HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-14 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING March 14 , 1995 PRESENT : Supervisor Douglas Austic ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Ben Curtis , Robert Weatherby ; Highway • Superintendent James Meeker ; Town Clerk . Marsha L . Georgia ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Catherine Stover ., absent . OTHERS PRESENT : County Representative Peter Meskill ; Don Fairchild , Free Press . - Reporter .; Budd Stover . Supervisor . Austic called the Regular Town Board Meeting to order at 7 : 30 pm and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . • Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr .. - Curtis to approved previously distributed minutes of the . Regular. . Town Board .Meeting : of 2 - 14 - 94 and a Special Joint Public . . Hearing . of 2 - 9 - 95 -. . Mr . Curtis pointed out under Building . Proposal , . that his . research_ woul d , - not be - ready by April 1st . . Mr „ Amstic stated - . that he . did . not recall putting a deadline on . . the . . report , just some . time , around . that date . • Hearing no further . discussion - . the minutes . were - Unanimously . Approved . CLAIMS . • • Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz to approved claims # 56 - 97 in the amount of $ 20 ., 182 .. 17 . as . previously audited by the Board . Mr . Austic aye . . Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye • Mr . Weatherby aye • • Adopted • REPORT : TRUMANSBURG FIRE DEPARTMENT . . . . . . , . . ABSENT . REPORT ; REPRESENTATIVE PETER MESKILL Representative Meskill reported that he feels that the cat licensing issue still is buried at the County but is scheduled to come back out of committee soon . He has some information from the Health . Department / Rabies and feels the licensing has nothing to do with rabies . He will hold off with this information until it . is presented back: to - the Board . He reported . that they • did receive the , letter . from the Trumansburg Fair Assoc ,. in . reference to - closing . the . recycling center . . • He . has . • arranged to have . . a meeting with . himself , Doug . Austic , , a . representative . from the Fair Assoc. ., and . some . one from - the . TC Solid . . Waste ,. . He . hopes . to . come to . some compromise : so . the . center . can remain open . , One . of , the biggest reasons . the . Fair Assoc . . is . upset is . the condition the • recycling , center . . is left , . . including their office building . To put it bluntly it is a pig sty . Mr . Weatherby, suggested that the County take some steps to possibly empty the bins sooner and ® maybe . the . stuff would , not , blow . out .. He also . stated that - . the Board has , known that the Fair Assoc .. has not been . happy . . with . this for• . , some . time , and - that it has been a mess . . . They • are . scheduled to meet • .Monday •,. , -March : 20th •, 1995. , . • Mr . Meskill reported about , a . policy the County is talking about with . . reference to . firearms / weapons and . County . work places . , , • • �lQ Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Board Meeting 3 - 14 - 95 REPORTS Highway Superintendent Mr . Meeker reported that they have plowed and salted as needed , more salt that plowing this year . Took down a large maple tree on Penn . Ave . , been around once and patched large holes in the roads , hauling stone for summer projects , worked on the grant application for the chipper and got that submitted . It was asked about the Curry Road culvert project . Mr . Meeker stated that it ' s still being looked into . Hopefully he would like to do it in August . He still is waiting on some information from the County . Town Clerk • Mrs . Georgia reported that she had collected $ 2 , 906 . 49 for the month of February in fees and turned over $ 2 , 770 . 47 to the Supervisor along with her monthly report . The bulk of those fees w ere franchise fees . Also collected to date for taxes is $ 1 , 168 , 308 . 36 , $ 316 . of that was penalties paid and this along w ith a report had been turned over to the Supervisor . She ✓ eported that Steuben ARC has completed microfilming all the ✓ ecords that she has sent them and now she is awaiting inspection of the film from Albany County Hall of Records . Once the film has passed inspection Steuben ARC will duplicate the film and the process will be complete . They are returning the records to the o ffice next week . She reported that she is under budget with the microfilming grant and now is trying to ready some Court Records to include with the microfilming . Code Enforcement Officer Mr . Rachun reported that he has issued four permits , one start , two wood stove installations , and one renovation . He told of some Zoning Violations that may need to be discussed . They are on going problems and may need to come to court to be resolved . Mr . Rachun stated that the Board may want to consider passing new legislation to have fines and / or clean up for violations relevied back on the tax roles of the offenders . The Board discussed this at length . Mr . Austic will talk to the Justice ' s to hear their thoughts . • Board Members • Mr . Reitz reported that the County Planning Board meeting was cancelled last Wednesday due to the weather . He did attend Thursday night the Recreation Partnership Board meeting and the full