Town of Ulysses
January 18, 2019
Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us.
The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg.
Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board.
Supervisor- Liz Thomas
Board members- Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs, Richard Goldman, John Hertzler
Deputy Town Clerk- Sarah Koski
Environmental Planner- John Zepko
CJ Randall, Zoning Consultant
Michelle Couwenhoven
Linda Liddle
Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 4:02pm.
Ms. Thomas opened the meeting by reviewing the zoning update progress thus far. The purpose of
today’s meeting is to finalize a draft of the updated zoning document to present to the public at the
January 22nd, 2019 Town Board Meeting. There will then be a public comment period before the
board votes to adopt the new zoning regulations. The Zoning Update Committee had made a number
of recommendations on the draft document, which have been incorporated and will be presented
Ms. Thomas reminded the board that the biggest issues to address today are Density Bonuses and
how the 70/30 rule of subdivision will work. Mr. Boggs suggested going through less complicated
changes in the beginning of the meeting and tackle those bigger issues towards the end of the
meeting. Ms. Zahler inquired when she should request updates to the current draft based on
feedback from the Agricultural and Sustainability Committees. Mr. Zepko responded that changes
should be submitted as soon as possible so a cohesive document can be presented to the public for
Mr. Hertzler’s concern is imposing a rule of subdivision on land that is currently owned. He suggested
having the new zoning laws apply only to land once it is sold, and that current owners be
“grandfathered in.” Ms. Thomas pointed out that many land owners who were concerned about
proposed zoning changes have recently subdivided their land; that there has been a sort of grace
period already. Ms. Randall added that zoning laws need to apply equally and stay with the land, not
with individual owners.
Ms. Thomas went over the main changes in the current draft.
• all “districts” are now referred to as “zones”
• Bed and Breakfast – increased from 5 to 6 bedrooms.
• Retail Service definition change.
• Lodge definition change. Mr. Zepko pointed out that the lodge definition includes a reference
to Ecotourism - which perhaps should be taken out since there is not a current definition of
Ecotourism in the zoning draft. Ms. Randall found a definition of Ecotourism that she read to
the board. The board discussed the concept and definition and decided to use the broader
term “tourism” instead.
• Reverting Waterburg Hamlet Zone back to essentially what it was with changes to the
setbacks and lot size requirements.
• Lot size increase in Hamlet center (Jacksonville).
• Remove specified hours of operation for business.
• Signs allowed in parks and recreation areas.
• Floor area for an accessory dwelling defined.
• Flag lot language.
• Standards for multiple family residences.
• Development standards outside of hamlet zone - moved to guidelines.
• Ag commerce - Ms. Zahler suggested increasing the outside ag commerce space from 1000
square feet. No action taken.
• Simple subdivision removed. Mr. Zepko feels that the act of subdivision belongs to the
Planning Board; subdividing land should be under the oversight of a board and not at the
discretion of a staff member. The Town planner would still be able to approve lot line
adjustments without board approval.
Density Bonuses and 70/30 Rule of Subdivision:
Mr. Goldman read aloud an email from Ms. Sokoni, the town’s attorney. In summary, Ms. Sokoni
stated that the Town Board would need to articulate their goals and be able to defend how their
subdivision rule will achieve those goals. It is important that the rule is not overly burdensome to land
Ms. Randall gave an overview of density bonuses. Ms. Randall showed two visuals of models of
subdivision - a traditional model, as well as a cluster/conservation model. Developers of major
subdivisions would be required to submit both models to the Planning Board. The
cluster/conservation model takes into account the unique landscape of a parcel such as streams,
forests and green spaces. Developers who choose to build a subdivision with the cluster/conservation
model would qualify for density bonuses; allowing more houses to be built than with a traditional
Mr. Goldman is concerned that requiring builders to submit two different subdivision plans (one
traditional subdivision plan, one cluster subdivision plan) is overly burdensome. Mr. Zepko reminded
the board that these would only apply to major subdivisions, which are typically submitted by
developers with considerable resources. Mr. Zepko suggested the board could increase the threshold
for major subdivisions to five lots instead of three lots as proposed.
Ms. Thomas introduced some items that would result in density bonuses for major subdivision
Mr. Zepko asked if there were other density bonuses that the board would like included in the draft.
Ms. Zahler suggested mixed income housing. The board also discussed tax abatement for green
building/energy efficiency building. Green building/energy efficiency density bonuses have already
been adopted by the county and Ms. Randall would be able to come up with some language for the
zoning draft next week.
Mr. Zepko went over some proposed new requirements for minor subdivision applications. He also
added that the Planning Board could have some discretion over these requirements.
Ms. Thomas announced that the proposed changes from tonight’s meeting will be made to the
current draft and the Town Board can vote on them at the January 22nd meeting.
Ms.Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:58pm; seconded by Mr. Boggs.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Koski on 1/28/19.
Traditional Subdivision Example