HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-13 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
June 13 , 1995
P RESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Ben Curtis ,
Catherine Stover and Robert Weatherby ; Code
Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Deputy Town Clerk
Paula Mount ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker .
Councilman Thomas Reitz absent .
III OTHERS PRESENT : Free Press Reporter Don Fairchild ; Beach and
Bud Stover ; TC Representative Peter Meskill .
III Supervisor Rustic called the Regular Board Meeting of the Town of
U lysses to order at 7 : 30 pm and led those in attendance in the
P ledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America .
S upervisor Rustic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of
the May Regular Board meeting and asked for any corrections . Mr .
Curtis stated that on page 3 last paragraph ; it states Doug told
Jim - change this to Town . Page 4 on insurance - add this
comment of Ben ' s - Curtis noted that the proposal had been
solicited in the Fall of this year and competitive bid received
in December .
Mrs . Stover commented on page 3 under Mr . Meskill ' s report it
states Doug ' s name and should read Peter .
H earing no other comments and / or changes Mr . Curtis moved the
minutes of May 9 , 1995 as amended , seconded by Mrs . Stover .
Mr . Austic aye
Mr . Curtis aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Weatherby aye
Adopted .
S upervisor Austic asked for a motion on previously reviewed
✓ ouchers .
Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to authorize payment of
✓ oucher # ' s 173 - 219 in the amount of $ 8695 . 25 .
Mr . Rustic aye
Mr . Curtis aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Weatherby aye
Adopted .
SSupervisor Austic read the legal previously advertised in the
Ithaca Journal and the Free Press . The following sealed bids
were received for a 1995 3 / 4 Ton Pick - up Truck ( per
specifications ) :
B efore the bids were opened Mr . Meeker commented that the
specifications did not include a plow - - if anyone called him
that had a plow he told them to include the plow and the price .
The price he has for a 8 ' Riester plow and lift is $ 2187 .
S upervisor Austic proceeded to open sealed bids .
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Town Board Meeting
June 13 , 1995
Corey ' s Northgate Ford , Binghamton , NY' $ 20 , 209 .
( Company demo )
W . T . Pritchard , Ithaca , NY
■ 24 , 235 .
( 3 / 4 4x4 4 speed or 3 Dodge , AC , Plow )
N ewcomb Motors , Cortland , NY 18 , 160 . 60
( 95 per spec . - no plow )
Maguire Ford , Trumansburg , NY 18 , 000 .
( 95 - 3 / 4ton - 4 wheel drive - no plow )
Metro Ford , Schenectady , NY 17 , 735 .
( 95 Ford - 3 / 4 ton - no plow )
Royal Automotive , Owego , NY 18 , 166 .
( 95 Ford 3 / 4 )
Royal Automotive , Owego , NY 18 , 365 .
( 95 Ford w Interior Enhancement light group
head liner , sliding rear window , roof cl .
light )
S pencer Ford , Spencer , NY 17 , 681 .
( states may not be able to get vehicle
because it is late in the year )
The general overview of the Board was to have Mr . Meeker review
all the bids and the Board will have another meeting next week to
vote . It was set for Monday June 19th , at 6pm to vote .
Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following :
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses
approve the expenditure of up to $ 22 , 000 for the purchase of
a 1995 Ford Pick - up Truck & Plow per said specifications
that is subject to a permissive referendum .
FURTHER RESOLVED , that this money would be withdrawn from
the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Account .
Mr . Austic aye
Mr . Curtis aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Weatherby aye
Adopted .
N ot present .
Mr . Meskill called and will be later in the meeting .
H ighway Superintendent
Mr . Meeker reported that they have been working on the salt
boxes , painting snow plows , patched roads , roadside mowing , fire
truck washed out salt boxes , cutting brush . He attended Highway
S chool for 3 days . Talked about the drug and alcohol testing
that will be mandatory .
The Board discussed the contract with Simplex for the smoke
alarms and heat detectors and it was decided to stay with the
contract that we have .
Town of Ulysses 3
Regular Town Board Meeting
June 13 , 1995
Town Clerk
Mrs . Mount read report submitted by Mrs . Georgia , Town
Clerk / Collector as follows ;
Total Clerk fees for the month of May were $ 1 , 169 . 50 of that
$ 595 . 08 was turned over to the Supervisor along with the monthly
report . Total taxes collected to date were $ 1 , 257 , 940 . 68 . Total
additional penalties and fees turned over to the Supervisor was
$ 2 , 989 . 40 . The total unpaid taxes turned over to the County were
$ 185 , 988 . 17 for 148 tax parcels ( last year was $ 217 , 976 . 54 - 166
IIItax parcels ) .
Taxes balanced to the penny and were turned over to Tompkins
County Budget / Finance on 6 / 2 / 95 which was five days earlier than
requested .
She called 6 - 12 - 95 to SARA and NYS Department of Education ' s
D irector in reference to the grant 95 / 96 and there is no word yet
d ue to the NYS Budget and other hold ups . Hopefully should know
in a few days .
The 94 / 95 Grant Project is finishing up - working on the " Report
of Final Expenditures / Narrative that has to be filed .
Code Enforcement Officer
Mr . Rachun report that he had issued 4 permits for the month of
May , one start , three additions and had one Board of Zoning
Appeals meeting and that variance was granted for an area
✓ ariance at the lake .
