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November 1 , 1994
P resent : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover ,
Tom Reitz , Ben Curtis ; Highway Superintendent James
Meeker ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia .
Mr . Austic called the Regular Board Meeting of the Town of
U lysses to order at 7 : 30PM and led those in attendance in the
P ledge of Allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America .
Approval of Minutes
Mr . Reitz commented on the Regular Board Meeting of October 11 ,
• page 2 . . . Linda Beins should be Linda Buettner . Mrs . Georgia said
that had already been corrected . Mrs . Stover indicated on page
3 . . . meeting date should be October 13 not the 10th . Also on page
1 . . . Fire Dept . report . . . purchase of truck from Ovid . . . question
that . Mr . Curtis said they have a letter saying that Ovid will
purchase the truck . Mr . Reitz said on the October 13th
meeting . . . Youth discussed . . . should be that the Intermunicipal
committee agreed , not County . Also clarify . . . Ithaca City Youth
P rograms .
H earing no further comments Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs .
Stover approval of the minutes of the Regular Board meeting of
10 / 11 / 94 and Special Budget meeting of 10 / 13 / 94 . Unanimously
approved .
Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover approval of Claims # 321 -
351 in the amount of $ 10 , 363 . 93 .
Mr . Curtis questioned Claim # 332 ; all documentation wasn ' t ge
attached except motel bill . Would suggest payment upon receipt
of documentation . Mr . Austic will ask for receipts before
d isbursing check .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
Report : Fire Department
Report : Rep . Peter Meskill
Town Clerk Marsha Georgia reported total fees for October
A $ 3 , 114 . 25 of which $ 1 , 267 . 25 was turned over to the Supervisor .
In the process of purging and sorting files for the Grant .
Marriage records have been taken to be microfilmed . Getting
q uotes on printer / readers .
Highway Superintendent James Meeker said they are preparing
trucks , mowing back roadsides , cut brush , built pad for salt
shed . . . should be done in a couple of days . Paved Agard and Boyd
Hill Roads . Still have some shoulders to do and pave the salt
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Town Board Meeting
November 1 , 1994
shed .
B oard Members Mr . Reitz stated he had a document from Peter
D emjanec , who has brought to my attention that the NYS Council of
the Arts has a grant to help on the design phase of a project for
additions to buildings , and the like . Application deadline is
March 1 . Mrs . Georgia said that Peter has offered to write
another SARA Grant for the Town Clerk ' s office also . Mr . Reitz
said it is certainly something to look into ; know we need to
think about it , but should I ask Peter to get the application
form or have him come to a meeting and discuss this . Mrs .
G eorgia suggested that the Building Committee have a meeting .
Mr . Austic said this is worth looking into . . . do you want a •
commitment now ? Mr . Reitz said let me talk to him first .
Mrs . Stover said the Master Plan is working tonight to , assemble
the questionnaires for mailing . Approximately. 170'0 . Mr . Austic
said that does not include organizations like churches , etc . ?
Mrs . Stover said correct . Mr . Austic asked if it includes every
o ther individual tax payer parcel ? Mrs . Stover said Yes , whether
they are a resident or out of state , as long as they own property
in the Town or Village . They will be mailed out on the 7th of
N ovember .
Mr . Curtis said that everyone received their packet from the
Intermunicipal Cable Commission . . . need for individual
municipalities to adopt the by - laws . Moving along pretty well ;
h ad a couple of good speakers ; starting to learn a little about
it . Have Ithaca City Franchise Contract in front of us now will
g o through it and compare with outlying municipalities . Don ' t
know if some areas can be applied to our municipality . . . will
borrow some legal expertise . Surprised that we only have 564
cable subscribers in the Town of Ulysses . Village has 580 . Mr .
4 Austic asked if Mr . Curtis needs a resolution . Mr . Curtis said
yes , the by - laws are a contract between the municipality
and . . . Mr . Austic asked , Now ? Mr . Curtis said no , can do it at
the next meeting . Further discussion took place .
S upervisor ' s Report
Financial report was distributed . Everything is in good shape
e xcept Planning . Will wait and deal with this later .
W ater - Mr . Austic said he has received an estimate from Hunt
Engineering . Also the engineering study that the Village of
Trumansburg has said we can do . Don ' t think we want to spend
$ 5500 . 00 . Mrs . Stover asked if this study is on the Village
w ater system? Mr . Austic said yes , they would look at the
✓ illage system and determine if they have enough water to give to
us and sewer capacity to give to us and then determine the best
w ay to get there . . . a rough idea of cost of installing the line .
