HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-18 - TB 13 TOWN OF ULYSSES TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING January 18 , 1994 P resent : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis , Robert Weatherby ; Highway Superintendent James Meeker ; Deputy Clerk Paula Mount . O thers Present : Julie McComb / Free Press , Lynn and Charlene Boruchowitz . Supervisor Austic called the meeting of the Town Board , Town of U lysses to order at 7 : 40pm and led those in attendance in the • Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of December 28 , 1993 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mr . Curtis . U nanimously approved . Report : Trumansburq Fire Department Absent . Report : Representative Peter Meskill Attending a County Board Meeting tonight . Claims Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis to approve Claims # 1 - 14 ; h olding Claim # 3 and # 13 , for a total of $ 40 , 358 . 85 . D iscussion followed concerning Claim # 13 - Pager for Justice D ept . ; decided that the pager should be returned and the Town will pay for this to date . Regarding Claim # 3 - Judge attending Assoc . of Towns Meeting in NYC . , decided to hold the claim for further discussion . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . After further discussion regarding Claim # 3 , Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following : RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve Roger Rector attending the Assoc . of Towns Meeting in NYC and the Town will cover up to $ 500 . ( including hotel ) , and the Town will prepay the $ 60 . registration fee . FURTHER RESOLVED : that the Town Board designate Roger N . Rector as Ulysses representative to the Assoc . of Towns . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Supervisor ' s Financial Report Will not be available until January 19 , 1994 ; will be put in Board member ' s baskets . OLD BUSINESS 114 Town of Ulysses 2 Organizational Meeting / Reg . Board Meeting January 18 , 1994 American Legion Water Request Mr . Reitz said he had attended the Village meeting , the Village indicated the Legion should submit a direct request and the American Legion will do so . Mr . Austic explained the letter he had written to Phil Colvin . Also had talked with Bill Auble who w ill be requesting water and sewer for the entire parcel . P rinting of Revised Zoning Ordinance Mr . Curtis and Mrs . Stover will be reviewing the document and presenting a revision at the February Board Meeting . H ouse Numbering Mr . Austic said that Mrs . Georgia had talked with Dick Barr who w ill be willing to complete the house numbering project . Not sure how long it will take or when it can be done . E lectrical Inspectors Mrs . Stover said we never determined what we wanted to do with this . . . have one or two . Retirement Mrs . Stover indicated that this item had been discussed at the S pecial Meeting on Saturday and asked Mr . Austic to reiterate . Mr . Austic said the Board was aware that this would be happening . Apparently we have been paying the full amount right along ; won ' t affect us since we have taken care of it . Mr . Austic mentioned to Mr . Reitz that he understood there was a list of unfinished business ; Mr . Reitz said some of the items have been discussed , procurement policy , highway agreement , house n umbering . . . not sure of the others , will bring to next meeting . N EW BUSINESS Mr . Austic appointed the following : B ookkeeper Jeannie Vanderbilt Town Historian Esther Northrup D eputy Supervisor Catherine Stover Chair / Highway Comm . Robert Weatherby Chair / Bldg . Maint . Thomas Reitz L iaison / Ulysses Lib . Ben Curtis Chair / Recycling Catherine Stover Liaison / Town / Vill . Bd . Doug Austic Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following : RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses appoint the following : Zoning Officer Alex Rachun Deputy Zoning Off . John Fahs Code Enforcement Off / Fire & Bldg . Insp . Alex Rachun P lanning Bd . Chair . David Tyler Zoning Bd . Member Vacant P lanning Bd . Member Vacant Zoning Bd . Chair Vacant Rep . Human Service Coalition Peter Penniman Rep . Assessment Catherine Stover Review Board Carolyn Duddleston E lection Custodians Keith Northrup Or Town of Ulysses 3 Organizational Meeting / Reg . Board Meeting January 18 , 1994 Robert Bennett Town Cleaner Kim Fitchpatrick Co . Youth Rep . Ben Curtis Liaison Ulysses / Village Youth Doug Austic Rep . Cable TV Ben Curtis Town Attorney Bruce Wilson Rep . EOC Vacant Public Access Rep . Ben Curtis Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye ® Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby the following : RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve Salaries and Wages as follows : 1 . Elected Officials ( Yearly salary ) a . Supervisor $ 5 , 622 . 