HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-14-2016 Town Board Meeting Minutes ApprovedVirgil Town Board Meeting April 14th, 2016 1 TOWN OF VIRGIL REGULAR MEETING April 14TH 2016 PRESENT: Supervisor John Kaminski, Board Members Eric Snow, Jereme Stiles, Gary Pelton and Matthew Denniston, Town Clerk Alane Van Donsel, John Morse Highway Superintendent, Rick Horner Assistant Highway Superintendent, Demont Lang Highway Department, Craig Umbehauer Code and Zoning Enforcer (did not sign attendance sheet), Doug Withey W20perators, Jenae Withey W2Operators, David Coish Yaws Environmental, Wesley Kryger Greek Peak, Sandy Price Cortland County Legislator, Teri Pelton Virgil Youth Commission, Carol Rekkuguler, Linda Marsh 7:00 PM –TOWN HALL MEETING: 7:30 PM – THE REGULAR MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER Supervisor Kaminski called the meeting to order, followed by the salute to the flag. RESOLUTION# 16-040 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Draft of Board Regular Meeting Minutes dated Mar. 10th, 2016: A Motion was made by Member Stiles to approve the minutes for Mar. 10th 2016. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays-None. Draft of Town Board Special Meeting Minutes dated March 29th, 2016: Member Stiles moved to approve the minutes for the March 29th 2016 special meeting. The motion was seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays-None. RESOLUTION# 16-041 AUTHORIZATION TO PAY BILLS GENERAL FUND: Member Denniston moved to approve payment of the General Fund’s audited vouchers numbered 85-106 in the amount of $22,119.00. Supervisor Kaminski asked to amend the vouchers to include voucher #107 in the amount of $1,337.50 for Legal services form Mackenzie Hughes LLP the amended amount to $23,456.50. Member Denniston motioned to approve vouchers numbered 85-107 in the amount of $23,456.50. Member Snow seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. HIGHWAY FUND: Member Denniston moved to approve payment of the Highway Fund audited vouchers numbered 1062-1082 in the amount of $12,683.50. The motion was seconded by Member Snow Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None Member Pelton asked Superintendent Morse about the Broom Tractor and about some signs in the Town of Virgil. Morse said they were no parking and stop signs. SEWER DISTRICT #1: Member Denniston moved to approve payment of the Sewer District #1 audited voucher’s numbered 2034-2044 in the amount of $15,527.05. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None Member Pelton asked Coish about foam at the sewage treatment plant. Coish said they are trying to get it under control. WATER DISTRICT #1: Member Denniston moved to approve payment of the Water District #1 audited vouchers 3015-3018 in the amount of $5,998.33. Member Snow seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None MONTHLY REPORTS SUPERVISOR’S MONTHLY REPORT: Member Stiles moved to accept the Supervisor’s Monthly Report in short form for March 2016. Member Denniston seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays –None TOWN CLERK’S MONTHLY REPORT: Member Stiles moved to accept the Town Clerks Monthly Report for March 2016. The motion was seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None TAX COLLECTORS REPORT: Member Stiles moved to accept the Tax Collectors Report from January 1st 2016 to April 13th 2016. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None SEWER DISTRICT OPERATIONS REPORT: David Coish of Yaws Environmental reported that everything was running well. Coish said they are working on de-chlorination for spring. Supervisor Kaminski asked about the oil and grease tank. Wes Kryger said that the grease gets pumped regularly. Wes said he was going to take a tour with JR. Member Stiles wondered how often it gets pumped. Coish said he don’t think it is a pumping issue. Coish thinks it’s the size of the tank that is the concern; he doesn’t think it’s big enough. Kryger questioned if 1500 gallons wasn’t big enough. Coish said he thinks it’s just washing the bottom out, he said there is always grease on both sides of the trap. Stiles asked about Yaws environmental letter regarding Dig Safe. Stiles said he read the letter and he didn’t agree with it. Coish said there is extra time invol ved and a lot of responsibility to call in the Dig Safe requests. Stiles said the board can’t authorize a $100. fee for each Dig Safe. Member Snow asked Coish if he did all of this alone. Coish said he calls them all in. He said they have to be called in within a certain amount of time. He said there is a lot of work involved when the town called in 24 Dig Safe requests. He said if they are not called in the Town gets a late notice and a fine of a couple dollars. Coish said since he’s taken it over