B asically will need this study for a petition to form a water
d istrict or for the grant work . Went to everyone involved
today . . . Tim McGuire , Jim Seafuse , Bill Auble . . . told them that the
Town is not willing to spend $ 5500 . on a gamble . They all agreed
that they will get together in the next couple of days , see how
much they each want to put in and come up with the $ 5500 . to do
the study . Once they come up with the money then we will hire
these guys to do the study . That ' s the way I feel . Told
McGuire , Seafuse , etc . that if they have an engineering firm they
w ould rather go with , fine .
Mr . Curtis said this only is the study and estimate of putting it
in . . . Mr . Austic said it does the rough plans to put this in . Mr .
Curtis said they would have to come back with drawings . . . can they
g ive us an idea of what that would cost ? Mr . Austic said if we
Town of Ulysses 3
Regular Town Board Meeting
N ovember 1 , 1994
g et to that point they will , yes . Mr . Reitz said perhaps you
should back up and discuss what happened at the Village meeting .
Mr . Austic said that ' s why I don ' t want to spend the $ 5500 . Mr .
Reitz said perhaps the rest of the Board should be aware of
w hat ' s happening . Mr . Austic said I went to the Village Board
Meeting and talked on and on whether we could have permission to
h ire an engineer . They had all this stuff that we could only
hire Hunt and this other guy . . . I said no , don ' t think that ' s
right . . . we don ' t need your permission to hire one anyway , so
think you should at least give us permission to hire who we want
and if you ( Village ) want to say we can use Hunt and their
reports that they already have , fine . The Village finally passed
a resolution that was satisfactory but wasn ' t needed . I left
because I was getting a little angry . . . after that they got into
• some joint planning effort between the Village and the Town . I
d idn ' t want to get into this and lose $ 5500 . , does anyone have a
problem with that ?
Mr . Reitz said based on what you said ; the Village would not give
us a commitment for water . Mrs . Stover asked if the people are
aware of this and Mr . Austic said he told them it could be a
w aste of money . Mr . Curtis asked what the Village wants . Mr .
Austic said he doesn ' t know . Mr . Curtis asked what . this joint
planning study is about . Mr . Austic said they ( Village ) want to
have a say in what would be developed on either - end - of where we
are going . Mr . Reitz said they want an agreement between the
✓ illage Planning Board , the Town Planning Board , the Town Master
Plan . . . an agreement on what will happen on the periphery of the
✓ illage . What development is going to happen before they would
free up the water for us . Mr . Austic said that ' s great . . . we need
a reciprocal agreement ; we also have control of what happens in
the Village . Mr . Curtis said he could see some of the reasoning
behind this . Mr . Austic said that it ' s a separate municipality ;
it would be kind of hard to do .
Mr . Curtis suggested sitting down with the Village and talking
this through and see what we can come up with . Mr . Reitz said he
w ould like to see copies of the resolutions the Village passed .
Mr . Curtis reiterated his desire to meet with the Village , would
like to think that we could sit down and talk ; Mr . Austic said he
thought the same thing . Further discussion ensued. Mr . Curtis
w as encouraged to speak to Mr . Griswold .
Mr . Austic- said that he is meeting on Friday at 8 : 00am with folks
from Bolton Point . Will check with the Village to see when they
w ould like to meet . . . will suggest November 17th .
Mr . Austic said that he has been re - thinking the sales tax issue
and suggests that the entire amount not be taken . No one at the
County level can answer questions I have ; however , the law says
w e can take part of the sales tax ; so am suggesting that we
✓ escind the first resolution stating we would take all of the
sales tax ; then ' we ask the County to allow us • to . have one - third
® of the amount ; that amount takes care of all the DB and B
expenses , ' which are Town outside the Village . The County keeps
the remaining two - thirds and apply it to the County tax outside
the Village . So then we have one tax rate Townwide for the A and
DA fund . That is the only way to get best advantage - to the Town
✓ esidents outside the Village .
If we take this $ 130 , 000 . ( roughly one - third , out of the
$ 400 , 000 . ; means we are going to leave $ 270 , 000 . down there to
✓ educe the tax to the outside Village people ) , our Town tax will
be somewhere around $ 1 . 65 per thousand . That makes the Village
and Town the same ; plus the fire . Dave Squires is saying they
don ' t know what the sales tax is going to be but assuming it ' s
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Town Board Meeting
November 1 , 1994
the same as last year , or more . . . so last year our tax rate with
the County was $ 2 . 26 . . . if you took this $ 130 , 000 . out and gave it
to us , their tax rate would be somewhere around $ 3 . 30 plus
whatever they are going to come up with . It ' s going to be around
5 % - 6 % plus the $ 3 . 20 - $ 3 . 30 . So Ben , if you figure it out on a
hundred thousand dollar house , it ' s roughly the same as last
year . The problem before is , you could come up with about a $ . 65
tax in the Town , that ' s it . Figure the County taxes and local
taxes and it ' s more . . . they can ' t explain it , so you tell me .
