HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-10 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING January 10 , 1995 P resent : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Ben Curtis , Catherine Stover ; Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . O thers Present : Peter Meskill , County Representative S upervisor Austic called the Regular Meeting of the Ulysses Town B oard to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the P ledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Minutes • Mr . Curtis indicated that the last paragraph of the minutes of D ecember 13 , 1994 , listing a Special Board Meeting , didn ' t happen until after adjournment and asked that it be deleted . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to approve the minutes of December 13 , 1994 as amended and the minutes of the Public H earing of December 13 ; 1994 . . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Claims Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve Claims # 420 - 450 in the amount of $ 25 , 636 . 90 for 1994 . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . • Mr . Austic entertained a motion , Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to approve Claims # 1 - 8 in the amount of $ 2 , 663 . 66 for 1995 . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . 1995 Budget Modifications Mr . Austic clarified the following final changes in the 1995 • budget : General Fund : 1 ) Add : Appropriated Fund Balance $ 25 , 000 . 00 2 ) Reduce A1001 Real Property Tax , from $ 207 , 463 . to $ 182 , 523 . Town Wide Highway : 1 ) Reduce Appropriated Fund Balance from $ 40 , 000 . to $ 25 , 000 . V Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting January 10 , 1995 2 ) DA1001 Real Property Tax $ 158 . 273 Part Town Fund : 1 ) Reduce B1120 Sales Tax from $ 29 , 365 . to $ 27 , 670 . 2 ) Increase B3001 NYS Per Capita From $ 5 , 305 . to $ 7 , 000 . Part Town Highway : 1 ) Increase DB1120 Sales Tax from $ 98 , 891 . to $ 100 , 633 . 2 ) Reduce DB3001 NYS Per Capita from $ 19 , 967 . to $ 18 , 225 . 1994 Budget Modifications Mr . Austic entertained a motion to accept the budget • modifications for 1994 as follows , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz : 1 ) Decrease A1990 . 04 Contingency by $ 500 . 00 2 ) Decrease A1110 . 01 Justice P . S . by $ 11 . 59 3 ) Decrease A1450 . 01 Elections P . S . by $ 653 . 91 4 ) Decrease A9060 . 08 Health Ins . by $ 1000 . 00 5 ) Decrease A7310 . 04 Youth C . E . by $ 452 . 75 6 ) Decrease A9055 . 08 Disability by $ 154 . 21 7 ) Decrease A1220 . 01 Supervisor P . S . by $ 735 . 59 8 ) Decrease A1410 . 04 Clerk C . E . by $ 166 . 72 9 ) Decrease A1010 . 04 Board C . E . by $ 202 . 13 10 ) Decrease A8810 . 04 Cemeteries by $ 400 . 00 11 ) Decrease A1620 . 04 Buildings by $ 914 . 53 12 ) Decrease A1620 . 01 Buildings by $ 1507 . 65 13 ) Increase A1220 . 04 Supervisor C . E . by $ 450 . 59 14 ) Increase A1410 . 01 Clerk P . S . by $ 1324 . 69 15 ) Increase A1420 . 04 Attorney by $ 715 . 50 16 ) Increase A5132 . 04 Garage by $ 1452 . 75 17 ) Increase A7310 . 01 Youth P . S . by $ 2784 . 58 18 ) Increase A9030 . 08 FICA by $ 154 . 21 19 ) Encumber for use in 1995 youth budget $ 1500 . 00 from A7310 . 04 20 ) Appropriate $ 1315 . 15 from A3060 to fund A1460 . 01 21 ) Appropriate $ 40 . 88 from A3060 to fund A1460 . 04 22 ) Establish and Fund A1620 . 02 Building Equipment by $ 4477 . 56 23 ) Remove expenditure for computer from A1220 . 04 move to A1620 . 02 24 ) Move Contingency allocation of $ 800 . 00 from A1220 . 04 to A1620 . 02 25 ) Encumber $ 1575 . 00 from A1110 . 01 as matching fund for computer / Justice grant . Deposit $ 12 , 500 . 00 to the Building Reserve Fund allocated to Town Hall . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye • Approved . Report : Fire Department Mr . Meskill reported that the Village had accepted the proposal for the bid for the new pumper / tanker which will go out shortly . Report : County Representative Representative Peter Meskill reported on Solid Waste and that 911 is moving along . 