HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-08-14-TB-FINAL-minutesTOWN BOARD MEETING
Town of Ulysses
August 14, 2018
Audio of the minutes are available on the website at ulysses.ny.us.
The meeting was held at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm Street, Trumansburg.
Notice of Town Board meetings are posted on the town’s website and clerk’s board.
Supervisor- Liz Thomas
Board members- Michael Boggs, John Hertzler, Nancy Zahler
Deputy Town Clerk- Sarah Koski
Bookkeeper- Nina Thompson
OTHERS PRESENT: Will Conway, Anne Koreman, Louise Terry, Sarah DelRosso, Mairead O’Sullivan
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Ms. Thomas moved to go into Executive Session at 6:30pm for the purpose of discussing
the acquisition or sale of property, seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously.
Mr. Goldman moved to end Executive Session at 6:55pm, seconded by Ms. Thomas and passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: See separate Public Hearing minutes from 8/14/2018
Ms. Thomas called the meeting to order at 7:22pm.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve the agenda for August 14, 2018 with the addition
of an executive session for discussing the acquisition or sale of property.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
Ms. Koreman shared the following: as a member of Jacksonville Community Association, she wanted to extend a
thank you to the Town for mowing the Jacksonville Park.
Ms. Koreman, Tompkins County Legislator. Airport updates: construction is proceeding rapidly; the plan is to
add three new gates and to expand service to Chicago, Charlotte, and Washington DC. The airport is also looking
into a shuttle service to NYC where travelers can check in and get screened in Ithaca and be transported to NYC
airports where they will not need to wait in line. Public safety committee: Ms. Koreman reported that there
were no arrests at Grassroots Festival this year, which meant there was no spike in the jail population as in
previous years. Sales tax for the 2nd quarter was up again. Ms. Koreman said the County was looking for reasons
behind the recent rise in sales tax, and the major reason was the increase in gasoline prices. Inflation and
consumer confidence are also up, which adds to an increase in consumer sales. Ms. Koreman also said the
County Legislature has asked the State to enforce the collection of online sales tax.
Ms. Thomas asked about the closure of the inter-city bus station in Ithaca. Ms. Koreman had not heard about
the closing and she will investigate. Ms. Thomas also asked about moving the DOT from the inlet to near the
airport and Ms. Koreman said there was not a timeline in place yet for that move – the focus has been on
airport construction. Ms. Thomas also extended a thank you for the county Planning Department for their plan
to increase outreach with area municipalities.
Ms. Thomas recently attended a symposium on Harmful Algal Blooms and is interested in getting a septic
system testing protocol in place to help prevent excess nutrients from entering the lake. Ms. Thomas will be in
touch with Ms. Koreman to discuss this further.
Ms. Thomas suggested that since the union representative Will Conroy was present, the Town Board start with
the union negotiation resolution before moving on to Town reports and the rest of the meeting.
WHEREAS, the Town Board recognized Teamsters Local 317 as the exclusive representative for collective
bargaining purposes of certain full-time Highway Department employees; and
WHEREAS, the Town’s negotiations team and Teamster’s negotiations team have come to a tentative
agreement on the terms and conditions of a collective bargaining contract for the term of January 1,
2018 through December 31, 2020; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed the proposed Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the employees in the collective bargaining unit met on July 26th 2018, and affirmatively voted
to ratify the contract;
Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses does hereby accept the recommendation of the
negotiation team and approves the signing of the collective bargaining agreement between the Town of
Ulysses and Teamsters Local 317; and be it further
RESOLVED, the contract is effective January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020; and be it further
RESOLVED, the Ulysses Town Board authorizes Supervisor Elizabeth Thomas to sign the collective
bargaining agreement.
Moved: Ms. Zahler Seconded: Mr. Goldman
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
(See appendix)
WHEREAS, according to New York State’s Property Tax Cap legislation, if a town government decides to
adopt a budget with a property tax levy that exceeds the level set by the State, the town must pass a
local law to override that cap, and
WHEREAS, adopting said local law is not predictive of the final tax levy but will provide flexibility to
exceed the Property Tax Cap if it is deemed necessary, and to ensure that any State recalculation of the
applicable limit will not make the town inadvertently out of compliance, and
WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Ulysses Town Board on August 14, 2018, to hear all persons
interested in proposed Local Law No. 4 of 2018, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Local Law No. 4 of 2018 - A Local Law Overriding Tax Levy Limit for 2019 is hereby
adopted pursuant to subdivision 5 of General Municipal Law Section 3-c, which expressly authorizes the
Town of Ulysses to override the tax levy limit by the adoption of a local law approved by a majority, also
RESOLVED, That the Clerk shall within twenty days file one certified copy in the Office of the County
Clerk, and one copy with the Secretary of State.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
Ms. Thomas introduced the proposed local law (see a draft of the proposed local law in the appendix).
