HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-10 -TB ,‘J0 TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING May 10 ,90 1994 Present : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Tom Reitz , Catherine Stover ', Ben Curtis -, Robert Weatherby ; James Meeker , Highway Superintendent •; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Town Clerk Marsha Georgia . Others Present : Peter Meskill • , Peter Demjanec , Marion Boratynski , Ruth Kahn , - Sue Peolvoorde , All Oshinksky , Joanne _ Moli-no .• I : .- .. . Mr . Austic called the Regular Meeting of the - Ulysses Town Board to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Board '- Meeting . of April 9 , 1994 - and - the Regular Town Board Meeting of April 12 , 1994 , moved by Mrs : Stover , - seconded by Mr . Curtis . Mr . Reitz said that on page four of the April 12th meeting , add - intermunicipal recreation task - force . " - - . I Mr . Austic - . Aye - Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . - - • • - CLAIMS Mr . Austic • entertained a motion to approve Claims 4117 - 156 in the amount - ° of ~ $ 21 ; 758 . 31 , : moved . by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mr . Weatherby . �. • - Mr ; Austic . : - Aye Mr . ., Rei.tz : Aye Mrs . LStover Aye Mr : Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis • Aye Approved . Report. : Txumansburq Fire ' Department . Mr . Meskilli : reported that - the Fire Department will be having a fund raising breakfast - May. 15 for anew ambulance . Report : . . Representative Peter Meskill TC Public works is proposing to use $ 65 , 000 . of next years money to purchase : twenty. - five hundred . tons of salt prior to the salt increase .. _ . :Sol:i.d :Waste is •meeting with Public Works to go over the 7. 0$ ,drawings for - solid. Lwaste / recycling building . Clean - up Day is stiltl . :undecided : - Would -probably be handled - the same as the last , one ;. Apeopla bringctheir things to the Town ' Barns . O ther thing is 911 . Made it through Public Safety Committee , w ill sl ow. : down . :when : .it . comes to • the Budget Committee : f The proposal for tax base cost is approximately 4 $ 65 , 000 . per - year and that is basically the salaries and benefits for two additional d ispatchers ; minus about $ 14 , 000 . in cost right now that come out o f the tax base . The rest of the proposal is for the various hardware and software to be purchased . Plan at present is to bond . Task Force would Like : to - have a start up date of 7 / 95 . Mr . Reitz asked if there would be enhancement for more road patrol ? Mr . Meskill said they are talking about it . , h �r Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting May 10 , 1994 Mr . Reitz moved that the Town support the Resolution as presented by Chief Roemer regarding the E - 911 Task Force , seconded by Mr . Weatherby . Mr . Curtis said he doesn ' t know what is being voted on ; Mr . Meskill reiterated his explanation . Mr . Reitz amended the resolution to say that the Task Force has approved on May 5 , 1994 . . . Mr . Meskill said you can say ' as recommended by the Public Safety Committee ' . . . Mr . Curtis suggested ' the Public Safety Committee proposal providing for 35 mobil data terminals and two additional employees ' . Mr . Reitz said he would accept Mr . Curtis ' s friendly amendment and Mr . Weatherby seconded the following resolution : RESOLUTION Town of Ulysses Board Supporting the Final Recommendation of the E - 911 Task Force . WHEREAS , the Tompkins County Board of Representatives expressed its desire for 911 service in Tompkins County three years ago and appointed a task force to study and make recommendations for the purchase and installation of such an enhanced system in Tompkins County , and WHEREAS , the Task Force included several representatives of the Fire and EMS service in its membership , who have kept the Fire and EMS Advisory Board informed of all their deliberations , options , and decisions , and WHEREAS , this board has reviewed the alternative proposals for an E - 911 System , and has also reviewed the final recommendations of the Task Force , and , WHEREAS , the Town of Ulysses Board believes that the Task Force proposals , as passed , will enhance the delivery of emergency services to the people of Tompkins County , and as resolved , will not jeopardize the excellent services currently provided through Tompkins County Fire and EMS Dispatch Center , NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town of Ulysses Board does hereby endorse the recommendations of the Tompkins County E - 911 Task Force recommended by the Public Safety Committee proposal providing thirty - five ( 35 ) Mobile Data Terminals and two ( 2 ) employees and that such recommendations be approved and implemented by that body as soon as possible , and FURTHER RESOLVED , that this Board does also advise the Board of Representatives