there hasn’t been any issues. Member Pelton wanted to know what a Dig Safe request was. Coish said that when someone calls in he has to locate the sewer lines. Pelton wanted to know what the $100 fee was for. Doug Withey from W2Operators said he doesn’t charge. Coish said he calls them all in. Coish said that the Town of Virgil is under one report. The town gets the fine if they are not called in. Coish said this was discussed a couple board meetings ago. Kaminski said they will have to look at the contract. Virgil Town Board Meeting April 14th, 2016 2 Coish said that nowhere in the contract does it say anything about Dig Safe requests. Member Stiles said he is motioning to accept the report but not the letter. Member Stiles moved to accept the Sewer Districts Report. The motion was seconded by member Pelton. Vote: Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS REPORT: Doug Withey reported that everything is running smoothly. Withey said the Hotel is using more water and he needs to look at the meters, he said there could be a fault in a meter. He said the meter may need to be calibrated. They didn’t find any leaks within the system, but the pumping should match. He said if there is an issue with the meter it could either be rebuilt or the meter could be replaced. He said it might cost approximately $2500 to rebuild the meter and more to replace it. He said there are some Issues with lead in the brass of the old meters; by buying a new meter it shows the town recognizes this issue. He said new parts would be lead free. However, Withey did say there are no issues with lead in the Virgil water supply. Member Stiles asked Withey to work on getting prices. Withey said there is a small leak at the bottom of Kypriotis. They will be looking into that. Member Stiles motioned to accept the Water report from W2Operator’s. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes- Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays-None ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER’S REPORT: A motion was made by Member Stiles to accept the Animal Control Officers report submitted this month by Country Acres. The motion was seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays: None CODE ENFORCEMENT AND ZONING OFFICERS REPORT: A written report was submitted by Code and Zoning Officer Craig Umbehauer. Member Pelton said he has been talking with Umbehauer regarding the blue barn and old tack shop situation. Pelton said that Umbehauer gave notice to the mortgage company that there is a deadline of the 19th of May to get things cleaned up. If they don’t do anything there will be legal action to follow. There was some discussion regarding who owns property; Umbehauer thinks it the bank. He said that they are supposed to be taking care of the property. Umbehauer said there is a concern because a big tree fell onto the fence around the in ground pool. He is concerned if kids get in there. Pelton said he looked around and it looks even worse on the inside. Umbehauer said he has gotten a bunch of promises that it is going to get taken care of. Member Snow asked about properties on RTE 11 the Stevens and Stone residences. Umbehauer said they are working on getting the places cleaned up. Stone has a violation. There are a lot of garage on his property that are full of coal ash. He said a soon as things dry up he’ll move the vehicles and he will spread the coal dust on the driveway. Member Stiles motioned to accept the Code and Zoning Officers report. The motion was seconded Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None COUNTY LEGISLATOR’S REPORT: A written report was submitted by County Legislator Sandy Price. Price was in attendance at the meeting and reported that there are a lot of things to talk about. Price said two big items are the Jail project and worker’s compensation. She said they would start with worker compensation. Price said there have been two meetings on worker’s compensation and both John and Jereme have attended meetings. Price said they are trying to work on a formula with an acceptable plan for all municipalities. She said the next meeting will be held on May 12th. Price said she sent out an E-mail showing the different formulas. Member Stiles thanked Price for being involved with this topic and he said he wished more legislators were involved. Price wanted to know what the board members thought about the percentages. She said everyone’s going to have a different amount. Price said more legislators are involved. They are working on recommendations to give to the personnel committee as well as the budget and finance committee. After that it will be voted on by the legislator. Hopefully other towns will let their legislators know how they feel. Stiles said it’s very important for towns to let their