85 b . Board Members 2 , 530 . 75 ( each ) c . Justices Rector 9 , 388 . 97 Springer 4 , 393 . 57 d . Town Ck / Tax Coll . 26 , 000 . 00 e . Highway Supt . 32 , 713 . 95 2 . Appointed Officials ( as stated ) I a . Deputy Town Clerk $ 8 . 82 / hr . b . Deputy Supervisor negotiate as needed C . Zoning Officer 9 , 428 . 00 / yr . d . Deputy Zoning Off . 8 . 82 / hr . e . Code Enforcement Off . 10 , 928 . 00 / yr . f . Bookkeeper 6 , 599 . 36 / yr . g . Historian 400 . 00 / yr . h . Justice Clerk 19 , 413 . 19 / yr . i . Deputy Justice Ck . 7 . 01 / hr . j . Town Cleaner 6 . 29 / hr . k . Office Assistant negotiate as needed 1 . Recycling Super . 6 . 50 / hr . m . Planning Clerk 7 . 61 / hr . n . Code Enforcement Clerk 923 . 20 / yr . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . ® MEETING SCHEDULE : Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following : III RESOLVED : that the Regular Meetings of the Ulysses Town Board shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month . All meetings shall convene at 7 : 30pm at the Ulysses Town Hall , 10 Elm Street , Trumansburg , NY . Review of Claims shall start at 7 : 00pm and shall be open to the public . FURTHER RESOLVED : that the designated news media be notified of the foregoing schedule and the shall be posted in accordance with the open meetings law . Mr . Austic Aye 10 Town of Ulysses 4 Organizational Meeting / Reg . Board Meeting January 18 , 1994 Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . AUTHORIZATIONS : Mr . Weatherby moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following resolutions : RESOLVED : that mileage at a rate of $ . 28 per mile be paid Town officials and employees conducting official Town business w hen driving their private vehicles and that such mileage information be recorded on the forms provided . RESOLVED : that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to incur expenses not to exceed $ 3000 . for repairs and maintenance o f highway equipment without prior Board approval . RESOLVED : the Chairman of Building and Maintenance be authorized to incur expenses not exceeding $ 1000 . for emergency maintenance and repairs following Procurement Procedures . RESOLVED : that undertaking for Town Officials are hereby approved as follows : a . Clerk $ 5000 . b . Justices $ 4000 . c . Deputy Clerk $ 5000 . Justice Clerk $ 4000 . d . Receiver of Taxes $ 200 , 000 . 00 e . Supervisor / Deputy $ 50 , 000 . 00 f . Zoning / Building / Fire Inspector $ 500 . g . Highway Superintendent $ 50 , 000 . 00 h . Deputy Justice Clerk $ 5000 . RESOLVED : that in lieu of the report required by Town Law Sec . 29 ( 10 ) , the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to submit to the Town Clerk a copy of his annual report to the State Comptroller and that the Town Clerk shall cause a summary thereof to be published in accordance with law . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . D ESIGNATIONS : Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby the following : RESOLVED : that the Ithaca Journal and / or the Trumansburg Free Press be and they are hereby designated as the Official Town P ublications . RESOLVED : that the Tompkins County Trust Company is d esignated as depository in which the Supervisor , Town Clerk , Receiver of Taxes , Justices and Inspectors , by virtue of their O o ffices , shall deposit all money coming into their hands , and FURTHER RESOLVED : that Town investments can be made at o ther banks as outlined in the Town Investment Policy . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . RECORDS RETENTION : Mr . Weatherby moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz I Town of Ulysses 5 Organizational Meeting / Reg . Board Meeting January 18 , 1994 the following : ( 1 ) WHEREAS , there shall be a Records Management Advisory Board to work closely with and provide advise to the Records Management Officer ; WHEREAS , the board will meek twice yearly to : 1 . provide advice to the Records Management Officer on the development of the records management program ; 2 . review records that have reached the retention period to be destroyed . 