HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-15 - TB TOWN OF ULYSSES
January 15 , 1994
Present : Supervisor Doug Austic ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz ,
Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis ; Deputy Clerk Paula Mount ;
Bookkeeper Jeanne Vanderbilt . Absent : Councilman
Robert Weatherby .
Supervisor Doug Austic called the Special Meeting of the Ulysses
Town Board to order at 8 : 40am .
Mr . Austic entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the
Regular Board Meeting of 12 / 14 / 93 and the Special Board Meeting
of 12 / 28 / 93 . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover .
After brief discussion the minutes of 12 / 28 / 93 were held out so
that Board members would have the opportunity to read them , and
the vote was for approval of the 12 / 14 / 93 minutes only .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr + Curtis Abstained
Approved .
Audit of Books for 1993
Discussion ensued regarding hiring an accounting firm to audit
the Town books . Since a firm will be doing this job Mr . Austic
suggested waiving the Audit done by the Town Board , which is
scheduled for this morning . Hearing no further discussion , Mr .
Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz that the Town Board waive
doing an audit in favor of the firm of Ciaschi - Dietershager -
Little - Mickejaon Certified Public Accountants , which will start
later in January and that the Board will review this audit +
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs , Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
County Youth - Mr . Reitz said he spoke to County Youth about the
U U Mural at the Fairgrounds . . . need a bill authorizing payment of
this $ 500 . and then need to be reimbursed . . . all this by the end
o f the month . Mr . Austic will check on this .
Zoning Ordinance - Mr . Curtis said he had reviewed the Ordinance ;
w ould be willing to propose a change . Mr . Austic said one thing
is that the map needs to be approved to include it in the
Ordinance . Mr . Curtis said that after his changes , would reduce
the document by about five pages . After discussion , Mr . Curtis
and Mrs . Stover volunteered to review the Zoning Ordinance and
make changes and present to the Board in February .
Meeting Village Master Plan Board / Town Planning Board - Mr . Reitz
attended this meeting . They would like access to a computer . He
had talked with Christine Springer and she felt it would be OK to
use that computer when she is in the office . Mrs . Mount said
that Roxanne Smith , Secretary to the Boards had been given copies
o f the zoning Ordinance and the ZoAY document .
Planning Board Member / Vacancy - Budd Stover has expressed verbal
interest in reappointment , will submit e letter .
Town of Ulysses 2
Special Town Board Meeting
January 15 , 1994
Claims - Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to approve
Claims 4449 - 485 holding out # 470 in the amount of $ 17 . 35 , for a
total of $ 26 , 182 . 99 .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following transfers :
Transfer $ 1577 . from A1450 . 094 and $ 2990 . from A199O as
follows : 1 . 00 to A1010 . 01
1397 . 00 to A1110 . 04
31 . 00 to A1330 . 04
1013 . 00 to A140 . 04
1022 . 00 to A1670 . 04
10 . 00 to A3510 . 04
377 . 00 to A5132 . 04
716 . 00 to A5182 . O4
Transfer $ 5024 . from DA5130 . 04 as follows :
$ 2512 . 00 to DA5142 . 04
2512 . 00 to DA5148 . 04
Increase anticipated Revenue CHIPS DB3501 by $ 4900 . ;
Increase DB5112 . 02 by $ 6618 . 00 ; Decrease DB5110 . O4 by $ 1750 . 00 .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
B asic Cable Rate - After discussing the three options offered ,
Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following :
RESOLVED : that the Town of Ulysses chooses Option Three ;
that at this time the Board is not familiar with the requirements
of the Cable Act of 1992 and do not have adequate facts and
FURTHER RESOLVED : that the Town reserves the right to
regulate rates at a future time .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr , Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Adopted .
P rocurement Policy - Mr . Austic said that as of January 1 , 1992
we were required to have a Procurement Policy . This has not been
d one . Will write a policy and bring to Board for discussion and
approval . Mr . Curtis also distributed copies of a Professional
D evelopment Policy to be considered .
Contract Policy. - Mr . Austic said that regulations are not
available , will get information .
Indemnification - Mr . Austic distributed copies of a Resolution
in 1985 regarding indemnification . Will check on cost of
coverage .
