HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-10-04 - MP TOWN OF ULYSSES MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING O CTOBER 4 , 1994 TOWN HALL P RESENT : CO - CHAIRPEOPLE : SUE POELVOORDE , PETER PENNIMAN ; MEMBERS : CATHERINE STOVER , RANDY BROWN , RUTH KAHN , JOANNE MOLINO ; BUILDING / ZONING OFFICER : ALEX RACHUN ; SECRETARY : ROXANNE SMITH The meeting came to order at 7 : 35PM . TOWN OF ITHACA ' S " OPEN SPACE REPORT " Peter Penniman brought to the meeting a copy of the Town of Ithaca ' s " Open Space Report " . It essentially is a very thorough report of what they mean by open space ; it addresses the whole county . Joanne noted that their definition of open space is d ifferent than what we are actually using in ours . Alex commented that you get a different value if you broke them out and added agricultural land and open space separately . Everybody wants open space . Peter also brought in the recently released d raft of the Ithaca , Tompkins County Transportation Plan . It covers the metropolitan area ( Sue elaborated further : Ithaca , ' Lansing , Cayuga Heights ; she had thought it would cover a couple o f counties . ) There is a lot of interesting demographic stuff , said Peter . Peter is on the EMC ( Environmental Management Council ) so he has his own copy of the report ( which he is responsible for reviewing ) . WATER ISSUE 1 The County has a new grant writer , reported Alex . Karl Heck will no longer be doing it . We are using the County for our Master Plan data . We have thought about using the County to put together some sort of grant proposal , using their close ties to the Health Department and Anderson ' s ability to write some meaningful letters saying we are in dire straits and need water o r the businesses will be shut down , etc . Right now , Shur - Save is basically on a year ' s notice using the system he has now . W e still don ' t have permission yet to proceed with issuing a permit for a new drugstore . All the plans are in , everything is ready to go . The Health Department is not giving the go ahead at this point . This may be done with another group , possibly with someone from the State . Alex will be having a meeting with Jim H anson , as he wants us to continue using the services of the County . ( Mr . Hanson is the director of County Planning . ) Peter P enniman mentioned that one factor that is most relevant , is the zoning for that area where the water is going in . Alex has a r. resolution from the Master Plan Committee stating that a mixed - u se behind the Shur - Save would be appropriate - a use of high d ensity housing , and some industrial / commercial / development d istricts . flit TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE OCTOBER 4 , 1994 TOWN HALL The engineering study can be done far less expensively than we originally thought , said Alex . The Department of State was talking somewhere between 2 to 3 , 000 dollars . Randy Brown stated that engineering costs for a proposal in the Village of Lansing w as around a thousand dollars . The Village is looking for water , about 1200 feet away . It includes some boring samples , doing some analysis to determine if the location is appropriate . There w ere some drawings and some measuring done . Alex mentioned that ® the ARC stated that everything had to be in place , all the zoning , the SEQR , detailed plans , the whole bit . They also consider themselves the last stop for public works funding . According to the representative from the Department of State as well as the guy from HUD this is not necessarialy true . There has to be some progress , there has to be some blueprints to look at , but not the final engineering . This should be done by the first of the year . HUD has already done the work for the Village , and it is okay for the Town to use them too . REVISED SURVEY QUESTIONS The Planning Board has requested that the Master Plan complete the survey questionnaire by this meeting . This is in order to avoid mailing it during the holiday period . Alex q uestioned if the Committee has found a method for encoding the surveys so that there will be no duplicate responses . Randy indicated that the method can be very simple . All that would be necessary would be to place an x on each survey , then scan the response sheets with a black light . Alex suggested that a bonded paper could be used , then all one would need to do is to look for the water mark . The rest of the meeting was spent finishing up the q uestions . The Members decided that there will not be a map after all . The introduction to the survey was adjusted to accommodate that , and also the last paragraph " for further information . . . " was deleted . It was decided that the introduction would be put at the top of the actual survey , instead of having a separate cover page . The Members requested that adequate space w ould be available for comments . Roxanne reported that Marsha had said that the Town shares a permit number with the Village . This is for first class mailing . It would be necessary to have 500 pieces or more , with at least 10 in a zip code . It was decided that a bulk rate would be looked into . Roxanne will have the survey questionnaire completed and mailed to each Member before the next meeting ( October 18 , 1994 ) .. David Tyler had indicated to her at the last Planning Board Meeting that perhaps this would be a good time for the two groups to meet . At this point , Catherine suggested that the Town Board Members might like to join the two groups also . All three groups IlL it i TOWN OF ULYSSES 3 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE OCTOBER 4 , 1994 TOWN HALL will be sent the sample survey questionnaire . Hopefully they will have each completed it , and will come to the meeting with their suggestions for improving it . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 40 PM . I I 1' r. III IlI 1 I' TOWN OF ULYSSES l0 ELM STREET ryry �7 �� 77hh�� hh },77 {{+� }}P�� ��.77 �Oy yy.'�++ BOT� 7 �2 �1. 737 pp '1Rl.J1'iiilYJ !] 'JRG , NEW YORK 14886 607 - 387 - 5767 Dear Town of Ulysses property owner, t The Town government is presently preparing a Master Plan for the future of our ' Town . This comprehensive plan is intended to act as a road map for determining prospective locations fax growth , future changes in zoning , and the identification of . important natural features and other places in the Town that should be preserved . We need the input of Town residents as this plan is being prepared . Please take a few moments to respond to the survey questions below , and return it in the enclosed self - addressed envelope no later than 0 A map of Ulysses is also enclosed to assist you in answering some of the questions . Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to this process . 1 . How do you value the qualities / SOME features in the Town of Ulysses ? VERY WHAT NOT Please rate the fn / lowing : 1MPT . / EtE . IMPT . IYPT . AGRICULTURAL LAND OPEN SPACE ( UNDEVELOPED ) . THE VftLAG; t OF SRUMANStURG HISTORIC STRUCTURE , OUTDOOR RECREATION / PARKS - i SHOPPING COMNSEC7ALIPROFESSIONAL SERVICES SMALL TOWN ATMOSPHERE OLUNTEER / COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Ill III ENfE . O5 COMMUNITY ZONING / PLANNING ttSSt CHURCH OTHER + COMMENTS ~ ' - I _` 2 . Change is inevitable poor the SOME next ten years . to you see a MUCH NEEDED 511AT NOT need for the following : NEEDED NEEDED NEEDED ..� - COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES S ENIOR HOUSING OFFICE / PROFESSIONAL SPACE MAINTAINING OPEN SPACE TOURISM H IGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL . --4LANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LIGHT INDUSTRY / BUSINESS PARK II ,LARGE SHOPPING CENTER S MALL SHOPPING AREA LOCAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUSfTIES ( within Town ) . POLICE PROTECTION P UBLIC WATER PUBLIC SEWER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TV / ELECTRONIC CABLE O THER COMMENTS TOWN OF ULYSSES 10 ELM STREET 7' P . O . BO 721 TRUMANSBURG , NEW YORK 14886 607 - 387 - 5767 3 . Considering your responses in question two , please identify areas that you feel are appropriate for development : OTHER RT 96 RT 89 RT 227 ( SPECIFY ) Close to Village of Trumann urg ' Along main highways at major intersections only . Anywhere along main highways 0 South end of Town of Ulysses ( toward Ithaca ) Other 4 . Would you prefer to see development immediately along the arterial highways ( strip ) or concentrated off the arterial highways ( cluster ) ? ( Circle one ) Strip Cluster Other ( specify ) 5 . Please identify areas that you feel are inappropriate for any type of development . III 6 . To you live in the Ithaca or TruueseLnrg School District ? (Circle one ) 75 you could choose , which school district would you prefer ? Ithaca Trumansburg ( Circle one ) 7 . What is your occupation ? ( Specify ) Where do you work : Town of Ulysses h Elsewhere ( specify ) If you had e choice , where would you rather work ; Town of Ulysses Elsewhere ( specify ) 8 . Are you a Town of Ulysses resident ? YES NO How long have you lived / or owned property in the Town ? YEARS . Please name the road intersection closest to your property in the Town of Ulysses . COMMENTS