3 . review any new Town record series and identify those which should be archival 4 . provide advice on the preparation of storage and ® the storage of archival records . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , the Records Management Advisory Board shall consist of : the Town Supervisor , the Town Board , and the Town Clerk ( Records Management Officer ) . ( 2 ) RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses adopt the Records Management Policy . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . S UPERVISOR / AUTHORIZATION : Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby the following : RESOLVED : that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay in advance of Audit Claims for utilities , postage and contract agreements which it delayed may result in loss of discounts or accrual of service charges . Mr . Austic Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . RESOLUTIONS / ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS : Tabled until February Town B oard Meeting . REPORTS D eputy Town Clerk , Paula Mount reported that $ 1 , 184 . was collected in December of which S930 . 40 was turned over to the Supervisor with the monthly report . The 1993 Year End Report shows $ 29 , 659 . 75 was collected for the year . Mrs . Mount also reported on the progress of work on a Records ® Retention Grant . Mr . Austic said he would be interested in seeing it when complete . Highway Superintendent , James Meeker reported there was a great deal of snow ; about all they have done is plowed and salted . Mr . Meeker requested the Board adjourn to an Executive Session after the meeting , to discuss a personnel problem . Code Enforcement Officer - Mrs . Mount read Mr . Rachun ' s report . Five permits issued . CORRESPONDENCE 11 Town of Ulysses 6 O rganizational Meeting / Reg . Board Meeting January 18 , 1994 Mr . Austic received the following correspondence : Insurance q uote from Farrell - Messier , Mr . Austic will check with others . Regarding the indemnification - according to the law everyone who w orks for the Town , volunteers , paid , etc . are covered . At this point need to get the insurance . Mr . Reitz asked if we could become self - insured ? Mr . Austic said sure , something to consider . Further discussion took place . Further correspondence ; report on dog control , bank statement , TC H ospital , Dept . of Labor , TC Dept . of Health , letter from M . Luster about Canal Corp . , TC Trust Co . , also Mr . Austic explained that under FDIC we are covered for $ 100 , 000 . under deposit in the bank , if the bank goes broke we are out of $ 800 , 000 . so Mr . Austic requested of the bank to hold in trust , through the First N ational Bank of Chicago , municipal bonds , T Bonds , Government B onds . Hearing no further business Mr . Austic entertained a motion to adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter , moved by Mr . Reitz and seconded by Mr . Curtis . Unanimously approved the Board adjourned at 9 : 45pm . The Board returned to the Regular Town Board meeting at 10 : 30pm . The Board asked the Supervisor to write a letter to Marsha G eorgia regarding a complaint , to be followed with a meeting to d iscuss inter - office relationships and past problems . This may ✓ esult in a full Board meeting . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Weatherby to adjourn the Regular Town Board Meeting at 10 : 45pm . Respectfully submitted , P aula J . Mount D eputy Town Clerk pm 0 i9 MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING TOWN OF ULYSSES J ANUARY 18 , 1994 TOWN HALL P RESENT : CHAIRMAN : GARY MYERS ; MEMBERS : SUE POELVOORDE , J OANNE MOLINO ; BUILDING / ZONING OFFICER : ALEX RACHUN ; S ECRETARY : ROXANNE SMITH . The meeting came to order at 7 : 50 PM . Joanne came in and took t he information from the flip chart and put it into outline form before the meeting . She also used samples from the Town of Ithaca and Clifton Parks for more input . By using the Town of Ithaca as ® a sample the Members will be current on what Ithaca ( our neighbor ) is up to . Having the samples will allow Members to have thought o ut the process , and to be more prepared to brainstorm ( for the flipchart ) said Sue . Gary inquired about pressuring the County ( again ) about getting a copy of