HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-14 - TB , • t . in TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR BOARD MEETING December 14 , 1993 PRESENT : Supervisor William P . Hogan ; Councilpeople Catherine Stover , Thomas Reitz , and Ben Curtis ; Highway . •.; Superintendent James Meeker ; Town Clerk Marsha L . Georgia ; absent Councilman Robert Weatherby . - OTHERS PRESENT : Supervisor Elect Douglas Austic ; . Code • Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; County Representative James Mason ;_ County Representat.iye Elect - peter III Meskill ; Free Press Reporter Julie McComb ; . . Members of the Boy Scouts and Leader ; Hop Raymond , Kim Grey, Mr . Weeks , and Mr . Potenza . , . . • . , . • . • • , , , • , , Supervisor Hogan opened the meeting and led .. those . assembled in the Pledge • of • Allegiance to the Flag of the . UnitedmStates . of .. America . - _ , a _ • . :. Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved . by Mr . . Curtis ., . seconded by Mri - Reitz - to approve the minutes of . the . Regular .. Town , Board Meeting • of - November - g ; 1993 and the Public Hearing _ of , . November 1 , 1993 : " Mr . - Ref tte pointed ' out a typing error . to , be corrected - in - - the Regular Board - Meeting of 11 = 9 on ` page 4 , line 3 - - : Hearing -. no other corrections or changes the minutes were approved . , Mr . Hogan aye Mrs . Stover aye Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye . . _, . . _ _ . . . _ , _ • „, p Approved , A • .a • • . _ _ - , , . • Fire Department Report- , _ Mrs . Georgia reported that . Chief Romer ,had . stopped in - and left the written tmonthly - repo'rt :, He' .had ',al- so _ left several, other months . that had not , previously been received :by .the Town ., . ' . Li . . . • a u ♦ -. _ . 1 J County Representative Report • s Mr . James •Mason gave -his. - report on County business stating that this wi 1. 1• -be his ° 1• ast . He -stated ,that he has . served - the .gown . - of Ulysses for - the - past 16 years ' and ' has , enjoyed working with . the Town Officials and thanked them for their 'support . Mr . Mason went on to report that this last month in office has . been _ very difficult with working on the County Budget . . He . went , oh .to7 report about the different budget meetings and the _difficult cuts the County had to make . Mr . Hogan thanked Mr . Mason for his continued dedication . , CLAIMS - . Mr: Hogan tent-ertain'ed a motion . to' approve claims # 407 thru. # 44 .6 in the amount- -of $11 , 350-. 37 , moved by, . Mr . Reitz ., seconded , by Mrs . Stover •. Mr : ' Cufti's• guestioned" # 4'45 " in , the ' amount . of . $ 7.50 .for_ ,the Town • Attorney - and • claim # 409 , in '' the- amount of $ 90 . 61 for . az pager , presented- by the Justice ' department , Claim # 445 wi 11 _ be . _ , . ., . discussed • later ' inP executive Session End claim ,# 409 : will beheld ill until - Mr °. - Hoganr discutsea ' it With ' the ,Justice . , ' Motion amended . to pay claims1 # 407 ;408 , 410 thru -44;4 ` & - 446 - in • the - amount of . , ' - 4 4, $ 10 ; 509 : 761 - - « • e 1. 1 . : �„ .. . a � . . Mr : Hogan '- - • aye - - _ . 7 • e - - I -. V1 i d Jt, .. . ♦ _ _ _ PF f • OJ ill I cv n , il& ti ii) ykl Town of Ulysses • ' 2 Regular Board Meeting " " ' ^ • 12 - 14 - 93 Mrs . Stover aye _ 4 . Mr• . Reitz aye . y C- (. Mr -Curtis aye L q . 4 ( i - Approved . SUPERVISORS FINANCIAL REPORT , fr Mr . Hogan read the report and Bookkeeper Jeanne Vanderbilt explained some transfers that she had made . No questions . HEARING OF INDIVIDUALS AND DELEGATIONS Jim Buck of Middle Dept . Inspection Agency reported that he had • some additional literature ' to` hand out to the Board . Mr . Hogan stated that he was on the agenda under Old Business . County Representative Elect / Village of ' Trumansburg Trustee Peter Meskill ' thanked the Board for holding the spending and keeping the ' Town Taxes down . He apprec-iates ; this as a taxpayer . He stated that he will do his best as the Town-' s County Representative . O LD BUSINESS Planning Board Appointment Mr . Hogan stated that the Board had interviewed two candidates for the vacant position of one year term remaining on the . P lanning Board , Russell Carpenter and Peter Demjanec . Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis the following : L - RESOLVED , that the Town Board of fthe Town -of 4Uiysses appoint Peter Demjaned to _ fiIl the 'on'e year term that is , vacant on the Town of Ulysses Planning Board : This term will expire on December 31 , 1994 . It was the general consensus of the entireboard that both candidates would have been an asset' to ` the planning board although they felt that Peter had more to offer due . to his profession . It was a hard decision . Mr . Hogan aye Mrs . Stover nay Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye . .d . Approved . Middle Department Inspection Agency , Inc . Mr . James Buck from Middle Inspection Agency was present to ask the Board for endorsement to be `allowed to do electrical inspections in the Town of Ulysses . /. , Discussion followed with the Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun `, - ,the Board , Mr . , Buck and support of some local electricians : Mt . 0 Rachun feels that NYS B oard has deeper . pockets ( better liability insurance ) and feels h e " would be more ncomfortabler vith them doing the inspections for the Town . ' Mr . Buck assured the Town ,that ,the company, ; heworks for has just as high insurance . Mr . Rachun felt that possibly ; . the Town Attorney could review the coverage that all Inspection companies have ( Middle , Atlantic Inland and NYS Board ) and recommend to the Town who has the best . Mr . Hogan suggested to table this until an insurance man or attorney look at the policies . Tabled . Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Board Meeting 12 - 14 - 93 NYS Retirement Payment Mr . Hogan referred - to, . the artic;le ; in the Ithaca Journal in w eference to payments to NYS Retirement thatAhe Town ' may be liable • , tor : ; The :ypaper stated that • ther Town • owes ' $ 14 , 000 + , This w asa tabledcuntil ; he .ocan confer , with the bookkeeper . . • Audit 1993 + - . - • , Mr . Hogan has received several quotes - to do - a • 1993 audit of the Town ' s books . They ranged from $ 3 , 600 to $ 1 , 800 . The office of Ciaschi , : Dietershagen , Little & Nickelson *, CPA was the . lowest • - w ith • an _ estimate •- of $ 1 , 800 . • - � - • a Mr . Reitz moved to retain the firm of Ciaschi Dietershagen Little & Mickelson to do the year end audit of 1993 , seconded by Mrs . S tover . , - Motiontamended • to -. included ,Ahat . . this be started - as soonwn as possibl e , and - to* be -, paid , by . 1993 . funds notes to- exceed plus or - minus 10 % over the $ 1 , 800 estimated cost . Mr . Hogan aye - - . ■ ■ Mrs . Stover aye _ Mr . Reitz aye Mr . Curtis aye Adopted . , Indemnification Mr . Reitz, asked . if , Mr ': Hogan had received any - information •. . Mr . H ogan stated that -ahe ., has -; received a - quote : on this and it would cost •, $ 3265: -. , M•r . ., Hogan -: advised they Board that in - . this • quote they asked- if ; the • Town•: had . a •: grievance procedure on; employee - dispute , complaints and allegations on sexual harassment within-, the • . organization . Mr . Hogan had told them no that the Town does not have this: : This would4 have -a to - bet written . P Mr:. Rachun- has talked w ith_ the-. Vi •1 •lage -. oL. Lansing on: tthis . ; ► M-r7. •. Rachun suggested that w e have - our insurance., agent; shop :, around -. for this . , • ; •. , , Certified Resolution „ r , •• ; _ P - Mr . . Hogan. presented •; then foilowing resolution', : seconded by9Mr . Reitz : WHEREAS: : Mr . James , Masonrhas - faithfully and diligently . -; served • as Ulysses , Representativeto = the Tompkins County • . Board of , Representative for sixteen long • -years , and . , WHEREAS •: ,. ► _he has:, served , as Chairman and Vice - Chairman of that • Board- with honesty : and-, integrity ; ; - r •, •. ; 1 ! It . T 14% 1 :. 