HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYSEG Feb. billsVILLAGE OF CAYUGA I_JGTSJ,.€,+ ffi:i;TNYSEGi A*caunt,:Nunnberi ,f rto**t r,n,ol ge, ::,,:::', 'J4 w#',E$g!,',,',:'.- lA,Al.V014-,1:42 Mtrch,x2,..2CI'ir6 ..;',,..t t ;;.,,;.$t .g$5 Sewice Address: 825 IIANSI{aW RD. ITIACA NY 14850 Next Schedwled Read Date: On or aboat Aoril 27. 2A16 Account Summary Pnevious invoice Payrnents recelved as of 03i01/16 BaNance forward Energy charges Miscellaneous charges Payment due uporr receipt. To avoid a 1"Ssfo late payrnent charEe, please ensure payment is neceived by the date displayed below. Page 1 of5 $13.7S -13.79 0"00 178,52 a.73 fvlunicipal See details beginning on page 3 See rnessages on page 2 $17S-S5 ffi";.i,',T*- Viltage of Layuga hergRts PPo# - _-nsrc,:44t!_ Acc' *AJ^h 2 o, :t&m\, fi ^mJp_ S Think of the rninutes, money and natural resources you'll save by doing business online or by phane 2417. Visii nyseg"com to: . View and pay your bill online " $ubmit and view meter readinos . Enroll and manage budget billing . Enroll in Autopay Call oun self-service line at 1"800.600.2275 for billing information, provide a rneter reading and to pay by phone. Add $1 , $2, or $5 to your payrnent to nrake a taxdeducfible donalion to NYSEG and RG&E Project SHARE Heating Fund, Learn more at nyseg.com. _Please relum bottom portion with your paymqlt. lllgkejheg$."pgz*lqtg.NIjE9 VILTAGE OF CAYUGA HGTS NYSEG A,ceount Numher: Statement Date; :1,0O1.7p14.149 March 02,20,1,6 Serviw Address"" 825 l-iANSl-lAW RD, ITHACA NY 14850 NYSEG DETAILED ACCOUNT ACTIVITY O Electricity Service - NonresidentialF Electricity Rate - 12A06 NySEG Suppty Seruice Page 3 of 5 Seruice frorn: A1/29/16 - 02/27/16 FaD lD: N010000'18911297 Ivleter Numben Current Meter ReadDate Reading Previous Meter ReadDate ReadinE ReadinE Difference Bilted Usage BiNling Period 870029s6 au27!18 84793 A 01129/16 83555 C 738 738 kwh 30 clevs Tvpe of read: A - Actual, E - Estimate, C - Customer, R - Rernote and N - [tJo read Elecfricitv Deliverv Charoes Basic service charqe Delivery change lransttlon cnaroe Revenue decoriplinq mech Reliability suppciri sics" chE. NY -qtate assb"'ssment SBC/RPS charge 738 kwh @738 kwh 6738 kwh 6738 kwh ld738 kwh @738 kwh @ 0"03248,0.0010505 0.CIo0063 o.0Q17274 0.001369 0.005505 17.60 23"97 -0.78 0"051aa 1.01 4.06 SuhtotaN Electricitv Delivery $47.18 Electricity $upply Charges Supply change Meidfiant function charqe - Jan Merchant function charfe * Febr 738 kwh (O 73 lcwh 6665 kwh @ a.44512217 CI.004s93 0.005311 33"3CI 0.36?q? SubtotaN Electricitv Sr.rpplv $37"19 Electricitv Taxes and Surcharqes Taxes on deliverv charues Taxes on supplytharg6s I 1_0101% 1"0101% 0.48 0.38 Subtotal Electricity Taxes and Surcharges $0.86 Tokl,Eleetrieity Cost l Gas Servr-ce - GeneralV Gas Rate - 0E702 Sales ss5'23 Seruice from: 0'!