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August 10 , 1993
Present : Supervisor William Hogan ; Councilpeople Catherine
S tover , Ben Curtis , Tom Reitz ; Highway Superintendent
James Meeker ; Town . Clerk Marsha ' Georgia . Absent :
Robert Weatherby , Alex Rachun '. .
O thers Present : Julia / FreePress , Marion Boratynski , Joan
O rinondroyd . -
S upervisor Hogan _ cailed the Regular Meeting , of , the Ulysses Town
B oard to order at 7 ': 30 ' pm and ' led those - in attendance in the
P ledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the _ United States of America .
Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved by ' Mr . Reitz , seconded by
Mr . Curtis to approve the minutes of the Regular - Town Board
Meeting of July 13 , 1993 . Mrs . , Stover . pointed outran error on
page 5 ( Mr . Meeker ' s report ) , should say ' not ' rather than '' now ' .
The , minutes ' were unanimouslj► . approved with the correction . '
Report : Trumansburq Fire Department - .
N o report .
Report : • Representative James Mason ' .
Attending County Board Meeting .
Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve Claims 4237 - 273 in the
amount _ of $ 10 , 152 . 97 : Moved . by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr :
Reitz . _ • . - . _
Mr . Hogan Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
i Mr . Curtis Aye -
Approved . _
Mr . Hogan distributed Cash Flow statements and reviewed .
Marion Boratynski spoke regarding spraying on ' Curry Road .
N oticed an odor and realized that spraying had - occurred . Hadn ' t
received any notification that this was to be done . Has
contacted DEC ; found also , through Mr . Meeker , that the chemical
company is Agro Statics from Buffalo . Called the chemical -
company and was told that the chemical is safe enough to . drink .
In checking with DEC there were regulations not followed by this
chemical . company . They sprayed within , 100 ' of my house ; no .
posted signs .
Mrs : Joan Ormondroyd stated that they noticed spraying taking
place and did not go out ' of their house .
Ms . Boratynski feels that - the - spraying is unnecessary .
Mr . Curtis asked if DEC was following _ up on this . Mr . Meeker
said they contacted him and didn ' t - find anything wrong other than
the chemical company left some containers along the road : ' Ms :
B oratynski disagreed . Another issue _ is , with the guard rails . and
they are _ no,tto be ' sprayed if : they are . within a certain distance
Town of Ulysses 2
Regular Town Board Meeting
August 10 , 1993
from homes or water ways .
Mr . Meeker said he is within his right to spray . Spoke with a
dairy farmer and he was delighted that Mr . Meeker was going to
spray and keep the stuff down .
Ms . Boratynski said these areas are six feet deep and not
blocking the view , etc . Mr . Meeker said that is because the
h ighway crew has been through there and dug them out . Explained
the need to keep . the ditches cleaned " out and trees and weeds
controlled . " 4
H e does have the right ( responding ° to Ms . Boratynski ' s comment
that he had no right to spray ) to spray the highway right - of -
w ay . . . the chemical he uses is not aarestricted chemical .
Mr . Hogan asked how many years ' the Town has been spraying ; does
the County and other Towns in the area spray ? Mr . Meeker said
U lysses has been spraying for years and Yes , ' the County and other
Towns do spray . Ms . Boratynski said that doesn ' t make it OK . It
w as within 100 ' of her house , " § he ' had to walk through it , it ' s
her health .
Ms . Boratynski said there is a difference of opinion and everyone
n eeds to find out what the regulations are and work together .
DEC is going to contact the chemical company .
Mr . Hogan said that spraying is necessary to control road growth
and promote safety . Based on the history of the program . . . and we
have all received assurance that these chemicals are not
dangerous . . . think you pointgis well taken about being notified .
If DEC has serious objections about the way things are being
done , obviously the chemical company would need to conform to DEC
✓ egulations .
Ms . Boratynski asked why do we need this at all in this
community ; could we not have input as to whether or not we want
to be subjected to this kind of chemical ? We have no guarantees
h ow we will be affected by this type of chemical . You are
e lected officials and are elected to listen to us . . . no one has
asked me if I wanted this on my property . Mr . Meeker said that
Ms . Boratynski was welcome to contact him .
Mr . Hogan said there is no reason to argue . You have serious
concerns and we are listening to them . We will discuss them with
DEC . Mr . Reitz asked Mr . Meeker how much notice he receives
prior to the chemical company , arriving to spray . . . Mr . Meeker said
perhaps a day .