5 Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting January 10 , 1995 REPORTS H ighway Superintendent , James Meeker reported cleaning ditches , installed culvert for new house , cut trees on Proskine Rd . , readied trucks for winter , cut brush on Cold Springs and Colegrove Roads . c Town Clerk , Marsha Georgia reported that $ 808 . 50 was collected for the month of December of which $ 599 . 78 was turned over to the S upervisor with the monthly report . All records are at ARC in B ath , NY being microfilmed . Received our new reader / printer and if anyone would like to come in will show how it works . Year - end Clerk ' s Report has been distributed . Been busy with taxes . Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun reported two starts for the month of December . Process of putting together a State variance for Steve Weaver . - Special Children ' s Center has a temporary CO ; need to do a couple of minor things before issuing final CO . B oard Members B en Curtis reported his discussion with president of Superior Garbage ; may be interested in working with the Town in keeping the recycling center open . Will be willing to come in and speak with the Town Board about the possibilities . Mr . Curtis will ask him to attend next meeting . Tom Reitz reported the brief meeting this evening to discuss SARA Grant for records retention room . Paula , Marsha and Peter Demjanec will be meeting for the next three consecutive Thursdays to write the grant . Needs to be submitted by February 1st . Will continue on with the Building Committee to consider overall handicapped requirements . Marsha said that for the grant , think you will need to make some commitment for the building . Tom Reitz also reported on Tompkins County Planning Board . They have been reviewing a sub - committee to change the Planning Board ' s structure . Thinking of two bodies ; a Planning Federation and a Planning Advisory Board , which Mr . Reitz explained . This will have to be approved by the County Board of Representatives . Also , Intermunicipal Partnership Recreation meeting will be Thursday at noon . Ben Curtis stated that if anyone is interested the County Cable Commission will be meeting on January 24th and there will be one or two representatives from the NYS Cable Commission . Meeting will be at County Jail at 7 : 00pm . Doug Austic said he received a letter from Teresa stating that the Task Force had agreed that Trumansburg School youth will be included . • Mrs . Stover stated that the Master Plan Committee met January 3rd . Sue is doing the final tally on survey . Next meeting is the 23rd . Supervisor ' s Financial Report Cash Flow Statement distributed and reviewed . Starting a new system this year ; explore a savings account for each fund . OLD BUSINESS Water District Progress Report Mr . Austic said that the Village Board met and we have received Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting January 10 , 1995 the following : The following resolution was adopted by the Village Board of Trustees at the Regular Board Meeting on January 9 , 1995 : WHEREAS , the Village of Trumansburg shall supply water to the Town of Ulysses to establish water districts along Route 96 , according to the attached boundary descriptions , and be it RESOLVED the following conditions must be met : 1 ) Successful funding for the water district 2 ) Adequate water supply based on an engineers ' study 3 ) Any necessary system improvement costs shall be borne by the Town of Ulysses . Mr . Austic said we will proceed from here . Just had a meeting w ith the County . . . asked Alex to report . Alex said we are at the e leventh hour for writing this grant . February 21st is the deadline . Doug and I have approached different grant writing groups . Also there is someone at the County who may be able to get it submitted in time , charge $ 3500 . Others were asking close to $ 7000 . Short discussion ensued . Engineering study will be ready by the end of this month . . . but will really need to put some time in and get this all together in time to submit . Also need to have two public hearings . A Special Town Board Meeting to choose a grant writer was scheduled for Saturday , January 14th at 8 : 00am to be followed by the Town Board Audit . Mr . Rachun requested that the Board set a date for the Public Hearing . . . need fifteen days notice . Mr . Austic said we can have a Public Hearing Thursday , January 26th to be held at the Village Hall at 7 : 30pm . Also , advertise the second Public Hearing to be held on Thursday , February 9 , 1995 at 7 : 30 at the Village Hall with a Special Board Meeting to follow . Youth Program Report Mr . Austic said interviews were completed and a youth worker is g oing to be hired . Have permission to use office space at the ✓ illage for this person . Insurance Mr . Curtis voiced concern about the amount in the 1994 budget spent on Workers Comp . Figures for total amount budgeted vs . total amount spent in this category were reviewed . General consensus of the Board is that they are satisfied with the services / charges of Farrell - Messier , but will continue to research other insurance companies . NEW BUSINESS 1995 Organizational Business • Mr . Austic entertained a motion for the following resolutions : Meeting Schedule : RESOLVED : that the Regular Meetings of the Ulysses Town Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month . All meetings shall convene at 7 : 30pm at the Ulysses Town Hall , 10 Elm Street , Trumansburg , NY . Review of monthly Claims shall start at 7 : 00pm , prior to the meeting and shall be open to the public . FURTHER RESOLVED : that the designated news media be notified of the foregoing schedule and they shall be posted in accordance AM 7 Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Town Board Meeting January 10 , 1995 w ith the Open Meetings Law on the Town Clerk ' s bulletin board . Authorizations : RESOLVED : that mileage at a rate of $ . 28 per mile shall be paid to Town Officials and employees conducting official Town business when driving their private vehicles and that such mileage information shall be recorded on the forms provided . RESOLVED : that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to incur e xpenses not to exceed $ 3000 . for repairs and maintenance of highway equipment without prior Board approval . O RESOLVED : that the Chairman of Building and Maintenance be authorized to incur expenses not to exceed $ 1000 . for emergency maintenance and repairs following Procurement Policy procedures . RESOLVED : that a bond undertaking for the Town Officials is hereby approved as follows : a . Town Clerk $ 5 , 000 . b . Justices 4 , 000 . c . Deputy Clerk 5 , 000 . d . Justice Clerk 4 , 000 . e . Receiver of Taxes 250 , 000 . f . Supervisor / Deputy 50 , 000 . g . Code Enforcement / Zoning Officer 500 . h . Highway Supt . 1 , 000 . i . Depty . Justice Clerk 5 , 000 . RESOLVED : that in lieu of the report required by Town Law Sec . 29 ( 10 ) , the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to submit to the Town Clerk a copy of his annual report to the State Comptroller and that the Town Clerk shall cause a summary thereof to be published in accordance with - the law . Designations : RESOLVED : that the Ithaca Journal and / or the Trumansburg Free Press shall be and are hereby designated as the Official Town Publications . RESOLVED : that the Tompkins County Trust Company is designated as depository in which. the Supervisor , Town Clerk , Receiver of Taxes , Justices and Inspectors , by virtue of their offices , shall deposit all money coming into their hands , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED : that Town Investments can be made at other banks as outlined in the Town Investment Policy . Supervisor Authorization : RESOLVED : that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay in advance of Audit of Claims for utilities , postage and contract agreements which if delayed may result in a loss of discounts or the accrual of services charges . Mr . Curtis moved the foregoing resolutions , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Austic Aye c Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Mr . Austic announced the Supervisor Appointments as follows : Bookkeeper Carolyn Dickens Town of Ulysses 6 Regular Town Board Meeting January 10 , 1995 Town Historian Esther Northrup D eputy Supervisor Catherine Stover Chair / Highway Com . Robert Weatherby Chair / Bldg . Maint . Thomas Reitz Liaison / Ulysses Lib . Ben Curtis Chair / Recycling Catherine Stover L iaison / Town / Vill . Bd . Doug Austic Mr . Austic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following : Board Appointments : Zoning Officer Alex Rachun • D eputy Zoning Of . John Fahs Code Enforcement of / Bldg / Fire Inspector Alex Rachun P lanning Board Chair David Tyler / Acting P lanning Board Member Peter Demjanec / Expires Dec . 