HomeMy WebLinkAbout1001 Highland Rd ZR (2).PDFtrtl DATE: TO: FROM: RE: REPORT: June 15, 2016 PLANNING BOARD Brent A. Cross, Zoning Officer 1001 Highland Road The Village's Zoning Boa for the dimensions of a wellhad opened a public 2.-7-6 Ettis, Joseph K & Elilabeth N 2.-7-9 Jewell, William J & Marlene J 2.-7-7 Augusta, V & Clark, M 2.-7-8 Phoenix, Stuart L 2.-5-L3 Bass, A & Marchateire. M 2.-s-12 Lennox, David & Lisf Jervey 2.-5-4 Reitenbach Marilyn 2.-s-5 Kyong, Oo-Hyon & Sfng-Ja 2.-5-6.'J. Hostetler, Michael 2.5-6.2 Vallejo, M & Poeiling, T 2.-s-11 Gazit, Liran & Hadas 2.-5-8 Deerhaven-lthaca-1, LLC 2.-6-t Hicks, Nancy L 2.-6-2 Rassnick, Kenneth & Nishi 2.-6-4 Fenwick, Lisa C ogr sf @agugu a9ciglTtz MARCHAM HALL 836 HANSHAW ROAD ITHACA, NEWYORK 14850 (607) 257-1238 fax (607) 257-4910 ZONING OFFICER'S REPORT 1006 Highland Rd 230 Berkshire Rd 1004 Highland Rd 914 Highland Rd 1005 Highland Rd 1001 Highland Rd 224 Highgate Rd 220 Highgate Rd 124 Remington Rd E 216 Highgate Rd 122 Remington Rd E 210 Highgate Rd L25 Remington Rd E 121 Remington Rd E 915 Highland Rd Kate Supron, Mayor Mary E Mills, Clerk Angela M Podufalski, Deputy Clerk Joan M Mangione, Treasurer Brent A Cross, Engineer Ithaca, NY L4850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 1.4850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY 14850 Ithaca, NY L4850 Ithaca, NY 14850 150'average depth., such subdivision is still subject to approval by the planning Board The Planning Board has a of Appeals has granted a variance to the above referenced property to allow lot to be less than the required 125' average width and less'than the required made a sEoR determination of no significant environmental impacts, as at the last meeting. The public hearing.was not closed and will becontinued at the upcoming Board meeting 7:00 pm on June 27th, 2016 at Marcham Hall. 836Hanshaw Road, lthaca, NY. Therefore neighbors and members of the public r"v rirn to use this time toexpress their concern-s/sunpgrt oj fl'ris prolect ilLh"V had not previousty had the opportunity. As additionalinformation, the ZBA place$ the following condition-s on the variance approval(s):InTormatlon, the ZBA place{ Conditions of Variance: 7I ql-^ *-.,--, I t,l1) The average width must b,e no less than 96, 4 The average depth must b,e no less than 140, 3) Subdiwsion approval mllt be obtained from the Planniag Board for essentially the sante subdiuision submitted to this Board. 4) Parce| B can only be usei by at most 2 unrelated occupants or a single familywith no unrelated occupants., The existing vegetation k the East and North building setback areas wtU be maintained to the greatest extent possible. lf the subdivision is approved, the above conditions (as well as any that may be added by the pB) will beenforced by the Zoning Offiper as if they were the prevailing regulations forihis tot. The following is a list of the adjacent neighbors who will be sent a copy of this report: Tax Map Owner Address City, State, zip 2.-7-5 Pegram, Zachary & Nirla 1010 Highland Rd rthaca, Ny 14850 2.-7-to Magre, Lodewijk & Be{trice 22g Berkshire Rd rthaca, Ny 14g50 .l --- tILEGENDi ,i.'I I I a*coMPUrEDPotNT | , X_,RON PtN FOUNDI I X_,RON P|FE FOUND ,: I f .s _UftLtW poLE I 'l * _?RO9OSED NEW Dty,s/oN t,NEIlf,-I fF.I ti# t-'r fq #,ffi,trily|x ' , jg sl gJ fl @a -{!,ffiI qil ; 9rg s- nsl $l jF WL'"r\, t,/$ -${l qJ I f 6, fa / -:{ -wTfr l{;; FFujo r69 n U.OV, t ffi,!:ffirc I usq JERllEf tf,fvf,tox t'lt\P REFEREN,E': 1 If.JS?T?-U^UEIW- No, 5tt7l75-A?l t).^sunr/El, ^rAp No.t-ots HtBHtaNo R1AD D^TEDI fN( HIAP No. Z-S-.Z- - iuNE t4, *gs av r.c.-MiiIee, e.c.' TOTAL AREArr.(na ACRES ,A##ffih,.,lrol#ro:no AFRIL ', 'sr6 3.) SU&//ET ttAP No. tOOt HEHLAi,]O R?rA..... DATEO 6,/t5//2O0? By f.c. HTLLER p.c. NOfE:cEfftlnce:fioM DAnD p. LENNox & #i:d;";1.ffT"ff_T## \Wf*I hereby ceftify to __lt JEA|/Ef [€fVttOX PRawDEa, suarCcf tij,irvi srn?E oF tf*-l-qr:'--;"ircoi"cd r 'rifin!, !tr"il:onrro AsclFncr or Lw ) ff'"ffi-rv-a+E;affilo/i;,{ No.O5AOg6, and thot ilrts mop -coiec{tv' dajiieotes on:l::!.:::f"y, o,n _,h? .sround,' noai -ay' mi-' oi inaer my dtrectsupcrvtston ond thdt I tound no vislbla ancroachmonts'aithernay across propeny tinae oxcept os shorn hcrcon. SJGlVtrr * _oA?Eo..-_- J\-"nesr,vr rrwrnsecrffilll; {s{tr:lmnunr -ttve T-\-l*,,:*** gAs? aWE/in I 'v'l4J' EIMl SURVEY MAP