that the long term commitments for the provision of human and financial resources , including those necessary for communications equipment and radio maintenance , must be made by the Board of Representatives if the system is to succeed . RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF ULYSSES BOARD ON THE TENTH DAY OF MAY , 1994 . SIGNATURE TITLE Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting May 10 , 1994 Mr . Austic Aye • Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . , Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . . - / Mr . Meskill announced that the Fire Department will be hosting a breakfast . Sunday , May 15th from 7 - 11am . This is a fund raising e vent . toward , the purchase of • a • new • ambulance •. - - REPORTS . . Town • . Clerk , Marsha Georgia reported $ 8 , 814 . 38 collected for the month of April . In Lieu of Mortgage Tax check from Glenwood School was $ 7 , 300 . which is part of the .- total reported . , - $ 897 . 98 w as collected . . in tax • penalty / late notice charge : Been working - on house numbering . for TaughannockiBlvd . - Requested an executive . session4to . . discuss . two : personnel matters , : one on house numbering and . the other , on building , maintenance :. . • i • . - H ighway Superintendent , James Meeker reported that the trucks w ere readied for inspection ; couple of salt trucks taken off road and insurance . . . - Doing road patch along side of roads . - Chipper arrived ., , Installing pipe on Wilkins Road : •Mr . Meeker brought in an agreement - ' with . • the County to . share - equipment . I - Needs to - be . ✓ etyped . t - . Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun reported 5 permits issued in April . ZBA met for three appeals , two were approved and one denied . There is a problem with zoning enforcement - regarding property in Jacksonville , owned by Teetor . Garbage all over , rats . . ,Working •. .wi• th , heal• th , department and . . two notices of . ✓ iolation sent .: Problem is there • seems to be a - tota lbreakdown o f property . cownership . :County . is •;proceeding to foreclose on - the property. . but . will be a long ; process . Another probl em ! is ,-with P erry •City . Auto . N.otifiediJoe Allen ; Town can . • offer - •a special permit .- , . Looking for some . - direction ,• on . how to proceed :- • Mr . Austic asked if a fine system . has ,: been established . Mr . . Rachunrsaid yes ; one - of the problems . . ..do lhay.e :. some bench - r w arr,ants , . but , they . ar. enit served , :_Mr . Austic suggested hand d elivering . . Mr . , ,- Rachun said -. the , . biggestiproblem right now are • the properties - owned . by . Mobil , Oil ; . breakdown tin - up - keep • and - maintenance on those • properties .. - , - Mr . Curtis said there must be some -way that we can do the maintenance : on • the properties • and bill it - back on - the property taxes .. , _ Village has done this ; .Mr . Meskill thought it was a local Law . Concerning Teetor property i• n . Jacksonville , Mr . Rachun said he feels that it ' s a health department problem ; - was - suggested that a letter be , written to bank holding mor- tgage . . . Mr . Rachun will w rite . . Regarding homes owned by ,Mobil , Oil , there must be someone at Mobil. . . to talk to - and Mr . Reitz and -Mr . ' Austic -wil• 1 pursue . Board . Members :. . Mr .. , Curtis . spoke regarding , the , Per_sonnel P olicy . . . suggested adding a sentence or two to clarify . . . paid ✓ acation on page 7 add to page 4 . Mr . Austic will take care of ✓ ewording this section . - Mr .- Austic ,said , that Jeannie •wi• 1' 1 put Supervisor ' s Financial Report . in board ' s baskets . Went to - a . meeting on May . 5 at the ✓ illage .. . Hunt . Engineeri.ng . explained . the -problems with water facing . the Village . ,Apparently there is • a pressure problem and a Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting May 10 , 1994 low chlorination time coming up Frontenac Road . Basically this w ill run a few hundred thousand , so they are now willing to talk , w e may want to form a water district to include some of the problems we have in the Town . Most of those Town residents live in Aubles Trailer Park . So if someone comes in and wants to form a water district they are willing to discuss it . Mr . Reitz said h e was surprised to find that the study was done for just the n orth end of the Village . Know that there has been a request for w ater from the south end and they didn ' t try to address that q uestion: The - storage ' tankproposed by Hunt is behind the bowling " altey ; 'tit - would not zionly be the Town ' of Ulysses , they are talking about putting a < < pumping station' behind the Fire House to pump the water up to the storage tank ; would almost have to work w ith the Town of Covert . Mr . Weatherby asked if the Village was g oing to proceed or are they waiting for someone to come forward ? Mr : Austic said the State suggested the ViLlage • look into it . Mr . Austic said he had ' some information concerning sales tax . Our first quarter = share of the sales tax for this year was $ 96 ',- 110 . 