HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-12-11-TB-FINAL-minutes with Per Pol amendsTOWN BOARD MEETING Town of Ulysses December 11, 2018 Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us. The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg. Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the Town’s website and Clerk’s board. ATTENDANCE: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Supervisor- Liz Thomas Board members- Nancy Zahler, Michael Boggs, Richard Goldman Town Clerk- Carissa Parlato Bookkeeper- Nina Thompson Environmental Planner- John Zepko ABSENT: John Hertzler OTHERS PRESENT: Anne Koreman (Tompkins County Legislator) CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7pm. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA RESOLUTION 2018-208: APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for Dec. 11, 2018 with the addition of the police contract and sidewalk grant. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: (none) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES: Ms. Koreman shared the following up dates from the Tompkins County Legislature: • Municipal housing affordability planning grants will be offered up to $10,000. • Grant funds will be available for park & trail improvements up to $5,000. • The legislature has decided to do away with the local boards of assessment review for a 1 year trial period. • The alcohol & drug council working on creation of a multi-county detox center. They are looking to lease a space near mall. Ms. Thomas said that several municipalities are working together to update their streetlights to LEDs. They will receive funding from the NYS Dept. of State. OLD BUSINESS: ZONING UPDATE The board discussed the following: • Multi-dwelling units (currently defined as 3 and more units) – where they should be allowed and any other standards • How to encourage the creation of housing • Density bonuses and what zones they should be used in TOWN REPORTS: (see appendix) The board had requested that Mr. Reynolds attend the meeting to discuss the recently-awarded bridge grant and were disappointed that he did not attend. During Town Reports, the board took the following action: AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT FOR TOWN HALL HEATING DESIGN RESOLUTION 2018-209: AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR TO SIGN CONTRACT FOR TOWN HALL HEATING DESIGN Ms. Zahler moved that they board authorize the supervisor to enter into a contract with Taitem to design a heat pump system for the town hall, not to exceed $10,500. Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 TOWN REPORTS, resumed: (see appendix) OLD BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF PAY RATES RESOLUTION 2018-210: APPROVAL OF RATES OF PAY FOR 2019 BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby establishes the following pay rates for employees, board stipends and elected officials effective with the first pay date of 2019. If necessary to appoint a new employee or replace an elected official during the year of 2019, the Town Board will establish a salary commensurate with the experience and availability of funds: Position Annual Salary Hourly rate if applicable Town Board Councilperson 4,681 each - Supervisor Supervisor 18,417 - Budget Officer 17,033 - Bookkeeper 52,997 - Clerk Town Clerk 54,650 - Deputy Town Clerk 20.00 2nd Deputy Town Clerk 16.48 Court Town Justice 18,143 each - Court Clerk 45,321 - Planning, Zoning, Building Enforcement Officer for Building Code 30,679 - Deputy Enforcement Officer 21.63 Zoning Officer 30,079 - Planner 30,079 - Planning and Zoning Clerk 16.48-19.57 Planning and BZA Chairs 225 each - Planning and BZA Members 125 each - Highway Highway Superintendent 60,010 - Deputy Highway Superintendent - 22.50 Highway Machine Equipment Operator - 21.50 – 22.00 Seasonal Highway - 15.00 – 22.54 Water MEO/Water/Sewer Maintenance Worker 22.50 Distribution Operator Assistant/Laborer 21.50 History Historian 1,576 - Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 PERSONNEL POLICY RESOLUTION 2018-211: AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE TOWN OF ULYSSES- benefits for elected officials WHEREAS the current Personnel Policy for the Town of Ulysses dated 8/14/2018 is unclear in several sections regarding benefits for elected officials Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Personnel Policy sections 104, 404, 702, 703, and 706 are amended as presented and edited at the 12/11/2018 meeting. (See appendix for details) Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-212: AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE TOWN OF ULYSSES- benefits for retirees WHEREAS the current Personnel Policy for the Town of Ulysses dated 8/14/2018 is unclear in several sections regarding benefits for elected officials, Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Personnel Policy sections 707 & 708 as amended, presented and edited at the 12/11/2018 meeting. (See appendix for details) Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-213: AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE TOWN OF ULYSSES- benefits for elected officials if incapacitated WHEREAS the current Personnel Policy for the Town of Ulysses dated 8/14/2018 does not address if an elected official working an average of over 30 hrs/week would keep their health insurance benefit if not able to work for a period of time due to medical reasons. Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Personnel Policy section 508 makes Class A&B elected officials receive the same benefits for medical leaves as Class A & B employees. