HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-20 - MP TOWN OF ULYSSES
J ULY 20 , 1993
P RESENT : Chairman Gary Myers ; Members : Catherine Stover , Ruth
Kahn , Joanne Molino , David Tyler , Carl Mann Jr . , David
Laurie , Secretary Roxanne Smith .
OTHERS PRESENT : Sue Poolverde
The meeting began at 7 : 10 PM . Chairman Gary Myers opened
t he discussion with the statement that the land use maps for the
Town of Ulysses needed to be reproduced in such a way that they
would have a working copy . He said that Gregory Paul Press has
the ability to make 11 x 17 color copies but that the maps were
actually 24 x 36 . The lake front have been done at twice the
scale however ; so there is the possibility that they could be
reduced , then copies could easily be made and pieced in with the
larger quadrants . Carl offered to check in Rochester and Buffalo
to see what copying services were available there . It was
d ecided that 2 copies would be made of each of the main quadrants
and then 1 copy would be given to Tompkins County , 1 copy the
Master Plan Committee would keep and the master copies would be
kept separate .
Once the maps are completed what should the next step be ?
Who has the disk ( s ) of the documentation that has been done up to
n ow Gary asked . Roxanne will contact Rita Brown to see if the
information can be located . Gary stated that they had the hard
copy and he knows that Rita gave a copy of the information to
John Czamanske . Several sub- drafts had been done to arrive at
w hat they have now said David . Gary asked what the next step
should be once the maps have been completed ? Sue volunteered
t hat when she worked on a master plan for the parks she followed
some basic procedures . She spent a couple of years just in
collecting data . She then had some uniform , basic background to
work with . The next step was to come up with some policy
statements as to what they were trying to do , based on standards
for park and recreation ; a mission statement . From there they did
t heir analysis and developed alternatives .
Based on the procedure that Sue followed Gary said they have
done the basic background , they have stated some recommendations
and goals ( though they are over a year old ) , and a mission type
statement has been created . Catherine pointed out that there
w ere many new members that were not involved in that however .
Gary stated that the analysis of the maps should occur next . He
suggested that overlays on the maps could be done diagraming out
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what occurs . Some possibilities would be open spaces , unique
natural areas , utilities , and public transportation . David Tyler
asked the question at what interval did Gary think they should
get public input on it ? Gary thought the analysis needed to be
completed and some alternatives suggested first ; such as areas
for development . As each development is shown ( Residential ,
Commercial , etc . ) the pros and cons would be listed along side of
them . The public could then offer more pros and cons at the
meeting ( s ) and they would be recorded in the minutes . A
composite could then be created . The composite would then be
presented at the next public meeting for further refinement . At
some point the Planning Board needs to be involved as they are
the governing body said David . They need to come once the
Committee is ready for recommendations and alternatives said
Gary . David Tyler requested a time line to give the Planning
Board . Gary said that he really did not know how long it would
take ; that 2 or 3 overlays could be completed in a work session ,
others will take longer . He also stated that documents will need
to be prepared for the public presentation . There is a question
as to whether the Town or the County will cover the costs of all
of this . David said he was under the impression that the land
use maps were not final ; that they had been given to the Town for
added input . Catherine said that the County was also working on
a zoning map for the Town . David Tyler said that it would be
good for this group to set some goals . Gary agreed . He stated
that he is not sure what the County ' s time limits are . He
expects the maps to be updated with the information that the
Committee has provided them ( red outlined areas ) and some of the
color coding and cross hatching to be changed . Hopefully once
this has been done by the County some obvious things will occur .
The roads need to stand out . The final land use maps will
probably be in a pocket folder rather than being bound as record
copies . The overall size if color is to be shown would probably
be the 24 x 36 drawings said Gary .
The next step is to make sure everyone has a copy of the
draft and looks through it by the next meeting said Gary . In the
March 30th minutes ( 2nd page , 2nd from last paragraph ) a mission
statement was outlined . " The goal of the Master Plan Committee
is to prepare for the future by :
1 . Maintaining the rural character of the Town
2 . Respect our resources
3 . Provide for balanced growth in the Town of Ulysses
( as opposed to the community ) . "
Gary felt that that was the first time that people who were on
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both sides of the issue ( no growth versus growth ) agreed on the
same basic issue .
David Laurie asked a question regarding property along Rt .
89 . He was told by the owner of the Glenwood Pines that all the
property along Rt . 89 was zoned Residential and that owners of
businesses were all given variances that had to be continually
✓ e- applied for . Catherine stated that those businesses were all
grandfathered in as they were established when the zoning took
place . If the business which has the variance is abandoned for
o ver a year then they return to Residential said David Tyler .
This is correct except if they were zoned Commercial to begin
w ith said Catherine . Should these areas be documented queried
D avid Laurie? Every time a business wants to make an addition
t hey have to apply for a variance said Catherine . Carl , Gary and
D avid Tyler all agreed that the variance goes with the property
n ot the owner if there is a change in ownership . Gary said that
they should be documented . Non -conforming use is the property as
it is being used , it does not affect the whole parcel , said David
Tyler .
The meeting dates for August will be every two weeks
( beginning August 3rd , then the 17th and the 31st ) . Everyone
should take a look through the draft first so they will be
familiar with it before the August 3rd meeting .
David Tyler mentioned that the Planning Board will be having
a joint meeting with the Village in the near future . He will
u pdate the Master Plan Committee when it has taken place .
Catherine said that a request has been submitted to have water
sleeves put in the two new bridges but that nothing has been
finalized .
The work session then began to complete the color coding of
the land use maps . One quadrant needs to be completed . Gary
suggested that the Committee could break down into two groups .
One group could finish the map while the other could begin to go
through the draft . The meeting ended at 8 : 10 pm and the work
session ended at 9 : 15 PM .