Further discussion ensued . Mr . Austic said that he also
discovered that State Revenue Sharing as applied to the A and DA
Funds ; that misappropriation of funds . The Village gets their
own share of revenue sharing which is a share of ours . . . therefore •
there should be no State Revenue Funding in the A and DA Funds .
S o the per capita income comes out of A and DA and goes all to B
and DB .
Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following
resolution :
WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses has on September 13 , 1994 ,
passed a motion electing to accept directly all sales
tax proceeds attributed to the Town of Ulysses
collected by Tompkins County , and
WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses upon further investigation has
further decided that it is in the best interest of Town
residents to directly accept only a part of the sales
tax proceeds to be applied to any town purpose ,
B E IT RESOLVED that the town board of the Town of Ulysses
rescinds the motion passed on September 13 , 1994 .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Adopted .
Mr . Austic moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover t e following
resolution :
W HEREAS , the Tompkins County Comptrolle has agreed to
`Cek1, ccept $ 5 , 469 . 89 as full payme t for the 1992 and
993 election expenses as follo s ; $ 3 , 217 . 14 for
„Al 1 92 direct expense and $ 2 , 252 . 7 for 1993 direct
ex ,ense .
WHEREAS , the ompkins County Comptroller wi 1 furnish a
& . state ent of full payment for 1992 nd 1993
(�, E lecti n Expenses .
p e n s .
B E IT RESOLVED , C\1at the Town Board of the Tow of Ulysses
agrees t remove a sum of $ 5 , 469 . 89 fr m
encumbers moneys for election expenses of 1992
and 1993 a d use the remaining encumbers funds
for general town purposes .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Adopted .
B udget
Town of Ulysses - 5
Regular Town Board Meeting
N ovember 1 , 1994
Mr . Austic said changes in the Preliminary Budget to the Adopted
B udget :
A Fund : Appropriations
1220 . 01 reduce from $ 12 , 733 . 00 to $ 12 , 223 . 00
1220 . 04 increase from $ 500 . 00 to $ 1000 . 00
1410 . 01 change from $ 38 , 469 . 00 to $ 38 , 649 . 00
Under Youth . . . summer employment figure is correct . Youth
Programs figure should be increased :
• 7310 . 04 increase from $ 13 , 706 . 00 to $ 24 , 657 . 00
Total of A Fund increases from $ 300 , 788 . 00 to $ 311 , 927 . 00
A Fund : Revenue
Property taxes A1001 : $ 207 , 463 . 00
In Lieu of Taxes A1081 : reduce to $ 0
S ales Tax A1120 originally $ 148 , 814 . 00 reduced to $ 0 .
TC Youth A2350 originally $ 8 , 350 . 00 increased to $ 17 , 054 . 00
State Revenue Sharing A3001 originally $ 16 , 343 . 00 reduce to $ 0 .
Total General Fund Revenue $ 311 , 927 . 00
B Fund : Appropriations
N o changes
B Fund : Revenue
Sales tax B1120 $ 22 , 221 . 00 increase to $ 26 , 834 . 00
N YS per capita B3001 $ 2 , 530 . 00 increase to $ 7 , 836 . 00
Total General OV Fund $ 43 , 120 . 00
DA Fund : Appropriations
N o changes
DA Fund : Revenue
P roperty tax DA1001 will be $ 143 , 273 . 00
S ales tax DA1120 $ 124 , 198 is reduced to $ 0 .
Appropriated Fund Bal . going to $ 25 , 000 . 00
Total Highway Fund revenue $ 252 , 810 . 00
D B Fund : Appropriations
N o changes
® DB Fund : Revenue
S ales Tax DB1120 increases from $ 81 , 435 . 00 to $ 98 , 891 . 00
NYS per capita DB3001 increases from $ 8 , 930 . 00 to $ 19 , 967 . 00
Total Revenue / DB Fund $ 162 , 008 . 00 '•
Fire Protection and Water Fund remains the same . Mr . Austic
asked if anyone else had changes . Turns out to be a 3 . 8 %
increase in total appropriations ; 3 . 8 % is $ 25 , 118 . 00 of the total
budget . Take the $ 25 , 000 . unexpended fund balance and apply it ,
Town of Ulysses 6
Regular Town Board Meeting
N ovember 1 , 1994
essentially you are taking off that $ 25 , 000 . , not to say that it
isn ' t a 3 . 8 % increase in expenses , but you are covering it with
the unappropriated fund balance , so you don ' t have to raise the
tax rate to get it .