2001 Zoning Board Chair Ken Christianson / Acting Zoning Board Member Ken Christianson / Expires Dec . 1999 Rep . Human Service Coalition / Vacant Rep . Assess . Review Bd . Catherine Stover Carolyn Duddleston E lection Custodians Keith Northrup Robert Bennett Town Cleaning Cont . McCheyne Cleaning Cty . Youth Bd . Rep . Ben Curtis L iaison Joint Yth . Com . Doug Austic Rep . Tmp . Cty . Cable TV Ben Curtis Town Attorney Bruce Wilson Rep . EOC Randy Brown P ublic Access Rep . Ben Curtis Rep . Cty . Planning Tom Reitz Rep . Intermunicipal Rec . Tom Reitz Code Enforcement Clk . Marsha Georgia Master Plan Liaison Catherine Stover Town Rep / Joint Yth Com . Randy Haus Discussion ensued regarding the position of Code Enforcement Clerk ; to reappoint Marsha Georgia or abolish the position . The Code Enforcement Officer stated he would like to see Mrs . Georgia continue in the position . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to abolish the Code Enforcement Clerk position . Mr . Curtis Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Reitz Nay Mr . Austic Nay D enied 1995 Salaries and Wages : E lected Officials : S upervisor 8223 . 00 / yr • B oard Members 2531 . 00 / yr each Justices Rector 9513 . 01 Springer 4889 . 17 Town Clerk / Collector 27170 . 00 / yr Highway Supt . 34186 . 08 / yr Appointed Officials : D eputy Town Clerk 9 . 22 / hr D eputy Supervisor Negotiated as needed Zoning Officer 9852 . 37 / yr D eputy Zoning Officer 9 . 22 / hr Code Enforcement Officer 11419 . 76 / yr Town of Ulysses 7 Regular Town Board Meeting January 10 , 1995 B ookkeeper 4004 . 00 / yr Historian 425 . 00 / yr Justice Clerk 20286 . 00 / yr D eputy Justice Clerk 7 . 23 / hr O ffice As needed Recycling Super . 6 . 79 / hr P lanning Clerk 7 . 95 / hr Code Enforcement Clerk 964 . 75 / yr Record Retention Grant Mgr . 1170 . 00 / grant period total 1170 . Record Retention Rec . C1k 10 . 06 / hr total 880 . 52 As a matter of policy , all wages or salaries paid shall be paid for work completed . The first pay period of the year shall end o n the second Saturday of January and the checks received on the Tuesday following the end of the pay period . Due to a special circumstance the salaries of the Town Clerk , Justice Clerk , Code Enforcement Officer , and Justices for 1995 will be divided by 27 ( twenty - seven ) periods to avoid the long pay lapse due to last years pay schedule . All remaining biweekly pays will be divided by the usual 26 ( twenty - six ) pay periods . All monthly salaries w ill be paid on the last regular payroll of the month due . All h ourly employees will be paid for time worked up to and including Saturday of the regular biweekly pay period and will receive checks the following Tuesday . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted ASSOC . OF TOWNS ANNUAL MEETING Mr . Austic said that the Resolutions for the Annual Meeting will be addressed at the next Regular Town meeting ; said that Roger Rector is interested in attending the meeting and asked if anyone e lse is . Mr . Curtis expressed interest and Mrs . Georgia stated that the Board had approved , in her budget request , that she and h er Deputy , Mrs . Mount , attend . Mr . Curtis said he would be w illing to attend and represent the Town for $ 200 . The Board appointed Mr . Curtis to represent the Town . CORRESPONDENCE Mr . Austic reviewed correspondence received which is available for the Board ' s perusal . The Board scheduled a Special Board Meeting for Saturday , January 14 , 1995 at 8 : 00am with the Audit of Town Books for 9 : 00am . Also scheduled the Public Hearing for Thursday , January 26 , 1995 at the Village Hall and February 9 , 1995 at the Village Hall both at 7 : 30pm . A Special Board Meeting to follow the February 9th Public Hearing . H earing no further business Mr . Curtis moved to adjourn the Regular Town Board Meeting , seconded by Mr . Reitz . Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 10 : 45pm . Respectfully submitted , Marsha Georgia Town Clerk pm