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August 9 , 1994
P RESENT : Supervisor Douglas Rustic ; Town Councilpeople Thomas
Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis ; Highway
S uperintendent James Meeker ; Town Clerk Marsha L .
G eorgia ; Councilman Weatherby absent
OTHERS PRESENT : Ali Oshinsky , Free Press Reporter ; Matt Howard ,
, , Boy Scout
Supervisor Austic called the Regular Board Meeting of the Town of
U lysses to order at 7 : 30 pm and led those assembled in the Pledge
of Allegiance To the Flag of the United States of America .
® Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of a
S pecial Board Meeting of 6 / 28 / 94 and the Regular Board Meeting of
July 12 , 1994 .
Mr . Reitz amended 6 / 28 / 94 minutes as follows ;
First page second paragraph - remove last sentence of that
paragraph .
Mrs . Stover amended 7 - 12 - 94 minutes as follows ;
P age three last paragraph should read south end of Village not
Town and also on page four second line should read south end of
Village and north of the Village on the fourth line .
Mr . Reitz amended 7 - 12 - 94 minutes also - page 5 third paragraph
last line be deleted . Also paragraph four , line two on that same
page should read - Hearing none .
Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis to approve the minutes of
6 - 28 - 94 and 7 - 12 - 94 as amended . Unanimously approved .
Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to approve claims # 215
thru # 246 in the amount of $ 23 , 678 . 72 as presented to the Board .
Mr . Austic aye
Mr . Reitz aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Curtis aye
REPORT Trumansburq Fire Department
REPORT - Representative Peter Meskill
® absent
Town Clerk
Mrs . Georgia reported that for the month of July $ 1 , 721 . 86 in
total fees were collected of which $ 892 . 14 was turned over to the
Supervisor along with a written report . She announced that
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Board Meeting
8 - 9 - 94
Sporting Licenses for 94 - 95 will go on sale starting Monday
August 15th .
Highway Superintendent.
Mr . Meeker reported that for the month of July they had been
mowing roadside , cleaned ditch on Cold Springs / Iradell Rd . ,
✓ epaired FWD truck and Mack truck , dug out some bad spots on
G lenwood Rd , hauled crushed stone for Willow Creek Rd . shoulder
materials , helped the Town of Newfield do some paving , , , May have
specs for Salt Shed soon .
B oard Members
Councilman Thomas Reitz
Mr . Reitz reported that he had toured Gow Chevy ( SBA owns now )
w ith the Library building committee to look into that building as
a possible site for a new library and possibly share the site
w ith the Town . He reported his findings to Mr . Austic and Mrs .
Stover at another meeting and they had reservations . He would
like Ben ' s feelings . Mr . Reitz gave the general overview . The
g eneral consensus was not to get involved with this building re :
too costly to purchase and too costly to renovate and the site is
n ot cleaned up and certified by DEC . . Talks can certainly stay
o pened .
Mr . Reitz reported that the Inter - municipal Committee for Youth
had met and they may have a proposal together . They would like
to present it to the Town Board , Village Board and Youth
Commission . It was decided to set up a meeting between September
9 - 30 , maybe around the 15th . Mr . Austic will set up a meeting .
Mr . Reitz informed the Board that he had asked Mr . Borden ,
several weeks ago , to come in and give the Town a price on
cleaning the air ducts from the furnace . He has not come in as
yet .
Councilman Ben Curtis
Mr . Curtis also commented on the Youth Meeting .
Mr . Curtis suggested having a contractor come in and give us some
prices on a new heating system and or cooling : yst_ en that would
be adequate now and if we added on in the future .
Councilwoman Catherine Stover
Mrs . Stover reported that she had talked with Tom Richardson , TC
S olid Waste . The glass can not be put into one bin has to be
separated . The Fairboard has not contacted Tom . She talked with
Calvin and he would be agreeable to have a teenager help out at
the center . She did ask what the outlook on the recycling
centers are for the future as far as being kept open . Mr .
Richardson stated that if any stay open it would be
Trumansburg ' s .
Mrs . Stover reported that the Master Plan Committee has been (I/
w orking on a survey to be mailed out . They are not sure as yet
to what list of residents to send the survey to . They have
talked about using the voter registration list or the assessment
list . T . C . Assessment will provide labels and this may be the
best way to go . One of their thoughts is to include a question
on the survey asking what school district they preferred .
Supervisor Douglas Austic
Mr . Austic stated that the questions on the survey need to be
w orded in a way that they are not leading to a particular answer .