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-: AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICY OF THE TOWN OF ULYSSES- non-medical leave of absence (No action taken on this topic. May be taken up at a future meeting.) NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION 2018-214: AMENDING THE RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR MEETINGS TO ALLOW REMOTE PARTICIPATION RESOLVED that after reviewing New York Public Officers’ Law §103(a), and §103(c), New York General Construction Law § 41, and NYS Committee on Open Government opinions 3019, 2925, and 2831, participation of a Town Board member from a remote location is allowed under certain circumstances; and WHEREAS that the Ulysses Town Board sees the benefit of allowing a Town Board member to participate in, and vote at, Town Board meetings when they are temporarily out of town and unable to physically be present at a Town Board meeting Therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board amends the 8/8/2017 Town of Ulysses Rules and Procedures for Meetings as presented and edited at the 12/11/2018 meeting. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-215: PRE-APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC CONTRACTS FOR THE TOWN OF ULYSSES IN 2019 RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign contracts and make payments in 2019 for the following services: Entity Estimated Contract Amount for 2019 Contract not to Exceed Amount for 2019 American Legion (Assistance for Veterans) $475 $475 BAS software annual agreement for water billing $700 $1,000 BAS software annual agreement for clerk program $650 $1,000 Cemetery and Jacksonville Park Mowing $2750 & $2411 $7,000 Community Science Institute $6,188 $6,500 Cooperative Extension (Youth Programming) $49,007 $50,000 Engineering - MRB Not to exceed rate schedule. Foodnet $2,250 $2,250 Gadabout $2,000 $2,000 General Code (for annual fee only, zoning update will be bid separately) $1,195 $2,500 Landscaping $65/hr $65/hr Lifelong $1000 $1,000 Ulysses Historical Society $700 $700 Stormwater Coalition $1500 $2,000 Trumansburg Senior Citizens $850 $850 Tompkins County Recreation Partnership $8,436 $9,000 Tompkins County Animal Control $18,134 $18,300 Trumansburg Conservatory of Fine Arts $3,500 $3,500 Trumansburg Community Recreation (can also put in recreation reserve for future use) $2,500 $2,500 Town Hall – Mainstay - Plumbing, electric and heating (As needed) Tompkins County Soil & Water $1500 $1500 Ulysses Philomathic Library $12,500 $12,500 Williamson Law – Accounting Software $1,038 $1,500 Williamson Law Book- Tax Glance software program $124 $200 Village of Trumansburg Police Contract $0 $0 Village of Trumansburg Sidewalk Maintenance $29.17/hr Up to $30/hr Winterfest $1000 $1,000 Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-216: SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE FIRE CONTRACT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board hold a Public Hearing on the 2019 Fire Contract to provide fire protection for the Fire Protection District of the Towns of Ulysses, Hector, and Covert at the Ulysses Town Hall on January 8, 2019 at 7:00pm. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-217: APPROVAL OF THE MEDICARE PLAN FOR ULYSSES FOR 2019 WHEREAS the Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy states that Medicare eligible employees and retirees may be entitled to a Medicare Supplemental plan; and WHEREAS the Town Board will determine that plan on an annual basis THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board names Excellus Medicare Blue PPO CoPay Plan as the plan for 2019 at the quoted amount of $368.48 per month per enrollee. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-218: APPROVAL OF 2019 WATER RATES FOR ULYSSES WATER DISTRICTS 3 AND 4. WHEREAS, the water rate for Ulysses Water Districts 3 and 4 is based on what is charged by the Town of Ithaca with no additional fees; and WHEREAS the Town of Ithaca has increased the water rate for 2019, Therefore be it RESOLVED that the water rate for Water Districts 3 and 4 is $7.59/1000 gallons. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-219: APPROVAL OF POLICE CONTRACT WITH VILLAGE OF TRUMANSBURG Whereas, the Town wishes to continue the Intermunicipal Police Services Agreement with the Village of Trumansburg which authorizes the Village Police Department to provide mutual aid to other law enforcement agencies called to respond to crimes committed in the Town of Ulysses, outside the Village and Whereas, the Village has provided an updated copy of the Agreement with a slight change that allows the agreement to be on-going unless either party wishes to make changes, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Ulysses Town Board approves the Intermunicipal Police Services Agreement with the Village of Trumansburg and authorizes the Supervisor to sign the 2019 Agreement. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 RESOLUTION 2018-220: COMPLETION OF SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL CAPITAL SIDEWALK PROJECT WHEREAS, the Village of Trumansburg and the Town of Ulysses were awarded a collaborative federally-funded grant, titled Pedestrian Commuting in Trumansburg: Safe Routes to School Project, and WHEREAS, the construction phase of the project was completed earlier this year, and WHEREAS, all invoices related to the Town’s portion of the project have been processed, and WHEREAS, the Town Bookkeeper and the Village Treasurer have completed a reconciliation of the finances related to the project, and WHEREAS, guidance from the NYS Office of the State Comptroller states that at completion of a capital project the governing board should pass a resolution so stating and directing the disposition of any unexpended balance, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board declares the Safe Routes to Schools capital project complete, and further RESOLVED, that the board directs the Town Bookkeeper to transfer the remaining unexpended balance of $10,131.44 back to the B Fund by way of interfund transfer per State Comptroller guidance. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Goldman Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 MONTHLY BUSINESS: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLUTION 2018-221: APPROVAL OF MINUTES RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the special meeting on 11/26, and the regular meeting on 11/27/18. Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLUTION 2018-222: APPROVAL OF BUDGET MODIFICATIONS RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the following budget modifications: A FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS A1940.4 PURCHASE OF LAND/ROW INCREASE $660.00 To cover additional appraisal needed for Salo Dr Habitat land purchase grant A1620.2 TOWN HALL EQ DECREASE $660.00 Budget available A1220.4 Supervisor CE INCREASE $1,000.00 To cover additional projected costs – payroll fees A1620.2 TOWN HALL EQ DECREASE $1,000.00 Budget available A7310.4 YOUTH PROGRAMS CE INCREASE $2,200.00 To cover overage from Youth Summer Rec programs managed by Village of Tburg A1620.2 TOWN HALL EQ DECREASE $2,200.00 Budget available SW3 FUND BUDGET MODIFICATIONS SW3-8320.4 WATER PURCHASES CE INCREASE $6,000.00 To cover additional cost for water purchases from Town of Ithaca SW3-8330.4 WATER PURIFICATION CE DECREASE $6,000.00 Budget available SW3-8340.4 WATER TRANS & DIST CE INCREASE $300.00 To cover projected costs through the end of the year SW3-8330.4 WATER PURIFICATION CE DECREASE $300.00 Budget available Moved: Mr. Boggs Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS RESOLUTION 2018-223: APPROVAL OF CLAIMS BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims for vouchers # 545-610 in the amount of $100,015.42. Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Ms. Zahler Ms. Thomas aye Ms. Zahler aye Mr. Hertzler absent Mr. Boggs aye Mr. Goldman aye Vote: 4-0 Date Adopted: 12/11/18 ADJOURN: Mr. Goldman moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:05pm; seconded by Mr. Boggs. APPENDIX: TOWN REPORTS: PLANNER: Submitted by Mr. Zepko Planning Board • Staff to Planning Board meetings: 6 Nov 2018  The Planning Board approved a special use permit and site plan application for Smart Start, a proposed 6,400 square foot pre-school, located at 1966 Trumansburg Rd. 20 Nov 2018  The Planning Board approved a drainage related site plan amendment at 1513 Taughannock Blvd. Board of Zoning Appeals • Staff to BZA meeting: 21 Nov 2018  The BZA heard three applications for variances. Two were approved, and the third application received comment asking for more information and modification of the proposal. Zoning Enforcement • Reviewed 11 building permits for zoning compliance • Responded to approximately 15 requests for information o Comments and questions regarding proposed zoning changes o Development questions or applications • Investigated one(1) stormwater/drainage complaint Zoning Update • Served as point of contact for residents regarding proposed zoning • (see Planner Activity) Planner Activity • 5 Nov 2018, attended Town Board workshop on zoning amendments • 8 Nov 2018, attended Town Board workshop on zoning amendments • 8 Nov 2018, participated in Climate Change & Resiliency webinar • 13 Nov 2018, attended Town Board meeting • 27 Nov 2018, attended Town Board meeting • 20 Nov 2018, met with Town Supervisor and County Planning staff to discuss local needs and County Planning priorities • 26 Sept 2018, attended joint Town Board/ZUSC meeting • With assistance from the Clerk’s office, provided the Planning Board and Board of Zoning Appeals with a synopsis of Board members’ annual training hours. Provided Board’s with training opportunities. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT- Submitted by Dave Reynolds • Snow Storms on the following dates : November 13th, 16th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 28th, 29th December 4th, 6th, 7th. • Truck Inspections- Worked on T23, T53 and T10 throughout the month and got them inspected • Hauling Stone- Hauled stone from Seneca Stone 1a’s for Road Sealing 1b’s which are used for mixture with salt to reduce the amount of salt used • PESH updates-Complied to all of PESH concerns / We are up to date. Overhead door installed photo eyes to our automatic doors on Nov 16th Lockout tag training done • GASB 34- Scott Stewart worked on the following Compiled a list of assets for the Highway Dept Road Replacement costs. Signs Replacement costs Culvert Replacement costs Equipment Replacement costs Scott downloaded onto a flash drive to give to the Town Clerk • Information on Mack Truck- As you know we are getting a new Mack truck at the end of 2019 I have attached a quote for Financing if anyone is interested. • Upcoming- Will be working on T5, T20 and the 1 ton dump truck to be ready for inspections Due within the next month • Bridge NY meetings- Retired TCHD civil Engineer John Lampman stopped in and offered help with The project and gave us the local contact for NYS DOT Bridge NY program TOWN CLERK: Submitted by Ms. Parlato LICENSES/PERMITS issued: # Sporting licenses 49 Disabled parking permits 14 Dog licenses and renewals 71 Marriage licenses 1 Plumbing permits 1 Address assignments 0 Notarizations 4 FOIL requests-received 1 FOIL requests-completed 1 CLERK’s OFFICE TASKS: • Notarizations • Ordered supplies • Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail • Answered inquiries on various topics • Attended Town Board meetings and took minutes • Kept website current • Sent listserv messages to residents (~2/month) • Mailed and posted dog licenses; issued tickets as needed • Scheduling of various meetings • Assist other departments when possible • Updated health/dental insurance info for staff as needed SALO HABITAT COMMITTEE: • Attend 11/7 meeting WATER DISTRICT TASKS: • Work with Water District Operator on quarterly billing RECORDS MANAGEMENT TASKS: • Continue with scanning of building plans into Laserfiche for easier access and storage. Scanning is being done through the County Clerk’s office. Almost done! SAFETY COMMITTEE: • Follow up with staff on completion of annual Sexual Harassment Training • Hold committee meeting on 11/7 • Attend webinar on 11/28 on new sexual harassment requirements • Set up Swift911 emergency alert system for us to send out notices. Now must get people to sign up. COMMITTEES/ASSOCIATIONS: • Health Consortium- attend November meeting CODE ENFORCEMENT: Submitted my Mr. Myers Building Permits issued 11 Plan Reviews 10 Certificate of Occupancy issued 2 Certificate of Compliance issued 11 Complaints Received 2 FINANCIAL REPORT: $2538.