HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmended Permit 2558 issued 3.26.18PF,RN11T TO TAKE OR 11ARASS NUISANCE OR DESTRUiCTIVE TvAILDLIFF Original Permit B.sukd. I it l 11 PERNUTTEL: Mayor Mage Of ChyUga linghts 863 Hanoaw Road Ithaca, Nom' 14854) Anionded Permit Isgued. PerltLll i'xpireN, Valid until :tv,)kcd LOCATION Ob VROBLEAj: Com'.ty: Tompkins To -wills): Ithaca Loco; ir'n. Village Of Cayuga Heights Phonc: 607-257-1238 Fav 607-257-4910 Pursuant f#3 ECLsecfjf)jjj 11-0505 and 11-0521, y(,,a ()j-yj)jjj- agej]t (dvsivnated in wrilim_x) mav- TAKE' THY, FOLLOWING NU-N)LBLR ()V DE FR: 115 Sjjnotjn+�7o o 12:00 AM -4 hoaLrse �211rbcro; simns t M11M PUMMd WOM L SWoNg of dcer wi0i cithel- a ETC= il-VIlUaling or crossbow (the !I&I and bolo illethixl of'` Lt is nol 2- I -lie U're '-)mniunition, or ShVL�2,Ull Sh%", iS allfh('Wized. 3, inninobilizalivu MW Vathmmm SNWAg at nigm, 111CILIding U -SC ilf 119hN to BU-ninMe deer, S. useof haat Nlittraet decr as a lrlo'a-'v' of boLb du Sc kty and effectiv,mess. ofdit-)oting opimatioll, (bail.Mg ispeimimal 10 Cyly Prox-lo el'vil:il'ies nrolufing: 0 lmj is jItoe r.(animill P;Wfeins, h) AD, hair vee nfjved ivith'irl 5 days vj f -gnnpiefioa 1i mm, nor be cd ;vifhin 300 Special ConditioJIN: Stir BT of'specia". Condmoll". Candilions in this section cuperse& Stantial,-d Cndijilln, STANDARD CONDITIONS. You the Fnvirommenwl (07) X64-9458 ones Whell acti-lilies under Lius Intmut arc to by inifiaied and vrict: upon cOTljpjetij-)jj (t'pCdn, �i[ -�ctjviLlos 2. 0 11y the Pmiiiuce and Agcnfs niuy Ret ozi zh;s permit. 3. Agmas nuns he ai Mi A ye, n oto and pmww4 VQW NYS WNT Hume. I-IUT11L�r ;-dlw'vion CQ'r6fk'ste' car firesn-r-,; saw, Mny"tc- 4- Pcr,,or,, w -ho have had their WS NOW, phWeges nnaked or,;uspeTkdc(l play nc), -4cr, " lir, kzlullt on - Tile AilUIA�; t1lil; pernid must sign thz� nuachcd.-Igeni lo": -'Eliz pvrmitice 111W3A -Lain ti'le sim!d plrmii and ageia Ig. 6Pernliltco and Agena nwa poses a VqY Of the Pemut IMI Cwcass tags wlwikocting on this permit, 7- Pciflilateo nitisl first obin-ilt pvnni,,sion from 1-,indcAVUI-r LtSill� i[IiS permh un fc=acd ur rciitt!kI funds. S. . T,qiq periniL j,-, kjjljy vjtjjj for the pt-oporLiL % listed on ilit-, pcn-nil (sec -Lov,:aiOtk of Pl-fibluni-). 9. Pernliftecani Agents mull aliidu 1)y loo firearni.q nrdnances or ohnin a x0hen wai ver fron-, joc,,l to Permil 10. The use of anindal AW1, is penuu, Wen shoohng Mer smimt 11. This pertnii is not valid duriu� any Opel deer hunting seasall in the ama owe& gpep m Soccifleo, as 41 flermit Condition I)v ManavT 12, The DEC has the QN, w iiiapw—jjiy- buRby, structtrxc of prkjpo.,-iy used fk)r any actsvjjy pjjfstjjjjjz,,o jjjj.j peq.-,-nif- 3 - All deer musi be properly (aggExt and rcP 31 ter!. F,NVIRONMP-N't'AlLCONSERVA'i•J(a,N LAW- Pc*z:session i)fa louded Orcanu in o it w=w wh,& 6 ,M,py Sy,j, bm' a 1110mr WhAe or aaoss any pan of a piibfio hjgh-,arab is 1�rohibit�,d. a firearin wilin 5UO QM, a hot- 4`,1110 1 So j,d, vro-how with, 250 f@cT S1V1WfLi1V IS 1'M11ibitcd a fitv- w1bin 000 W, A boxy -within 150 feet. ')F a cvoNsbo-%-wilhir, ?50 Cocl of a dvvz,lfin�g.flirrzn buildhig- Eir UM"A smus" is P70:'lbil0d 111110ss ths ImMa OWN m Kaws M blWmg m hm We mmwwown wnwill- Pl;icine bait vvjthio 300 t-erL ora j)LTb',jC :-oadwa� i, pwhiliii�d. AGRIMAJEAT TO CONDMONS TH P. k nm QM umd til wd bcluw (haw read and hTv Mamwd Q ahovc. ZleMlit CUlidiLlUPS mid agree w abWe by dwm, Funficr, I am awanf that ilaiiun: to comply with L'tlly conditions of this pen -nit may result in its imucal)v dcnil Of fUIHF€: pwaswe Date. �C.n''.. Special Con itioats fief- Noisauct D€c,r i't r,Iuit :_..: (N'iYtage Of Ca}-tiga 14 igI q i. Deer ttr.ay t,c eu;haniz�A using firearm;,, bow-Funting eg,liprrlet)t Or crast:ht w-, . I The pexmiitee an&or desiajantcd agents are aittli,zr;zcti to capture docr by re.aiote c -iter uczal i€rtrnobilizaticnr USina dart svrittaes. lacca may be killed by anesthesia ftillois-ed by iwir i eauus or miracardial injtieticm ofpetassiurn chloride (KC 1), or ancatlicsia followed ley- PlMzhot to the br;aitt. 4- 1`he permatee arndiot- de:sigrmtLd agents who perfbrm anesthesia arid.