The board discussed the specifics of the proposed local law.
RESOLVED that the Town of Ulysses Town Board will hold a Public Hearing for the Town of Ulysses Local
Law ____ of 2018 pertaining to parking and obstruction of highways. The Public Hearing will be on
August 28, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ulysses Town Hall at 10 Elm St. Trumansburg, NY, and further
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Clerk will ensure the proper notice of Public Hearing in the newspaper,
on the Clerk’s bulletin board, the website and the town listserv.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
The board discussed the timeline and events for the zoning update.
Open houses are planned on August 20th, 22nd and 23rd at Town Hall and a Public Information Meeting will be
held at the Trumansburg Fire Hall on August 30th. These have been announced on the website, through the
listserv and the clerks are working on a flyer to post around town.
Ms. Thomas reviewed all the meetings, timelines and legal requirements that need to happen before the new
zoning law can be adopted.
DISCUSSION: Ms. Thomas pointed out that the Town board had previously voted to opt in to provide paid family
leave but never adopted policy language. Ms. Thompson looked at several policies and presented a version for
the Town Board to consider, which has been reviewed by the Town Attorney. Most of the language of the policy
is mandated by State law. Ms. Thomas clarified that this policy allows taking paid time off for caring for a sick
family member or bonding with a new child, among other allowances, as opposed to leave for an employee’s
own medical condition. Mr. Goldman asked about how employees would be paid under this policy. Ms.
Thompson explained that the Town already voted to pay the insurance premium to cover Town employees, and
if an employee presents a claim under this policy, the insurance company would pay the employee for their
claim if approved.
Ms. Thomas introduced the following resolution:
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board adopts the Paid Family Leave Policy presented at the August 14,
2018 Town Board meeting and further
RESOLVED this policy will be incorporated into the Ulysses Personnel Policy.
Discussion: Ms. Zahler suggested a friendly amendment under the Employee Responsibilities section of
the Family Leave Policy: Where such notice is not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as
practicable and must notify their supervisor per normal notification (call-in) procedures.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves one-time funding amount of $3,000 for trees for the
Trumansburg Fairgrounds to replace the mature trees that were recently removed by the NYS
Department of Transportation and the NYS Electric and Gas Company.
Discussion: Mr. Goldman and Ms. Zahler expressed a desire to have the entire budget for the tree
replanting project before the Town Board commits funding. Ms. Zahler will reach out to Peggy Haine,
who submitted the request on behalf of the Rotary, to get details before the Town Board votes on
authorizing funding.
Ms. Thomas shared a budget timeline with the Town Board members. Board members set the following budget
meetings: October 4th, 5th, 11th and 12th at 8am at Town Hall.
RESOLUTION 2018-150: APPROVAL OF MINUTES- 7/24 & 7/25/18
RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approves the minutes from the regular meeting on 7/24/2018,
and the special meeting on 7/25/18.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
BE IT RESOLVED that the Ulysses Town Board approve payment of claims for vouchers #341-386 in the
amount of $146,886.94.
Moved: Ms. Thomas Seconded: Mr. Boggs
Ms. Thomas aye
Ms. Zahler aye
Mr. Hertzler aye
Mr. Boggs aye
Mr. Goldman aye
Vote: 5-0
Date Adopted: 8/14/18
Ms. Zahler moved to go into Executive Session at 9:36pm for the purpose of discussing the acquisition or sale of
property, seconded by Mr. Boggs and passed unanimously.
Mr. Goldman moved to end Executive Session at 10:21pm, seconded by Ms. Thomas and passed unanimously.
Mr. Boggs moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:22pm; seconded by Ms. Zahler.
HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT:-Submitted by Mr. Reynolds
July 11th to August 14th, 2018
• We took delivery of new John Deere mowing tractor. We have been mounting accessories as well as test
driven it around the yard – no scratches yet.
