HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-01-TB TOWN OF ULYSSES ADJOURNED TOWN BOARD MEETING February 1, 1993 P resent : Supervisor William Hogan ; Councilpeople Thomas Reitz , Catherine Stover , Ben Curtis , Robert Weatherby ; Deputy Town Clerk Paula Mount . O thers Present : Alex Rachun , Bldg / Zoning Officer ; John Rogers , Budd Stover , Andy & Ruth Scott , Phil Colvin and other American Legion representatives , Ruth Kahn , Mary McLallen , David McLallen and other residents , Ithaca Journal and Free Press representatives . Supervisor called the Adjourned meeting of the - Ulysses Town Board to order at 7 : 30 pm and led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance to _ the Flag of the United States of America . Joint Youth Commission . J ohn Rogers reviewed the 1993 Town and Village allocation recommendations ( see attached ) . The amount asked for is the same as last year . Some of the areas do try to raise money to help in supporting their program . Also , the area of Jobs & Careers . . . some of those funds do go toward paying workers at the summer rec program . UYU asked for more -money ; we basically allocated monies for all the other programs and what was left • over we gave to UYU . ' - Mr . Rogers also reviewed reimbursement from County and State programs . Mr . Curtis said he wanted to point out that the Afterschool program is not a new one and Mr . Rogers said that is correct , this however , is the first year they have requested funds - from , the Joint Youth Commission . Mr . Curtis said he has read through materials and tried to identify what the needs were in the community . • Among needs is a n eed for constructive after school activities for kids in g eneral . Anotherr is the need to access some of the existing programs for working families , . notably the summer programs . Guess I ' m concerned about matching those goals up with what this budget is directed at . . . seems to me that half of this budget is directed at UYU .. Summer rec program does address some of the n eeds -but wonder what the decision making process was that would select UYU for $ 20 , 000 . of a $ 40 , 000 . budget ( roughly ) and what I know of the UYU budget in general , it ' s about a $ 50 , 000 . program . Far as I can tell , after speaking to different parties , the program isn ' t going very far towards providing the recreational opportunities for youth in general on out of school hours , that you might expect from a $ 50 , 000 . program . Mr . Rogers said there have been some problems . Right now there is a . big effort on working with the Board and getting Board development to see if they can come up with a mission statement . Think in the past it was a stronger program ; dealing with ' at risk ' youth . That population is hard to reach and problematic because if you work too much with ' at risk '- youth , kids get stigmatized and other youth . might not want to participate in the program. Think they still want to reach that population but they also want to mainstream and reach the kids so that they don ' t have that kind of image problem that would prevent them from being fully utilized . There has been a problem in the past and w e have identified that there has been a problem and really w orking with UYU ; asking . for _ a very specific work p -lan , • goals . and w e [ Youth Commission ) will have input . t Town of Ulysses 2 Adjourned Board Meeting February 1 , 1993 Mr . Curtis said the thing that alarmed him is that the $ 50 , 000 . in 1992 , $ 40 , 000 . of that was personnel and guess I asked them about where the parent participation was and there isn ' t any to speak of . Think there may be one or two on the Board now , but also noticed that there are people from Ithaca , Newfield on the B oard and think the UYU program serves Newfield • to a certain extent . Do they support UYU , any money coming from any of these places or is it just Ulysses ? Mr . Rogers said think it is through United Way dollars , County tax dollars , not from Newfield per se , but the population of kids that are helped through UYU are exclusively Ulysses youth . Mr . Curtis said according to documents there were 900 people and 200 of them were out of the area . Mr . Reitz said they may be affiliated with the Trumansburg school d istrict . Mr . Rogers said there are some kids in the Trumansburg school d istrict that live in Covert , Schuyler County . Mr . Curtis said that a program this large that has drifted out of touch with the community and the goals this community is trying to attain and whose Board is made up in part of people from o utside this community and relies very little on parents , and w hich is not physically supported by parents , but almost entirely by local and = State and County tax money ; it is drifting away from any accountability yet allocating half of the youth money . Mr . Rogers said your worries are the same as we have had . The ✓ eason for lack of parent participation in this program is that sometimes the parents of the ' at risk ' youth tend to be hard to g et involved , but we want to help the kids before they get into a court