Board Members
Mrs . Stover reported that the Master Plan Committee met last
n ight and they are now getting to the meat of the issues . Will
break it down into different areas re : agriculture , commercial ,
✓ esidential . The next meeting is scheduled for the 26th of June .
Mrs . Stover feels that a rough draft may be possible by the end
o f 1995 .
Supervisor Report
Mr . Austic distributed the cash flow statement and reviewed . He
✓ eported that he is in receipt of $ 16 , 500 for Mortgage Tax for
the first half of this year . Last year we received $ 61 , 000 . In
the budget he dropped it down to $ 49 or $ 50 thousand . So me may
be short for the year in this revenue . He also called the County
and they tell him that the SALES TAX money is up . We have not
✓ eceived any of that yet but should be pretty quick .
County Representative
I Mr . Meskill arrived and reported that at a County Meeting today
they learned that County Reserve is up so they will not have to
✓ aise taxes for the sake of keeping that cushion . That is if the
S tate Budget is not to cruel to them .
He brought up the recycling center and asked if there was an
interest in having it at the Town Barns . It was a negative
✓ esponse to that from the Highway Superintendent . Peter has
fought to keep the Town ' s center open especially for the
commercial users . Peter is not convinced that they will close it
d own .
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Town Board Meeting
June 13 , 1995
S hurSave Water District
S upervisor Austic reported that ShurSave ' s lawyer contacted the
Town Attorney because he did not want to get involved in
d esigning this water district . To avoid a lot of conflict and
avoid trying to get in touch with me and me getting a hold of
them they will be drawing up the necessary boundaries and all
that kind of stuff so we can go ahead with the water district . A .
new law was voted in last week at the Village that says that
anyone runs a water line , has to have a water main . I ' m not sure
h ow that effects this district - - hopefully they will give
S hurSave an exemption .
Mr . Austic addressed Mr . Rachun and stated that they should have
a meeting on the other water district to see what ' s happening .
B uilding Discussion
D iscussion regarding the Town Hall took place . Mr . Curtis said
h e talked to a couple of Village Trustees ; his understanding they
met and the attitude continues to be positive . His feeling is it
might be reasonable to set up a joint meeting . Mr . Austic
stated that the Village has decided to have someone appraise
their building for the value of the building and suggest we
[ the Town ] do the same thing . Their plan is that we could all go
together and move to the Village Barns ; or the library contacted
me to see if we are interested . . . told them that if we could sell
this building , plus the value of what we would put in to build an
addition and renovate , if we could do something for that amount
of money , fine , otherwise we ' ll stay where we are . Can ' t see a
big investment of taxpayer money . Mr . Curtis said the thing that
bothers him , he looks around , remembers the Village fixing up ,
and they don ' t have space over there that ' s worth much . Mr .
Austic said our building has a better lay - out , all one floor ,
more usable than the Village offices . . . we use every foot of space
in here . There is no wasted space , so if we add on we aren ' t
losing anything ; if we add on it would be usable and efficient .
Mr . Weatherby asked what the incentive is for us to move ? Mr .
Austic said only to have a new building . Mr . Curtis said it
w ould be more efficient to have the police located in the same
building . Different options were discussed . Mr . Curtis said
w ould like to have a meeting . Mr . Austic said fine , but can ' t
keep discussing this thing for twenty years . Mr . Weatherby said
that any addition put on this building ; we ought to be able to
realize that additional cost out of the building ; don ' t think it
w ould be throwing money away in this particular building . Mr .
Austic said the Town bought this building in 1957 or 1958 with no
additional cost , except for the roof in forty years , and I don ' t
think that ' s a waste of money . Have increased the number of
people working here , can ' t see why needing more space is
inappropriate . Mr . Curtis suggested moving the Court . Mr .
Austic asked where . . . the Village doesn ' t want it . Mr . Curtis
said taxes are spent on a nice court room in the Village and Mr .
Austic suggested Mr . Curtis attend the Village Board meetings ;
they are having more problems than we are . Mr . Curtis said you
asked me to check with the Village ; seems like we have a positive
response . . . Mr . Austic said they have a positive response but no
space . Mr . Weatherby asked what you plan in this building . . . Mr .
Austic said to add on and fix up interior , especially the
bathrooms [ make them handicapped ] not more than $ 100 , 000 . Mr .
Austic said if you want a meeting set one up for within the next
couple of weeks . Need to decide which way we want to go in the
n ext month . Mr . Curtis said can ' t understand that Doug , it ' s
been going on for twelve years . Mr . Austic said it isn ' t getting
any better , Ben , just can ' t work in here . Let ' s meet in the next
w eek or so , but don ' t think that will solve any problems ; there
Town of Ulysses 5
Regular Town Board Meeting
June 13 , 1995
is no room over there .
Fred VanDerzee
Mr . VanDerzee was coming in to discuss recycling - no show .
Jim Buck/ Electrical Inspections
N o show . Will table this until the July meeting and invite Mr .
B uck to attend .
III Municipal Officials Meeting
Mr . Meeker attended this meeting and the speaker didn ' t appear .
May be rescheduled .
O ther
S hort discussion ensued regarding Limited Access Roads .
Mr . Austic said he had received correspondence from Tompkins
County Fire & EMS ; Better Housing ; Tompkins County Planning Board
[ forming a Planning Federation ] .
H earing no further business Mr . Austic entertained a motion to
adjourn , moved by Mrs . Stover , seconded by Mr . Curtis .
U nanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 9 : 30pm .
Respectfully submitted ,
illPaula J . Mount , Deputy Clerk