%or adaministratiorr of KC f mfrs€ POSSOSS 3 valid U -S. Dmg Enforcement Administration license and a valid New Yorlc Stcri, Depurtrimit of l-3ealtit license (trjilt'S.S eX ,rtapt tattler Statex law) itlieta using rnntrolled drmr.. , ?krae.Sthosil acid use of KCl must be conducted under Clic supervi.51on of aNcvv York `state ticem;ed vetc;F'IriL1riall. 5. Doerr may irnly b�; transported tinder aric,sihems j mid Must be killed hcf�r€ thccwal(e fir . 6. The s:atrcasses of any der with aziostlietic drugs or eatharasia age!tts it-, their tissues vhatll %)c dec.nred ttrafzt fro- lrtrr}rain ccm uEttpticin and trrrast be incinerawd, cfisPosml of at a DI -C -permitted mitt.ed Iandfill, or hill Gd it' such a maimer as to lyre e ri xaas.ver irza, 1`61-'7. Carcassesses rsf doer not i'njGctcd with chemiQal. acnis rirav be tmidv available 1veniscxt dont tiorn program,,. S. All capture-<ieViCes ntu t bL:;learly tamed with tile- Po i.ittee's rianie and perrm number. 9. This permit is v-ibd [fining the Regular. Ro vhunting, and Mi zleloadimg Bic Ciauie humin, Seasons attd the Deer Management Focus Ar`n special aanar3ty liurrting 5Lmson. 10. During arr Open deer hunting acas()aj tlic dist asice from array Village boirtidary and oach b<rii pile iovatioii must be oo closer 1,han the tar Desi rtlimmum selbaick distance legally requirixt i�crr any itttpictaaertt(s) used at Cite. location (i.t., h0w — 15(i fct;t, urwo sbov; 250 tee€, Bream, -- (.)t} feet). 1 1-. Bait rnivy tscrt be Aactd_within 00 foot of a tzttialic rc7a<f�, av- 1?. All hail mull be removcd w1tliin 5 &VS of completion ot'activiries. 13. A.t_Zy and Lill amlct-s ii -€ran cmthanized &d, aY rnasL bk;,srrrctrdet d to the DFC.; Regivri ? W ldii['C off1Ce " ZYaI'-'V of tcik-"I t� tlpf� rtrrl�itrtl. 14. flic Pennittec Sha it provide a sciomitic report finchtdim-, evaluation of the effect it clGt t t-errrcrval.$) to the DFC' Rcgion ? Reeicmal W'ildlifc Nl.ttictger b'y Dcccmbcr a? of et,i;lt c,af„n€leir tiecir in whish the permit i5 vzaficl and tttiliz;.d. 15. _ALaent�: ora, this per'ttsit ttrust be identified and apprtn-cd by DDC p! itrr tta Ow activities on this permit being catrri,,;d out, For apprt)vaf by i)F, , Age- "fust Provide ew°icleercc ell traittin} with a,hc use Of all capture arad Lexhniques to be deploved, 16. Any Age€its .tian,;ially cc>i3t¢�e-nsai€ecE �1Lr= acti)ns covered by ttis permit must possess a Nuisance Wildlife Control 10perator's Licen&e as per f�'f' ;ec'tian 11-0321. 17. Law cn ortement personnel arc the O LI' Agms -uthorized tO s11001 frog" s motorized vehicle. 18. This pernlii is vadd R-,, use Ctrl propevy w-ltr�xe [ltc lufidowiler peri iss[ntt f"01- its its . 19. Sl holing houn, are from ?'` hirer beftrj-c stfiiaisc to 1 -1:06, -MM. This 17e-ranit authorizes til `pe:i Ilittee', to iakf :! 11 s total dtjr (dices or 1ILWks) sizbs4yu�-nt to the rrlltiatt steriiiztaiion ltilriasc. ut'thc 'illake of C'zrytrg t 11 lglits Dcer Mami-ernent flan_ Irl order for the permit to b anict ded to nflow more than 115 dcrrto lit- harvested, the perminee rntist stibimt a written retqucst that irr tucks iusjiticatliUia for €fru ren trvr..i of additional €lcta. frufaa the Poplitaiion (c -._w. matrLitactnent objective not yet reached, population Iitttricl to lio higher thaii 01-iginaliyr estimued, popliltrnon has increased sorrcc issuance of permit- t%,,). A viquFst to take it Umn to inhKI nualbe- uC 85 docr outhned in the plan Wa;, Made In Sei)tumbu 't,3 t5and MY pe-rrnit now anthori7os zhe 1%:rniiwe to ukt: 115 mial deer. Thess: IwAt con I dons at c UY on f6mcable as per the to CondiLion.s" signed by the permittee, on the "Pen -nit to Take or Harass DeStJJJCfjVt�. WjjjjjCj:".