legislators know. Price was wondering how folks felt about the 60/40 percentages. Supervisor Kaminski said he had it pulled up on his computer and he plugged in different numbers. Kaminski said that unfortunately the Town of Harford had two deaths in their fire Department and they have to pay a large amount out of their pocket. Kaminski said because Sandy represents both Towns she must consider both sides. Price said that Harford is at a unique disadvantage because they have Cornell who owns all the farm and there is a lot of state land in the Town. These facts cut down on their tax base. Kaminski said he looked at the percentages for Virgil and Harford. He said it’s based on the assessed value of 60% and full value assessment of 40%. Virgil will have pay around $3143 and Harford will have to pay $9583 Kaminski said that no matter what number is plugged in Harford has to pay a lot more due to the two claims they had . Stiles said that at the first meeting there was talk about basing it on actual payroll, but he said that doesn’t always work either because Marathon for example has a very high pay roll due to their electric department, so that drives their costs sky high. Kaminski said with all calculations the assessment line falls about 60% full values and 40%. Other towns will not like that %, but it benefits Virgil. Price said that hopefully other towns will want to do whatever is best for everyone. There will be a meeting next month to talk about this again. Folks are encouraged to show up because everyone is concerned about workman’s compensation. John Morse said it’s similar to car insurance in the sense that if there are no accidents then your costs are lower. Stiles said that the only way this will work is if we all do it together, but Homer was thinking of going out on their own. It was stated that the Town of Homer was different, as their premiums would be astronomical. Smaller towns pay less because they have few employees. It was stated that the legislator is going to have a hard time coming up with percentages. Price encouraged everyone to let Peggy Mousaw know if they had any thoughts or ideas. The discussion switched to the new jail/Safety Complex. Price said that everyone realizes we need a jail, but what is being talked about is more than a jail, it’s a public safety building. She said it’s probably a good thing to have everyone in one spot, but how much can tax payers afford. Price motioned at the last Legislators meeting to table this matter moving forward, not to kill the project, but to give everyone to chance to slow down, because many people don’t know what’s going on. Member Stiles said he was happy that she tabled it because it’s moving way too fast. He said it’s frustrating as a tax payer and 38 million is a huge concern. He wondered if the 911 center needs to be moved; considering If the jail moves out there will be even more room. Stiles didn’t think we’re looking at all the options. Stiles said he didn’t disagree that we need a new jail, but d o we need to spend 38 million. Price said they have put a lot of Virgil Town Board Meeting April 14th, 2016 3 thought in this, but they haven’t shared all their thoughts. She said they have discussed a heated garage and she wondered if that was a necessity, but it was explained that the computers in the cars would function better if there was heated garage. Kaminski said they are probably not going to come to the Town of Virgil. He said he has gone to every meeting and any ideas that he had were brushed aside. Kaminski said the new Sheriff wants a Taj Mahal. Kaminski also said that the spot chosen to build is going to triple the time to get to certain places. Kaminski stated that what needs to be looked at is what can the tax payers afford and how many beds does the county need. He said there were many opinions brought up, he thought there were some good options, such as buying all the houses around the existing jail to build a larger jail. The Tax payers’ pockets aren’t bottomless. Why isn’t that budget tighter? The County needs to tighten up the spending. Price said they might be able to make the payment for one year. Kaminski said we need to do this rationally. Price felt that at least 100 beds was a fair option. Kaminski said he wasn’t aware that we needed a gymnasium; he said it shouldn’t be fun to go to jail. Price said the old jail maybe rented to the city and turned into offices. Stiles said this all needs to be talked about. Price said that if DSS moved into the jail 75% of the renovations would be covered by state aid. Member Denniston said that plans are the most thought out part of the project, but he’s worried about the cost and he’s concerned where the funds will be coming from. Price said looking at county budget as a corporate budget and she doesn’t know