the map on disc . The Town paid money to have that service d one . Alex said on the actual zoning map they are doing the bound - aries ( feet markers ) . Alex said he will contact them about the disc . G ary has the ability to manipulate DFX , DWG , MAC or whatever . Ultimately , one person will take all the sections and go through t hem so there will be consistancy . ( The final edit . ) Alex volunteer - ed to do some writing . The. Planning Board is looking for the Master P lan to come up with goals and objectives , where we ' ve been , and are n ow . The Planning Board will be involved once the Master Plan group are at the rough stage . Politics and the lawsuit have shined the light of truth on the Planning Board said Alex . Joanne feels that t he Master Plan Committee needs more commitment from its ' Members . Gary agreed . He said the Town of Ithaca has a full time planning department and it took them a couple of years . Sometimes a core of ✓ eally interested people ( with a background in planning ) are more e ffective . The Planning Board is good said Alex . The inventory has been done previously but it is not as comprehensive as it should be . S ue said you have got to show that you have done your homework -- e verything needs to be documented ( bibliography with footnotes ) . We need to market our area said Alex . A traffic and park study would be very helpful to present a thesis , that if we had some sort of nice theme it would bring people here for occupancy ( campgrounds , travel lodge ) for extended periods of. time . That might target some businesses for an entrepreneur , said Alex . At t his point , Gary had to leave for another, commitment . When Sue works on master plans , she looks at several examples o f what has already been done , taking the best from each . Because o f this , she thought it would be helpful to give the Members an e xample from the Town of Ithaca . She banded out an Inventory of t heir Comprehensive Plan from September , 1993 . Sue and Joanne have volunteered to write the rough draft narrative for Transportation n ow that the outline has been completed . They will make notations for areas that may need to be depicted graphically . Once the out - line for Unique Natural Areas is complete ( next meeting ? ) ; Alex has agreed to write the narrative for it . Alex wants to draw attention to the fact that there are enor - mous pieces of land available for sale . If they become cheap be - cause they don ' t sell , then tacky places will crop up . Can we hold o ur property values ? The Town of Enfield is paying a little over. $ 7 . 00 per thousand in property taxes , the Town of Ulysses is a little o ver $ 3 . 00 per thousand , and the Town of Lansing is less than $ 1 . 14 per thousand . The Town of Enfields ' laissez - faire attitude has disabled the tax payer . Who is going to build in Enfield ? The people that are putting up the $ 20 , 000 . 00 trailer . ( Newfield and E nfield are the only Towns that allow this . ) Of the 67 permits issued in The Town of Enfield last year , over 50 were for single wide trailers . If someone wants to put a home over $ 100 , 000 . 00 yo MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE MEETING 2 TOWN OF ULYSSES J ANUARY 18 , 1994 TOWN HALL up , they will be clobbered . It sounds elitist , but the major population in the Town of. Ulysses is the homeowner . The Town of Ithaca has a huge rental population . Osmo Bella wants to develop P odunk Village ( 65 units , like Commonlands , but individual houses ) . Then there is a person on Perry City Road who wants to build a small subdivision ( 18 houses ) . Jim Gulledge and his crew are still interested in developing ( Pleasant Grove ) . There are only two farmers earning a living ( Scott , and Dan Smith ) . We lost the ® dairy farm on DuBois Road . Discussion on the Unique Natural Areas ensued . Alex thinks t he Willow Creek Glen area should be mentioned . He lives there and obviously is partial . The gorge behind park property ( behind G orge Road ) is another said Sue . As a Town , our areas of concern should be designated . Developers would then need to get a SEQR . S ome sort of criteria could be established ( maybe not as extreme as The Town of Ithaca ' s ) said Alex . Roxanne will send the information Sue brought ( Inventory - Town of Ithaca Comprehensive Plan ) to each Member who was unable t o attend this session . The meeting adjourned at 9 : 15 PM . 1 I