situation and fall through the cracks . We think it is a g ood program and feel it can be revitalized to serve the need of the youth here . Working to redirect and revitalize . Mr . Reitz said that there are two primary items here ; youth d evelopment and youth recreation . . . youth recreation can charge fees for their services ; youth development cannot charge fees according to the State and County guidelines . Would be wonderful to get parents involved or do some fund raisers . . . UYU has had car w ashes , raffles , dances , chicken bar - b - ques . . . have made some e ffort . Mr . Curtis asked if it was possible that the amount of money allocated for UYU can somehow be made contingent upon some progress toward meeting the goals that the Youth Commission and survey have singled out ? Mr . Rogers said they have made the funding contingent upon UYU presenting us with a workable plan that will be reviewed q uarterly ; they are aware of that . Can write that into the contract . If UYU comes up with a workable plan and adheres to that plan as agreed upon , we will then pay them the monies allocated . Further discussion ensued along the same lines . Mr . Reitz said that contracts need to be signed by February 15th . Mr . Curtis said that is probably what is traditionally done , personally am troubled enough by this program would be in favor of submitting ✓ ouchered amounts and if money is available later in the year and progress is made to use that money , if specifically requested by UYU . Town of Ulysses 3 Adjourned Board Meeting February 1 , 1993 Mr . Curtis discussed services at the County level . Mr . Hogan said he doesn ' t think there should be duplication of services . D iscussion continued with Mr . Curtis reiterating his concerns . Mr . Reitz said this Board approved a budget request back in January of 1992 to cover these programs . The Joint Youth Commission has looked very closely at all requests ( which totaled over $ 60 , 000 . ) and came up with a total recommendation for $ 40 , 142 . . • Mr . Reitz moved that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses approve the Joint Youth Commission recommendations for funding of the Youth Programs of $ 40 , 142 . ; the Town ' s portion being $ 17 ; 769 . as budgeted , seconded by Mr . Weatherby . Mr . Hogan offered a friendly amendment : That the contract with UYU be drawn up and q uarterly payments be made based - on their performance - of the g oals - set forth by - the Joint Youth Commission . - • Mr . ' Reitz moved the friendly amendment and - Mr . - Weatherby seconded . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Mr . Curtis asked if the Mission Statement of UYU could be in hand by next Tuesday . . . Mr . Rogers said that isn ' t possible; Joint Youth Commission asked UYU to have the plan to them by March , they are in process of establishing their plan . American Legion Mr . Hogan stated that a recommendation was received from the U lysses Planning Board not to approve - the PUD request . Mr . Hogan ✓ ead the - letter from David Tyler , Chair of the Planning Board ( see AmericancLegion . . file in Clerk ' s office ) •. Mr . Tyler said that if the Town Board accepts the Planning Board ' s ✓ ecommendation they understand that - the - Planning Board would consider an - amendment to - the Zoning Ordinance - to accommodate a use such as the American Legion -. Mr : Tyler asked for advise as to the Town Board ' s preference of the following : 1 . Creating a new category in the existing residential or business zones under Special Permit ; or 2 . Creating a new R2 zone along the lines suggested by Ms Cail at the December 3rd meeting ; or - 3 . Any other approach under the Zoning Ordinance ; or 4 . No preference at all . Mr . Hogan said that the Town Board told the Planning Board that under our current Zoning Ordinance there is no place specifically spelled out for a veteran ' s organization such as the American L egion ; a not - for - profit organization . Obviously there is - a flaw in our zoning and we want to take care of that . So tonight we have to decide - if we want to suggest the - recommendation - of the P lanning Board ; then depending - upon - that vote decide what we want to do regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance to create a spot for non - profit , service type organizations -. - Mr . Reitz said if we vote to accept the Planning Board ' s recommendation that would be a vote to reject the American L egion , correct ? - Mr . Hogan said correct . 