/29/'16 - 02/26/'16 FoD lD: N42444416412967 Meter Nurnher Current Meter ReadDate Reading Previous IVIeter ReadDaie Readlng Reading Difference Billed Usage Bitrling Peniod 03324488 fi?t2.6116 3146 E 01/29i16 3053 C g3 93 ccf ?0 dgrrc' Tvpe of read: A - Actual, E - Estinnate, C - Custorner, R - Remote and N - No read Natural Gas Deliverv Charqes Natunal gas used (ccf) Fnergy content factor Natural gas used (therm) Basic serviee charqe lncluded in Basic sbrvice chq Delivery charqe Weath6r adiustment Research & developrnent charge Tnansition surcharoe Revenue decoupliilq mech NY state assessmeit SBC eharge 93 xLqz4gqq 95.3 3"0 s2.3 5.564g5_3 uh{ ori ? 95.3 95.3 23"60 0"00 31.18 1"88ai4 3"..4.8 -1"17 0"57 1.06 therm @ tl-rerm @ tl-rernn (O therrn @therm @iherm 6therm (b therm @ 0.00 0.3378 0.33788$41 0.0014.4-1 0"0365"r872 -0.412254 0-006 0.01 1085 SuLltotal f,tatural Gas Delivery $60.74 Itlatural Gas Suppltt Gharges Supply charge - .tranuary 9.2 therm @ 0.311555 2"8V 2lG-i#-.:r:at: ffi+{YSEGi' :: : . .. : .VILLAGE..OE CAYUGiq..HGTS. :AdGartlrtt.Nilmbsi'a.:...j.:.:...;.;::::::::.:.:.::i:::i:{.CI0:ll;$.eg:7:4.5..:.:.: ,staremeitbife:,,,,,,:,,,'., vaien o2i,aore, Service Address: ST LIGHTXNG" ITIUCA NY 14850 Next Sehedaled Read Datei: On or about March 31, 2016 Account $ummary Previous invoice Paymenk recelved as of 03/0'll16 Balance forward Energy charges Miscellaneous charges To avoid a 1.5% late payment charge, please ensure payment is received by the date displayed below. Page 1 of4 $2,648.09 -2.648.O9 0.00 2,636.91 0.73 $treet Lighting See details beginning on page 3 See messages on page 2 a ;:;w,. Hil Y,tr,fl::5:;fr ?i?l fl?X","n vrltage of Layuga Helgnts usinecs online or bv phone 2417 ' ppo # " ;-- out", Bf Bl L ... yU,':.*'?I.'e?rT";; biil onrine ^cc,h!:J8 2,. tln a*' * 2, L 37. b*' E|iiii Flfr##",,Til:?flllPf' Acc't#:*5,-- Am't:$ ---* A nn'r#' Am l:$ .- Call our self-service line at '1"800.600.2275 for billing informalion, provide a meter reading and to pay by phone" Add $'l, $2, or $5 to your payment to make a tax{educlible donation to NYSEG and RG&E Project$HARE Healing Fund" Leam more at nyseg"com- -_Please retum boftom podion with your payment" Make-chec-ks pgyablaf!.Y$E9. .&.{ n rGi,'i€nttlrlifi r rl tAF F Wi.=-$'iii,,,'lr lI I JELIlwc;ffil:llt VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HGTS AeqountlMumher: stateme*r,Daraj, '1.00:1,13629.745 March 02,:2CI16 Serviee Address.' ST LIGHTING. ITHACA NY 14850 NYSEG DETAILED ACCCIANT ACTIVIIY O Etectricity Servrce - Sfreet Lighting9 Electricity Rafe - 12103 ESCO Supply Seruice Electricitv Deliverv Gharqes Page 3 ot 4 Seruice from: 0U01/16 - A2/29/16 PaD ID: N01000000672469 Deliverv charqe Reliability suppor-t svcs. chg. NY state'ass'e-lssment SBC/RPS charqe Transition charde 100W MRC lioh*t- Feb 100w MRC tidht- Feb 175W MRC tidht 400w MRC tidht 70W HPS cob-ra head liqht - Feb 70W HPS cobra head liqht - Feb 100W HPS cobra head lioht 150W HPS cobra head lidht 250W FIPS cobra head lifiht 70W HPS oost too lioht 100W HPS oost lbo liqht 175W MRC'nost tcip li-oht 70W MHL cdbra he'adlight Standard oole Fiberolasd noNe - 1B' and unde Fiberdlass bole - 18' to 22' Centdr-bored wood pole Standard bracket. 