HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-10-12 listserv mssgGoogle Groups Town Updates Carissa Parlato <clerk@ulysses.ny.us>Oct 12, 2018 1:56 PM Posted in group: town-of-Ulysses Happy Friday, Ulysses! Read on for important informaon compiled for you from Town of Ulysses staff… In this issue: Voter Informaon Town of Ulysses Public Hearings Hunng Prohibited at Salo Habitat Correcons to Zoning Update Dra Wood Chips Available NYS Recognizes Ulysses for Climate Leadership Presentaon on Reducing Waste Weatherizaon Assistance Presentaon on Heang with Less Fossil Fuels Upcoming Town Meengs Community Calendar VOTER INFORMATION: Today is the final day to register to vote in the Nov. 6 elecon. Visit the Tompkins County Board of Elecons for more informaon: hp://tompkinscountyny.gov/boe TOWN OF ULYSSES NEWS: PUBLIC HEARINGS: Planning Board On 16 October 2018 at 7:15 PM in the Ulysses Town Hall, 10 Elm St, Trumansburg, NY, the Town of Ulysses Planning Board will hold a public hearing to consider a Special Use Permit for Smart Start; 1966 State Route 96, Parcel B, Tax Parcel Number 20.-3- 9.21. The applicant is applying for a Special Permit (§212-18) for the construcon of a preschool and nursery space at the above menoned property. The proposed building is approximately 80 . x80 . in size on an approximately 4.86 acre parcel in an A1 – Agricultural District zone. The above applicaon is open to inspecon at the Zoning Office, Town of Ulysses. Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person or by other representave. Communicaons in wring in relaon thereto may be filed with the Zoning Office at Zepko@ulysses.ny.us or at the following address: Town of Ulysses Zoning Office, 10 Elm St, Trumansburg, NY 14886 Town Board- Water EDU Assessment Schedule The Town Board will hold a Public Hearing at 7pm on Tuesday, October 23, 2018 to hear comments on a proposed change to EDU assessment for Water District 3. To review the full text of the proposed change, please visit hp://www.ulysses.ny.us/pages/current-issues/162/publc-hearing- proposed-changes-to-water-district-3-edu-assessment/ or contact the Town Clerk’s office at clerk@ulysses.ny.us or (607)387- 5767 ext. 2. Town Board- Preliminary Budget The Town Board will hold a public hearing on the 2019 Preliminary Budget at 7:15pm on Tuesday, October 23. See details and budget here: hp://www.ulysses.ny.us/pages/current-issues/143/2019-preliminary-budget-public-hearing/ HUNTING PROHIBITED ON SALO HABITAT PROPERTY The Town of Ulysses voted on Tuesday, September 25, 2018 to prohibit all hunng in the town-owned natural area called Salo Habitat, with a public access point off Salo Drive in the Village of Trumansburg. The acon was taken in advance of the opening of bow hunng season on October 1st and will connue through all of the 2018-19 hunng season. The Town is open to considering bow hunng in the area in the future and has asked its newly appointed Salo Habitat Advisory Commiee to make recommendaons on hunng for the 2019 season. The Town invites residents and visitors to hike the property which has a trail and encourages hikers to enter the property from Salo Drive. To respect Salo Drive neighbors, the Town requests that hikers park at the Farmers Market and walk in or to ride bikes to the entry to avoid parking on the road, which is a cketable offense in the Village. Since the Salo Habitat is close to the Trumansburg Fish and Game club which permits its members to shoot at their safely designed ranges, hikers may hear gunshots. Only those who trespass on Fish & Game Club property put themselves in harm’s way. For quesons or to make recommendaons related to the Town’s new natural area, contact the Town Clerk’s office at clerk@ulysses.ny.us or 387-5767. CORRECTIONS TO ZONING UPDATE DRAFT The Town’s Agricultural Commiee noced an error on the Zoning Update dra in regards to the Ag/Rural Zone which can be found at hp://www.ulysses.ny.us/boards/zoning-update/currentdra/ . The current dra states that minimum lot width remains unchanged at 400 feet. The dra will be updated soon with the following correcons: Under "What is not changing in the Ag/Rural Zone" Minimum lot width - remains unchanged at 400 feet for the A1 zone. Under "What is changing in the Ag/Rural Zone" Parts of the R1 and R2 zones will now be in the A/R zone. In these changed areas: minimum lot width will go from 250 feet (R1) and 160 feet (R2) to 400 feet. WOOD CHIPS AVAILABLE Town residents may help themselves to wood chips from the town highway garage at 3888 Colegrove Road during business hours (6:30am-3pm, Monday-Friday). Please call the department at 387-6230 for more informaon. NEW YORK STATE RECOGNIZES TOMPKINS COUNTY AND TOWN OF ULYSSES FOR CLIMATE LEADERSHIP New York State Department of Environmental Conservaon (DEC) Region 7 Ma Marko and elected officials recognized Tompkins County Legislature Chair Martha Robertson and Town of Ulysses Supervisor Elizabeth Thomas for acons to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build climate resiliency at the overlook at Taughannock Falls State Park on Friday, September 28 at 11 a.m. Link to the DEC ’s announcement here: hps://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/NYSDEC/bullens/21184bf TOMPKINS COUNTY: Waste Not, Why Not!