GrassRoots Festival
Mr . Hogan said he had received a couple of complaints from
✓ esidents . Mr . Reitz said that the topic was a hot one at the
✓ illage Meeting on August 9th . The Village passed a tentative
✓ esolution saying that they would like to have us work with the
Fair Association and try to do a couple of things . Work with the
G rassRoots Festival organizers to terminate the noise at midnight
o r pass a Town of Ulysses Noise Ordinance limiting the decibel of
n oise after a certain time . Would cover all events that are held
at the Fair Grounds , which is located in the Town and under our
jurisdiction .
Mr . Hogan said you can ' t discriminate . Mr . Reitz agreed .
✓ illage Board members expressed that they had received many , many
complaints . Mr . Hogan said he too received telephone calls .
Mrs . Stover said she would be against a noise ordinance with
d ecibel readings ; would open up a can of worms . Mr . Hogan said
l i.
Town of Ulysses 3
Regular Town Board Meeting
August 10 , 1993
Yes , you would need special equipment to measure it . There
should be a workable agreement with the Town , Village and Fair
Association and this particular group to perhaps reach an .
acceptable noise relationship . - - -
Mr . Curtis . asked if + this - couldn ' t perhaps be a part - of the
contract that . the : Fair Association has with this group ? Mr .
Reitz said that is true . There is going to be a meeting on
Monday , August 16 at 7 : 00 pm at the Village Hall , one issue will
be the Festival - and4the -• other -, isthe Fire • Department ' s internal
✓ equest - to purchase a:- used- truck-. • .
Mr . Meeker said one of the biggest complaints was about parking .
Mrs . Georgia said that this is bound to grow in popularity and
perhaps planning parking and get it under control before it grows
o ut of proportion . , .
B udgets 1994 . -
Mr . Hogan distributed a copy - of the budget calendar . Budget
w orksheets to be • passed out .. Mr . Reitz ,, said a meeting with the
✓ illage on September 22 at 7 : 00 pm to discuss the Fire Department
budget and Youth has been scheduled .
Resolution -- Aileen . Beers -
Mr . Hogan entertained and moved , seconded by Mr . Reitz the
following resolution : - .
WHEREAS : ° _ Aileen _H ;. _Beers . has . served as Human Services. Coalition
• „ • = RepresentatOre, . .for th_e Town of Ulysses for many -,. . many
• years i and;;
WHEREAS : Aileen has , served the - Town with enthusiasm , . integr.ity ,
common sense and• a never , tiring spirit of . community
servicerrand ; • • . � • • • • -
WHEREAS : During her years of service she has earned the respect
of , caring , people . throughout Tompkins County ;
N OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED : That the Town Board of the Town of
Ulysses - does officially commend and thank Aileen H .
B eers . • , • for : as job well done. -
Mr . Hogan Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover • - Aye •
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved . - .
Election Expenses
Mr . Reitz asked if anything had been done with Election Expenses
that was tabled in March? Mr . Hogan said we haven ' t heard
anything about it . •
indemnification & Worker ' s Compensation
Mr . Curtis asked if anything had happened with either of these
items . Mr . Hogan said he spoke with Joe Farrell . Regarding
insurance against individuals , our insurance does not cover that ,
w e would have • to • spend a couple of thousand - dollars a year to
h ave individual employee coverage . Will have , to get _ more .
information - on that. - • : Mr . Curtis said - this . would be for . someone
like Alex . He couldL , very likely be sued individually , as well as
then Town , - i f thei r -. buii ding - burns down ., , etc . _ - Think , the , Town
n eeds - to indemnify him - or say if he makes > a . judgement call , • he
d oesn ' t have - : to .- go out and hire - a • lawyer ., . since he is - workinq for
10 iV
Town of Ulysses 4
Regular Town Board Meeting
August 10 , 1993
us . Mr . Hogan said are you saying that4We could do it with local
legislation rather than additional insurance? Mr . Curtis asked
if we currently have insurance if someone sues ? Mr . Hogan said
the Town has liability coverage , Yes . . Mr . Curtis asked if that
would cover the Article 78 ? Mrs . Georgia said a claim has been
filed and is being reviewed . Mr . Curtis said he is concerned
that the employee does not have to cover any legal costs
personally .
Mr . Hogan - said he spoke about Workmans Comp with Joe also . Gave
him information on payroll breakdown from Jeanne and 'Joe was
g oing to review it with his auditor .
Taughannock Falls State Park Request
Mr . Hogan read a letter from Taughannock Falls State Park
✓ equesting No Parking Signs be placed along the Jacksonville Road
o n the south side of the road starting at the bridge to the crest
o f the hill . A new parking area has been established across the
✓ oad .
Mr . Meeker said this is not within the Town ' s jurisdiction . It ' s
a County road . It has been . declared a State road through May
1994 so it would have to be worked out with them .