what the details might be. She knows how important the roads are for the people in her district. Stiles is concerned with the 1.9 million that is going to be spent on the design phase based on % of projected total cost. He is wondering if the Legislator will vote to go ahead with the design phase. Stiles think that if the legislators aren’t up to speed, he thinks that’s not wise to vote for it. Price said that there will be a meeting next Tuesday night and all questions will be answered. Price said she appreciates the time and thoughts of everyone. Member Stiles motioned to accept the County Legislators report. The motion was seconded Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None VIRGIL YOUTH COMMISSION REPORT: Teri Pelton of the Youth Commission submitted a written report. Pelton said she is asking for some feedback from the board. She said they have been working for 8 months, and they found out it’s not possible to do sporting events. Instead they have been doing festivals and game days and they have established a relationship with the afterschool program. They have had two 2 book chat tea parties and a bike rally. Most of the time they charged a small amount and they put the money back in the budget. She is wondering if the board is happy how the money is being spent. Supervisor Kaminski said he is happy with the way things are going. Pelton said it takes time to build a relationship, but they are having good turnouts, but wishing they had more. Linda Marsh wanted to know how many people have turned out to the last event. Pelton said approximately 25 kids and about 60 total. She said it ranges depending on the activities. She said they are doing the best they can. Pelton said they would like the Board to let them know if they have any issues. Pelton said that they have about $2000 in the budget; plus, there was $800 in an account from last year. Pelton said they are spending little by little. Pelton said if they have any pull at all they would like to see the Youth Commission have a meeting place at the Town Hall. She said it would be really nice for them t o have a place to meet. The school doesn’t allow for them to meet there on the weekends. Member Stiles motioned to accept the Virgil Youth Commission report. The motion was seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. HOPE LAKE OPERATIONS REPORT: Wes Kryger was present and said that the Hope Lake Park Committee met on April 28th. Kryger said that the he submitted the opening proposal and the committee had a recommendation. Member Pelton said that one of the changes was that nonresident passes would be purchased at the park rather than the Town Hall. Supervisor Kaminski asked if they will keep a log for accountability. It was stated yes. HOPE LAKE PARK COMMITTEE REPORT: Alane Van Donsel submitted a written report on what was discussed at the first Hope Lake Park Committee of the year. Member Pelton said the committee met on April 7th. Pelton thanked Van Donsel for taking notes. Pelton said the members of the committee are going to do a walk around of the park to see what needs to be done. He said that the committee knows that sand and new buoys are needed and recommended. Pelton said there are concerns with Beavers and Canadian Geese. It was discussed that wildlife management permits have been obtained so the nuisance animals can be shot. People can be added to the list, but they would need to have a hunting license. Hope Lake has obtained a Federal permit to shoot the geese. Member Stiles said there are a lot of rules such as, you need to keep track of male/female animals. Pelton said he would like to do the walk around on April 21st at 2:30 if possible. He would like to inspect the bridge as well as repaving needs on the walkway. Pelton said he will send out an E-mail. Pelton said that the committee discussed was the feasibility of bringing back fireworks. There was one correction on the notes from the meeting; the Ultra Crest Race is not scheduled for this year. Member Stiles motioned to accept the Hope Lake Park Committees report. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes- Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. RESOLUTION#16-042 HOPE LAKE PARK OPERATIONS PROPOSAL: Member Stiles made a motion to accept the proposed Hope Lake Park Operating hours and Rules for the 2016 season, as presented. The motion was seconded by Member P elton. Vote: Ayes- Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT: Highway Superintendent John Morse was present and submitted a written report. Morse said that the sweeper is working really well. He said that he thinks the smoking problem was just fuel burning off, he said it’s a good tractor. He said all it will need is a new set of tires soon. Member Denniston motioned to accept the Highway Supervisor report. The motion was seconded by Member Stiles. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. Virgil Town Board Meeting April 14th, 2016 4 OLD BUSINESS UPDATE ON TOWN HALL ADDITION: Member Stiles is going to look into getting the utility lines moved. It was stated that construction is supposed to start on May 1st Building Codes and Zoning Office Umbehauer asked if anyone was going to get a building permit for the project. It was stated that the builder needs to contact Umbehauer. UPDATE ON CREEK RECLAMATION: Supervisor Kaminski said that there is a pre-bid meeting scheduled for this week. Kaminski said that the bid opening will be on Tuesday April 12th at 9:00 AM. Kaminski said the board may have to hold a special meeting to award the bid. Wes Kryger of Greek Peak said he wanted to note that they didn’t have the gas lines on the plans. He wants to make sure that they know there is a gas line there before they take the bridge out. RESOLUTION #16-043 HOPE LAKE PARK PROJECT- PURCHASE SAND: Member Stiles said he contacted the lowest bidder from last year regarding the beach sand. He said they are a company from NJ and they are the closet company to here. He said they honored the price at $65 a ton and it includes hauling. Stiles said they are ordering 140 tons of sand. He said the cost is going to be $ 9100 and the price is based on weight. Stiles said they have sand available and they will deliver whenever we like. Stiles said that the ditching should get taken care of first. He said there is about 50 feet of ditching that needs to be done. He is concerne d if it doesn’t get done the runoff water will wash out the new sand. Superintendent Morse said he hasn’t seen the job yet. He said the Town can get Harford’s excavator for a few hours. Morse said he will go look at it. Member Snow asked how the sand gets spread around. Kryger said that a 10 wheeler truck can back down to the beach. However, if the truck is bigger they may have to dump the sand in the parking lot and bring the sand down in smaller loads. There was some discussion on the time of the walk around and it was decided that it would be on April 21st at 10:00 AM. Member Stiles motioned to approve the lowest bidder Brean Gravel to purchase 140 tons of sand for Hope Lake Park Beach not to exceed $9100, using money from the community development fund. The motion was seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. NEW BUSINESS OPEN TRACTOR BIDS: Supervisor Kaminski said they sent out a request for bids on a used tractor. He said they received three bids. Member Stiles opened the bids: 1st Bid: Empire Tractor Used 2007 New Holland with a cab, 2347 hours and a 60-day warranty: $20,560. 2ndBid- Brian Thayer- 234 hours- $35,000 3rd Bid 2700 hours $14,900 Superintendent Morse recommended that they go with the lowest bidder which is the tractor they are using now. There was some discussion on how this tractor was getting paid for. Morse said he thought there was $15,000 taken out of the machinery Fund. RESOLUTION #16-044 APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE OF A USED TRACTOR FROM TRACEYS EQUIPMENT: Member Denniston motioned to approve the purchase of a used tractor from Tracey’s Road Equipment who is the lowest responsible bidder. The motion was seconded by Member Stiles. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. RESOLUTION #16-045 SURPLUS OLD TRACTORS ON AUCTIONS INTERNATIONAL: Member Stiles made a motion to surplus two old tractors on Auctions International. Member Pelton seconded the motion. Supervisor Kaminski said they will review the bids next month. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. DISCUSSION ON REPLACING FRONTEND LOADER AT THE HIGHWAY DEPT.: Supervisor Kaminski said there have been issues with the front end loader that the town owns now. Member Stiles said that a representative from the Caterpillar Company came here for a workshop. Stiles said that the whole thing started with a great program that Caterpillar offers where the town can trade in a piece of equipment every year. He said the town would be charged $10.00 an hour which is an upgrade charge. Harford has been doing this for 4-5 years now. Stiles said that the town now pays $3000-$4000 a year on maintenance costs. Caterpillar will give the Town 50,000 toward a new Caterpillar. It was stated that the $50,000 can used for the first payment this year. They will also finance the new loader with 2.75% interest. The Town can pay it off in 2-5 years. Stiles felt that the Town would be much further ahead, as the loader and backhoe are used the most. Member Snow mentioned that they did a presentation on backhoe too, but he felt the Town needed a loader more at this time. Stiles said he felt the Town should purchase both, as there is a lot of money