43 Town of Ulysses 4 Adjourned Board Meeting February 1 , 1993 Mr . Curtis asked if it would be possible to table this PUD for a • period of time ; allow the Planning Board to come back with a zoning proposal ; give a date to come back with a proposal ; could create a vehicle that is better than a PUD . Might solve not only this problem but others that might arise . Mr . Hogan said they are saying that a PUD is not the vehicle that should be used ; that a PUD may constitute spot zoning and therefore they recommend that we not do that . However , they are saying there is support for the American Legion and have an o bligation to the Legion to at least give them an answer . As far as the PUD is concerned , don ' t see any reason to table that . Mr . Curtis said the only reason he is suggesting tabling is that it seems what they are saying is not to go with this , that there is a better way ; change the zoning . Don ' t think it ' s fair to take away the approach of the PUD unless we intend to follow through with their suggestion to change the zoning ; so my suggestion to table it is that we are saying we will put it aside and give you a reasonable time to come up with a proposal . If we can ' t come up with another mechanism , that would affect the way I w ould vote on the PUD . Agree with the Planning Board that the PUD isn ' t the best way . Mr . Reitz said feel we should make some decision on this . Not in favor of tabling this matter . Planning Board has been working on this since early October . Mrs . Stover said we have a proposal in front of us and feel we n eed to make a decision one way or the other . Mr . Rachun said the Planning Board did not have a directive from the Town Board to change the zoning ; to create a new zone or a special permit . Guess the process could go . . . reject the PUD as it stands now on the basis that it might not be the right vehicle to use ; then submit it back to you and you could either disregard it or have a super - majority vote to pass it or to look at it and say we agree with you [ Planning Board ] and give them a directive to come up with a special permit in an already existing zone or create a new zone . The Planning Board is saying we have ended our loop right now and at this point it is in your hands [ Town B oard ] to act on it ; if you want to act on it and send it back to u s , fine . . . as Ben suggested . Mr . Curtis said you can send the zoning change to the Planning B oard and it has nothing to do with this ; this is a problem with our zoning . Regardless of what action we take on this . . . but if w e don ' t have a better tool than the PUD . Mr . Rachun said there is a difference . . . one is you are required to have a super - unanimous vote now ; whereas if it were sent back and represented in a fashion that may be within the framework of our zoning as it exists now ; or has a special permit or a new zone as an approval by the Planning Board , then you wouldn ' t be required to have a super - unanimous vote . There is a technical difference . Mr . Reitz said we have in our provisions where our residential d istricts are now special permits under the authority of the Zoning Board of Appeals . Would the ZBA ever need a super - unanimous vote if there is a protest by a percentage of the land o wners adjacent to this property ? Mr . Rachun said the only way I can see requiring a super - unanimous vote ; that may be one framework , not entirely sure ; but am sure that if 239 was rejected or if there was some other Town of Ulysses 5 Adjourned Board Meeting February 1 , 1993 problem on the County level , a super - unanimous vote may be ✓ equired , but think you are correct . Mr . Hogan said if we send this back to the Planning Board it depends how they amend the Zoning Ordinance . Mr . Rachun said they could send it right to the BZA too . They could put it in the framework of the residential zone subject ' to a special permit approval by the Board of Zoning Appeals . You [ Town Board ] would vote in that law as part of Town Law and then from that point on the authority would be with the Board of Zoning Appeals . Or you could have your own special permit . Mr . Curtis said the problem he ' is having is that he agrees with the Planning Board that the PUD is a bad way to handle these things . . . have done it for years . Don ' t see anything different about this PUD request and others that have come before this B oard . Only thing that might be different is that at this point the Planning Board is talking about . . . we think we have a better w ay of doing it ; or you give us a directive and we ' ll come up w ith a better way to do this . If they did that I think that ' s the way I ' d very much like to see us go . If we don ' t come up w ith another tool to deal with it , then it ' s very hard for me on the basis of the evidence I ' ve heard , to say that for some reason this PUD should be denied . That ' s why I ' m suggesting we table this . . . not that we send this back to the Planning Board , it ' s h ere until we resolve it ; but that we ask them to send us another w ay of dealing with it and to do it within a certain period of time . . . a month or two . Mr . Rachun said one of the differences may lie in the fact that the Town Board has been advised with a different opinion how to proceed with a PUD ; some evidence may show that this is not the right way to deal with a PUD . Mr . Hogan said we have one person who would like to see it tabled ; another does not want to see it tabled ; which ever way we g o think we have an obligation to everyone involved to get the matter resolved . If we ignore the recommendations and advice of our attorney , we are asking for trouble and giving a no confidence vote to the Planning Board ; if