Soil & Water Conservation District Staffing
Mr . Hogan .asked :the Board if they had . reviewed this and what they
felt ? " . Mr . Curtis asked ifthere wasn ' t an alternative . .. . staff
person is at Community Corners now . . . currently don ' t have a
contract for them to do staff work , but they ' ll do it . Was
e xplained that they work like an extension agent , but they would
need to get some money from the County to do that . Would
probably be cheaper if that was done rather than another staff
person .
Mr . Hogan said there ' s a lot of people on the County payroll
already , seems like a duplication, of effort .
Mr . Reitz said they are saying they could subcontract to existing
e xpertise . Mr . Curtis said he would support that . . . increasing
the roll of the Soil Conservation Service , if they wanted to do
that .
Further discussion ensued . Mr . Hogan said that he would want to
check with local politicians prior to signing on to this . Mr .
Reitz felt further discussion could take place at the September
meeting , and moved to table this discussion , seconded by Mr .
Curtis .
Mr . Hogan Aye
Mr . Reitz Aye
Mrs . Stover Aye
Mr . Curtis Aye
Approved .
Town Clerk , Mrs . Georgia , reported that for the month of July
$ 1 , 734 . 64 was collected , of which $ 1 , 096 . 32 was turned over to
the Supervisor along with the monthly report ( copies to the
B oard ) . Distributed new ' abstract to the Board for their input .
Also , sent inquiry on the community map packet received from Mr .
Curtis . Don ' t get involved until they have a map to work with .
Talked with Joan at County Planning and was told a new aerial was
done . . . would like to work with the Village and Chamber of
Towit of Ulysses 5
Regular Town Board Meeting
August 10 , 1993 .
Commerce , see if it could be joint effort . Mr . Curtis said if
you had the Chamber on board , would probably have all the ads
needed .
Read a letter from Senator Kuhl regarding warrant checks on
homeless facility operators .
Mr . Curtis asked if we weren ' t going to get a map with roads and
parcel numbers indicated on it ? Mrs . Georgia said she didn ' t
think so . Mr . Curtis said that he thought that was in the
contract for the $ 1500 . 00 . Mr . Curtis asked if the tapes were
saved ? Mr . Hogan said the minutes would indicate what was
decided ; read the contract the Town signed . no mention of a large
map . Mr . Curtis said he would still like to see a large map
( S ' x8 ' ) with all the tax parcel numbers .
Highway Superintendent , James Meeker , reported they are ready to
start sealing the roads ; patching has been done ; hot mix paving
on Hinging Post ; cutting brush on Rabbit Ruck , Letter from Martin
Luster .
Code Enforcement Officer , Alex Rachun ' s report given by Mrs .
Georgia . Total of seven permits issued . lit- . Hogan questioned
the availability of the fire inspection report .
Board Members
Mr . Reitz announced the meeting with Village on budget for Youth
and Fire Department at 7 : 00 pm on September 22nd . Also on August
15 at 7 : 00 pm meeting to discuss a Fire Dept . truck which is a
✓ escue vehicle they would like to purchase now . The Fire Chief
likes to capitalize on what he has available , using resources he
has available . Now when there is an emergency , a number of
✓ ehicles need to respond with different equipment . They would
like to purchase a used rescue vehicle and consolidate the
equipment from the three or four trucks into one . The used truck
w as made in early 1970 ' s and selling for $ 24 , 000 . Would like to
push the schedule back on repurchase of a planned truck in 1996 .
The John Mack memorial service at the Jacksonville cemetery went
✓ ery well . The highway crew and Jim Brown did a very goad job an
getting the cemetery spruced up . Mr . Reitz is working with a
couple of youth groups and individuals and the Jacksonville
cemetery will be mapped out this month and hopefully in nest
couple of months replace and stand up the tombstones that have
been tipped over .
Mrs . Mover said thanks to Tom and Jim and someone from the
Village , they got the tree planted . Also , the Master Plan
Committee meets every two weeks ,
Mr . Curtin talked with Hunt Engineers . Going to look into
something that might be more modest .
Mr . Hagan reviewed correspondence .
Hearing no further business , Mr . Hogan moved to adjourn to
Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter / Retirement
System .
Mr . Curtis seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved ,
Mr . Reitz moved to adjourn the Executive Session at / 0 : 20pm ,
seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved .
Mr . Curtis moved to adjourn the Regular Town Board Meeting at
10 : 21pm , seconded by Mr . Bette . Unanimously approved .
. tit4
Town of Ulysses . , , . _ 6
Regular Town Board Meeting
August 10 , 1993
, . . - .
e I . _ _ _ .
Respectfully submitted ,
Marsha L . Georgia , Town Clerk
. • .
Pm . .
- _ -
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