H andicapped Plan - Mr . Austic said need to have a plan by Jan . 1 ,
1994 . By 1996 the plan needs to be implemented . Mrs - stover
moved , seconded by Mr . Curti
Town of Ulysses 3
S pecial Town Board Meeting
January 15 , 1994
B uilding Inspector , put together a plan to comply with the
American Disabilities Act and include basic requirements ; also a
separate list of additional items that can be done .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
ZBA Vacancy. - Mr . Rustic has received a resignation from Gail
Zahawsky . Advertised ; had a couple of responses . . . Peter Penniman
is willing to serve on ZBA or Planning , also Russ Carpenter who
will be willing to serve on either Board . Also have a letter of
interest from Irene Schickel . Have interviewed Russ , need to
speak with Peter and Irene . Irene is out of town right now but
can schedule Peter to meet with the Town Board prior to Regular
Town Board Meeting on January 14 at 6 : 45pm . Mr . Rustic will call
Mr . Penniman . Also had a well from Budd Stover who is interested
in reappointment , will send a letter . So really dealing with one
vacancy , IBA .
P ark Survey - The Board discussed the Park Survey and decided
they did not care to respond . Mr . Traits will take care of this ,
Meeting Policies / Regular and Special - Mr , Rustic will write e
policy and bring to Board .
Payroll / Maim Policy - Mr . Rustic will work on a policy .
E lectrical Inspectors - Mr . Austin checked on insurance carried
by 5DIA and NY Board ; they are the same ; if want two inspection
agencies would go with them . Mrs , Stover said she is in favor of
n ot using Atlantic Inland ; wants to see two agencies so that
people have a choice . Mr . Curtis said he would rather see just
o ne inspector , can open door for others if necessary .
Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mr . Rustic that the Town of Ulysses
d esignate only one electrical inspection agency and the Town ,
from time to time , review performance of that agency and review
proposals from other agencies .
Further discussion ensued . . . Mr . Reitz spoke against using mast
o ne agency , feel people should have a choice ; good for
competition . If an inspection is failed , then the party has to
✓ eturn to the same agency that rejected them for a reinspection .
Mrs . Stover agreed . Mr . Curtis said favors one agency , . . if we
hear of complaints that we are not getting the service , then
✓ eview and reserve the right to appoint another agency . Hearing
n o further discussion Mr . Rustic called for a vote ,
Mr . Mastic Aye
Mr , Reitz Nay
wrs . Stover Nay
Mr . Curtis Aye
Not carried .
Mrs . Stover moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz to delete Atlantic
Inland from the Town ' s approved list of electrical inspectors
because of deficiency of liability insurance ,
Mr . Austin Aye
Mc . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Mover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
Investment Policy, - Mr . Rustic said this needs to be reviewed ,
Town of Ulysses 4
S pecial Town Board Meeting
January 15 , 1994
currently states that money cannot be invested tor less than 9 % .
He will review . Mr . Reitz said he wasn ' t aware that was in the
policy . . . should state at the highest available , secured interest
✓ ate ,
E lection Expenses - Mr . Austic went through material regarding
the election expenses ; in 1990 the Town paid $ 11 , 241 . 94 of that
$ 1804 . were direct expenses ; in 1992 we had budgeted 525x585 . ,
this was encumbered and we didn ' t pay it . The bill says the
direct expense from 1992 was $ 3217 . 14 . This year we have no bill
✓ eceived , somewhere we had expenses down of approximately
$ 11 , 000 . What I am proposing . . . I am going to write the Board of
Elections [ Town of Ithaca , Dryden , etc . are doing the same ]
saying , January 30 , 1991 we paid $ 11 , 241 . According to a court
d ecision , [ I will be specific ] we should only be billed for
direct expenses . . Last year direct expenses were $ 32 , 000 . Seeing
that we overpaid in . 1991 , we want you [ Board of Elections ] to
take a credit of the $ 3200 . from 1991 expenses that we overpaid ,
which leaves us a credit of $ 6200
w hich should cover this year for direct expenses . See what
h appens . In other words , the encumbered money that we have would
n ot be spent because we are taking a credit on the $ 11 , 000 . we
spent in 1991 . 1 am suggesting that if they don ' t want to send
u s the cast , fine , but we want credit on this years direct
e xpenses .
All the other Towns are taking this same approach .
Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover that the Town Board
authorize Supervisor Austic to write the Tompkins County Board of
E lections regarding the election expense situation .
Mr . Austic Aye
Mr . Heitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved . - ;
Hearing no further business , Mr . Austin moved , seconded By Mr .
Reitz to an Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter .
Unanimously approved .
Following the Executive Session , the Board returned to the
Special Town Board Meeting . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs .
S tover to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting . Unanimously
approved the meeting adjourned at 11 : 45am ,
Respectfully submitted ,
Paula J . Mount
D eputy Town Clerk