1i' 7k r . , 3 c 4 _ - 4 ' Q - THEREFORE BE ) T: RESOLVED: . .. that the : own • Board of the . Town of ; Ulysses , wish4o1 : official ly commend., and , thank James -Mason for his many years of dedicated service Ito the , Town . , 14 Mr . t :Hogan•• s e : : ayes , > . , - . , - . . . . , • . . Mss=. bo Stover-1 7 0 • aye , , . + . . . • - , • a . . • . - .. Mrs. ; Reitz . aye r . z a , _ • - . . ° • Mr . Curtis - r aye-. A . r Adopted . - 7 : • - , , ; c - • . . , , . • - - r . . N EW BUSINESS • . American. Legion, Rectues •t'lWater District a ? aA 9. . • _ , ;T t • ., . - The Amer- ican: . Legion is , looking for new place to build their home . : • , They + are looking. ; into - purchasing 5 acres that would be � *,r, Town of Ulysses � ' 4 Regular Board Meeting 12 - 14 - 93 abstracted from the B2 parcel owned by Mr . Auble . The gaining of w ater would be of much importance for the purchase of this land . The Legion - would likelthe - Town Board° to request water from the ✓ illage ini the form • of ' rai resolution : The Board• jasked if the ' L egion has requested this in Eriting and letting the Town know how much water they would need : Mr . Rachun stated - that he has only talked to Mr . Colvin . The general consensus was to get the ✓ equest in writing . Alex will talk to Phil Colvin . Justice Request I Computer Printer Justice • Rector has requested that the printer used in the Justice o ffice be replaced . He has gotten several different prices for the printer that has been requested . Qutoes reviewed by the Board : • - a • Hr . - Hogan moved , seconded by Mr . " Curtis to allow the Justice D epartment to purchase a new printer for the office snot to exceed $ 350 . • Mr . Hogan aye Mrs . Stover aye Mr . Reitz aye A Mr . Curtis aye Adopted . REPORTS Town Clerk , Mrs . Georgia reported • that the fees collected • for N ovember 1993“ lare $ 2 , 162 . 40 and `the month end "report has been- completed and a copy has been filed with the Supervisor along w ith a check - forl $ 623 . 75 . Also copies were distributed to the B oard Members : • Also , Paula Mount and I ate working on writing . a Records Retention Grant . In a couple of° days a policy for - the Town ' s - Record Retention will be completed and mailed to the Board members for review and hopefully approval at the January Board Meeting . Also need to appoint an Advisory Committee which is usually the Supervisor and Board . Would be nice to have both of these items finalized prior to going any further with the grant w riting . Another item is the Town ' s house numbering . It has been 99% completed with the exception of Taughannock Blvd . With the new 911 , would be beneficial to have all roads finalized . Dick Barr , the retired Postmaster did a lot of work on the roads ; would like to check with him to see if he is interested in being hired to measure Taughannock Blvd . and the lake roads stemming from the B lvd . With that done all the roads in the Town would be complete . Mrs . Stover asked how much `time ' would be involved and Mrs . Georgia said she couldn ' t guess . Perhaps Mr . Barr could estimate the time involved . Mr . Reitz and Mr . Curtis recommended finding out the cost . Mr . H ogan said it might be a good project for a Cornell student ; or g et an aerial photo enlarged and use that . Mr . Curtis said come up with a reasonable proposal . . . it certainly is something that has to be taken care of . Mr . Rachun said this sounds like a job for County Planning ; will call and see if they can help out . The next item . . . distributed to the Board the opinion received from Attorney Wilson regarding the Zoning Ordinance . We are completely out of - copies of the , Subdivision . You need to decide if you want them reprinted or not , and how many . On the Zoning c / 9 %' Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Board Meeting 12 - 14 - 93 Ordinance , if we are