16'and over Direct burial cable Underground circuits 14144 kwh @14144 kwh 614144 kwh 614144 kwh @141M kwh (D 111 lamps 6110 lambs @6 lambs tO1 lamb 6112 lambs 6113 lambs @29 lambs @I lambs @I lambs rO7 lambs ld26 lambs @4 lambs @2 lambs d2 oolds d13 boles 622 boles d4 boles @3 brkts @70 feet 6609 feet @ o"o25 0.0014.11 0"001545 0"005505 -0.000676 2.95 a"77 3-72 3.S5 5.41 t-+ I 6.82 6.82 6"82 7"88 8"95 4"86 4"17 10.26 5"77 7"&4 9.28 2"42 0.0688 0.0489 353"60 19.96 21"85 77"86 -9.56 327"45 8.4.70 22"32 3"95 605.92 159.33 197 "7854.56 54"56 55,16 232.74 19"44 8.34,A E' 75-01 1V2.48 37.12 7"26 4"82 25"78 Subtotal ElectriciW Delivery $2,636.91 Total Electricity Cost $2,636,91 Y*ililEner 6$6"fi Miscellaneous Ghanres 03102/16 Payment & billing svcs charge 0.73 Total MiCcetlaneous Receivcd Vill;lge of Cavuga Helghts },|AR04l l VNLI.AGE OF CAYUGA HGTS-.&, .i:' .l-,.- -Giri/-+A:+iiiffi'' NYSEG & Ac.cou&t,,Numbg'i: :$tareme;* tirei.,.,, Amd*r*tBue:,',,. , '1,00r1-34€7-382 fUaicfrot,:gO.f'g w|.52 Service Address: 840IIAA{SIIt|WRD FIRE STA, ITHACA NY 1485A Nert Sehedwled Read Date: On or about March 30. 2A16 Account $urnmary Previous lnvoice Payments received as eI Q2129116 Balance forward Energy charges Miscellaneour charges Pay!'nent due upon receipt- Page 1 of4 $2S0.43 -290.43 0.00 340.79 0,73 Municipal See details beuinnino on page 3 " See rnessages on page2fiwL52 To avoid a 1"5% late paynnent charge, please ensure payment is received by thre date displayed below. Vrllage oi L'aYuga H"tgltl ' ' ?Pc# :-oate' -a/A!'L-*'::rW'nMr6't:$ S*MA ---'-- tr6't:$:6'"*"Acc't#'.*--** .- Think of the minutes, money and natural resources you'll save hy doing business onfine or by phane 2417. Visit nyseg"com to: . View and pay your bill online. $ubmit and view m€ter readings " Enroll and manag€ budget billing . Enroll in Autopay Call our self-service line at 1.S{!0.600.2275 for billing infonnation, provide a rneter readlng and to pay by phone. Add $1, $2, or $5 to your payment ta rnake a lax-deductihrle donation to NY$EG and RG&E Project SHARE Heating Fund" Learn more at nyseg-com. Please retum irottom portion with your payment" Make checks payable to NYSEG @rvYsEG ,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,,.,.,',j:i:,:l:.,i:,,:i,.:l:,:.:,tiiWEIAGE..tOF..GAYUGA...ll(}-TS. ,:acco[at:rvu.m-*r;..ii..:..i.i..i:::::.i'.:.:'ii.:'.'lt.O$+"gag-?.i.as2. Stateneii br,ei : :: , , ,Mardl bt, ZOI,O, SewiceAdd,ress.' 840 HANSHAW RD FIRE STA" ITHACA NY 14850 I,{YSE G DE TAILED AC COWT AC TIWTV O Etectricity Service - Nonresidential9 Electricity Rate - 12002 ESCO Supply Service Page 3 of4 Seruice fram: 040U16 - OA29/16 PaD lD: N41000402278935 Meter lrlumhrer Current Meter ReadDate Reading Previous Meter ReadDate Reading Reading Difference Meter Mulh Billed Usage Billing Period 03521 189 o?t29t16 7sa7 A 02to?t"t6 7887 A 't00 BO 8000 kwh 2B davs 03521 I 89 o2t2gt't6 25.82'A 02t02t16 25.47 A o35 80 ?8 00 kw 28 devs Type of read: A - Actual, E - Estimate, C - Customer, R - Remote and N - No read Electricitv Deliverv Gharqes Basic service charoe Meter charoe Meter service charqe Meter data