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Historian, Town of Enfield
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Black Oak Wind Farm
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4 H club 1942 632
baseball 2003inph286
baseball enfield team
Biking.001 i love the fingerlakes
crafts from history book research 2003inph32 wikoff
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (1)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (10)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (2)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (3)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (4)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (5)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (6)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (7)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (8)
crafts from history book research quilts 2003 (9)
Dewitt picture mothers club
Dewitt picture mothers club (1)
Dewitt picture mothers club (2)
Dewitt picture mothers club (3)
Dewitt picture mothers club (4)
Dewitt picture mothers club (5)
Dewitt picture mothers club (6)
Dewitt picture mothers club (7)
Dewitt picture mothers club (8)
Dewitt picture mothers club 2
Dewitt picture mothers club 3
Dewitt picture mothers club 4
Dewitt picture mothers club 5
enfield falls community building 2003inph292
Enfield Falls community group, Gray Road 1960's (2013_12_14 00_57_41 UTC)
enfield falls group enfield community building gray road887
girls basketball 2 2014 (2014_03_16 16_32_44 UTC)
girls basketball 2014 (2014_03_16 12_33_15 UTC)
girls basketball 3 2014 (2014_03_16 16_32_44 UTC)
golf hillendale
golf hillendlae
mothers club enfield churches 2003inph285
Parade Enfield Center Enfield main road 2003inph232
parade enfield center red and white store in back ground 2003inph260
parade enfield main road 2003inph257
schabers grove enfield
schabers grove enfield 2