• Minor repairs to trucks – thankfully nothing major.
• Have done removal of a few dead trees along roads.
• Mutual aid to Towns of Ithaca and Enfield as well as Tompkins County with their projects.
• Trimming limbs and brush from road signs and guide rails.
• We have escaped many problems with the rain – north and west of us have been in recover mode today.
We have offered assistance – none required so far.
• We reached out to Seneca County and Covert regarding disaster recovery. Due to more rain in the
forecast, they have postponed remediation.
• Have hauled stone for the stockpile.
• Cleaning and painting of fuel storage tanks.
• PESH (Public Employee Safety & Health, AKA OSHA for the public sector) paid us a surprise visit – only a
few minor items had to be rectified.
• Warranty on loader is running out.
• New truck for 2019 – major purchase.
• DEC is due to survey the old dump (behind the Town Barns).
TOWN SUPERVISOR: Submitted by Ms. Thomas
• CEC Grant – meet with Roxanne and team to move this grant for heat pumps in Town Hall forward.
Sign contract. Attend to grant details.
• Review assessment figures for 2018
• Review sales tax for 2018 and make estimate for 2019
• Work with Bookkeeper on budget request for 2019 and timeline for adoption. Planning and Zoning update
• Chair final meetings of Zoning Update Steering Committee – organize topics, assist with and prepare
agendas, conduct meetings, interface with consultants, review new drafts, edit minutes, etc.
• Review new summaries and post to website.
• Develop potential timelines for adoption of zoning with consultant.
• Plan for public outreach meetings for zoning. Write up announcement for public outreach and send to listserv.
• Appointment and orienting new Planner
• Meet with County Planning at TCCOG to plan for more outreach to, and coordination with municipalities.
• Discuss SEQR, lead agency, 239 review, and other legal details of adoptions
Water Districts
• Falls Road – answer resident questions about the second version of the petition to form water district.
• WD3 – begin compiling data for quarterly report.
• Begin discussions of reassignment of water units to reflect current usages.
Water Quality
• Water quality – part of a team monitoring Cayuga Lake for HABs
• Attend symposium on research about cyanobacteria in the Finger Lakes.
• Discuss adopting septic system testing requirements.
• Union contract – follow changes and comment.
• Trails website – meet with county Tourism Planner about trails and website stewardship.
• GrassRoots – coordinate with Health Dept and other entities for permitting.
• Agenda topics: Parking Local Law, Union Contract, Paid Family Leave Policy, Tax Levy Limit override,
• Listserv news – contribute articles and emergency notifications.
• Grants – Letters of support for Conservatory grant, Stormwater Coalition grant, and Water Front Trail in Ithaca.
• Policy – clarify Procurement Policy flowchart
• Town Hall – begin making arrangements for more office space in upstairs of town hall
• New computer requires some getting used to!
• Cemeteries – more maintenance on Jacksonville cemetery. Another Eagle Scout candidate wants to continue work. Meetings and Training 7/10, 11, 18, 25 – Town Board meting
7/12 – Clean Energy Communities grant for Town
Hall 7/12 – last Zoning Update Steering Committee
7/18 – meet with concerned resident about water district on Rt 89
7/19 – Meet with County Tourism Planner
7/19 – PRI Advisory Board
7/26 - TCCOG
8/9 – Records management meeting
8/9 – HAB symposium in Geneva
Questions/Concerns from Residents
• Concern over stormwater for construction project • Suggestion for a ban on confederate flags. • Complaint about fireworks at Taughannock.
• Complaint about Spectrum Cable.
• Rt 89 water district
• Zoning (2)
Repeating daily/weekly/monthly tasks:
• Work with each department on current topics.
• Respond to constant flow of questions from residents, volunteers and staff.
• Weekly review of topics with attorney for the town.
• Monthly review of county actions.
• Daily check-in with Town Hall staff.
• Communications – assist with listserv news
• Periodic discussions with Zoning Officer over a variety of topics.
• Prepare agendas, resolutions, and background documents. Review topics with TB
members, conduct meetings, and review minutes.
• Provide oversight and follow-through on decisions and requests made at Town Board meetings.
• Review claims and budget, make suggested budget modifications to be approved by TB, review payroll, sign checks,
• Review financial reports.
• Periodic check in with Town Clerk and Deputy Supervisor re work load and coordination.
• Respond to surveys when requested.