servicetharge Demand charoe Delivery charge lransttron cnaroe Revenue decodnlino mech Reliability suppcirt sVcs. chg. NY state ass'ebsment SBCIRPS charge 28"0000 kw8000 kwh 8000 kwh8000 kwh28,0000 kw8000 kwh8000 kwh 8.29 0_00337,0_000676 0.000493 0"49 0.000976 0.005505 5.37 1.68 8.48 2"08232j2 26"96 -51-1 3"94 13.72 7 "81M"04 Subtotal ElecbiciU Delivery $340.79 Miscellaneous Gharqes 03101116 Payment & billing svcs charge 0.73 NYSEG w r a s e nl;2:,.!.6f c o u n t N u m be r: ll1n n"'uqH*ffF*tDate:"'"* fffiHountDue: V.}LLA6E OF O.I\YTJGA hJG.I:$ ,1,CIOil:-3496r-7.15 Marctr Str, eOf O ,$r4ffi;86 Serviee Address: 836 HANStr{AW RD, ITzuCA NY 1485{} Next Scfuedaled Read Date: On or abowt March 30. 2016 Account Surnnrary Previous invoice Payments received as of 02129/16 Balance forward Energy charges Miscellaneous charges Fayrrierrt-.dE€.uBoiir:1ts-e€1pt. To avoid a 1,5Yo late payment charge, please ensure payu'nent is received by the date displayed helow" Village of Layugtr flerghts PPo #- Date:-J/EfiL__ _ a." "' t# I l*Qfu, *' t,s -!E O,5A Acc't#: :l---- Arn't:g___-_*-* Flease retum boftom portion with your pavment. Make checks payable to NYSEG Fage 1 o{4 $413.10 -413.10 0"00 419.83 o,73 Municipal See details beginning on page J See messages on page 2Mzfi.sfi Think of the minutes, money and natural re ources you'll save by doing businees online or by phane 2417. Visit nyseg.com to: . View and pay your bill online " $ubmit and view meter readings . Enroll and manage budget billing . Enroll in Autopay Call our seff-service line at 1"800.600.2275 for billing infonnation, provide a meter reading and to pay by phone" Add $1 , $2, or $5 to your payment to make a taxdeductiLrle donalion lo NYSEG and RG&E Project SHARE l-{eating Fund" Leam more at nyseg"com" NYsEG .,i , VILLAGE CIF CAYUGA IiGT€ Awownt Nwntber: $tatemenf D.bfs: 001.9496-715 March 01,20,:lS Serviru Address"" 836 HANSHAW RD, ITHACA NV 14S50 NY:SEG DETAILED ACCOTINT ACTIVITY O Electricity Seryrce - /Vonresrdenfia/g Electricity Rate - 12AA2 ESCO Supp/y Seryice Page 3 of4 Seruice frarn: ffifiA/16 - A2/29/16 FaD ID: NA10000A2152437 Meter Nurnber Cunent Meten ReadDate Reading PnevioLls Meter ReadDate Reading Reading Difference Meter Multr Billed Usage Billing Period 82iS4486 a2f2gt16 61348 A 0't 130116 61183 A tnt 12 1980 kwh 3l davs 8?194486 fi?t?qt1F.?19 36 A n1/30/ t 6 718 83 A n53 1?636kw 3l davs TVpe of r-ead: A - Actual, E * Estimate, G - Custorner, R - Remote and Nl - f{o read Electricity Delivery G harges Easic senvice chanoe Meter change Meter servilce chance Meter data senvicetharqe Demand charoe Deliverv charqie Tnansitton chrdnoe Revenue decoriplinq mech Reliability suppcirt sVcs" chg. NY staie-assdssment SBCIRPS charqe 6.3600 1 980 1 980 1 980 6.3600 1 980'1980 kw@kwh 6kwh idkwh idkwdkwh 6kwfir @ 8.29 0,00337 -0.00091761 0.000493 0.4s451613 0,000976 0"005505 5"37 1"68 8"48 208 52.72 6.67 -1"&2 0.98? 