HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-12-Steering-Committee-FINALZoning of Ulysses Steering Committee FINAL Meeting Minutes July 12, 2018 Present: Chair Liz Thomas, Sue Ritter, Michael Boggs, Rod Hawkes, John Gates, John Wertis, Roxanne Marino, Diane Hillmann, and David West of Randall + West. Not Present: Steve Morreale; Bob Howarth Meeting called to order: 7:02 Agenda Review, Minutes Review (6/28/18): Ms. Marino MADE the MOTION and Mr. Wertis SECONDED the MOTION to approve the June 28, 2018 ZUSC meeting minutes for discussion. Mr. Hawkes suggested clarifications to the 6/28 minutes regarding gas stations permitted under site plan approval. The revised 6/28 minutes were approved. Vote: Ayes 6, Nays 0, Abstention 1. Committee representatives indicated they would give input from their committees during agenda topic discussions. The ZUSC commenced work by returning to the Jacksonville zoning previously discussed at the 6/28 meeting, including discussion about gas stations, lot coverages in Hamlet Center and Hamlet Neighborhood, lot-width limits, and design guidelines for commercial buildings. Of particular concern was the potential for either the expansion of the current gas station, or the potential addition of another gas station. The discussion was whether to disallow gas stations, or allow them with restrictions. Mr. West clarified that if gas stations are eliminated as an allowed use under site plan review, the store could not be expanded. On the other hand, if gas stations are allowed under site plan review with restrictions, the number of pumps would be limited to what it is now – two double stanchions pumps– and they could expand the store as long as it met all the other design guidelines the zoning requires. Mr. Wertis relayed the Planning Board’s concerns about clean up and removal of a defunct gas station. Ms. Hillmann replied that the state has requirements about clean up, and Ms. Thomas agreed, saying the DEC has jurisdiction over clean up. Ms. Thomas moved and Rod Hawkes seconded that the ZUSC approve • the new Section 212-131F in the 6/30/2018 version of the design standards for gasoline and other retail fuel sales, and • Jacksonville Zoning version dated 4/23/2018 Section 212-79K to limit of retail vehicle fuel sales station to one in the Hamlet Center. The resolution passed Ayes: 6, Nay: 1 (Ms. Hillmann), 1 abstention (Mr. Boggs). Lot Coverages in the Hamlet Center and Hamlet Neighborhoods. The group moved on to the issues of setbacks and lot sizes and lot coverage in the Hamlet Center and Hamlet Neighborhood. Committee members generally agreed with a 6,000 square-foot lot size and front and side yard setbacks of 10 and five feet, respectively for the Hamlet Center. Noting that most of the older homes in the hamlet already exceed more than 30% of their lot area coverage, Mr. West pointed out that the owner of such a home would have a problem if he or she wanted to expand a living room or add a bedroom. Ms. Thomas said that a smaller lot size, like the 6,000 square-foot-size set in Jacksonville zoning, requires a larger lot-coverage limit. She added that 30% maximum lot coverage seemed small, especially if the limit is being dropped from the originally proposed 75%. Conversation became focused on if impervious surfaces should be included in the lot coverage limit. Mr. West noted that people wanted to include impervious surfaces because of concerns about storm water. Mr. Hawkes recommended a 50% coverage limit, not including impervious surfaces. Ms. Thomas MADE the MOTION and Mr. Hawkes SECONDED that the following lot area and yard requirements be included in the zoning update for the Hamlet Center: • Front Yard setbacks – 10’ • Side yard setbacks – 5’ • Minimum lot size – 6,000 square feet • Maximum lot coverage by all buildings and structures: 50% The vote was ayes 5, nays 3; the motion passed. For the Hamlet Neighborhood, Ms. Thomas then MADE the MOTION and Mr. Hawkes SECONDED that the following lot area and yard requirements be included in the zoning update for the Hamlet Neighborhood: • Front Yard setbacks – 20’ • Side yard setbacks – 15’ • Minimum lot size – 21,780 square feet • Maximum lot coverage by all buildings and structures: 30% The vote was ayes 5, nays 2, abstention 1 (Mr. Wertis). The motion passed. Lot-width coverage. Mr. Hawkes MADE the MOTION and Ms. Ritter SECONDED to keep the lot-width coverage at 60% in the Hamlet Center and to not allow drive-through businesses. There was little discussion and the motion passed unanimously. Design Guidelines for Commercial Buildings Ms. Thomas said she did not have any concerns about the proposed design guidelines. Members asked a few questions – and got answers – on some specifics including inns and multiple residences. Ms. Ritter then MADE the MOTION and Mr. Hawkes SECONDED to approve the current Jacksonville design guidelines for commercial buildings. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was wrapping up and two more resolutions. Ms. Thomas explained that the entire document had to be approved. Ms. Thomas MADE the MOTION and Mr. Hawkes SECONDED the MOTION that ZUSC accept the Jacksonville zoning dated 4/23/2018 and updated at this meeting on 7/12/2018 including Article 4: Terminology, Article 13: Hamlet Center, Article 14: Hamlet Neighborhood The vote was ayes 7, nay 1 (Mr. Boggs) Mr. Hawkes MADE the MOTION and Mr. Boggs SECONDED the MOTION to accept the zoning definitions dated 6/30/2018 – which had been heavily reviewed in past meetings – in the proposed zoning. The vote passed ayes 7, nay 0, abstention 1 (Mr. Wertis) Ms. Thomas concluded by thanking Mr. West for hard work with the Committee. Ms. Thomas MADE the MOTION and Ms. Hillmann SECONDED the MOTION to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Maria C. Barry, July 19, 2018.