TOWN CLERK: Submitted by Ms. Parlato
Sporting licenses 12
Disabled parking permits 11
Dog licenses and renewals 93
Marriage licenses 6
Plumbing permits 1
Address assignments 2
Notarizations 6
FOIL requests-received 0
FOIL requests-completed 1
Routine tasks:
• Notarizations
• Ordered supplies
• Retrieved, sorted, vouchered mail
• Answered inquiries on various topics
• Took and wrote up meeting minutes
• Kept website current
• Sent listserv messages to residents (~2/month)
• Mailed and posted dog licenses; issued tickets as needed
• Scheduling of various meetings
• Assist other departments when possible
• Update health/dental insurance info for staff as needed
• Attend all Town Board meetings and take minutes
Other tasks:
• Assist with on-boarding of new staff
$2090.50 TOTAL Collected for fees & licenses
$1600.21 stays in the town
$490.29 goes to the state
• Work with Water District Operator on new water hook ups, final reads and other issues.
• Continue with scanning of building plans into Laserfiche for easier access and storage.
Scanning is being done through the County Clerk’s office. We are more than half way
• Staff education- send e-mail regarding e-mail records
• Schedule advisory board meeting
• Health Consortium- July meeting cancelled
CODE ENFORCEMENT: Submitted my Mr. Myers
Building Permits issued 15
Plan Reviews
Certificate of Occupancy issued 6
Certificate of Compliance issued 5
Complaints Received 3
Complaints Resolved 1
Inspections (Footers, Foundations, Plumbing, Insulation, roofing, Pools, Etc.) 40
New Site Inspections 16
Building Review Consultations (pre-plan meetings, Future Building/Remodeling) 9
Fire Safety Inspections 2
Code Training Seminars 0
County Assessment/Board Reports 2
Open property in violation cases 6
Property violations resolved 0
Value of Permits issued: $1,065,668
Building Permit fees collected for month: $4,668
BOOKKEEPER REPORT: submitted by Nina Thompson
Regular Duties:
• Personnel
• Payroll
Processed and reconciled payrolls 14, 15 & 16
Processed employee changes and made corrections as needed
Monthly Reporting
• Retirees
Quarterly invoicing for retiree benefits
• Quarterly reporting to PERMA
• Banking
• Completed regular bank deposits – in person for cash with remote deposit system for
• Completed regular bank account transfers to cover payments
• Payments
• Produced vouchers for monthly pre-pays, insurance invoices and other miscellaneous
• Reviewed monthly vouchers & abstracts
• Printed checks for pre-pays and scheduled voucher payments once approved
• Month End Close Out – June
• Entered all Payroll entries (cash receipts, cash disbursements & general journal entries)
• Entered all cash receipts (general receipts, WD accounting, etc.)
• Entered all cash disbursements
• Entered all general journal entries (bank transfers, interest, WD billings, budget
modifications & other general journal entries)
• Close out steps (Load abstracts, close CR & CD journals & print reports)
• Reconciled WD3 & 4 receivable accounts
• Reviewed month end financial reports and distributed them to Town Board & Staff
• 2019 Budget
• Started to prepare for 2019 budget season
• Reviewed notes from last year for changes needed in 2019 budget
• Developed and revised budget development calendar
• Updated historical revenue and expenditure summary workbook
• Created and updated individual Department Budget Worksheets and compiled
associated financial reports
• Created and updated new workbook for 2019 budget
• AOT Training – Charitable Reserve Funds – July 17
• OSC Webinar – Accounting & Reporting Update – July 31
• 07/10/2018 – Town Board Meeting
• 07/17/2018 – TOU Coffee Break
• 07/24/2018 – Town Board Meeting
Non-Regular Duties:
• Trumansburg/Ulysses Sidewalk Project
• Communicated with contractor and engineering firm with regards to plan for completion
of paperwork end of project.
• The paperwork and financial end of the project will continue for a little while longer.
