HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-15 - PB TOWN OF ULYSSES PLANNING BOARD MEETING AUGUST 15 , 1994 TOWN HALL PRESENT : CHAIRMAN : DAVID TYLER ; MEMBERS : DRYS GAIL , DAN SMITH , BUDD STOVER ; SECRETARY : ROANNE SMITH The meeting came to order at 7 : 30 PM . ACCESSORY APARTMENT DLFINITION The Chairman asked how an accessory apartment was defined . The legal square footage of a house is 750 square feet . The " Elder Cottage " would only be allowed with a Special Permit . They are not permanent . D rys pointed out that an owner occupied duplex that has an accessory dwelling that is 60 in size of the main dwelling could exist in R1 - B . In Rl - A , the accessory dwelling can be up to 401 of the primary dwelling in size and not be owner occupied . CONTINUING REVISIONS TO ZONING ORDINANCE The Members reviewed their changes . On pack one ( under Section I Area Variance ) the fist paragraph , the last word in the paragraph will change from " appellant " to " applicant " . On the third page , under Article Ut , in R1 - A , " ( lot up to 2 acres ) " will be changed to " ( minimum lot size as defined in Article V , Section 14 " . The next sentence will state " For an accessory apartment contained within t he primary structure ( or outbuilding apartment ) the floor space shall n ot exceed 404 of the total floor space of the primary dwelling . " " Yard setbacks shall apply to all Rl - A uses as to parking areas , except for 1 or 2 family dwellings . " will be moved to below the first para - graph under Height and Setback . " as to in the above statement will be changed to " including " . In Ri - h , " an accessory apartment contained within the primary structure ( or outbuilding apartment ) " will be added after the word " For " ( second sentence ) , and before " the floor space shall not exceed In R3 , the Members added " lot size , lot coverage " after " refer, to " . On the next to last page , under " Section 3 Residence Districts ( R3 ) " , " Everything „ will he changed to " Any use permitted . MINUTES Or JULY 211 1994 The Members made some corrections and additions to the minutes o f July 25 , 1994 . They are as follows ; the first page , the second paragraph , in the parenthesis , the name " Tom Bennett " has been deleted and replaced with " a Village Planning Board Member " . The Members added 0 " who graciously consented to serve " after " Toys Call " in the same parenthesis . In the fourth paragraph ( first page ) , first sentence , the word " had " has been added after the word forum . In that same paragraph , the last sentence , the period has been deleted and the following added : " for the business community . David urged the group be a small one to facilitate fully attended meetings . " After passing the minutes it was stated that Paul Odell will be t he Village representative on the Ad Hoc Committee . He is also e member o f the Tillage Planning Board . Frys stated she will contact Larry Thompson ( Ulysses Square ) and inform him that she will be the Town ' s representative to the Committee . If he has concerns she will be his liaison . • 119 TOWN or ULYSSES 2 P LANNING BOARD MEETING AUGUST 15 , 1994 TOWN FUILL COVER LETTER TO THE TOWN BOARD The Members worked up a Letter, to submit to the Town with the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance . SUPREME COURT DECISION / SPECIAL PERMIT David mentioned a case that had come up for discussion in an 0 earlier meeting . The Supreme Court shot down a blanket requirement t hat landowners dedicate land to municipalities . The Supreme Court sent it back down to Oregon ( where the case originated ) saying there must be proportionalities to the impact created by the development . The municipality in Oregon had not articulated a reasonable relation - ship . It will change the war things are done , but not the general methodology . David stated he thinks it is good , because there has been a lot of abuses . It will create a lot of litigation ( " fodder for lawyers " ) . Dan stated that this decision will affect agriculture . David also wanted to mention another item that came across his d esk , of special interest . He commented how the Planning Board has struggled with the Special Permit process . He then proceeded to quote from an article the following ; " Ordinance permitting cabaret . A Special Permit use entitles B oard of Zoning Appeals to impose reasonable conditions , but not to bar cabaret altogether . " if you ' re saying something can be done by Special Permit , you ' re saying it can be done . The only way it can be denied is if they don ' t accept reasonable conditions . Some people think that Special P ermit means we don ' t have to gave it . That ' s not really true . E ven though we ' ve tried to word it as toughly as possible , it almost means it will be granted but with conditions . NEXT MEETING The next Planning Board Meeting will be September 19 , / 994 . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 10 PM . 4