being spent on old equipment. He feels the Town would be better off getting the money out of the equipment now. It was stated that they would pay $15,000 for the backhoe. Member Snow mentioned that new tires were just put on the backhoe. Highway Employee Lang said that the backhoe needs new slides as well which would cost approximately 800. Morse said that it makes it dangerous not to have the slides. It was stated that it would cost $196,000 for a new backhoe. Member Pelton wanted to know where the money will come from to pay for these items. There was some discussion regarding the Highway surplus which is $151,379 according to Bookkeepe r Nourse’s records. Kaminski said the agreement is good until June 1st. Kaminski said that if they are going to take advantage of this plan, the board is going to have to decide by the next board meeting. He said they should lock in on the trade in price. Member Denniston said he would like to make sure there are no prepayment penalties. He would like to pay off the equipment sooner. Supervisor said they will table this item for now and he would like to see that everyone gets all their questions answered. RESOLUTION # 16-046 AGREEMENT BETWEEN GREEK PEAK AND THE TOWN ON THE CREEK RECLAMATION PROJECT: Member Stiles motioned to approve the Agreement between Greek Peak and the Town of Virgil on work to be performed at the Creek Reclamation project with a correction on a name changing it to Wes Kryger. The motion was seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays - None. Virgil Town Board Meeting April 14th, 2016 5 TOWN OF VIRGIL SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY: Superintendent Morse said the State came in and did an inspection and they wanted this policy posted. He said they came up with a list of violations. Not having this policy posted was one of the violations. This item was tabled until the board can review it a while longer. TOWN OF VIRGIL WORKPLACE PREVENTION POLICY: This item was tabled as well. RESOLUTION # 16-047 ANIMAL SHELTER AGREEMENT AMENDMENT: It was stated that the State Ag and Markets was making some changes on adoptions. The current contract does not cover this. Attorney Snyder said he read it and didn’t have any problems with it. Member Denniston made a motioned to approve the amendments to the Dog Control and Shelter Agreement with Country Acres. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. CLOSE THE 2015 BOOKS: Supervisor Kaminski said he had asked bookkeeper Nourse for some information, but he said that she gave the board general overall numbers; he felt some items were missing so he asked to table this item RESOLUTION #16-048 APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE TO COLLECT WATER & SEWER PAYMENTS WITH A CREDIT CARD: Town Clerk Van Donsel said that the collecting of Town Clerk fees and taxes via credit cards has been going very well. She said the office has the system down and would like to add water and sewer fees giving patrons the option of paying via credit card. Member Stiles made a motioned to approve the Town Clerk’s office to collect water and sewer bills via credit card, if the patron chooses. The motion was seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. NON REFUND OF $50.00 DEPOSIT TO JBK BUILDERS: Supervisor Kaminski said that JBK Builders was looking to get his $50.00 back from the plans he picked up from Data Forms. JBK said he is entitled to get it back, as he was supposed to keep the plans for 45 days as one of the three lowest bidders. Weeks engineering said that he can return them and get his money back, provided the plans are in good condition and aren’t written on. JBK said he d id write on them in ink. Supervisor Kaminski said he didn’t think they should get their money back because the plans are written on. Member Stiles made a motion not to return the $50.00 deposit to JBK because the plans are written on. Member Snow seconded the motion. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays- None. EXECTIVE SESSION: In Accordance with Public Officers law section Article 7, Section 103, Supervisor Kaminski called for an Executive Session at 9:10 PM to discuss a legal matter. A motion was made by Member Stiles, seconded by Member Snow. Vote: Ayes - Members Pelton, Snow, Stiles, Denniston and Kaminski. Nay-None. END EXECUTIVE SESSION: Executive Session was adjourned at 9:32 PM. Moved by Member Stiles, Seconded by Member Denniston. Vote: Ayes-Members Pelton, Snow, Stiles, Denniston and Kaminski. Nay-None. With no further business to discuss, Member Stiles moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 PM Member Denniston seconded the Motion. Vote: Ayes-Members Snow, Denniston, Stiles, Pelton and Kaminski. Nays: None. Respectfully Submitted by, Alane Van Donsel, Virgil Town Clerk