• Personnel
• Personnel Policy & Union Contract/Collective Bargaining Agreement
Reviewed additional drafts of Union Contract /Collective Bargaining Agreement
Continued to revise and update the Comparative Analysis document
Continues to incorporate changes into draft Union Contract/Collective Bargaining
Follow up on draft PFL policy language
• Responded to HR related employee and Town Board member inquires
• New Hires & Departures
Completed paperwork and orientations with new hires–18 Summer YEP & 2 Others
Entered new hires into payroll system
Communicated with Tompkins County HR Dept with regards to new hires &
A lot of follow-up regarding missing paperwork
Lots of follow-up regarding NYSLRS registrations due to their backlog and our fax
• Procedures
• Continued to update and refine written accounting procedures
• Budget Modification
• Prepared draft 2018 budget modifications for 07/10/2018 Town Board Meeting
• Entered budget modifications once approved
• Other Accounting
• Continued to investigate, research and work on resolutions to outstanding accounting
Outstanding historical interfund transactions
• Continued to work on OPEB Liabilities
Communicated with Actuary regarding process
Compiled and sent requested information to Actuary
• Continued to research implications of NYS plan regarding Charitable Reserves and SALT
• Compiled paperwork for CHIPS submission per Highway Superintendent’s request
Up Coming:
• Other Accounting
• Continue to work on how to handle outstanding accounting issues
TA Fund/Bank Account
Full GAAP Compliance
• Personnel
• Continue to work on Union Contract/Collective Bargaining Agreement
• Continue to review/clarify/update Personnel Policy
MS. ZAHLER shared the following:
Ms. Zahler has been working on the union contract. The Ag committee will be meeting this Thursday
the 16th and new Town Planner John Zepko will be meeting with them. The Village of Trumansburg
has a new Police Chief who was appointed last night at the Village Board meeting and was sworn in
today. One of the ideas the police force is considering is designating “safe spaces” around town
where children or adults can stop in and ask for help.
MR. BOGGS shared:
Mr. Boggs shared the EMS transport report for the month of July.
Attended IO (Intermunicipal Organization) meeting . Cayuga county gave a presentation on how
septic system testing works.
DRAFT 8/7/2018 LOCAL LAW NO. ______ OF THE YEAR 2018
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Ulysses as follows:
The purpose of this local law is to repeal the provisions of Chapter 186, Article I of the Code of the
Town of Ulysses (hereafter referred to as “the Code”) pertaining to parking, which was adopted by
Local Law No. 2-2008 on July 8, 2008, and Chapter 164, Article I of the Code pertaining to obstruction
of highways, which was adopted as an ordinance on August 14 ,1984, and replace them with the
provisions set forth in this local law to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the people
of the Town by prohibiting parking in designated areas and/or at designated times, and to provide for
the removal of vehicles in emergencies and other circumstances set forth in this local law, to ensure
safe conditions on Town highways.
This local law is adopted pursuant to §1660 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York
and §10 of the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York.
1. Chapter 186, Article I of the Code entitled “Parking” and Chapter 164, Article I of the Code
entitled “Obstruction of Highways” shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:
Chapter 186. Vehicles and Traffic
Article I. Parking and Obstruction of Highways.
§186-1. Findings.
A. Article 41 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law authorizes the Town to regulate traffic on town
highways outside any village within the Town. §1660-a specifically authorizes towns to
prohibit, restrict or limit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles.
B. There are locations in the Town where parking of vehicles can endanger the health, safety and
welfare of residents of the Town and operators of motor vehicles.
C. In emergency situations, it is necessary that the Town have the ability to remove vehicles that
hinder or impair the ability of the personnel of the Town of Ulysses or any other governmental
agency to respond to the emergency.
D. The provisions of this Article protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of the Town
and its residents, and of the operators of motor vehicles in the Town.
§186-2. Parking regulation.
A. The parking of motor vehicles or any part thereof on the paved portion of Town highways, or
upon the shoulder or upon or in any ditch adjoining said highways, is prohibited in all of the
following locations:
• On both sides of Rabbit Run Road, 100 feet west from NYS Route 96.
• 50 feet on both sides of the driveways of properties at 4487 and 4285 Rabbit Run Road
on the south side of Rabbit Run Road only.
• From the Fairground entrance (parcel number 12.-3-17) on the north side of Rabbit
Run Road west to the end of property at 4580 Rabbit Run Road.
• In front of properties between 4155 and 4093 Rabbit Run Road on the south side of
the road.
B. On Town highways where parking is not prohibited by this local law, all vehicles shall be
parked completely off the paved area of the highway, or if there is a painted line indicating
the shoulder of the road, outside the painted line. Failure to comply shall constitute violation
of this local law.
§186-3. Temporary Parking Regulations.