going to revise our Zoning Ordinance and present it as .such , it has , to be in its entirety . If it - is changed ' it then ,becomes , an abstract ofthe . Zoning Ordinance . We are . . not talking . about . a lot , of . . pages . Also , the maps created by the . .County :, . i#, we are to use . them , , they - will . have to , be , , adopted • by the Town . Mr . Curtis felt . that . Attorney . Wi l.son . was suggesting - a brief . statement regarding the abstracted version of the Zoning Ordinance . .and . would . be user . friendly to , the , ;public . -- Mrs . Georgia said I am trying . to axplain> why , it ; wouldn' t , be , user friendly . . . someone buys a copy and then has to call this office and ; ask . for, various . copies . . . takes time. . . not , everyonerwho . . • purchases a . Zoning Ordinance is . loca1 . . : . . the , bottom l ine . is , that - what _ the , Board. . asked te , .have, deleted amounted . to , a ., couple / three pages : Mr , , Curtis . said . other , pl aces , don ' t , <have all, these , - • - descriptions . . . Mrs . Georgia , said, thata <other places , don' t have - - what we have / Planned Unit Developments ! All the PUD ' s are amendments . to . our . Zoning . Ordinance . , , A Mr . . .Curtis said , it , would - - make him happy to have a user friendly document and any additional information could be obtained from the Town Clerk as needed . Mrs . Georgia said as the person who deals with - the - public in handling this document that what you are suggesting w ould , not , be . user° friendly.- , in the . 1ong , rrun . • i uIf ; printed , in - its entirety the cost would be divided and the, fee , paid ; would , cover the expense of the printing . Mr .. . Hogan -. asked4 abouts the , cost . 4 Mrs . 4Georgia,said .you , Jhave , all the . estimates,,. , the4 number of, pages , you , ar.e, asking ,to , del ete _ wi 11 not of f.ect . the , cost , .to ant' s great , .degree :, ,. and3 tha.t amount , wi l 1 _ be coveredY .by . the . ,price, .of , the , Zoning , Ordinance :. + 4 mo , Thvil + 4 , ( , , 4 d , , , 1 . . i • a .. Further discussion ensued . Mr . Curtis moved . that the legal descriptions , -be., eliminated , from- . the PUD ' s and Business Districts and rely on the map ; seconded by Mrs . Stover for discussion . Mrs . , .Stov.er .: said , she understands , the , legal0 ,description ; , what is the other , ,description4 you , are, talking about ? . Mr .. 1 Reitz , showed Mrs . , Stover . . , Mrs .. . Georgia , reiterated . hen position . . Mr. s . a Stover said , you. didn ' t , change , any , of , these ? , , Mrs .. , Georgia , said . they . are changed . only where nthe, Board . has : amended. the , resolution : Once . . you extracts the , l egal descriptions , .this ,book .. is , no 1 ong er . the _ , -. Zoning , Ordinance , in . its, entirety. , c . . _ a r , Y , _ , .• _ , ♦ ' _ I Y 1 '_ Q : • , 4 -. - , Y • . V ', .- • 1 . • ♦ + % + 41 ♦ ,• ` t Mr . -. Hogan said. there•.4 is , a , motion . on the f ioor . . _ Mr . , Hogan . asked Mr -. _ Curtis .► to - clarify4 the_ ,motion .. , Mr:: Curtis . said .. I:, am proposing that we print the Ordinance as suggested by the Attorney without the land descriptions but with a note in the language that he suggests ., , .that , this4 . does , not , constitute., the , certified Clerk ' s .. , copy ., . thatr is . available, in , the , office . . , . Mrs . 4Oeorgia_ said, .that , is n ot , clear . to. me . . . . to , know., .what4 to _ :extract... _ In : the , PUDI s- there , is AREA OF DISTRICT , is that what you choose to remove ; or are , you_ talking about extracting ALL land descriptions , even from our Business ; Districts ? . . . Mr . . Curtis said , Yes ,. . on , the Business . . z . , Districts . Mrs . Georgia. . said_ sor .under _ Business , Districts _ A . . . it says refer to Appendix C . . . for example Insert 1 , that ' s a Business _ District ., _ what , would _ you . like left . . and what , do _ you want deleted? Mr . Curtis said It would_ . uet , leave , that , out , : to . be real honest . . . you aren ' t throwing it away , it ' s available in the o ffice . . . it appears on the : map .. , , I , would just get rid, - of Appendix C [ in existing ZO of 1978 .3 . , ._ Mrs .. Georgia , .said and _ not; exp_lain any of our Insets ? Why don t , L. . do . this . . ,. I ' 11 copy. the REVISED ZONING ORDINANCE , then you . Board, members can take , , i .t _ [ because this is not clear to me ] and you can all go through with your red pens and you tell me what you want and what you do not w ant . . . that ' s the simplest way . Then from there I can go to a \ lej Town of Ulysses P 6 ' Regular Board Meeting . , 12 - 14 - 93 printer and give him the number of pages . , g . % • Z 'i . it C11 . 1 : ! T - 1 .■ ,• • • I , 3 r a , • r • • . v' • Mr . Hogah'' asked Mrs ` Curtis ' if heiwished • ‘to ' withdraw , his motion snd go • w 'th th& Tein ' Ciezk4% suggestion that 'the Board members take' 'aS `iook= ' at what she ' s prepared;' go ' throuigh it '. Mrs . Georgia said " I don ' t ' inean ' to be ' difficult ' but ' I ° don ' t understands ` what you want extracted . Mr . Curtis mdved ' to ' table his motion ' until ' the next meeting . Mrs . - Georgia said' she-' needs 'to know about the Subdi'vision . . . we are out . Mr . Hogan ' said go ; 'ahead and get 50 printed . N ighway 'Superintenndent , James Meeker , reported that the equipment was readied for winter , changed• oil , ' filters , greased , washed and waxed . Did some ' ditch ` work ion Wf^llow ' Creek , mowed , plowed and salted as needed . ' ' New " tires ' on one ten - wheeler . Fuel tank was removed , lab= results in ' three to four weeks . Code Enforcement Officer , Alex "Rachun , reported four permits issued . J f t n • n , ;, B oard Members Mrs . ' Stover thanked Mr :° ; Meeker f ,or moving ' they Salvation Army box at the recycling center . - Mr . Reitz said we have several appointments for liaisons which are no 'longer ne'aessarp; thinklthe Boardlshduld think about what ones ' are necessary - and ' 'noti necessarl► . Also ,; have • two positions coming up ; BZA and Ptanning Board members , - need to reappoint or whatever . Need to take 'action on the -Emergencp Preparedness Plan prior to December 31st . Mrs . Stover asked when the bridge would be reopening . Mr . Meeker said he had - heard December 20th . ' Correspondence • Mr . Hogan reviewed correspondence received : •resignation from Joe Schehr / County Youth Board , State retirement , T - Burg Schools , Youth Bureau , County • Planning / 239LM reviews , Solid Waste giving an increase of $ . 50 per hour to recycling worker , Youth Bureau Survey , Town of Dryden re election expenses , NYSDEC , • ' Youth Bureau award to John Rogers , SPCA Report, Justice reports , TC Board of Reps , UYU , and Ithaca - Tompkins Transportation Dept . resident plans which will be passed to Planning Board . Mr . Hogan said there will be a Final Board - Meeting for 1993 on ' Tuesday , December 28th it 7 : 00 pm to make final adjustments to the budget . H earing no further business , Mr . ' Hogan entertikned ' a motion to adjourn to an Executive Sessiontto discuss • a personnel matter , moved by Mr . Curtis and seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved . Mr . Hogan moved to return to the Regular Town Board Meeting at 11 : 30pm , seconded and unanimously approved'. Mr . Hogan moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz to approve Voucher t448 in the amount of $ 766 . 98 ; 8447 for $ 59. . 25 . Mr . Hogan aye ( under protest ) Mr . Reitz aye ( under protest ) • Mr . Curtis aye ( under protest ) . Mrs . Stover aye ( under protest ) Approved . . " ! 17 Town of Ulysses 7 Regular Board Meeting 12 - 14 - 93 Above motion amended to include Voucher # 445 in the amount of $ 750 . for a total Claims payment amount total of $ 12085 . 99 . Hearing no further business , the Board unanimously adjourned at 11 : 45pm . Respectfully submitted , Marsha L . Georgia Town Clerk