HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-11 - TB ' ?. 11 TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING May 11 , 1993 P resent : Supervisor William Hogan ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis ; Code Enforcement Officer Alex Rachun ; Deputy Clerk Paula Mount . O thers Present : Ruth Kahn , Judy Cone , Free Press reporter , Barbara Hotchkiss . S upervisor Hogan called the Regular Meeting of the Ulysses Town B oard to order at 7 : 30pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 13 , 1993 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Curtis made corrections as follows : pg . 10 , 5th para . - ' citing ' rather than siding ; pg . 11 , lst . para . - " that they should be penalized " ; pg . 19 bottom of page - " back page of short form . . . " ; pg . 21 under Cl - add " but " after Yes . . . Mrs . Stover queried pg . 7 4th para . regarding special permits and w hat Mr . Reitz - meant . . . Mr . Reitz said he would have to review his n otes . Hearing no further additions or corrections the minutes were unanimously approved . Report : Trumansburq Fire Department Mr . Hogan reviewed with the Board . Mr . Reitz stated that Chief Roemer is forming a - committee on local community emergency preparedness . Report : Representative James Mason, Absent Claims Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve Claims # 137 - 168 in the amount of $ 9 , 718 . 27 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . S hort discussion ensued regarding Claim # 168 submitted by UYU . H earing no further discussion , Claims were unanimously approved . S upervisor ' s Financial Report Mr . Hogan distributed and reviewed with the Board . H earing of Individuals and Delegations Judy Cone reported of her interest in local h istory / cemeteries . . . in particular the grave of one John Mack who is buried in the Jacksonville Cemetery . Served in War of 1812 . H as contacted Historical Society , American Legion . Also . interested in cleaning up cemetery ; has interested people . to work w ith her . Has received a headstone which will be placed on his grave and would like to invite Board Members to a dedication service to be held June 19th . Mr . Reitz will attend . B arbara Hotchkiss addressed the Board regarding a bad curve on Agard Road . Requested some sort of signage indicating ' Blind 4 Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting May 11 , 1993 Drive ' ; or approval to do a sign on her own if the Town can ' t do one . Mr . Hogan will speak to Mr . Meeker and get back to Ms . H otchkiss . O LD BUSINESS Zoning Maps - Update Mr . Rachun reviewed maps from County Planning . . . these are third g eneration maps from when first started . Road names are not on these but the final ones will have them . Color coded for land u se ; Master Plan Committee is also working on determining land u se in the Town . As far as tax parcel numbers on the maps ; would make it terribly busy . Mr . Curtis invited Mr . Rachun to stop by his office and see what he has . . . not bad at all ; figure would be about 4 ' x 8 ' for Ulysses [ one in five hundred map ] . Gives an e xact reference . Fire Inspector Mr . Hogan stated that Doug Austic will be working for the Village and that Mr . Rachun would be willing to be the Fire Inspector for the Town for the balance of what is left in the budget for this position for the year . Mr . Hogan said that about $ 1 , 378 . ✓ emains . Mr . Curtis suggested an Executive Session after the Regular Meeting . L ocal Advisory Board Mr . Reitz moved , seconded by Mr . Curtis that Catherine Stover and Carolyn Duddleston be appointed to the Local Assessment Review Advisory Board . • Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Mrs . Stover Abstain Approved . Joint Youth Commission Mr . Reitz stated that for several months we have advertised for the position of At - Large Representative to the Joint Youth Commission . Mr . Reitz moved that the Town Board of the Town of U lysses appoint John Rogers , 9 South St . , Trumansburg as the Town ' s At - Large Representative to the Joint Youth Commission , seconded by Mrs . Stover . D iscussion ensued . Mr . Curtis moved to table this motion until n ext month , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Nay Mr . Curtis Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Approved . ✓ olunteers will once again be asked for in a news article in the Free Press . W ater Mr . Curtis mentioned that he spoke with Karl Hecht and Hunt E ngineers . Any programs that we could get in on for water , let u s know . Hunt Engineers expressed an interest and will come here Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting May 11 , 1993 to talk to the Board when asked . They feel they have identified funding