- Presented by the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council Thursday, October 18th, 5:00-6:30pm Borg Warner Room, Tompkins County Public Library, 101 E. Green Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 We are experiencing a global garbage crisis resulng in increasing environmental contaminaon and degradaon. Come and learn about the great programs that we have in Tompkins County for reducing and recycling our waste. Toward a Zero Waste Future: Barb Eckstrom, Director of Tompkins County Recycling and Materials Management, will discuss plascs and food scrap recycling. Robin Elliot, Philanthropy Coordinator of Finger Lakes ReUse, will address the reuse and sale of donated consumer goods. Whither Our Waste Goest?: Kris Singer, Chair, Ontario County Planning and Environmental Quality Commiee, and Carla Jordan, Ontario County Planning Department, will discuss community concerns with the Ontario County Landfill. The Waste Reducon Commiee of the Environmental Management Council will present a PowerPoint on plasc waste reducon and the proposed ban on single-use thin film plasc shopping bags in Tompkins County. The Environmental Management Council seeks your input on these topics, and aendees will have an opportunity to offer their suggesons on acons that may further reduce the negave environmental impact of our waste disposal pracces. Refreshments will be provided! WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TCAcon’s Weatherizaon Assistance Program reduces the energy burden on low-income residents by installing energy efficiency measures that directly result in a more comfortable home with lower energy bills. TCAcon completes a whole Home Energy Assessment to determine which energy measures should be installed for maximum impact. Energy measures may include: insulaon & air sealing, electric & water use reducon items, heang system repair/replacement, hot water system repair/replacement as well as Health & Safety measures for proper venlaon, carbon monoxide detector & smoke detector installaon. The Weatherizaon Assistance Program is free for income eligible homeowners and renters in Tompkins County. For rental units only, there is a low contribuon required by landlords. For more details, or to see if you or someone you know qualifies, contact Linda Nash at 273-8816, ext. 128. Applicaons can also be mailed to you or picked up at our Clinton Plaza office, 609 West Clinton Street, Suite 111, Ithaca. HEATSMART PRESENTATION ON ENERGY EFFICIENT HOME HEATING Being warm in the winter and cool in the summer is a big part of our quality-of-life. HeatSmart can help show you how to increase your comfort and take advantage of tax credits and incenves available now. Home heang and hot water account, on average, for 75% of the total energy use in Tompkins County homes. HeatSmart Tompkins promotes affordable, energy efficient ways to heat and cool homes through using air- and ground-source heat pumps in combinaon with improvements in insulaon and air sealing. Tour homes using these systems in the Trumansburg /Ulysses area Saturday, Oct. 13th 10-noon 3406 Gorge Road Trumansburg, NY air source heat/cooling system. Saturday, Oct. 13th 2pm-4pm 4124 Reynolds Rd. Trumansburg, NY domesc hot water air source heat pump and a ground source heat pump with fan coil cooling With heang needs in winter, cooling and dehumidificaon needs in summer, home comfort requires control over air temperature. Heat pumps are a tremendous advance because they can heat, cool, and dehumidify your home with great energy and cost efficiency. Heat pumps work at all temperatures and unlike oil, propane or natural gas heaters, they do all those things with minimal environmental impacts. If you power them with renewable energy, they provide a personal path to a zero-carbon home. Find more on HeatSmart tours of homes with heat pumps, and other informaon at www.HeatSmartTompkins.org UPCOMING TOWN MEETINGS: (All are open to the public and meet at the Town Hall) All town meengs are held at the town hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg, unless noted otherwise. For agendas and other meeng informaon, click on the event on the calendar here: hp://ulysses.ny.us/calendar/? category=Government COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Check the community calendar at hp://www.ulysses.ny.us/calendar/. You can also submit your own events. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forward this message to anyone else that you think would be interested. We’d love to connect with more residents. To send quesons or comments, or be removed from this list, please e-mail clerk@ulysses.ny.us Best, Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk) Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public Office hours: 8am-4pm, M-F (After hours by appt.) 10 Elm St. Trumansburg NY 14886 P. (607)387-5767, ext. 221 ulysses.ny.us Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.