we don ' t table it , just send it back to the Planning Board could ' drag on . If we do table it and give the Planning Board a time period to work on an answer , don ' t think that ' s a bad way to go . Mr . Curtis moved the following resolution , seconded by Mr . Weatherby for discussion : RESOLVED : that the Town Board table the American Legion PUD request for a period of two months and ; FURTHER RESOLVED : that the Board direct the Planning Board , per their request , to develop a new use in the Zoning Ordinance that would describe an organization like the American Legion , and to designate the location where such an organization could go and whatever conditions , such as a special permit , would be required . Mr . Reitz asked Mr . Curtis to explain what he means by ' designate locations ' . Mr . Curtis said he thinks it proper for the Planning Board to ✓ ecommend to this Board whether it [ fraternal organizations / social club , whatever it is defined as ] would go into residential , commercial , B2 , or wherever . Would also suggest they probably should consider a special permit use , which would mean that wherever it was allowed to go , it would Town of Ulysses 6 Adjourned Board Meeting February 1 , 1993 require a special permit which would have to take into account the concerns of the neighbors , area , etc . and my reason for that is that clubs like the American Legion , there ' s a wide spectrum of organizations that might fit into that category and there ' s a w ide spectrum of neighborhoods it might go into and it might give the Planning Board and Town Board a chance to tailor those individual applications . Mr . Reitz asked if Mr . Curtis was suggesting that the special permit be issued by the Planning Board or the Town Board , not the B ZA ? Mr . Curtis said he ' s leaving that , think it ' s proper that ✓ ecommendation comes from the Planning Board and think we ' d consider whatever recommendation they give us . Mr . Hogan felt two months was a pretty short period . Mr . Reitz said it has been worked on since October . Mr . Weatherby stated that if this motion is passed he would like to have the Town Board meet with the Planning Board to speed this process up . Hearing no further discussion the Board voted as follows : Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Nay Mrs . Stover Nay Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Mr . Hogan said we will table the recommendation and send this back to the Planning Board and give them sixty days to work it o ut . Mr . Rachun said to send it back as a special permit to be worked in somewhere in the existing framework of the Zoning O rdinance . . . is that correct ? Mr . Curtis said that they go back and establish a use that d escribes the American Legion or similar organization and e stablish a process , a special permit , and tell us which zone it g oes into . Mr . Curtis asked Mr . Rachun if he would draft a sample law and Mr . Rachun agreed to do this . Mr . Hogan asked what other business . Mr . Reitz said there are some budget adjustments . Mr . Hogan said perhaps those can wait until the Regular Board meeting on February 9 . Association of Towns Meeting Roger Rector has requested some financial support from the Town as he is planning to attend the Association of Towns Meeting in NYC . Mr . Hogan said our Town representative is going to be Ben Curtis . S poke with Judge Rector and he will be going any way . D iscussion ensued . Mr . Reitz moved the following resolution : RESOLVED : that the Town Board reimburse Roger Rector up to $ 500 . 00 from the Justice Dept . contractual budget to attend the Assoc . of Town ' s Meeting in NYC . No second heard . rS Town of Ulysses 7 Adjourned Board Meeting February 1 , 1993 W as recommended that another line item be put on the budget requests ; rather than having just an amount to cover supplies , travel , etc . ; have two areas , one for travel and the other for supplies . Mr . Hogan will speak with Judge Rector prior to next Tuesday ' s Regular Board Meeting . Appointment / ZBA Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to reappoint George Tselekis to the Zoning Board of Appeals with a term to expire 12 / 31 / 97 . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Weatherby Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Rod & Gun Club Mr . Hogan said he had heard several complaints about activities at the Rod and Gun Club . Since the club is in the Village of Trumansburg , Mr . Reitz will take these concerns to the Village at their next meeting . H earing no further business Mr . Reitz moved to adjourn the meeting , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 9 : 30pm . Respectfully submitted , P aula J . Mount Deputy Clerk pm TOWN OF ULYSSES REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING February 9 , 1993 Present : Supervisor William Hogan ; Councilpeople Ben Curtis , Tom Reitz , Catherine Stover ; Highway Superintendent Jim Meeker ; Zoning / Building Inspt . Alex Rachun ; Bookkeeper Jeanne Vanderbilt ; Deputy Town Clerk Paula Mount . Absent : Bob Weatherby . S upervisor Hogan called the Regular Town Board meeting of the Town of Ulysses to order at 7 : 40pm and led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve the minutes , moved by Mrs . Stover , seconded by Mr . Reitz , as follows : ( Mr . Reitz asked that the Special Board Mtg . of December 29 , 1992 be added ) . Regular Town Board Mtg . January 4 , 1993 ; Special Board Mtg . J anuary 16 , 1993 ; Adjourned Mtg . February 1 , 1993 ; Special B oard Mtg . December 29 , 1992 . Mr . Reitz made the following corrections : Special Board Mtg . D ecember 29 , 1992 - - pg . 