When special events or other temporary circumstances result in potential traffic hazards and other
conditions that are detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of Town residents, the Town Board
may temporarily prohibit parking of motor vehicles or any part thereof on the paved portion of Town
highways, or upon the shoulder, or upon or in any ditch adjoining said highways, for a period of up to
thirty days, by adopting a resolution to this effect, which resolution shall direct the Highway
Superintendent to post signs prohibiting parking on, or along, such Town highway during the period
stated in the resolution. Violation of this section shall be subject to all the same penalties as
violation of other sections of this local law.
§186-4. Authority to Remove and Impound Vehicles; Procedure
A. Ticketing and removal of vehicles for violations of this local law when there is no
1. Except in emergencies as defined in Section 4B below, upon violation of this local
law, a Sheriff’s Deputy or other representative of the Sheriff’s Department shall issue a
ticket for violation of this local law on the Sheriff’s Department’s own initiative or upon
request of a person or entity.
2. A vehicle may only be removed by the Town of Ulysses where: (1) a violation of this
local law constitutes a significant danger to the safe use of a Town highway or an
obstruction to traffic which impedes the safe use of a Town highway; or (2) in the
event that the same vehicle accrues three or more violations of this local law in the 24-
month period preceding the violation. The removal shall be performed in the
following manner: The Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department shall issue a ticket for
violation of this local law and remove the vehicle or arrange for its removal.
B. Ticketing and removal of vehicles during an emergency.
Any vehicle parked or abandoned on any highway within the Town of Ulysses that hinders or
impairs the ability of the personnel of the Town of Ulysses, or any other governmental agency,
to respond during emergencies such as floods, fires, significant snowstorms, or public
emergencies declared by the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department, another department or
agency of Tompkins County, or the Town Supervisor, may be removed by the Town of Ulysses.
Such removal shall be authorized by the Highway Superintendent. The Highway
Superintendent shall either notify the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department and request that
it issue a ticket for violation of this local law and remove or arrange for removal of the vehicle,
or if there is insufficient time to follow this procedure in an emergency, the Highway
Superintendent shall arrange for a towing service to remove the vehicle or authorize a
Highway Department employee to remove the vehicle. If the Highway Superintendent
arranges for the removal of the vehicle, either by a towing service or by the Highway
Department, the Highway Superintendent shall promptly notify the Tompkins County Sheriff’s
Department of the removal of the vehicle, where it is stored, and request that the Sheriff’s
Department issue a ticket for violation of this local law.
§186-5. Penalties for offenses.
Any violation of Sections 186-2, 186-3 and 186-4 of this local law shall constitute a traffic infraction
and any persons violating the same shall be deemed guilty of a traffic infraction and shall be
punishable by a fine of not more than $50 for one infraction within the preceding twelve-month
period; $100 for two infractions within the preceding twelve-month period and $150 for three or
more infractions within the preceding twelve-month period.
§186-6. Storage and Charges.
The owner of any vehicle removed as set forth in this local law shall pay the cost of removal and
storage of the vehicle.
§186-7. Notice of Removal by the Town.
In emergency instances where the Town arranged or performed the removal of the vehicle rather
than under the direction of the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department, it shall also ascertain, to the
extent reasonably possible, the owner of the vehicle or person in charge of the vehicle and make
reasonable efforts to notify that person of the removal and disposition of the vehicle and the amount
required to redeem the vehicle.
§186-8. Review.
The owner, or the person in charge of a vehicle that has been removed pursuant to this local law may
request a hearing to challenge the assessment of any expense imposed pursuant to section 6. The
request for a hearing shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Town Clerk within 15 days of the
removal of the vehicle. The hearing shall be held within 10 days after the request has been filed. The
hearing shall be conducted by the Town Supervisor or any other impartial person designated by the
Town Supervisor. The scope of the hearing shall be solely to determine whether the removal of the
vehicle was authorized by this local law. The sole effect of a determination that the removal of the
vehicle was not authorized by this local law shall be that the owner or person in charge of the vehicle
shall not be responsible for the expenses of towing and storage of the vehicle. Nothing in this article
is intended to affect the liability of the Town of Ulysses for any damage done to any vehicle during
towing or storage.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this local law shall be adjudged by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the
remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section
or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered.
This local law shall take effect upon filing in the office of the New York Secretary of State in
accordance with section 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law.
Respectfully submitted by Sarah Koski on 8/21/18.