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses $1268.02 stays in the town $1270.48 goes to the state Complaints Resolved 2 Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 53 New Site Inspections 8 Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 6 Fire Safety Inspections Not submitted yet Code Training Seminars 0 County Assessment/Board Reports 2 Open property in violation cases 6 Property violations resolved 0 Value of Permits issued: $1,656,304 Building Permit fees collected for month: $4,521 SUPERVISOR’S REPORT- Shared by Ms. Thomas • She thanked Ms. Geldenhuys for her work as she will be stepping down as Attorney for the Town at the end of the year. • The old Jacksonville church is now on the National Register of Historic Places. • The heating update from the Clean Energy Communities grant is in progress. Mr. Boggs has assisted. (At this time, Ms. Zahler made a motion to take action on the heating project. Please refer to the regular minutes for details.) Ms. Thomas continued: • FL Land trust bought land on route 89 • Village board was audited and owed town some funds. The board discussed this as well as the contract. • Falls Rd- Grassroots wants to proceed ahead with a water district. • streetlight changeover BOOKKEEPER REPORT: Submitted by Nina Thompson Regular Duties: • Personnel • Payroll  Processed and reconciled payrolls 23 & 24  Processed employee changes and made corrections as needed • NYSLRS  Monthly Reporting  Calculated, vouchered and processed annual NYSLRS payment  Prepared and entered JE for prepaid exp related to NYSLRS payment • Banking • Completed regular bank deposits – in person for cash with remote deposit system for checks • Completed regular bank account transfers to cover payments • Payments • Produced vouchers for monthly pre-pays, insurance invoices and other miscellaneous payments • Reviewed monthly vouchers & abstracts • Printed checks for pre-pays and scheduled voucher payments once approved • Month End Close Out – October • Entered all Payroll entries (cash receipts, cash disbursements & general journal entries) • Entered all cash receipts (general receipts, WD accounting, etc.) • Entered all cash disbursements • Entered all general journal entries (bank transfers, interest, WD billings, budget modifications & other general journal entries) • Close out steps (Load abstracts, close CR & CD journals & print reports) • Reconciled WD3 & 4 receivable accounts • Reviewed month end financial reports and distributed them to Town Board & Staff • 2019 Budget • Master budget workbook  Formatted Final 2019 Budget • Other  Reviewed tax sign off sheet numbers from County Assessment Trainings: • Webinar – NYSLRS Retirement Online Member Enrollment – November 14 • Webinar – OSC Fraud Prevention and Detection – November 15 Meetings: • 11/06/2018 – Safety Committee Meeting • 11/06/2018 – Phone call meeting with Town Attorney • 11/13/2018 – Phone call meeting with Town Attorney • 11/13/2018 – Town Board Meeting • 11/27/2018 – Town Board Meeting Non-Regular Duties: • Trumansburg/Ulysses Sidewalk Project • Continued to follow up regarding close out of project • Personnel • Union  Implemented first payroll deductions for union dues for applicable staff • Retiree benefits  Further work related to retiree benefits  Consultation with Town Attorney  Communication with retiree regarding benefits • Responded to HR related employee and Town Board member inquires • Reissued several premium payment checks lost by insurance companies • Youth Employees  Communicated with Youth Program Manager regarding time sheets and other YEP paperwork  Follow up regarding uncashed pay checks • Employee Leave  Continued to work on updates to Town leave policies  Paperwork regarding employee leave  Extensive follow-up and communications regarding employee leave • End of Year Payroll Accruals and the 27th pay period  Continued to work on EOY payroll accruals and financial implications of 27th pay period 4  Additional versions of Salary & Benefits worksheet  Developed solution for payroll accrual and 27th pay period issue presented at 11/13/2018 Town Board Meeting  Developed alternate budget modification for EOY payroll accrual presented at 11/27/2018 Town Board Meeting • Personnel Policy  Extensive work on clarification/updates to Town Personnel Policy • Procedures • Continued to update and refine written accounting procedures • Budget Modification • Researched and drafted budget modification for 11/13/2018 meeting – EOY Payroll Accruals (not approved) & SW3 modifications (approved) • Researched and drafted budget modification for 11/27/2018 meeting – Alternate EOY Payroll Accruals (approved) • Entered approved budget modification into accounting system • Other Accounting • Communicated with Armory Associates regarding finalization of the OPEB Liabilities report • Continued to investigate, research and work on resolutions to outstanding accounting issues • Compiled financial information related to the Town Court operations as requested by the Supervisor Up Coming: • Fiscal Year End • Continue to prepare for end of 2018 fiscal year • Other Accounting • Continue to work on how to handle outstanding accounting issues  TA Fund/Bank Account  Full GAAP Compliance • Personnel • Continue to review/clarify/update Personnel Policy MS. ZAHLER: Village board meeting highlights from last night • The fire department is getting a new fire truck and trying to sell mini pumper • They are seeking a consultant for comprehensive plan update • The town and village settled up the funding for summer recreation program, which went over budget • The deer management program has harvested 36 deer so far • The Village has budgeted for a part-time planner • They are deciding on a date for the state of the village • The sidewalk project is closing out- refund due to town • Met with new police chief, has new contract to sign 5 • Discussion of the sidewalk clearing agreement Salo Habitat Committee update: working on creating a parking area. MR. BOGGS shared the following: • Attended fire house meeting • The IO (Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization) is working on a water quality action report • Met with Roxanne & Taitem to discuss heating & cooling update at town hall Respectfully submitted by Carissa Parlato on 12/21/18. DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy *Sections 104: Classifications *Section 404: Time Records Section 508: Family and Medical Leave Policy Section 510: Leave of Absence for Personal Reasons *Section 702: Vacation Leave *Section 703: Sick Leave *Section 706: Medical and Vision Insurance *Section 707: Medical Insurance for Retirees *Section 708: Dental Coverage *Sections referring to benefits for elected officials: 104, 404, 702, 703, 706, 707, 708 ______________________ 104 Classifications – (Amended 11/22/2016, 12/11/2018) Elected Officials – Elected Officials are not considered “employees” and do not accumulate benefits that can be paid out or used after their elected term of office. In order to receive health insurance benefits, Elected Officials must work on an annual basis an average of the hours/week outlined in the Organizational Meeting minutes each year. To qualify for some benefits, A a Class A Elected Official must work the same number of hours required of a Class A Employee. A and a Class B Elected official Official must work the same number of hours required of a Class B Employee. For the purposes of health benefits described in the Personnel Policy, “Elected Official” refers to the following Elected Officials of the Town of Ulysses. 404 Time Records Policy Statement – (amended 4/22/14, 12/11/2018) All employees shall turn in a time card by the end of the last day of the pay period. Salaried employees shall do the same stating time used for vacation, sick time, holiday, compensatory time or other time off to maintain accurate records of benefit time used. No pay or benefits will be issued without the presence of a time card with two signatures: the employee and the employee’s supervisor. Electronic approval by the employee’s supervisor is also allowed. Class A and B Elected officials Officials wishing to receive health insurance must follow the time off requirements of this Personnel Policy and maintain and submit an accurate, signed record of their time worked and time taken off by the end of each pay period to the bookkeeper. 508 Family and Medical Leave Policy (amended 11/27/2018, 12/11/2018) Policy Statement – The federal FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy It is the policy of the Town of Ulysses to grant full-time employees a job-protected leave of absence under FMLA rules without pay for a period of up to twelve weeks within a calendar year, under certain circumstances due to medical conditions of either the employee or the employees’ family member (as defined below). If and when any employee meets the eligibility requirements under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the provisions of the FMLA shall cover the initial time off (up to 12 weeks, or whatever the federal law requires). If after leave is exhausted under FMLA, or the NYS Paid Family Leave Act, the employee can demonstrate continued need, they may apply for an unpaid Medical Leave of Absence Extension due to medical conditions of either the employee or the employee’s family member (as defined below in FMLA). For more information: https://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/ Granting of Leave of Absence – The granting and duration of each unpaid leave of absence will be determined by the Town Board in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, including Civil Service Law Sections 71, 72 and 73, and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County. Types of Leave – The following types of unpaid leaves of absence will be considered: • Sick Leave of Absence – Employees who are unable to work because of a serious health condition or disability may be granted a sick leave of absence. This type of leave includes disabilities caused by pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical conditions. The Town requires certification of an employee’s need for sick leave, both before the leave begins and on a periodic basis thereafter, by the employee’s health care provider. In addition to leave provided under this policy, employees may be eligible for a leave of absence pursuant to Civil Service Law Section 71. Section 71 provides that covered employees shall be entitled to a leave of absence for at least one cumulative year (unless found to be permanently disabled) when disabled due to an occupational injury or disease as defined in the Workers’ Compensation Law. Civil Service Law Section 71 also provides for leave of at least two years when the absence is a result of an assault sustained by an employee during the course of employment. This leave runs concurrently with leave approved under the FMLA. Employees should consult with the Town Supervisor’s office for further details regarding this provision. • Parental Leave of Absence – Female employees, when not disabled by pregnancy or childbirth (see above), and male employees may be granted an unpaid parental leave of absence to care for a child upon birth or upon placement for adoption or foster care. The purpose of this parental leave is to allow parents of a new-born child or newly adopted child to care for and bond with the child. Therefore, the Town reserves the option to demand supporting documentation from a non-custodial parent who requests parenting leave before parental leave is approved. Forms of supporting documentation may include a certification from the custodial parent or a copy of a court-order of child custody. See also section 710B Paid Family Leave. • Family Care Leave of Absence – Employees may be granted a family care leave of absence for the purpose of caring for a child, spouse or parent who has a serious health condition. See details under section 710B: Paid Family Leave • Medical Leave of Absence Extension – If