35 . Getting about $ 400 , 000 . applied to our County tax bills for the residents . If we took the sales tax directly our County tax bill for Ulysses residents would be something like $ 3 . 50 and right now it ' s $ 2 . 38 ; so it ' s basically a $ 1 . 00 ✓ eduction per thousand ' by applying the sales tax . Marion Boratynski called with further questions following Mr . Meeker ' s newspaper article . She is requesting information as to labels on the sprays , personnel policy , times and dates of spraying . O LD BUSINESS B uilding Renovation Mr . Austic asked Mr . Reitz if he would like to address the building renovation . Mr . Reitz said he met with Peter Demjanec a couple of weeks ago . Looking at an architectural review of building renovations ; Peter has submitted a proposal . Mr . D emjanec explained that he had met with Mr . Reitz to discuss a possible addition to the Town Hall . No one is certain what is to be done , thus the proposal submitted indicates different levels o f renovation . The proposal was explained . Mr . Austic said the first two levels seem reasonable but the third level is beyond o ur means . Mr . Curtis said he has talked with other community g roups that are looking for a new home . . . reluctant to do something with this building until we find out what is going on . S omething to think about . Mr . Reitz said one of the Village Trustees said there is land at the west side of their building and could explore adding on to the Village building and use their courtroom . Then this building could possibly be used by the library . Mr . Austic said you are then getting into the $ 160 , 000 . P robably should form a committee to come up with ideas ; if we come up with a simple addition on the back of the existing building here, do some repairs , the floors , bathrooms . Mr . Reitz said should work within some kind of time frame to come up with a plan , perhaps a couple of months . Mr . Austic said we are limited o n funds ; form a committee to decide the minimum needs . Mr . Austic , Mr . Reitz and Mr . Curtis will be on the committee . Mrs . G eorgia suggested someone who works here serve on the committee also . Will meet on this and come up with some kind of proposal by next month . Roadside Spraying Mr . Austic asked if anyone had anY thoughts concerning roadside spraying they would like to share'. Mr . Reitz said we talked about the possibility of having written agreements with the people who are willing to maintain their own property . Mr . , is Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Town Board Meeting May 10 , 1994 Austic said the Town doesn ' t want to get into a public forum . If the concerned citizens want to hold a forum .. they could use the Town Hall for the meeting ; don ' t know if we want to sponsor it . H e indicated to Ms . Boratynski that if . she wants to . come up with some public meetings think that would be appropriate , we will furnish meeting area . Someone from the Board. would attend . As far as this year , with your . specific . request , . think we need to have an agreement not to . spray andyouu . will _ maintain . Ms . . - B oratynski said would like to . have . informative meetings , an opportunity for all . tos learn . . Asked . why _ we _ can .'. t __. skip one summer o f spraying and give us . an opportunity to _ look , intothis .. _ Mr .. Curtis asked if it is feasible for a resident to use their weed - e ater or whatever and skip that area ? Mr . Meeker said they had an agreement with Ms . Boratynski before and she didn ' t carry through . Ms . Boratynski . disagreed with Mr . .. Meeker ; _ also .. needs w ritten assurance that : no . spraying will take _ place . around , her property . Mr . Meeker said he has no problem in not spraying in front of the Boratynski residence as long as it is , taken . care o f . . . would not have any problem with a signed agreement . Ms . B oratynski wan .ts _ , notification in the , paper ., in . bold print , . when you are going , to spray ., also _ road side . markers . _ .. Mr . , Austic ._ said a . form will be made up . . .. anyone . . wishing not to have spraying_ . occur on their , property must _ notify us _. in writing . and _ sign _ an agreement . : • _ . _ B lack Diamond Trail _ ± Mr . . Austic said that this project is in the very early stages . It ' s . . basically a planning study . . Process . is , that . all landowners w ill be contacted . along the railroad tracks , need to ' do an e nvironmental impact statement . Long process , two to four years . There will be public hearings , _ etc . _ Any new . information _ Andy Mazzella will send our way and public will be notified : NEW BUSINESS Fire Works Permit . _ .. Mr . Austic said a certificate . of insurance was received from the Fair Association for their fireworks permit . After ' brief d iscussion ' Mte . Stover moved , seconded by . Mr . Reitz the following resolution : WHEREAS : upon receipt of a Certificate of Insurance from the Trumansburg Fair Association , . BE IT RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses h ereby authorizes the Fair Association to conduct a fireworks display for the 144th Trumansburg Fair . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby . - Aye .. - Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . . Tompkins County Youth Contracts Mr . Austic said that ' he has a problem with the Youth Contracts . Can ' t see where we should hold the - County harmless and indemnify all their employees and officials to get our share of the money . I don ' t think we have a contract , think we have an agreement that w e will spend - the money and be refunded . Mrs . . Stover asked if this had - changed and Mr . • Austic ' said it has been this . way . If the Board Wants Mr . Austic to sign ' it he will . They have asked him to send his objections and is willing to - write to the County . Town of Ulysses 6 Regular Town Board Meeting t May 10 , 1994 Checked with the town attorney and he doesn ' t think we have a contract eith'e'r '. ' A`fte 'r discussion' , wa's _ decided that Mr . Austic w ill . l ook in't'o` thi s . further `. el P lanning' Board Funds/ TC Estimate M`r . Rachun dist 'ribu'ted a proposed ou'tl 'ine for the Master Plan . Tompkins County has est 'imate'd approximately $ 3 , 000 . to put this together . Feel it to be a reasonable charge . Tompkins County is w aiting for us' to respond so , they can in turn draw up a contract . After brief discussion it ' wa's decided that Mr . Curtis will check with' Tom Niederkorn and get a proposal ' from him . Recycling Center . Mr . Austic has been told that the recycling center was going to be closed . Will discuss this at another time . TC Youth Recreation Information received by - Board . , Mr . Austic can ' t understand amount being asked ( $ 11 , 700 . ) . Based on assessment and population in the Ithaca School District . . . we have 154 students in the Ithaca Schools ; compared to other Towns with larger n umbers . Right now , if the fee for a camp is $ 200 . the amount w ould be triple that if you don ' t attend Ithaca . By paying this $ 11 , 700 . would let all Ulysses students participate rather than just those who attend Ithaca Schools , for the lesser amount . S hort discussion ensued . Mr . Austic said this is just a study to see how many Towns would agree . Mr . Reitz said he will be attending a meeting Thursday and wilY report back . H earing of Individuals and Delegations N one Mr . Austic said the vacancy on EMC has been advertised and haven ' t received any response . One person has been recommended , d o we wish to act on this . Mr . Reitz moved to approve Barb H otchkiss as the representative of the Town of Ulysses to EMC . N o second . Mr . Curtis said he would rather wait another month . Mr . Austic said this has been going on since February . Correspondence Mr . Austic reviewed correspondence received . H earing no further business , Mr . Curtis moved to adjourn to an E xecutive Session , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved , the Board adjourned to Executive Session at 10 : 30pm . EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs . Georgia spoke with Dick Barr about finishing the few roads n eeding revised house numbering . He said he would charge $ 8 . / hr . and not to exceed 30 hours or $ 240 . 00 . He will fit remaining areas into the grid system . Once this is finally finished all parcels will be renumbered and the information provided to Fire Departments . Mrs . Georgia said the present Town Hall Cleaner will be leaving the end of May . Spoke with Calvin Bailey and he is willing to do the job . He would not only maintain the inside of the building but will also do outside work . Would suggest paying him $ 7 . 50 . 1 , 7 Town of Ulysses 7 Regular Town Board Meeting May 10 , 1994 Current cleaner is receiving $ 6 . 00 . Spoke with person at Post O ffice and she contracts with them and gets between $ 10 . and $ 11 . Consensus of the Board is that he already works for us and would be trustworthy and do a good job . Calvin asked about the hourly rate and it was determined that he will meet with the Board to d iscuss this . Mr . Reitz said two items that need to be fixed at the Town H all . . . side outside door and the light on the flag . Mrs . Georgia said we also need a new flag . H earing no further business Mr . Weatherby moved to adjourn the E xecutive Session and return to the Regular Town Board Meeting . The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11 : 00 pm . Respectfully submitted , Marsha Georgia Town Clerk pm