16{ oq, 10.s0 Subtotal Electricitv Deliverv $92"14 Tsl*l,Elsctricitgr Cort , I Gas Seryice - Nanresidentiallt Gas Rafe - AB8"l4A AEgregation Serurce fram: MfiA/16 - 02/29/'16 FaD lD: |U020AAAA2578AV8 Meter Nurnben Current Meter ReadDate Reading Previous Meter ReadDate Readinq Reading Difference Billed Usage Billing Peniod 00258603 022s116 2255 A 01/30/16 1391 A 864 864 ccf 31 devs Type of read: A - Actual, E - Estlmate, C - Cnstonnen, R - Remote and N * I{o read Natural Gas Delivery Charqes Natural gas used (ccf) Energy content factor hlatural gas used (thenn) Easic service charqe Included in Basic s?ruice chq Deliverv charqe Deliverv charde Weathelr adiuEtmeni Research & development charge Transition surcharg-e Revenue decouplinq mech NY state assesdmeht SBC charge 864 x 1"024300 885.0 3"0 497 "A385.0 103.330 885.0 885.0 885.0 885.0 885.0 thernn thenrn therm therm therrn therm therm therm therm I 0.00 0.3378 0.1s46 0"1 s461 S1 I 0"001441 0.M027816 -o"a12254 0"CI06 0"01 1085 23"60 0"00 1S7.89 74.52 20.11 1.28 35.65 -10.88 5,3',1 9"81 Subtotal Natural Gas Dellverv $327.6S T,ota[ :Natufal Bas Gsst $3e7,S$ Tstal Enersv C 4il Miscellaneous Charges 03101/16 Payment & billing svcs charge U-1J Total Misceilaneous $oJl V,[LtAGE:iOF::c. f gcAi::f lGrS @wYsEG :rlr: r: r::: rr:i:::r:::r:::: r::::1:11:::: A&orti;lt,NEtq.,l&e :$dat€inea*.Fa*s,1:.:i:.:, :i::i::;::.:i10o1i21r33$Sg Febffiry::y4;:itoi6 Sewice Address: 951 E SHORE DR, ITHACA Ny 14854 Nert Scheduled Read Date: On or about March 23, 2016 Account Summalv Previous invoice Payments received as oI AZ23116 Balance forward Energy charges Miscellaneous charges To avoid a 1-5% late payment charge, please ensure payment is received by the date displayed below. Please retum bottom porlion with your payment- Make checks payable tc NYSEG. Page 1 of4 Municipal See detajls beginning on page J See messages on page 2 un groTffiWH$gfiu ftB 2 $fc;; Think of the minute$, money and nafural resources you'll save by doing business online or by phone 2417 " Msit nyseg"c.om to: . View and pay your bill online . Submit and view meter readings . Enroll and manage budget billing 'Enroll in Autopay Call our selflservice line at 1.SOA -600.?27 5 for billing information, provide a meter reading and to pay by phone- Add $1, $2, or $5 to your payment to make a taxdeductlble donation to NYSEG and RG&E Project SHARE Heating Fund. Leam more at nyseg"com. $2,37540 -2.375"40 0,00 21458"73 40"v3 !! Villageof ta}ugaHelnh) *-**--'-*Daffi; Am't:$--*'"-'"'# .e qPPt"t'a ^G"S,.+ffi*NYSEG: .t.i.:t.:':,.:i:.:.:':.:.:.:.t.:.:.:':.:.:.t.:.:.:.:VJILAGE:.!OF:.CAYUGAI:H.G:TS':l:. .Accoant N umber:,, . . ., . ...,: .. :i 00ll.Zl g3_4S9, statbment Date,: i ' Febiuary i|t,tZal,a Service. ddress.' 951 E SHORE DR, ITHACA NY 14850 NYSEG DETAILED ACCOWT ACTIVITY O Etectricity Senrice - Nonresidentia!F Electricity Rafe - 12A02 ESCO Supply Service Page 3 of4 Seruica from: 01/28/16 - 02/23/16 PoD lD: NA1004000231423 Meter Number Gunent Meter ReadDate Reading Previous Meter ReadDate Reading Reading Difference Meter Multr Billed Usage Billing Period 06804635 02t23t16 35573 A {11t?at16 35183 A 384 ?sfi 96000 kvvh 2.7 rlavs 06804635 02t23116 62.30 A .01i28116 