HomeSearchMy WebLinkAboutPB Resolution 20-01 Declaration of Lead Agency - Dormady Hillcrest SubdivisionPB Resolution 20-02 Declaration of Lead Agency - Pinney Properties, LLCPB Resolution 20-06 Declaration of Lead Agency - Hartz-Maple Avenue Minor SubdivisionRPB 20-07 Britton Woods Major Subdivision - SEQRA NegDec 07172020 v1 CJRRPB 20-13 PB Declaration of Lead Agency Cayuga Lake National Bank SPR Minor Sub 09212020RPB 20-14 Hartz Maple Ave Subdivision - SEQR Neg Dec CJRv2 09212020RPB 20-15 Hartz Maple Ave Minor Subdivison preliminary final approval CJRv2 09212020