the employee’s medical condition extends beyond the 12 weeks of FMLA, an employee may apply for a maximum 12-week extension of the DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy Leave of Absence. The same conditions, notifications and rules that govern FMLA will apply to this extension of Medical Leave of Absence. As with FMLA requirements, health insurance will be continued. Eligibility – To be eligible, an employee must meet the following requirements: • Elected Officials who are considered Class A or Class B per Section 104 of this document will be extended the same benefits granted to “employees” under this leave policy (Section 508). • The To be eligible, an employee must have completed at least one year of continuous service as a Class A or B employee or elected Elected official Official preceding the date leave commences. Definitions – For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions will apply: • Serious Health Condition shall mean and refer to an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves in-patient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility, or any subsequent treatment in connection with such in-patient care; or continuing treatment by a health care provider, including, but not limited to: ∗ A period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days and any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity that also involves continuing treatment by a health care provider; ∗ A period of incapacity due to pregnancy or prenatal care; ∗ A period of incapacity or treatment for such incapacity due to a chronic serious health condition; ∗ A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may not be effective; or ∗ A period of absence to receive multiple treatments, including any period of recovery, by a health care provider, or by a provider of health care services under orders of or on referral by a health care provider, for restorative surgery after an accident or other injury or for a condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment. • Health Care Provider shall mean and refer to a doctor of medicine or osteopathy who is authorized to practice medicine or surgery by the State in which the doctor practices; or any other person defined in the FMLA regulations capable of providing health care services. • Family Member shall mean and refer to: * Spouse – husband or wife as defined or recognized under State law for purpose of marriage; or committed domestic partners who are those who are financially and emotionally interdependent in a manner commonly presumed of spouses. * Parent – biological parent or an individual who stands or stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child as defined directly below. This term does not include an employee’s parents "in law". DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy * Child – biological, adopted or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis, who is either under age eighteen, or age eighteen or older and "incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability". Persons who are "in loco parentis" include those with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support a child or, in the case of an employee, who had such responsibility for the employee when the employee was a child. A biological or legal relationship is not necessary. Notification Requirements – If the need for leave is foreseeable, the employee must give notice, in writing, to the Department Head at least thirty calendar days prior to the commencement date of the unpaid leave. The employee and Department Head must complete the Leave of Absence Request Form and forward the completed form to the Town Supervisor for review. The failure of an employee to give thirty days’ written notice of foreseeable leave with no reasonable excuse for the delay may result in the delay of the employee taking the leave until thirty days from the date of notice. When the need for leave is unforeseeable, verbal notice to the employer will be sufficient. Status Reports – The employee must periodically update the Department Head as to the employee’s status and intent to return to work. Medical Certification – The employee must produce a medical certification issued by a health care provider which supports the need for a leave under this policy. When required, the employee must provide a copy before the leave begins, or if the leave was unforeseeable, no later than fifteen calendar days from the date the certification was requested. Failure to submit medical certification may jeopardize the employee's eligibility for an unpaid leave of absence and/or the ability to return to work. The medical certification must include: • The date the medical condition began; • The probable duration of the medical condition; • Pertinent medical facts; and, • An assertion that the employee is unable to perform the employee’s essential job functions or that the employee is needed to care for a family member for a specified period of time. The Town of Ulysses reserves the right to request a second opinion by another health care provider. The Town will pay for the second opinion. In the event a conflict occurs between the first and second opinion, the Town may, again at its own expense, obtain a third opinion from a health care provider approved jointly by the Town and the employee. This third opinion will be final and binding. Leave for the Birth, Adoption or Foster Care Placement of a Child – Leave for the birth of a child or the placement of a child for adoption or foster care must conclude within twelve months from the date of the birth or placement. Certification for Adoption/Foster Care – An employee must produce proper certification from the appropriate agency for an unpaid leave for the adoption or foster care of a child. Employment Restrictions During Leave of Absence – While on an approved unpaid leave, the employee may not be employed by another employer during the same hours that the employee was normally scheduled to work for the Town of Ulysses. DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy Benefits During a Leave of Absence – For the purpose of this policy, the following will apply: Use of Accrued Paid Leave Credits – An employee taking leave for the birth, adoption or foster placement of a child or to care for a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition may use all vacation leave credits in addition to the maximum twelve weeks of leave. For leaves taken due to the employee’s own serious health condition, the employee must first use all sick leave and vacation leave credits, which will be included in the maximum twelve weeks of leave. However, in the event that the paid leave credits available are greater than the maximum twelve-week period, an employee may use paid leave credits to extend the leave of absence beyond the twelve-week period, up to a maximum of one year. If, after the completion of the one-year leave of absence, the employee is medically unable to return to work (as determined by a health care provider) and the employee has leave credits remaining, the Town Board may authorize an extension of the employee’s leave of absence until such benefits are exhausted. However, job reinstatement beyond the one- year leave of absence is not automatic and will be dependent upon job availability, in accordance with Civil Service Law Sections 71, 72 and 73, as applicable, and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County. • Accrual of Paid Leave Credits – An employee will continue to accrue vacation and sick leave and receive holiday pay during the portion of the leave that is paid. Paid leave is defined as leave during which the employee continues to use accumulated paid vacation and sick leave. After all such paid leave is exhausted, the remaining leave of absence is unpaid. An employee will not earn paid vacation or sick leave or receive holiday pay for any holidays that may occur during an unpaid leave of absence. • Medical Insurance – During the period of authorized leave under this policy an employee’s eligibility status for medical insurance coverage will not change. All employee contributions (if any) must be paid on a timely basis in order to maintain the continuous coverage of benefits. Contributions will be at the same level as if the employee was working. Coverage will cease if payments are not made within a thirty-calendar day grace period of the due date. Premium payments or policy coverage are subject to change. In the event the employee fails to return to work after the authorized leave of absence period has expired, provisions of COBRA (see Section 709) will apply. In addition, the Town may recover the premium that it paid for maintaining the coverage during any period of the unpaid leave except for the following circumstances: ∗ The continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition of the employee or the employee's eligible family member with proper medical certification; or, ∗ Circumstances beyond the employee's control, such as: parent chooses to stay home with a newborn child who has a serious health condition; employee's spouse is DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy unexpectedly transferred to a job location more than 75 miles from the employee's work-site; the employee is laid off while on leave. Return to Work – The following conditions for returning to work will apply: • Job Restoration – At the conclusion of the leave of absence, (except for leaves beyond a one-year period) the employee, provided that the employee returns to work immediately following such leave, will be restored to the position the employee held when the leave began, or an equivalent position with equivalent benefits, pay and working conditions. For an authorized leave of absence beyond the one-year period, job restoration will be dependent upon job availability, in accordance with Civil Service Law Sections 71, 72 and 73, as applicable, and the Civil Service Rules for Tompkins County. • Medical Statement – Before resuming employment, an employee must submit a statement from the employee’s health care provider indicating that the employee is able to return to work either with or without restrictions. The Town reserves the right to have the employee examined by a physician selected and paid for by the Town to determine the employee’s fitness to return to work either with or without restrictions. Failure to return to work when required may be considered a voluntary termination. • Early Return – An employee who intends to return to work earlier than anticipated must notify the Department Head at least five business days prior to the date the employee is able to return. The Department Head shall in turn notify the Town Supervisor. • Extension of Unpaid Leave of Absence – An employee who wants an extension of the leave previously requested must notify the town at least two business days from the date the change occurred which necessitates the change in leave time. The Town Board reserves the right to approve or deny all leave extensions or authorize the Supervisor to do so. Statement of Compliance – The Town of Ulysses complies with the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Information about FMLA is posted on the notice board in Town Hall. 702 Vacation Leave (Amended 4/22/14, 12/8/15, 11/22/16, 1/23/18, 4/10/18, 12/11/2018) Eligibility –Class A and B employees and Class A and B Elected Officials are eligible for paid vacation leave in accordance with this policy. Class C, temporary and seasonal employees are not eligible for paid vacation leave but may be allowed to take time-off without pay provided the employee has prior approval from the Department Head. Accumulation – An employee or Class A or B Elected Official may accumulate vacation leave credits up to a maximum of two times the employee’s applicable yearly accumulation. For example, an eligible employee with five years of service may accumulate a maximum of thirty days of vacation leave. DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy Separation of Employment – An employee who resigns, retires or is laid off will receive cash payment for unused vacation leave to which the employee is properly entitled at the employee’s then current rate of pay. To be eligible to receive this payment, an employee who is to resign or retire must give written notice at least two weeks in advance of the last day of employment as well as have maintained a bi-weekly timesheet with their supervisor’s signature. In the event an employee leaves employment due to disciplinary action, the employee will not receive a settlement for unused vacation leave. In cases of death of an employee, the Town will pay the employee’s estate for any unused vacation leave. Elected officials may use vacation leave while in office but do not accumulate vacation leave that can be paid out once they are out of office. 