sources . Mr . Hogan said he also has information from an engineering firm in Syracuse ; willing to come and talk to Board . Will check it o ut . N EW BUSINESS Dog Control Mr . Hogan said he didn ' t feel that the SPCA was doing very much for the Town . Paying $ 6 , 000 + a year for their service and- according to their reports , not up in this area often or doing much . Suggested looking into alternatives . REPORT Town Clerk - Will be distributed to Board members . Highway Superintendent - Mr . Meeker not in attendance . Mr . Hogan mentioned that Jim had several complaints about garbage along the ✓ oad . Alex said that after a complaint a fellow comes out and g oes through the garbage looking for a name ; if none is found they leave the garbage right there and drive off . Mr . Hogan suggested sending a letter to Solid Waste letting them know that w e are not happy with what is going on , also that we cannot afford nor do we want to consider getting in the garbage business ; Jim doesn ' t want to start picking up the garbage . Mr . Curtis moved that the Town Board of - the gown . of Ulysses supports Supervisor Hogan writing a letter regarding the Board ' s concern to the County Board of Reps . Mr . Reitz made a friendly amendment and seconded Mr . Curtis ' motion ; thatithe County o fficer collects and removes the garbage and takes it to his o ffice to investigate the content . Mr . Hogan Ape Mr . Reitz Ape Mr . Curtis Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Approved . Zoning / Building Inspector - Mr . Rachun reported that he has been g etting files in order , issuing CO ' s . Five permits this month . B oard Members - Mr . Reitz said he spoke with Jim Meeker . - . following flooding will be having a lot of drift wood , building ties , etc . Had some calls of property owners on lake and they would like to see some kind of relief . . . like the Town going down to pick up some of the lumber , etc . ( not garbage ) + Residents would haul it to the roadway . Jim wanted Board ' s OK before starting anything . Mr . Curtis questioned legalities . Mr . H ogan suggested asking Town Attorney . Felt that if you put out a g eneral statement that you are going to pick up debris for people o n the lake , then maybe you better be prepared to do it for e verybody in Town . Mr . Reitz said this would be following in the w ake of a natural disaster . Mr . Reitz asked that the Town Attorney be contacted as soon as possible ; concerned about senior citizens , about folks who have n atural debris in their yards who want to haul it to an accessible site to be helped out by having the highway crew haul it away . . . not asking crew to came on their land and clean up . Mr . Hogan said if you live on the lake you have to expect that once in a while the water is going to get high or once in a while you ' ll have stuff in your yard , part of the fact of luring there . Feel that ' s your responsibility , not mine . a Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting May 11 , 1993 Mr . Curtis asked that the attorneys opinion be in writing to the Town Board . Mr . Hogan said it might be cheaper to call Association of Towns . I would not like to see us get involved in removing debris from every piece of property along that lake . Mr . Reitz said he wasn ' t suggesting that . . . just areas that we have public access . property owners can get the debris there , we just go down and haul it to the Town dump . Correspondence Mr . Hogan reviewed correspondence received from : NY State Assembly , NYS Rabies , Regional Digest , Info / Clean Water , T P lanning Dept . , CHIPS , DOT , Finger Lakes Land Trust , Cornell / Water Program , Solid Waste , TC Youth . Bureau . H earing no further business Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to adjourn to Executive Session , moved by Mr . Curtis and seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved , the Board adjourned to E xecutive Session at t : 30pm . EXECUTIVE SEssIoN Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved by Mr , Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following : RESOLVED that the Town Hoard of the Town of Ulysses appoint Alex Rachun as Fire Inspector and to pay the remainder of the budgeted amount for Fire Inspector ; and FURTHER RESOLVED that Alex harden will increase his weekly hours from thirty ( 3d ) to thirty - two ( 3 2 ) hours per week , and FURTHER RESOLVED to adopt e resolution that the Town Board fully indemnifies the Cade Enforcement Position . Mr , Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mr . Curtis Aye hrs . Stover The Adopted . Hearing no further business , Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by MT . Reitz to adjourn at 10 : O0pm . Respectfully submitted , Paula J . Mount - : D eputy Clerk