S hould have a tax rate of $ 1 . 6811 Townwide . Last year the
✓ illage was $ 1 . 475 and Town was $ 2 . 307 . Further discussion
ensued regarding why the Village rate was up .
D iscussion took place regarding the division of Justice salaries ;
Mrs . Stover didn ' t want to continue losing ground in the two
justice rates of pay . Mr . Curtis felt that the 80 / 20 split was a
good way , starting in direction of correcting it .
Further discussion began regarding tax rate , balances , etc . Mr . •
Reitz indicated that 65 % of the total budget is in highways . Mr .
Austic said he doesn ' t want to do anything to hinder roads , but
to continually budget $ 50 , 000 . to $ 100 , 000 . more increases the
budget .
Hearing no further discussion Mr . Austic entertained a motion ,
moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mrs . Stover to approve the
budget with the understanding that we will look at using
unexpended balances to reduce future budgets .
Mr . Curtis said can ' t we do something with the unexpended
balances . Mr . Austic said it would be like the $ 25 , 000 . I put
in . . . just put more in so it reduces down the amount you have to
raise from tax on the other end . If you want to say that , go
ahead . Put it in the A or DA Fund . Decided to change DA
Appropriated Fund Balance from $ 25 , 000 . to $ 40 , 000 .
Taxes DA1001 is then $ 143 , 273 . 00 and makes Total Highway Fund
revenue $ 252 , 810 . 00 .
Mr . Austic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by
Mrs . Stover to approve the amendments to the preliminary budget .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Adopted .
Mr . Reitz moved that the Preliminary Budget be adopted , seconded
by Mrs . Stover .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Adopted .
E lderly Exemption
Mr . Austic said that he has a memo to increase the Elderly
E xemptions , would like to hold it off until 1995 . Was last done
3 / 26 / 94 . State changes it every year . Mr . Austic suggested
looking at it next September .
O ther
Mr . Austic said he has an agreement with Mr . Squires regarding
the Election expense . Mr . Austic moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz
the following resolution :
ai /
Town of Ulysses 7
Regular Town Board Meeting
November 1 , 1994
WHEREAS : the Tompkins County Comptroller has agreed
to accept $ 5469 . 89 as full payment for 1992 and
1993 Election Expenses as follows : $ 3217 . 14 for
1992 and $ 2252 . 75 for 1993 and furnish the Town of
Ulysses a statement of accepting this as
full payment for 1992 and 1993 Election Expenses ;
BE IT RESOLVED : that the Town of Ulysses Town Board agrees
to remove the sum of $ 5469 . 89 from incumbered
monies for Election Expenses and use the remaining
incumbered fund balance for general Town purposes .
Mr . Austic explained that in 1992 $ 17 , 000 . was incumbered and in
® 1993 $ 13 , 000 . was incumbered but you used $ 6 , 000 . for the
chipper , so there should be around $ 20 , 000 . still there .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Adopted .
Mr . Curtis commended Mr . Austic on the work he did on this issue .
Mr . Austic said Bill Holtkamp came in today and requested
removing the PUD . Asked that he submit the request in writing .
Octopus Project
Mr . Reitz mentioned that the Ithaca City Common Council are to
take a vote tomorrow on the Octopus design and construction . Mr .
Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following :
RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses urges
the City of Ithaca Common Council to approve the
design of the Route 96 Octopus Project as
presented , without any major modifications .
Short discussion . Mr . Austic asked for a vote .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Nay
Adopted .
Mr . Austic reviewed correspondence received .
Mrs . Stover mentioned turkeys for employees . Was decided to give
a turkey to part - time folks also and discussed size of turkeys .
® Mr . Reitz suggested a gift certificate . Mr . Curtis said the
turkeys are a nice tradition . Also suggested giving one to the
Planning , ZBA , boards . Discussion followed . Mrs . Stover and Mr .
Reitz will check out prices and inform Board .
Hearing no further business Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr .
Reitz to adjourn the meeting . Unanimously approved the meeting
adjourned at 10 : 40pm .
Respectfully submitted ,
Marsha L . Georgia