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October 11 , 1994
Present : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpecple Catherine Stover ,
Ben Curtis , Torn Reitz ; Highway Superintendent James
Meeker ; Town Clerk - Marsha Georgia . Absent : Councilman
Weatherby . •
Others Present : Peter Meskill , Pam Stonebracker & Karen Smith
( SPCA ) . - .
Supervisor Austic called the Regular Meeting of the Ulysses Town
B oard to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the
P ledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States - of America .
Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . - Stover to approve the - minutes
of the Regular Board Meeting of - September 13 °, 1994 as ' L4 -
distributed - • . . V e
Mr . Austin • Aye - ° •
Mfr . ' Reito Aye •
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
Mrs . Stover - moved , secondedJeby Mr . Curtis the approval of Claims
# 284 - 321 in the amount of 513 , 397 . 89 . Mr . Curtis commented on
the attorney bill . -
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Yr . Curtis Aye
Approved . - -
Mr -. Meskill reported that the new ambulance was iU service and
the fund drive = for - it . is ' coming - to an end . = They have pretty much
met their . goal . Reported on : the , tarnk truck and the development - •
o f specs for same ; hbpetul l y • it i Uil l ' be , able ° to Us - set ' for ' bid - in
November and - opened in December and = awarded - in ' January . The Fire
Dept . has - e letter bf• e intent = tb purchase - truck
- . , . _ _ • r r • • U- UL ; / p, p ! t- Ptu.c ,•
REPORT : - COUNTY;• REPRESEhTAYIVE - - ' - • . . i /Try/ -
J _
Mr . Meskill reported on the County budget . Answered questions
✓ egarding Sheriff ' s budget and proposals . The Beard and Mr .
Meskill discussed4coverage of Sheriff ' s Dept : : in = Ulysses . - Mr :
Meskill suggested - that the Eoard - wtite - a letter - ( with a copy to
him ) to Sheriff with concerns regarding lack of coverage . The
B oard asked about the $ 48 , 000 . far • CountyUouth , • ! Mi . Merkit1 , .
stated that it has been cut to 540 , 000 . but County Youth
✓ epresentative stated they could live with that figure : - . ' . -
P am Stonebracker presented the request for . the - t995 ' SPCA contract
which reflects an increase of % over the 1994 amount . Presented
January - September nbg= Control • Statistics °. • Mrs . - Georgia expressed
aens eonceros she has aboutt less oaterageA thei Town ' is ' getting - -
from + the SPCA -. : • aren - 5mith - suggested . that ° Pam , i- hartha • and -ihate
. SPUR officer ) . meet - to - discuss this : r t, engthy4htteresion = tort
place rregardinga the > possibil ity : of : Yat Licetsing and - the + prei ; and
cons .
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Board Meeting
October 11 , 1994
' town clerk , Marsha Georgia . reported $ $ 3956 . 00 collected for the
month of September of which $ 1583 . 10 was turned over to the
Supervisor along with the monthly report .
H ighway Superintendent , James Meeker - reported that the crew has
been mowing road sides ; sealed Willow Creek Road . Dirt has been
✓ emoved from the site that was contaminated when the fuel tanks
w ere dug up . New fuel tanks have been installed and filled . Jim
answered a question Mrs . Stover had asked regarding cost to
prepare specifications for the salt storage shed and he found out
it would have been 10 % of the contract .
H oard Members
Mrs . Stover reported that the Master Plan committee will meet
October 18 ; the Planning Board will be attending and would like
the Town Board to attend also . They are looking for comments and
suggestions on the survey . She reported she has contacted TC
Assessment re : labels for mailing of survey from Assessment roll .
Estimated cost $ 200 - $ 300 . Assessment will need a letter from
the Supervisor requesting labels .
Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following :
RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses
authorize the Supervisor to request mailing labels of the
Town of Ulysses residents from the Assessment Roll .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
Mr . Reitz announced the passing of a State Law titled " The Range
B ill " , it affects the Town because it will address the shooting
✓ ange at the game clubs so only shooting will be allowed between
lam - 10pm . He also announced the resignation of Linda , Buettner
from the Youth Commission , which will leave a vacancy . Reminded
the Board that several appointments will be up in January on
✓ arious boards and they need to be thinking about this , perhaps
an article could be done in the Free Press expressing the
importance of volunteering . Mr . Reitz also reported that the
Canal Proposal of Wm . Holtkamp has been withdrawn from the
County . Mr . Austic stated he had heard that and checked with Mr .
H oltkamp and found that Mr . Holtkamp had not requested such a
w ithdrawal so Mr . Austic contacted the county and asked them to
✓ einstate the request .
Mr . Curtis reported that Lee Haefele plans to attend the Cable
Committee Meeting October 12th and talk about cable service .
B oard reviewed .
A . Water District / Progress Report
Mr . Austic reported that Don Fairchild is prepared to present a
resolution at the Village Trustee Meeting on October 18th on a
commitment to provide water to the Town to form a water district .
If this does not happen Mr . Seafuse is prepared to ask the
Village to supply water re : hardship . Mr . Austic feels that if
Town of Ulysses 3
Regular Board Meeting
O ctober 11 , 1994
Mr . Seafuse does this he would pay for water line himself , but
feels it would be wise for the Town to help so a bigger line
w ould be installed for possible future use .
B . TC Master Plan Document
Tompkins County Planning has presented a draft copy of a Master
P lan to the Town . This has been copied and distributed . The
P lanning Board would like and welcomes comments and / or changes .
A . Budget Considerations
Mr . Austic stated that the Tentative Budget has been distributed
and he suggested the Board set meetings for review . Discussed
and two meetings were established ; October 2,A� and October 20th
at 6 : 30pm , for review of 1995 Budget . /
r" 4, 6 :1
B . Permissive Referendum for TCP / Master Plan , '
The Board questioned if the resolution subject to a Permissive
Referendum for the payment of $ 3500 . to TC Planning Dept . for the
w ork they did on the Master Plan for Ulysses had been published .
The Town Clerk will check on this .
FOOTNOTE : Published / posted June 23 , 1994 .
This reminded the Board to publish and post the necessary
✓ esolution for the payment and transfer of $ 44 , 800 . for the Salt
Storage Shed that has been awarded for construction ; to withdraw
monies from General Capital Reserve Fund .
H earing no further business , Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr .
Reitz to adjourn the Meeting . Unanimously approved the meeting
adjourned at 10 : 20pm .
Respectfully submitted ,
Marsha L . Georgia
Town Clerk