HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-06-14 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING June 14 , 1994 P resent : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Tom Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis , Bob Weatherby ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . O thers Present : Marion Boratinsky , All Oshinsky / Free Press , Peter Meskill , - Tracy Smith/ Cty . Planning Circuit Rider . S upervisor Austic called the meeting - of the Town Board to order at 7 : 30 pm and led those in • attendance "tin the Pledge of Allegiance to the ' Flag - - of - thes- United - States of America . Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve - the - minutes of the RegulariTown . Board Meeting of •May - 107 - 1994 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by • -Mrs -. • Stover : = i : . .. • Mr . . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye • Mrs . . , Stover • Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . CLAIMS • - Mr . Austic said he would like to transfer $ 2500 . from A7310 . 04 to A7310 . 01 ; transfer $ 1000 . from DA5148 . 01 to DA5142 . 01 ; also need additional money • to * cover ' the 1993 . Audit so would transfer $ 900 . from :A1990 . 04 to A1320 : 04 : Mr . -Reitz moved the above transfers , seconded by : Mr• s . Stover - - - - - . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye • Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . ' • - Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve Claims # 157 - 190 in the amount of $ 6527 . 53 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . • Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Report : Trumansburq Fire Department N o report . Report : Representative Peter Meskill I . . . . ) Mr . Meskill said a few things came up in a budget meeting , first is solid waste . . . regarding the billing . Has been suggested collecting the solid waste fee with taxes . Need to know how the Town Clerks feel about this , before going further . Will require separate accounting , and people can refuse to pay the fee . Mrs . G eorgia said the clerks - have - a meeting ' this week and - will be discussing . this -. Brief discussion ensued . Also regarding solid waste , there is a member item resolution asking for a sixty day hold on the transfer station . 911 Budget will . move . to full Board vote next week . Concerning Election d ollars ; . understand the administrators intend - to relevy • this fee• -. . . . . t . . .n b �O 1 Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting June 14 , 1994 on to the Town taxes . The County is still of the opinion they have the right _to charge these election expenses . REPORTS Town Clerk , Marsha Georgia reported $ 1130 . collected for the month of May of which $ 637 . 93 was turned over to the Supervisor . Taxes balanced and have been turned over to the County . Letter sent to Marion Boratynski that her request had been received . Another letter was sent indicating that there was quite a large volume of material and asked her to come in and go through it and indicate what she would like copied . To date she hasn ' t come in . H ighway Superintendent , James Meeker reported the crew had cold patched roads ; removed trees ; cleaned up all cemeteries and mowed . Received a pre - application for funding for our recycling project . Been working on specs for the Salt Shed . Last one was in 1991 . . . Town of Lansing has put one up since then , roughly the same type we are looking at . Cost $ 16 . 59 square foot . . . for 30x60 , 22 ' high , talking about $ 30 , 000 . Does not include floor . We would do site work , floor , pad . Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun distributed copies of the proposed contract with the County for helping the Master Plan Committee gain the background data needed to complete the Master P lan . Discussion ensued regarding cost , grant money available for water districts , type of data to be collected , etc . Further discussion regarding getting people involved to do research . People don ' t have time to do this . Mr . Austic said the Planning Board /Master Plan Committees are not asking County P lanning to write the Master Plan ; need the information / data and they will write the Master Plan . Mr . Austic entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following : RESOLVED : that the Town of Ulysses Supervisor be authorized sign a contract with Tompkins County Planning to provide data for the Ulysses Master Plan Committee , and FURTHER RESOLVED : that the cost will not exceed $ 3500 . and the information will be provided within four months ( by November 1 , 1994 ) . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Mr . Rachun stated that we have a new house on the National Register of Historic Places . . . Halsey House . Discussed water and g rant money available ; homes in Jacksonville ; ' flea ' market on RT 96 ; and Canal System . Supervisor , Doug Austic reported he had signed the repurchase agreement at 4 . 10 % for 90 days . Cash flow statement distributed . O LD BUSINESS Employee Policy . Mr . Austic said he had read over information from Ben regarding sick leave . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby the following amendment to the Employee Personnel P olicy : psi Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting June 14 , 1994 upon termination of employment , accumulated sick leave benefits will not be available ' . During discussion it was determined that upon retirement , the policy will stand as written . . . • - Mr . Austic Aye . Mr . , Reitz Aye Mrs Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis - . Aye Approved . County Youth Mr . Austic said that numbers supplied to him regarding intermunicipal youth are inaccurate . Feels a meeting would be beneficia1. 1, 4 After discussion it was decided Mr . Austic will check. with . Nancy ahier • andw schedule- a meeting either late this w eek or first of next week •. i Building Report - Mr . Reitz reported on the meeting of the Building Renovation Committee . Preliminary thoughts on what needs to be done were discussed : addition , renovating court room and a couple of . o ffices , adding two handicapped restrooms , adding records ✓ etention room . Looking at different options , different costs for projects . Mr . Austic said that basically we are talking $ 100 , 000 . Another option is going in with library . . . discussion is taking place with that group . N EW BUSINESS Mary Ann Lapinski Mr . Austic said Ms . Lapinski called and wants to establish a Town Meeting during the County budget process ; the first or. third week in August . Enable people to come and comment on the County budget . There were no objections . . . Mr . Austic will get back in touch with Ms . Lapinski . B ailey Insurance Mr . Austic said Bailey is interested in giving a quote for next year ' s insurance . This was fine with the Board . Master Repurchase Agreement B ank is going to get this to us before the next meeting . Seafuse Mr . Austic said John Andersson from TC Health Dept . has told Seafuse that he has to come up with a definite proposal to obtain water by September . Mr . Austic told Seafuse to start with his petition process to get a water district . Dergwren Call regarding sizeable development at County Home . Need plans . G rass Roots Festival Mr . Austic said we can ' t put a limit on time . Mr . Reitz said the Fair Association can put limits . Festival is July 21 - 24 . Mr , Austic said he will speak to Gerry Reynolds . Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting • - . June 14 , 1994 HEARING , Off' •INDIVIDUALS ' AND` DELEGATIONS - Mr . Austic asked Mr . Meeker if he was working on a policy ✓ egarding . Spraying - . Mr . Meeker said Yes . Ms . . - Boratynski said letters to property owners , certainly some- notice that spraying was going to occur . Mr . Austic said we can ' t send a letter to e veryone ; notification in the newspaper . Property owners can then call us for an agreement . Mr . Meeker doesn ' t know when he w ill be spraying . Short discussion ensued . Also , Mr . Meeker said wood chips are available Monday through Friday from 7 : 30am - 313Opm . Ms . Boratynski also stated that she would be in on Thursday for copies of items she has requested . CORRESPONDENCE . Mr . Austic re 'lrieWed Correspondence received . • • Hearing nos -further business - Mr . Curtis moved tor adjourn the Regular ' Town Board Meeting , seaondedi by -Mr 's . Stover . Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 10 : 10pm . Respectfully submitted , • • Marsha ' L .. Georgia = Town Clerk - pm • • • • L ,