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Updates from Town of Ulysses
Carissa Parlato <clerk@ulysses.ny.us> Apr 13, 2018 4:10 PM
Posted in group:town-of-Ulysses
Happy Friday, Ulysses!
Read on for information compiled for you from Town of Ulysses staff…
In this issue:
Public Hearings- BZA
Summer Programs for youth
JCA Spring Clean up
Forum on HABs
Burn ban
Upcoming Town Meetings
Community Calendar
Clerk for Planning Board- Deadline to apply: April 15
View job description here:
Environmental Planner-Deadline to apply: April 30
View job details here:
APPLY FOR BOTH POSITIONS via Tompkins County at: https://www.tompkinscivilservice.org/account
Safety for residents is a combined effort between individuals and governments. If you see or suspect
suspicious behavior, Town residents should call the County Sheriff's Department at (607)272-2444 or simply
dial 911.
Board of Zoning Appeals- Wed., 4/18 at 7pm:
* 7:00 PM Continuation of Public Hearing from 3/21/18 - Appeal by Amy and Edward Abelson for area
variances under Section 212-29C Lot Area and Yard Requirements for the A1-Agricutural District of the
Town of Ulysses Zoning Law. This is for the purpose of a two-lot subdivision, where a vacant lot (Parcel B)
would have 356.00 +/- feet of road frontage, which is less than the 400 feet required. This lot would be
5.053 acres with a lot depth of 645 +/- ft. The other lot, on which the Lakshmi Institute is located (Parcel A),
would include 18.015 acres with a lot width of 489.77 +/- ft and lot depth of 645 +/- ft. The property is located
at 1966 Trumansburg Rd, Town of Ulysses, Tax Parcel Number 20.-3-9.21.
* 7:10 PM Appeal by Jerry Randall Myrick for area variances under Section 212-54 F Lot Area and Yard
Requirements of the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law. This is for the purpose of constructing a second floor
addition on the south side of the existing house, which would be located approximately 13 feet from the side
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property line and 15 feet is the required setback in the LS-Lakeshore District. The second floor addition
would line up with the existing house footprint, which is 13 feet from the side property line. The property is
located at 1575 Taughannock Blvd, Town of Ulysses, Tax Parcel Number 18.-1-3.
* 7:20 PM Appeal by Rodney Davis for area variances under Section 212-135A Standards for roadside
stands and 212-122E Standards for signs of the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law. This is for the purpose of
utilizing a 400 square foot tent to sell products not produced on site, where 240 square feet is the maximum
area allowed. The purpose is also to install a sign that is 20 square feet, where 12 square feet in the
maximum allowed. The property is located at 5272 Dubois Rd, Town of Ulysses, Tax Parcel Number
* 7:30 PM Appeal Robert Brown, Sr. for area variances under Section 212-29 C Lot Area and Yard
Requirements of the Town of Ulysses Zoning Law. This is for the purpose of subdividing a parcel with the
width of approximately 175.6 feet at the right of way, where 400 feet is required. The lot includes an existing
single family residence. The remaining land is a development district (DD-9 Flo-Tech), for which the district
boundaries were recently revised by the Town Board. The property is located at 7323 and 7325 Halseyville
Rd, Town of Ulysses, Tax Parcel Number 12.-4-15.23.
The above applications are open to inspection at the Zoning Office, Town of Ulysses. Persons wishing to
appear at such hearing may do so in person or by other representative. Communications in writing in
relation thereto may be filed with the Zoning Office at Kiley@ulysses.ny.us or at the following address: Town
of Ulysses Zoning Office, 10 Elm St, Trumansburg, NY 14886
Super Summer Sign Up - Calling all Parents!
On Wednesday, April 25th from 6:30 - 8:30pm at the Trumansburg Elementary School Cafeteria the
Ulysses-Trumansburg Youth Commission has invited lots of local and Ithaca-based summer camps to share
information about their programs and sign up interested families. Drop in to see what's available and
register your kids. Most programs offer scholarships so be sure to ask.
Summer Youth Employment
Applications for 2018 summer youth employment are due May 5th. Find details and the application at
When: April 21, 2018. 10am-2pm
Where: Jacksonville Community Park, Swamp College Rd (across from 3038 Swamp College Rd)
What to bring: Rakes, shears, wheel barrows, shovels, gloves, etc.
Food: Bring a snack to share, if you can. Coffee and water will be provided.
"Water and Community": HABs (Harmful Algal Blooms) and Non-Point Source Pollution in the Finger Lakes:
Strategies for Addressing the Threat
Saturday, April 14th
1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
The Space @ Greenstar
700 W. Buffalo St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
For a list of topics, agenda, and speakers, visit http://www.communityscience.org/2018/03/27/csi-annual-
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For more information email info@communityscience.org
Burn ban
Brush burning is regulated through the NYS DEC (Dept. of Environmental conservation) and prohibited
through May 14, 2018. For more details visit http://www.dec.ny.gov/press/113004.html
View more regulations on fire here: https://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/58519.html
UPCOMING TOWN MEETINGS: (All are open to the public and meet at the Town Hall)
Democracy depends on citizen involvement! Grab a friend and drop in to a meeting to see what’s
All town meetings are held at the town hall at 10 Elm St., Trumansburg, unless noted otherwise.
For agendas and other meeting information, click on the event on the calendar here: http://ulysses.ny.us
Check the community calendar at http://www.ulysses.ny.us/calendar/. You can also submit your own events.
Forward this message to anyone else that you think would be interested. We’d love to connect with more
residents. To send questions or comments, or be removed from this list, please e-mail clerk@ulysses.ny.us
Carissa Parlato, CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk)
Ulysses Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Records Manager, Notary Public
Office hours: 8am-4pm, M-F
(After hours by appt.)
10 Elm St.
Trumansburg NY 14886
P. (607)387-5767, ext. 221
F. (607)387-5843
Get the latest updates on the town- sign up for the e-newsletter! Click here.
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