with the Town Attorney and was advised that the Town accept this petition contingent upon Jim Seafuse supplying us with a County release to dig along the road , a release from John Duddleston to go across the field , need approval from DEC , need County Health Dept . approval of the water supply , need a SEQR review / short form , and I will get an agreement from the Village on supply of water and price . Was told that we accept the petition and set up a date for the Public H earing in a couple of weeks. As of that time , all these items I just mentioned should be in place and then we can approve the district after the Public Hearing . Mr . Curtis asked if this is where it should be mentioned that any costs incurred should be Jim Seafuse ' s , not the Towns . Mr . Austic said : this : was mentioned to the Attorney and will be included in our agreement with Seafuse , cost of future repairs , e tc : Mr .. . Curtis - inquired about Town Attorney fees and if Seafuse should - be responsible . .. : Mr . Austic said he feels that any costs incurred by our - Attorney to protect the Town should be a Town e xpense . Brief discussion ensued . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following resolution : Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting July 11 , 1995 RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses accept the petition from Jim Seafuse to establish a single - user water district at the ShurSave Grocery Store . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted A Public Hearing will be advertised for July 31 , 1995 at 7 : 00pm . Recycling Site Mr . Austic received a call from Superior regarding a local ✓ ecycling site . Feels it would be inappropriate for the Town to subsidize a commercial venture . Short discussion . Could employ a youth working there , but that ' s all . ✓ illage Building Proposal Mr . Austic said the Village approached him with the following proposal ; they wanted us to sell this building , they would sell theirs and we would all build with the library . They have found they can ' t sell their building ( for what they would like to ) . P roposed that the Town use the courtroom , two bathrooms and o ffices and add additional space on the back . We would need 1000 to 1200 feet . You would have to have an additional meeting room so the meetings would not conflict . If it is possible to talk the library into buying this building or someone else so we would h ave the money for construction he did not see a problem in doing that . If we could not sell he would not see any advantage in d oing that . The Village agreed that we could look into this but they would like to see a plan drawn up to see what it would look like from the outside . To satisfy them , Peter Demjamec said he w ould be glad to have one of his men do that . Tom wants to have someone come in and appraise the Town Hall . S easonal Road Law Mr . Curtis stated that Candor had come up with a law for Seasonal Roads and he looked it over . He said that it was interesting . He passed it on to a Councilman from Caroline and told them that w e ( the Town of Ulysses ) are generally supportive but that we did n ot like the idea of passing a law that could have an effect of cutting off services to established residents . He felt that he understood that . N EW BUSINESS W ater Grant Mr . Austic stated that August 28th is another application due date for a HUD Grant for water . He asked if we wanted to try for that for the Auble parcel . He stated that we have the poverty information and the engineering information . The hard part would be information on jobs creation . The general consensus was if he h ad the time try for it . Mr . Austic reported that Monday night the Village Board is having a meeting to discuss water improvements on that end of the ✓ illage . They have asked him to contact Brayton Foster , S upervisor Town of Covert to discuss creating water district in Covert along with the Town . If we got into sharing the cost of a tank . If we got into all of that we could get into applying for a triplicate municipal application . 77 % Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Town Board Meeting July 11 , 1995 H EARING FROM THE PUBLIC N one present CORRESPONDENCE Resolution received from the State Senate on the Town ' s 200th year celebration . Mill- Hearing no further business Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . S tover to adjourn the meeting . Unanimously approved , meeting adjourned at 9 : 40 PM . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Ulysses Town Clerk to h it,' r • i� 1 II