HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-09 - TB 4 ,t TOWN OF ULYSSES SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING April 9 , 1994 Present : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Tom Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis , Robert Weatherby ; Deputy Clerk _ Paula Mount,. . Supervisor Austic opened the Special Meeting of the Ulysses Town Board at 9 . 10am . Mr . Austic referred to a letter he had received from Marion Baratynslcx that was also published in the Free Press . He has received regulations from DEC and shared that information _ with the Board . Mr . Meeker is now licensed as an operator and the Town is registered as a business . Need _ to . post visual . markers ( SW x 5 " ) . According to DEC , chemicals used _ in spraying were approved . Mr . Austic said that Ms . Boratynski will be at the Regular Town Board _ Meeting _ to discuss this situation . A policy may need to be established that deals with folks who are sensative to spraying : perhaps have written agreement with . individuals that they will take care of their property and if it isn ' t done then the Town will spray . _ - : Auditor ' s Report Have already complied with Procurement Policy . Mr . Austic showed an Investment Policy format and Repurchase Agreement that the Town can adopt ; both are from the State and would be appropriate . Do need to clarify how accrued time can be used in the Personnel Policy . Fair Board Mr . Austic informed the Board of the request by the Fair Assoc . for 300 tons of blacktop . Short discussion . Also need to talk with Pete Meskill regarding the County ' s liability regarding the Recycling Center . Fireworks Mr . Austic researched what the Town has down in the past with these types of requests . All we need to have is varificatian of an insurance bond and then can OK this request . G rassroots Festival Mr . Reitz said that restrictions need to be set as to how late the show runs . . . perhaps can be done through the Fair Assoc , when setting up use of grounds . Also should consider some type of community celebration . . . this is the Town ' s Bi - Centennial Year . B us Stops P ete Meskill will be attending the Board meeting Tuesday night and discussing bus stops being placed in the Town . County will furnish the shelters . Planni Town of Ulysses 3 S pecial Town Board Meeting April 9 , 1994 1 I 1 r 1 . Water Mr . Austic ' said ' that conversation with the Village and Town regarding water may benefit all concerned . " Perhaps grant money available . The Village will be having , a meeting around May 5th to discuss their engineeking study . • Also met with Guy Krogh . . Folks on both ends of the Village are g oing "to come iii And petition for water . ParklJParker Lane Request to replace street Signs . Correct name will be found and Mr . Meeker will be asked to replace the two signs . Hearing no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 55am . Respectfully submitted , . P aula 3 . Mount D eputy Clerk - • ..