6.2'17 A o73 250 182.50 h,'1 27 davs TVpe of read: A - Actual, E - Estimate, G - Customer, R- Remote and N - No read Electricitv Deliverv Charces Basic service charqe Meter charoe Meter service charqe Meter data service"charge Demand charqe Delivery chqrg"e lransrtlon cnaroe Revenue decoriolino mech Reliability suppcirt sVcs. chg. NY state assessment SBC/RPS charge 182.5000 96000 96000 96000 182.5000 96000 96000 B.2S 0.00337,0_00123081 0.000493 0.50037037 0_000s76 0.005505 5.37 1.68 8.48 2.OB 1,512.93 323.52 -118.16 47"33 91.32 93"70 528.48 kw@ ffiRgkvuh @ ffinffi subtotal Elechicitv Deliverv $2'496"73 Miscellaneous Gharqes 02101116 EPO Basic soflware package 02124116 Payment & billing svcs chaige 40"00 4,73 rn,,,o * $?EIIEB H FinRIE t{AR 04 l-. ; VILLAGE CIF CAYIJGA .llGT€ Nvsec Aecswnt,Numbcr: StaWment'Bate; **puat:bub;,.,;' , 100{.3496-723 Marcfr 0,1, ?O,tC $41.66 Service Address: 836 A ILa'.NSI{AW RJD. ITzuCA NY 1485{) Next Sckedwled Read Dste: On or tthowt Marclz 30, 2016 Account Summary Previous invoice Payments received as of t]2129116 Balance forward Energy charges Misce|laneous charges Paynnent due upon neceipt. To avoid a 1.5a/a late payment charge, please ensure payment is received Lry the date displayed below" Village of Layuga Haghts Think of the rninutes, money and nahlral resources you'll eave by doing business online or by phane 2417 " Visit nys€g"cofir to: . View and pay your bill online " Submit and vi€w meter readings . Enroll and manage budget billing . Enroll in Autopay Call our $elf-servicg iine at 1.800"600.2275 for billing information, pnrvide a meter reading and io pay by phone" l\dd S'1, $2, or $5 to your payment to make a taxdeductible donalion to NYSEG and RG&E Pro.iect $HARE Heating Fund" Learn more at nyseg_com. Page 1 of4 $36"33 -36"33 0.00 40"s3 a"73 [Municipal See details beginning on page 3 See rnessages on page 2 s4:1-ffi PPo# - -nate:-3fdtl Ac"'tA j\cr'l#,Afrl l:ll: l*ry"*.G*N ]'EI.'/FFF GreS,:,,ti-::F I{ I --!r\Jxffiii A:Ebcil.nt,::t*-u.rft bcrj, $riteaa;r.r-etai.,.,., MttAGE:.rOFr.CAVUCA:.iFlGTS :]1:0ojli+3.4.9 723- Mtfefi :::0:1:;::t0i1:6 ServiceAddress.' 836 A HANSHAW RD, ITHACA NY 14850 NYSEG DETAILED ACCOUNT ACTIVITY O Electricity Service - Nonresidentiale Electricity Rate - 120A6 ESCO Supply Serur'ce Page 3 of 4 Seruice from: 01/30/16 - 0429/16 PaD ID: N010040m005147 Meter Nurnber Current Meter ReadDate Reading Previous Meter ReadDate Reading Reading Difference Billed Usage Billing Period 571 2BOBO nz29t16 56050 A 01130/16 55470 A 5ao 58O kwh 31 dsvs Type of read: A - Actual, E - Estimate, C - Customer, R- Remote and N - No read Electricitv Deliverv Gharoes Basic service charqe Deliverv charoe Transition chdroe Revenue decoulnlino mech Reliability suppdrt sVcs. chg. NY statdass'e'ssment SBC/RPS charge 580 kwh @580 kwh (D 580 kwh @-580 kwh @580 kwh @580 kwh @ o.a324B -0.00091761 0.000063 0.00171839 0.001369 0.005505 17"60 1&.84 -0"53 0.04 1.00 0.79 3"19 Subtotal Elechicitv Deliverv .',ididT, Miscellaneous Charges 03/01116 Payment & billing svcs charge o.73