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1920 Election Scans - TCBOE
1920 Voter Registration p15085coll6_3086
1920 voter registration p15085coll6_3087
1920 voter registration p15085coll6_3088
1920 voter registration p15085coll6_3089
1920 voter registration p15085coll6_3090
1920 voter registration p15085coll6_3091
9000 women eligible to vote in this county November_8,_1917_(Page_3_of_10
County Polls record vote for president November_4,_1920_(Page_5_of_10
Mrs. Boole wins in every town but Enfield September_16,_1920_(Page_5_of_
presidential supervisor elections put on laser fiche
Republicans sweep tc by record pluralities November_3,_1920_(Page_5_of_10
Suffs celebrate county victory at luncheon November_19,_1915_(Page_3_of_1
town of enfield supervisor with footnotes