board unanimously did support the question that was raised before with the Task Force that the Trumansburg School District students , even those residing outside of the Town of Ulysses would be allowed to attend the recreation programs in Ithaca . There are some questions in regards to the Ithaca Sports Camps that are coming up due to some renovations on the playgrounds . Tom handed out a flyer that he will be distributing to various places . Mr . Curtis reported that he did attend the NYS Association of Towns Annual Meeting . Looks like the Cable Commission is fairly certain they are going to be enrolled in public services and keep the whole thing staffed and get rid of all the Commissioners and save around eight hundred thousand dollars . A good direction to g o in . There were good presentations on insurance . They talked about the municipal insurance - - NYMIR . The one thing they mentioned that sounded interesting was that they would aggressively defend lawsuits that municipalities might face of q uestionable validity that are not based upon anything solid . They also indicated that you could insure directly and not through a broker which could save up to 10 % . A lot of talk about Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Board Meeting 3 - 14 - 95 e qualization , a lot of people upset about it . The Business Meeting - - lost impact fees , lengthy discussion on resolution to make Adirondacks handicapped accessible ( passed ) , a lot of talk about the quality of the resolutions and how they are not clear . That _ after you read through them - you can read almost anything into them . I think they will work on this before the next meeting . Spoke with a grant writer out of Syracuse that indicated she - would be interested in writing a grant for water . H e will get more information . Supervisor : _ . . Mr . _ Austic reviewed the Cash Flow / Budget Report . • OLD BUSINESS Insurance Quotes - - April 1st Mr . Austic stated that he has scheduled appointments , half - hour , for the six insurance companies coming with quotes . One is not able to attend due to other scheduling . Water District Up - date Mr . Austic commented that the Town still has permission to form a w ater district and we are still working on how to afford it . The final engineer report will be in at the end of the week . In that ✓ eport I requested a separate cost for materials only . Doug Ferguson from the state felt that cost of the materials would not be over $ 100 , 000 - he suggested , if we could , do the work o urselves . This report is not being paid for by the Town . I have asked them to come up with costs and than go to the ones in the proposed district and see what they want and what ' they - could afford to pay on a yearly basic . If they can ' t afford to do this , Jim may have to go on his own . We have looked into FHA funding and other sources . If we get into this the Town would h ave . to. decide to borrow the money ; a . middleman , . the district w ould pay it back . N EW BUSINESS Contract w / Cooperative Extension S upervisor Austic has not signed the contract with the Cooperative Extension ( Youth ) . He was not comfortable with the w ording . Our Attorney has looked this over . Cooperative E xtension is revising it and sending it back ; they are also calling our lawyer and explaining what the one area in question means . Fair Board letter / recycling P reviously discussed . NYS Audit Report • The audit has been provided to the Board . Mr . Austic will respond within 90 days to the State . The Town had already taken care of most everything that they had commented on . O ther New Business Mr . Reitz wanted to mention that on April 12th , 1795 is on record to be recorded as the first Town of Ulysses Board Meeting . In honor of that he would like to provide a cake and some beverage at that April Board Meeting in celebration . Mr . Austic is in receipt of a request from Tompkins County to Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Board Meeting 3 - 14 - 95 extend the tax collection process to May 31st , 1995 . This is a routine request and Mr . Austic will sign and return . Mr . Austic reviewed the correspondence that he has received through out the month and it is available for anyone interested . Discussion took place on the vacancy of Environmental Management Council . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby the following RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses recommends the appointment of Alex Rachun as the representative from the Town of Ulysses to the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council . • Mr . Austic aye Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye Mr . Weatherby - . aye Adopted . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following : RESOLVED , that the Ulysses Town Board wishes to add its congratulations to the Trumansburg Basketball team for its winning efforts during the current basketball season , and wishes the team continued success in the future as well . Mr . Austic aye Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye Mr . Weatherby aye Adopted . Hearing no further business Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis to adjourn the meeting . Hearing no objection , the meeting was adjourned at 8 : 50pm . Unanimously approved . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Ulysses Clerk MLG : mg i