Town of Ulysses 3
Regular Board Meeting
8 - 9 - 94
It may be possible to get some help from someone like Cornell to
help set up questions .
Mr . Austic stated that due to the circumstances there is no
" Supervisor ' s Financial Statement " . We may have a slight set
back . We may need some assistance and may have to look into the
purchase of a computer and possibly software that any one can
understand . The accounts now are on a program that was written
by Jeanne herself . He and Mrs . Georgia are going to her home to
down load information from her computer tomorrow . Mrs . Georgia
will type the accounts payable checks tomorrow and process by
hand . He has talked with a couple of people .
Water District
Mr . Austic attended the Village Board meeting last night and they
passed a resolution in favor of the Towns ' s proposal . They did
not want to get into saying they would commit to x number of
gallons for the simple reason they wanted to know what is in it
for the Village . The next step was - he called a couple of
engineering firms and they are coming in this week to estimate a
cost for doing this - an engineering study - whatever we have to
do for the -Grant . Than it comes down to are the business people
willing to do that .
Mr . Curtis asked if the business people would front the money for
the engineering study .
Mr . Austic - or are we ( Town ) willing to do that and get it back
from them - the law says they will do it - if they are willing or
not .
Mr . Curtis has a real problem with that and feels they ( the
business ' s ) may have a problem - where as money is being put out
without some commitment at the other end .
Mr . Austic - I tried to get this last night - little hope .
Mr . Curtis - little hope for that ? - how much over there when
push comes to shove .
Mr . Austic - I don ' t think there will be a problem giving the
water - there is a problem with giving the water for nothing -
they have all these problems and wonder if we can somehow help
them out . That ' s when I asked them what they wanted .
Mr . Curtis - I think I would feel comfortable if the Village came co'is• ,L:
down and right out - be up front - and said " Your proposal
provides this , this , and this " - so we know what has to be in our L�v
® grant proposal . Either that we will free up whatever that amount � IP
of water is . Than I would feel better about saying lets go
ahead . /6\68;;
Mr . Austic - one board member was hesitant , but the others were
concerned that you ' re asking the Village to do something after
they ' ve spent all this money in their water system , which is
true , may cause a detriment to their system , may or may not and
they want to know how - are we willing to do - provide another
well or anything they may need - work on it with them - I do not
see a problem with - if we are guaranteed the water .
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Board Meeting
8 - 9 - 94
Mr . Curtis - I think we need a commitment - if we can come up with
a way to provide them with a second well - -
Mr . Austic - we do not know what they want - need something firm
from them - - maybe after I talk with the engineers .
Mr . Austic stated that Hunt Engineering would be willing to write
g rants also .
S ales tax Resolution
Mr . Reitz mentioned some additional information he had received
that may be important to look into on " Sales Tax Monies " and how
it could be distributed . Mr . austic will look into this and the
board decided to table this resolution until next board meeting . IID
n Other
Jr ,& Mr . Curtis announced that he has been appointed as the Chairman
Von the Cable Commission .
P ublic Comment Resolution
It was the general consensus of the Board to limit public comment
to 2 to 5 minutes . If someone wishes to be heard and they pre -
call we can put them on the agenda and ask for information to be
distributed to the board prior to the meeting so that the board
can be informed . The intent of the proposed resolution was not
certainly to discourage public comments but to only allow the
board to be pre - informed of the material to be discussed .
Cat Licensing
Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Austic the following ;
RESOLVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses , after
d ue consideration and on behalf of its
constituents goes on record as being opposed to
t he licensing of cats in Tompkins County , at this
time .
Mr . Austic aye
Mr . Reitz aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Curtis aye
Mr . Austic reviewed correspondence received .
Mrs . Stover moved to adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss
possible litigation , seconded by Mr . Reitz .
Mr . Austic aye
Mr . Reitz aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Curtis aye
Meeting adjourned to Executive Session .
Regular Board Meeting re - adjourned at 10 : 35 pm .
Town of Ulysses 5
Regular Board Meeting
8 - 9 - 94
Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to authorize Douglas
Austic , Supervisor and Thomas Reitz , Building Maintenance
Chairman to interview and hire a person for cleaner for the Town
Hall and stay within the budget .
Mr . Austic aye
Mr . Reitz aye
Mrs . Stover aye
Mr . Curtis aye
III Adopted
Hearing no further business a motion was made to adjourn the
meeting . Unanimously approved . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 40 pm .
® Respectfully submitted ,
Marsha L . Georgia
MLG : mg