HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-19 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES ' 1 PLANNING BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 19 , 1994 TOWN HALL P RESENT : CHAIRMAN : DAVID TYLER ; MEMBERS : KRYS CAIL , GREGG H OFFMIRE , BUDD STOVER ; SECRETARY : ROXANNE SMITH The meeting came to order at 7 : 30 . MINUTES OF AUGUST 15 , 1994 On page one , " Minutes of July 25 , 1994 " , Krys wanted clarification on , who would contact who , on the Ad Hoc Committee . K rys has not heard from Tom Smith yet . She will call him . On page two , David requested the addition of " U . S . " to Supreme Court Decision / Special Permit . In the third sentence , in that paragraph , " proportionalities " has been changed to proportionality . In the same sentence , after proportionality , " for the dedication " h as been added . Krys made the motion to pass the minutes as amended , Budd seconded . The minutes were passed unanimously . BUDGET D avid mentioned that it is time to put 1995 budget requests in for the Planning Board and Master Plan Committee . He didn ' t see any unusual expenditures coming up for the Planning Board . Sue P oelvoorde will be contacting Alex Rachun about the Master Plan Committee ' s upcoming budget needs . WAL - MART ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY K rys asked the Members if they had read the article in the Ithaca Journal regarding the City of Ithaca having to appropriate $ 17 , 000 out of contingency funds to do a final environmental assessment for Wal - Mart . If they ( Wal - Mart ) continue with the idea t hat they might come to Ulysses , could the Town end up in a position to have to do something like that , queried Krys ? Perhaps in their private ordinance they have to share the cost with the d eveloper , offered David . Does the Town ordinance address this ? D avid mentioned that he will talk to Alex about that . BUSINESS DISTRICT Until the Town Board responds on the Residential Districts , t he Members will continue with the possible Business Districts . D avid reminded the Members of the possibilities that they had d iscussed earlier . They are : Low Impact - Commercial / Professional Office Existing B2 ( Auble ' s ) Present Business District plus light industry K rys queried about the distinction between light and heavy industry . The size , larger , could mean more impact , so perhaps it could be considered heavy . David commented that some environmental ✓ egulations have really gotten out of hand . Therm is a classic example of overkill . David asked the Members if the above distinctions in thee B usiness Districts were the direction that they wanted to go ? G regg said it sounded good to him . The Members discussed the importance of a feeder road into business areas . They produce less impact on major highways . The airport has a good example . Having setbacks significantly larger , 410 off highways might help suggested David . i I If TOWN OF ULYSSES 2 PLANNING BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 19 , 1994 TOWN HALL K rys felt that it ' s important to be very specific when it comes to road construction . Budd asked where would the B1 go in the Town of Ulysses ? Krys ✓ esponded that she could see it happening in the old county home area . The Members discussed the success of the business offices n ear the hospital . D avid stated that he sees the B1 and B3 as quite limited , and the B2 as being broader . Krys agreed . NEXT MEETING 1 David requested that copies of the Village of Lansing ' s Zoning Ordinance be made ( pages 26 - 29 ) for the Members for the next meeting , along with page 5 of the Town of Ulysses ' s e xisting ordinance dealing with the business district . B udd mentioned that there is a lot of gravel missing from the ✓ ailroad tracks ( Black Diamond Trail ) . He stated that if that bicycle trail y passes , a lot more will end no missing . The next meeting dates for the Planning Board are : octobcn 3rd and 17th . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 05 PM . 1