1 Mr . Rogers came to the January 4th meeting . pg . 5 change paragraph to say Mr . Bailey was sick and that a temporary replacement was found . January 4 , 1993 Mtg . - - pg . 6 bottom paragraph ; re Election E xpenses : says " could sue the County " amend to say " Town could sue the County " . January 16 Spec . Bd . Mtg . - - re Meeting dates for Town Board Mtgs . ; Brief discussion ensued , due to a Town Board members prior w ork commitment on the third Monday evening , the following motion . . . . February 1 Adj . Bd . Mtg . - - change date . Also , pg . 8 at bottom , last paragraph ; re adding line item on budget request form ; add " for 1994 " . Mrs . Vanderbilt requested a copy of minutes of February 1 , 1993 . H earing no further corrections or additions , Mr . Curtis moved to accept the minutes as amended , seconded by Mrs . Stover . U nanimously approved . Trumansburq Fire Department N o report . Representative James Mason N o report . Claims Mr . Hogan entertained a motion to approve Claims # 13 - 57 for a total of $ 162 , 025 . 10 , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mr . Curtis . Was discovered that Claim # 26 for Fire Protection in the amount o f $ 92 , 137 . 00 did not need to be vouchered ; thus Claim # 26 was withdrawn and the total amount of the Claims to approve totaled $ 69 , 878 . 10 . Mr . Reitz moved to approve the Claims , seconded by Mr . Curtis . The Board members were concerned with the amount of Workers Compensation and Mr . Hogan will speak with Mr . Farrell / Farrell - Messler Insurance , about this item . Mr . Hogan Aye tdi Town of Ulysses 2 Regular Town Board Meeting February 9 , 1993 Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Mr . Hogan said we will go directly to Old Business , Item A and do the budget adjustments . Mrs . Vanderbilt distributed a copy of the budget adjustments ( at4.etred ) needed . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following : That $ 198 . 00 be transferred from Contingency Fund for - $ 90 . 00 A1670 . 04 ; $ 66 . 00 A5182 . 04 ; $ 42 . 00 A9030 . 08 . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following : That $ 3240 . 00 be transferred from DA5142 . 01 to DA5142 . 04 Snow . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Mr . Hogan entertained a motion , moved by Mr . Curtis , seconded by Mr . Reitz the following : That $ 1547 . 00 be transferred from D B9950 to DB5110 . 04 for $ 213 . 00 and DB5112 . 02 for $ 1334 . 00 . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover to appropriate 56 , 192 . 00 from the Fund Balance , to be distributed to four areas o f Workmans Compensation line items , amending the 1993 Budget . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . D iscussion ensued regarding this resolution . . . Mr . Hogan said we n eed to know the account numbers . Mrs . Vanderbilt said you can ' t transfer from A to B ; Mr . Reitz said it seems that this ✓ esolution is premature . Mr . Curtis withdrew the above ✓ esolution until more information is available . Mrs . Vanderbilt advised waiting to do this until the March Regular Town Board meeting . Supervisor ' s Financial Report D istributed . H earing of Delegations & Individuals N one OLD BUSINESS N ew Front Door - Mr . Hogan said one estimate had been received Town of Ulysses 3 Regular Town Board Meeting February 9 , 1993 for $ 642 . 73 . Will wait to receive two others . Joint Meeting with Planning Board / re American Legion - Mr . Hogan said that there really isn ' t a reason to have a joint meeting ; have asked Alex Rachun to draft a law and will leave specifics to the Planning Board . General discussion ensued . Mr . Rachun will get a draft to the Planning Board . Association of Towns Resolutions HIGHWAY FUNDING - Unanimously approved . REVENUE SHARING - Unanimously approved . RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Unanimously approved . LANDFILL CLOSURE - Unanimously approved . IMPACT FEES - Unanimously not approved . SPECIAL FRANCHISE ASSESSMENTS - Unanimously approved . TOWN BUDGET FLEXIBILITY - Unanimously approved . DELINQUENT TAX NOTICES - Unanimously approved . REAL PROPERTY TAX RECEIPTS - Unanimously approved . INTERMUNICIPAL COOPERATION - Unanimously approved . GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALES - Unanimously approved . UTILITY TAX AUTHORITY - Unanimously not approved . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX - Unanimously not approved . Authorization for Cooperative Purchasing Mrs . Mount read the following resolution , moved by Mr . Reitz , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Authorization to Participate in Cooperative Purchasing of Highway Services with Tompkins County WHEREAS , the Office of the State Comptroller has ruled that counties may no longer extend their bids for public work ( services ) to political subdivisions , and WHEREAS , General Municipal Law Section 119 - 0 provides for municipalities entering into cooperative purchasing agreements to jointly bid needed services , and WHEREAS , General Municipal Law , Article 5 - G , S ection 119 - 0 states that " any agreement entered into h ereunder shall be approved by each participating municipal corporation or district by a majority vote of its governing body , " now therefore be it RESOLVED , that the Town of Ulysses be hereby authorized to participate with Tompkins County in the cooperative purchasing of the following highway services : - Guiderai1 - Vegetation Control - Bituminous Materials - Installation of Underdrain - Bridge Work The Town of Ulysses reserves the right to accept or reject all bids . Mr . Hogan Aye 1" Town of Ulysses 4 Regular Town Board Meeting February 9 , 1993 Mr . Reitz Aye Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Adopted . Fish & Game Club Mr . Reitz said that uest ' a question came up at the last meeting concerning the location of the Fish & Game Club . . . it is located in the Town not the Village . Thus the resident concerns about shooting needs to be addressed . Mr . Hogan knows some of the members so will speak to them . N EW BUSINESS Request for Street Light - Request from Mr . Walden for a street light at the intersection of RT 96 and Seneca Road . Mr . Meeker will send it on to NYS / DOT . REPORTS D eputy Town Clerk - Mrs . Mount reported that fees collected for the month of January totaled $ 1304 . 39 of which $ 1132 . 94 was turned over to the Supervisor with monthly report . The Clerk ' s office is working on updating the Zoning Ordinance and inputting in the computer . Mrs . Mount also reported that the Tax Collector had paid $ 574 , 256 . 00 ( total warrant ) to the Supervisor as of January 28 , 1993 . Installments balanced and have been turned over to the County along with a check for $ 3533 . 42 . 189 taxpayers took advantage of the installment payment and the County will pay the Town $ 1 . 00 per installment . Total taxes collected to date are $ 1 , 075 , 728 . 74 ; $ 475 , 000 . turned over to the County prior to February 1 , 1993 . H ighway Superintendent - Mr . Meeker reported that he is looking at purchasing a used roller ; has overhauled all trucks . Not much plowing but a lot of salting . Speed reduction has been denied for the detour route . Zoning / Building Inspector - Mr . Rachun distributed his year end report to the Board . Issued four permits in January . B oard Members Mr . Reitz commented that the Village Trustees had asked about the Town using storage facilities . Mr . Hogan is working on obtaining shelving . Suggested moving some storage boxes over prior to the shelving . Justice Department Roger Rector and the Board discussed the Justice Department budget . Has not received a year end budget stat . He indicated that expenses have been consistent the past two years . Was d etermined that another line item will be added to all department budget requests so that travel can be extracted from total contractual expenses . The number of training sessions were reviewed . Mr . Reitz stated that the State has travel expense guidelines that could be considered using . . . so much per day and then the employee covers the balance . Groton has been doing this for years , allocating $ 500 . per person . Discussion ensued . Mr . H ogan said the Board would make a decision and let him know . H earing no further discussion Mr . Rector left . / Town of Ulysses 5 Regular Town Board Meeting February 9 , 1993 The Board discussed the number of trips and how many were necessary . Mr . Reitz reiterated his previous recommendation to allocate a per diem amount . Mr . Curtis will check with other Towns concerning how they handle travel expenses . Mr . Curtis said that since he is only using $ 200 . that the Board consider allocating the $ 300 . for Mr . Rectors ' trip to NYC . Mr . Curtis moved , seconded by Mrs . Stover the following resolution : RESOLVED : that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses reimburse , for appropriate expenses from the Judicial Contractual Fund , up to $ 300 . to Roger Rector to attend the Association of Towns Annual Meeting in New York City . Mr . Hogan Aye Mr . Reitz Nay Mrs . Stover Aye Mr . Curtis Aye Approved . Correspondence Mr . Hogan received the following correspondence : letter re : RT 96 detour ; copy of letter from DOT to Simmons ; ACC ; Gypsy Moth ; Town of Lansing / Bd . of Election charge ; SPCA ; Dewitt Historical S ociety ; Local Government Publications ; William Holtkamp ; Board of Elections ; Joint Youth ; Tompkins County Dept . of Health ; S outher Tier East ; Association of Towns . H ear no further business Mr . Reitz moved to adjourn , seconded by Mrs . Stover . Unanimously approved the meeting adjourned at 11 : OOpm . Respectfully submitted , Paula J . Mount D eputy Clerk