703 Sick Leave (Amended 4/22/14, 12/8/15, 11/22/16, 1/23/18, 4/10/18, 12/11/2018) Eligibility – Class A and B employees and Class A and B Elected Officials are eligible for paid sick leave in accordance with this policy. Class C, temporaryTemporary employees, and seasonal Seasonal employees and other Elected Officials are not eligible for paid sick leave. Accumulation – An employee may accumulate sick leave credits to a maximum of one hundred and twenty work days. It is important to recognize that paid sick leave can provide income protection and continued medical insurance coverage in the event the employee is unable to work for a long period of time due to illness or injury. Therefore, each employee should take care to manage the use of sick leave to ensure adequate time is available should such a need arise. Sick leave is tracked and reported on each employee’s paycheck based on an employees approved time sheet. Elected officials may use sick leave credits while in office but do not accumulate sick leave that can be used once they are out of office. Separation of Employment – An employee whose employment with the Town is terminated due to a resignation, death or disciplinary discharge will not receive cash payment for unused sick leave. An employee who retires from the Town (i.e. has applied for and been granted a bona-fide retirement benefit from the New York State Employees’ Retirement System) may apply the dollar value of up to one hundred and twenty days of accumulated sick leave (based upon the employee’s rate of pay on the date of retirement) towards the cost of the retired employee’s portion of the health insurance premium and when Medicare eligible, this would apply to the Medicare supplemental. To be eligible to receive this payment, the retiree must give written notice at least two weeks in advance of the last day of employment as well as have maintained a bi-weekly timesheet with their supervisor’s signature. Elected officials are not eligible for this paid time off benefit and will not receive a payout or a credit toward health insurance premiums costs once out of office. 706 Medical & Vision Insurance (Amended 4/22/14, 12/8/15, 11/22/16, 11/27/2018, 12/11/2018) Eligibility – The Town will make available medical insurance coverage to each Class A and B employee and their eligible family members. Class A and B Elected Officials, as designated in section 103 and 104 will also be eligible for medical insurance coverage and for this section will be considered as having the same coverage as a Class A or B Employee provided they follow the rules in Section 404 Time Records. These Elected Officials will be deemed eligible for medical insurance coverage based on the number of hours worked. A Class C, Ttemporary employees, or seasonal Seasonal employees and other Elected Officials are is not eligible for this plan.benefit. DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy 707 Medical Insurance for Retirees (Amended 4/22/14, 12/8/15, 12/14/15, 11/27/18, 12/11/2018) Table 707A Time Period and Eligibility Town/ Employee and or Elected Official Share of Insurance Premium For Non-Medicare Eligible (<65) For Medicare Eligible* (65+) % Town pays % Employees %Town pays % Employee Employees with a retirement date between Jan. 2015 – Dec. 2019: At age 60 with 30 years of service. Classification: A B 90 50 10 50 90 50 10 50 At age 60 with 25 years of service. Classification: A B 85 50 15 50 85 50 15 50 At age 60 with 20 years of service. Classification: A B 80 50 20 50 80 50 20 50 Employees with a retirement date after January 1, 2020: % Town pays % Employees %Town pays % Employee At age 60 with 30 years of service. Classification: A B 70 50 30 50 50 40 50 60 At age 60 with 25 years of service. Classification: A B 60 45 40 55 50 40 50 60 At age 60 with 20 years of service. Classification: A B 50 40 50 60 50 40 50 60 * Town provides Supplemental Insurance including prescription coverage for employee and Medicare eligible spouse. 708 Dental Coverage Eligibility – The Town currently offers a dental plan to • eligible and active Class A and B employees and Elected Officials, as well as • retired Class A and B employees and elected Elected officialsOfficials, and • dependents of active and retired Class A and B employees and elected Elected officialsOfficials. • Class C, Temporary employees, Seasonal employees and other elected Elected officials Officials are not eligible for this benefit.these plans. When Coverage Begins – Coverage will begin on the first day of the month following the completion of one month of employment or term, provided the employee meets all eligibility requirements of the plans. Employee Premium Contribution – The Town will pay 50% of the premium for an individual or family dental or vision plan for an active or retired Class A or B employee or Elected Official as well as eligible DRAFT 12/11/2018 Town of Ulysses Personnel Policy retirees and dependents. Any required premium payments may be deducted made on a pre-tax basis in accordance with Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Changes in Premium Contributions – The amount of the insurance premium an employee or Elected Official is required to contribute is subject to change by resolution of the Town Board. The Town Board will provide a 12-month written notice of such change.